JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 18 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1922. NUMBER 15 ST. St. Johns Community Club The St. Johns Community club will convene nt the Y. W. C. A. building next Tuesday evening. It will be purely u business es Hion nt which matters of more or less importance that have been occupying the attention of the club at different times will be taken up and acted upon. The membership and finance commit tees will likely make n report and there may lie something con cerning the club house project that will prove of interest to all. There are other matters of impor tance to be taken up, and a full attendance is earnestly desired. Let everybody attend aiid lend their aid in making t ho meeting a tine success. Kvery good citi zen should belong to the club. Mr. Maul How about that boy of yours? Is he between 11! null IS years of age? N If so he ought to belong to the Hoy Scouts. Troop 51, Boy Scouts, meets in the Williams school every Thursday evening from 7 :1I0 to !):00 o'clock. Knot, ty ing, first aid, signaling, hiking, etc., are only a few of the various activities which will help to build your boy into a strong, red blooded American citizen. It. costs 75 cents a year to belong to this troop and the benefits to the hoy cannot be measured in dollars and cents. Visitors arc welcome at all meetings of the troop. Iteported. Don't worry about what your neighbor is going to do. The days of Springtime are near. Oct busy and make your premises as attractive as possible. Let tho floral kingdom bo represent ed in every front yard and in the gardens. We Now Have a Complete Candy Department WITH PURE CHOCOLATE CREAMS IN BEAUTIFUL BOXES OR BULK, ALSO A GREAT VARIETY OF OTHER CANDY, PUR ITY IS THE HIGHEST AND PRICES ARE RIGHT. Preserve the Spring Beauty With a KODAK Kodaks from ...8 00 up. 13rowuicCiiu;ras ....$2 00 up These arc the New Reduced Trices. If it isn't an EASTMAN it isn't a Kodak. SOAPS, all standard makes at Our Regular Low Prices Palm Olive, Dozen 90c Creme Oil Dozen 00c Colgntes Cashmere Jloqiie't 3 for G5c TOOTH . Pepsodeut 15c Pebecco 36c Kolyuos.. 25c Peroxide 25c Squibbs Oil 85 Lydia Pinkhams Vegetable Compouud , $1.10 Syrun of Pepsin . , , 55c Nuxitone, an Iron Tonic ?1.00 Susto, the new Yeast Vitamiue $1.00 PYRALIN IVORY , OFF Save Time, Trouble and Money Currin's for Drugs MACK'S Second hand F 117 Philadelphia Street BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED Will Pay Cash for all Used Furniture, Stoves, Etc. Call and let me give you a price jjj GENERAL jj I Peninsula Hospital S D. KAVANAGH 312 Trumbull St., cor. Willamette blvd. l The Hospital for St. Johns jjj Special Nurses Obtainable Phone Columbia 1492 Y. W. C. A. Notes On Saturday evening, Fob. 11, a Valentine party given b.v the James John Girl Ik'servcs with a few invited guests was enjoyed by all. Stunts and games were features of the evening and cans cd great merriment. The "Ja panese Sandman" was played as they gathered in the dining room which was beautifully decorated with Japanese lanterns and hearts. Chocolate and wafers were served. There were 27 present. One hundred and fifty-eight girls and parents gathered at the St. Johns branch Y. W. C. A. on Tuesday evening for the annual Valentine party. The building was beautifully decorated for the occasion with red hearts and lan terns. Ice cream was served to all. Original stunts Were given by each club, which made a very entertaaining program. Candy was sofd by the Dependable club. A contest for the highest number of honor points for the months of November and December result ed in Miss Margaret McGregor winning the highest individual honors, -I in all, and Rainbow No. 2 winning the highest total, lift honors. The Rainbow Club will receive a club pennant and Margaret McGregor an appropri ate prize. Mrs. R A. Robertson, assistant secretary, had charge of the party. Tho Millinery class wan post poned and will begin March 1st. Kejistcr now. for tho class. Last Thursday evening Mrs. Kay Smith furnished a treat of Valentine cookies nnd coffee for the gymnasium class. If you want to have a good time, join the gymnasium. Reported. Hl'IJKKS KOGHRS. This $75 Victrola $1 Down; $1 Por Week No Interest VICTROLA RECORDS Now, 10 inch.... 75c Now, 12 inch $1.25 Guticura, 3 for 00c Resiuol, 3 for G5c Woodbury Facial, 3 for. . ,G5c PASTE Colgatcs ,,. 