St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 17, 1922, Image 2

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    T'TiiTM I
A, W. Mnrklc Hrfltor
Published Friday of Each Week
404 N. Jersey St. Phone Col. 321
Subscription prloa $1.60 poryinr.
Tub Rkvikw Is entered nt poat office
In Portland, Oregon, ns mnll uinttcr
ot the second claa under the Act of Con
jrea of Mnrch 3, 1879.
Tho follow who can crnnk n
Ford enr in winter 'nnd keep
Hwcet, could lio down nnd let 11
jiet fliiakc crnwl nil over his nnk
od body, says an exchange.
Tho ninn who used to Imvohis
linir cut by his mother now has a
Hon who hns bin finder nails out
by a (Inpper while the barber is
shnmpooinif Jus hair nnd the nor
tcr is shining his shoos, says an
An editor was murdered iriAr
Icnnsns nnd the murdurer was
sentenced to !J!) years in prison,
whilo n follow Hint hilled n Inw
ycr got off with seven years.
Prospective murderers please
tnko notice. Exchange.
Deborah Livingstone W. 0. T.
U. will meet nt tho home of Airs.
0. AV. Ovorstreot on Monday nt
U 1 Jr. promptly. The first hair
hour will be devoted to Itibli
study conducted by ilrs. Wil
liams, after which iIrs. C'ulliMiu
will have chnrge or ttho Moth
ers' meeting. Miss Casebere, su
perintendent of the kiudorgurlen
department of the Williams
school will speak 011 training of
children and conduct a round la
hie discussion. npccial music
has been arranged.
A very eiaiioralo parly was
given at the home of Mr. am
Mrs. 1). Ii. Onldwoll Saturday
evening, Feb. 11th. A good thin
was enjoyed by all. Dunning
mid card playing were 111 on
for the evening. Refreshments
of punch and tho usual good eats
were served. The guests all de
purled, tired but happy, for their
respective homes. Those present
were: Mr. and Mm. F. F. Mint
tier. Mr. ami Mrs. K. I. Iloltm
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Misener, Mrs
Kunieo loHsup. Harvey Wallet
bury, Mrs. Mary Mist'iter. Iuii
.Smith, Miss Maude Whorl, Mrs
Georgia ICelsey, lloyd lluhhell
Miss lleatrieo Nather, Hldeu llal-
lierg, .lames Fleleher, Airs. Mav
(looilspeeil, eerris Keed and Ai
tluir Uraekeiibaek.
Mrs. ('. .1. hauth, Ififili NVwell
street, proved herself a delight
fill hostess last Wednesday, Feb
Hlh, when she entertained the Or
egon drape ( lub at an all day
session. A very appcliKiug
eliiekeu dinner was served. AI
ter which our regular Iiuniiicmm
meeting was held. Mrs. Marga
ret Werlheimer of Koyal Cireli
gave a very interesting talk
several vocal selections wen
given by Mrs. Marehand ami
Mrs. May assisted by other iiiem
hers of the club, with Mrs, I Sou
ley at tho piano. N'nida M.i.
Mareella and (-'anil N'orris each
gave a little recital inn. TIiom
present were: MosdMincH Arm
strong, KlTu lleam, llriee. lloyd,
llowley, Kiiinm Moaiu, Corhett,
hurl, Kmcriolc, Fleleher, Fersh
weiler, daeobson, Maekey, Mar
olmiul, iMaxwell, .May, MeCrea,
Norris, Htuhr, Teeling, Weimer.
Werlheimer. Klhel AriiiMtroiur.
Naida May, Mareella and Carof
Norris. We will meet March h
with Mm. II. S. (.'lurk, 10-Vi s
Ivauhou. Heportwl.
- Yankee Repair Shop is now lm-ii
leu ai me 0111 weimer Mtuul on
Jlurlinglou slreel. We nrepro
pared (0 do general blacksmith
nig, auto tops, wagons, etc. Re
pair anything.
(lot your Oenut'tt Records at
Loreiuen's Cabinet Shop.
Found lady's small pocket
hook, impure at this ofllrc.
"Want to buy rood baby ear
ringc roMsoimblc. Call Columbia
Lost Hold stiek pin in th.
Mooso hall last Friday night.
Finder leave at this ofllee.
Watkins' Products for salob
0. K. Kethwill, (i'Jl Hm-hauaii
street; phono Umpire 12-17. 17
AVanted Cheapest CHshiirioe
on lot on Ivimhoo or Syracuse
street, in .la in as John Urst or sec
ond Additions. 101 Italtimore
Would like to buy lot near
Lombard and Fisko street. Call
and soo Amuich, 1101 N. ilersey.
For Salo $1200 down, balnnco
$3f and interest a month, will
buy one of the host built and
modern uptodato bungalows in
St. Johns. 11. A. Longstalf, Ml)
N. Kellogg stroot.
For Snlo 4 year ostablinhed
trannfo r nnd storage express
business in St. Joluus; full equip
ment and ofllee iixtures, all in
good shapo. For information,
call Kmpire 302, or call at 10S W.
Alta street.
For Sale Cheap A red Fox
fur j phono Col. 1-178 103 North
Jersey street.
Amizich is on a pruning job
again. IIo makes lawns nnd sells
trees, bushes and vinos. -Phono
Columbia 1285.
WANTUD Man with car to tell tlto
Bit ST I'ord Oil Online imule. 1100.00
tier week and extra Columbians, lleiilou
Harbor Acceotlc Co., Denton IlarUtr,
Wlclu '
"Will furnish room nnd honrd,
privnto family. Address O, this
Now open for business at 101
Bnltimorc. 0. W. Cochrane Col.
For Sale R. I. Red hatching
eggs, best laying strain on innrkct.
1015 Jiast Polk street. 17
For Rent Two largo furnish
ed housekeeping rooms. 511 Bris
tol street.
Mock wood, planer wood, slab
wood. Col. 14 75 403 N. Jersey.
Income Tax duo on or before
March 15. I will make it out
complete. A. W. Davis, 211iyS.
Jersey street. Notnry Public.
Six room cottage, south cud, in
perfect condition 3 lots with '27
fruit trees; price $2700, with $800
ensh, bnlanco $20 per month;
exceptional bargain. A. W. Da
vis, 2 11 Vis S. Jersey street.
For Salo Half aero on Smith
avenue, $1300, small down, easy
terms. See O. W. Cochrane, tho
big little place at 101 Baltimore;
Columbia -MG.
Are your liro insurance poli
cies written to give you the max
imum protection in case of loss?
We specialize in correct forms.
Peninsula Security Company;
phone Columbia 101,
For Sale A Uuckcyo incuba
tor and electric brooder. 120
S. Fcssendcn street.
1 want that stove to repair.
Ijawnmower grinding, saw tiling.
I know how. 807 Seneca, near
Tioga; ( olumhia 1272.
R. I. Red hatching eggs $1.50
for 15; also pure Tailored hatch,
ing i'ggs $1.25; others at $1. AI
so will have some R. I. Red baby
chicks. WW S. Crawford. 18
For Sale Five months old
briudle bull pup, cheap; 202 H.
IIiiit street.
For Sale Five foot cigar ease
ami eoiinler. 2irV! N. Jersey.
For Sale Mlaelc Minorca roos.
Icr; 810 Smith avenue; Col. 831.
Here is a snap: A 7 room
house, garage, eliiekeu house, ce
ment haNcmcnt, close to dry dock
cooperage and Peninsula Lum
ber Co. Come in and. let. us tell
yon about it. Couch & Murson.
Store building, good location,
cheap real. 101 Baltimore.
Wanted Prospective buyers
to give us a chance to show our
list of excellent, buys. We can
ami will please you in price, sixe
ami location. Wo also have a
great many desirable lots for
building sites. Our time and
automobiles are at your service.
Make us prove it. Phone (Colum
bia 25,i for appointments.
Scales Blew. Real Kstate Bro
Iters, 102 N. Jersey street.
Repairing Has Dropped
I will half sole Shoes
at these prices:
Men's heavy halt soles f 1.25
Men's light hajf soles 1.00
Ladles heavy soles 1.00
Indies' light shoes 75
Hoy's heavy soles 1.00
llovs' Hunt soles 75
Girls' soles 75
I'ntrhlnir lGc up
I use the best of leather that
monev will buy. I have come to
stay and believe in living and let
you live.
Boot and Shoe Maker
513 Columbia lllvd.
Near I'illing Station.
Woodmen of the World
St. Johns Camp 773
Meet everv Monday evening in
Bickner Hnll, Uurlitigtonnnd Jersey
streets. Visitors always welcome.
N. J. Simmon. C. C-i W. A. Ttout, CljrU.
A. r. and A. M.
Meets the first and third
Wedncsdnyof cacli month
in Masonic linn, visi
tors welcome.
lolm M. nialr. W. M.
A. V. Davis, Secretary.
The Fraternal Boosters
Meets every lfirst nnd Third Wed
ncsday in the
Odd Follows' Hall
Join and Help Boost
Minerva Chapter No, 105,0, E,S.
f Sleets everv second nne
.w fourth Tuesday of each
, ,pf' month in Masonic Hall.
t. ii vmmr welcome
rn - .
ttmee I.. Illilr. W. M
IIcmIc V. I'wil. tc,
1'liono Columbia 977
Electrical Engineers and Contractors I'i.xTumw and sun-i.tiis
(it-ucral UcMilr Work
109 S, Jerey Slrrrl, Portland, Oreon
St. Johns Transfer Co.
When It's your move, call us. No Job
too large or too small to receive our
carclul attention. Unity Trips to Pott-
109 Eiitt Burllntton it. Columbia 82
Pianist and Pipo Organist
.Students Limited.
Hours by appointment.
108 KoKsendt'ii street
Columbia 118 Woodhiwu M1
Dollvory and Transfer
St. Johns, Oregon
St. Johns Post, No, 88, American Legion
Has Come to Life!
-A Square Deal for Disabled Veterans
A Real Live Post In St. Johns
To Belong to a 100 per cent American
Come to the St. Johns Hrnuch IJlnary on Fri
day, Feb. 24th, at $ P. M. The meetiug will be
short unci snappy.
Buy Wood Now!
Green Wood, Part
Green and Dry
Immediate Delivery
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Men's nnd Boys' Belts, snlo
price :i5c, three for $1.00. '
Telephone Main 998
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Go.
63J N. KcllogK Street
Altx. S. Scales Mrs. C. A. Bitw
Scales & Blew
Wc Buy and Sell
Agents for Slbloco l'ipclcss I'urnacc.
Phone Col. 255 -102 N. Jersey
South PortCoal$12.75
Government tests show our Utah and Wyoming
Coals excel in heat. Price $14 and $15.
Bicycle llrpnirintf, Lawn Mower
.Sharpening. Saw Filing. Knife
Grinding, etc.. promptly done.
Prices riirlil : irivp me n trial.
118 Philadelphia Street.
Physician and Surgeon
Hours 8::i() 10 A. M.; L3 P. M.
EvcniiiKs by a))ointmont.
Peninsula Bank Building
Kmpire !!!:! Kes. ICS l-Vssendcn
Every Thursday Night
St. Johns Skating Rink
Jack Carlson's 5 piece Orchestra
Committee Julius Gumbcrt,
C. A. German, T. C. Freiberg.
"Rub Mr Hack of the Earn"
f (A'nvr Pitt in Earn) 9
Innert In Nonlrlls
Tkafnra. I. ttrrnllr r.llttrtl lijr L
Impl.lrr.lmfnl ullh Iunanl I'.f Oil.
Ntml.l In.liuillon. hy n nolrtl Kr
Hiwfl.ll.l for illffff rnl klniU nf Dc.f
nraaaml Nulw.ranUlnfd In rath
I'atkaifr. V.r Oil la riol an I.ul ha. Iiad a aurr.rul
aafa .Int. 1907. "Ynn rannol adord la
bo drat." TltV THIS (III. II haa
hrliJ Iliou.miUof iw.iplf. Why nut
ouT T.ll )nr tiul.t thai ha ran
ir.t It tor fiu frum hla
D..trlplltf tlrtuUr .rntun rmunl.
1'oriMle In St. Jolnu hy ST. JOHNS
PHARMACY, loFa N. Jemcy utrcct. nnl
other rcllnbte fltiinKlM. A. (). I.IION
ARI), Inc. 70 I'lftli Av.,Ncw York.N.V
A Sale With a Bang
One You Will Remember
Hundreds Bought Last Week
This Is the Second Week of our Big Closing Out Sale of Furniture.
Rugs. Linoleums. Ranges and Household Furnishings.
Come! Come! Come!
This Sale is the Talk of the Town. We want all the People of St.
Johns to take advantage. This is the Golden Opportunity to get
your Needed House Furnishings at Prices Ridiculously Low.
Wednesday March 1 st
We turn over the Keys to the Landlord. Every
Article Must Go At Any Price.
Fixtures for Sale. Store for Rent
Prices You Cannot Resist Read Them
Ivory Ucd Room Set, 5 Pieces, con
tests of Dresser, Dressing Table,
Bod. Hockcr nnd Cbnir $65.50
Sawed Onk 45 incli 6 foot Ex
tension Tnblc 27.50
! Sawed Oak Library Table,
Axmlnstcr Rugs, 27x54 3,85
Congolcum Rub, 9x12 12.50
CoiiRok'tim Rur, 6x9 g!35
OvcrstulTcd I.catbcr Rocker 19.95
Inlnld Linoleum, Square Yard.... "1.25
Silk Floss Mnttrcss, 30 Pounds... 1275
Kxtrn Heavy Brass Hcd 24.50
Hot Point Electric Irons, 6 Pes. . . . 4.99
Reed Baby nuKKy, Used 1 1.95
llaby Sulky, New 9.95
Baby Crib with Mattress 12.49
O'Ccdnr Mop .79
Set Dishes, 42 Pes, Blue Bird QJQ
Set Dishes, 26 Pes. Gold Bund.... 4.85
Cups and Saucers .15
All Coffee Percolators 96
All 3 Piece Sets 95
Heavy Copper Bottom Wash Boiler 1,99
Ex. heavy solid Copper " " 4,99
10 Quart V. W. Comblucttc l99
Galvanized Tubs, Ex. heavy, No. 1 .Q9
Galvanized Tub?, Ex. heavy, No. 2 .86
Galvanized Tubs, Ex. heavy. No. 3 .99
Wash Board ,49
Shovel ,59
Table Oil Cloth, White or Colored ',29
Box Couch, Used 2.95
Superior Copper Coil Water Heater 9.75
Peninsula Furniture Co.
R. S E I G E L
208 W. Philadelphia Street Telephone Columbia 821
An Investment in a Public Utility is an
Investment in Necessary Public Service
Demand For Electric Energy Has Shown a Heavy Increase
There is no better index of the Growth and Prosperity of a Com
munity than its demand for Electric Energy, that is, for Light and
Power. The figures given below show the Substantial Increase in the
Total Annual Output of Electric energy of this Company in the last
eight years:
Kilowatt Hour
This Is an Increase of over 61 Per Cent.
A business supplying necessary service to nearly 40 Communities
and over 330,000 People, 365 days in the year; and growing at the above
rate, is a good one to invest in.
That is why we are inviting you to subscribe for a few shares of
our 7 per cent Prior Preference Stock which is offered at 96 to yield you
a 7.3 per cent return annually. Dividends payable every three months.
You can buy for Cash or on easy payments.
No stock having preference over this issue -will be created without
the consent of the holders of a majority of this class of stock.