25c Nydenta 50c Magluc 50c Lyon's 23c urniture tore Added New Stockholders The Portland Kaihvay, Light nnd Power Company bus added more thnn 2100 new .stockholders to itH lists during tho present earn paign of selling its new issue of 7 per cent prior preference stock to its employes, customers, pat rons and the general public under what is known as the "Home Ownership" plan. The new shareholders represent virtually every one of tho nearly -10 com munities in which the big public utility operates nnd consist of men nnd women in nlmost every walk of life. Tho gratifying suc cess of the new plan of financing its needs, according to company officials, will enable tho big util ity to carry out extensive im provement and betterment plans for the coming season, including substantial headway ontlie gigan tic $10,000,000 Oak Grove hydro electric development which, when completed, will add 80,000 more horsepower to tho present facili ties of the company. "This new plan of home financ ing," declared President Krauklin T. Griffith, "has proved exceed ingly popular with many public utility corporations throughout th country that have needed large additional sums of cupital funds to keep pace with the grow ing demands on their facilities. It is a well known fact that the greatest need of the public utility industry at the present time is new capital for the const met ion of additional generating equip ment, trackage, overhead con struction, etc., so that plant facil ities may be equal to the demands made upon them. This company needs millions of dollars for that purpose each year. Our number of light and power customers has increased 51 per cent in the last ROGERS' Clearance Sale You will still find a good assortment of seasonable merchandise for Men at near Wholesale Cost, some instancos Less than Cost as all vvlntor goods must go and Is going fast. Got Yours NOW. Wool Union Suits Reg. Price $0,00, Sale. 1,60 Keg. Price 3.C0, Sale.. 2 75 Wool Sweater Coats Reg. Price 150 Sale... $2.95 " " 3 50 " ... 2.G5 1 25 J5e Men's Suits, Sale Price $12.50 $14.50 $16.50 $18.50 Suit Cases, Sale Price $95 Wool Pants Reg. Price 1 85, Sale .$3.85 MEN'S LEATHER DRESS HK jm MM S H O ES$4.95 Regular Values up to $7.50, all go at ONE PRICE St. Johns Undertaking Go. Thomas Grice, Alanagcr Office, Col. 527--PII0NES--Night, Col. 299 208 N. Jersey St. DON'T BE A VICTIM OF THE f FIVE O'CLOCK BURGLAR Store your papers aud box in our fire proof vault, y ourgiar .warm, 3.00 per year. ii i i - t Peninsula Security Company t eight years and our production of electric energy has increased over 01 per cent in the same pe riod. These growing demands must be met, and we believe it to be to the advantage of all concern ed that this additional capital be secured from Oregon investors, as it will bo invested m a local in dustry in which nil the public is interested either directly or indi rectly. With tlint thought in mind we arc now offering our employ es, customers, patrons nnd the general public on opportunity to utilize the company as a means of profitable investment and also as n medium for saving by our partial payment piau. All the proceeds from the sale of our 7 per cent prior preference stock will be put to work right here in needed improvements and exten sions as well as in the big new de velopment on the Uper Clackamas river where we hope to be able to furnish steady employment to a largo force of men for an indef inite period. This large under taking should help materially to reduce the aeutcness of the pres ent unemployment situation in ease our "Homo Ownership" plan continues with the same de gree of success with which it has progressed so far." Messrs. IC. C. Couch ami I"). M. Ittii'son have opened up for busi ness in their new real estate of fice at SJOflVfc X. ilersey street. Mr. Couch has been a lending cit izen and business man of St. .Johns for many years and is well and most favorably known by most of our people. Mr. Hursou is a brother of dames nurson, for merly engineer for the old City of St. Johns. During his two years' residence here lie has tie quired many friends. The new firm will no doubt succeed well in their undertaking. ft Flannel Shirts Reg. Price $4,85. Snle $3 85 " 3 50, " .. 2.75 " 2 50, " .. 1.75 Mon's House Slippers Reg. Price $3,50. Sale $2 45 " " 2 85, " ..2 35 " " 195. " .. 1.45 Overcoats, Sale Price $10.50. 12,50. $14.95, $10.50 Ncktios Reg. Price $1 50, Sale $1.20 Reg. Price 1 25, Sale. . . 95c Wool Socks 35c, 3 Pair $1.00 Cotton Dress Socks 15c, 2 Pair 25c valuables in a safe deposit T equipped with automatic T The members of Holmes Lodge No. 101, Knights of Pythias, nre planning on a specially interest ing meeting at their regular con vention of Friday, Feb. 17th, at which time they will eclcbrnte the fifty-eighth anniversary of the founding of tho Order. .Judge H. Q. Morrow will bo tho principal speaker of the evening. All who have heard the Judge, either in frivolous or serious vein, know that ho can nnd does pronounce words of wisdom Some of his hearers have remem bered his pronouncements for life. It is forbidden to divulge all of the program as it is expect ed to be carried out, but when the bravo boys of Holmes Lodge decide to have something unus ual at a meeting it is a foregone conclusion that those who do not attend will miss part of the joy of life. A prize will be giv en to the homeliest man present. If you think you arc good look ing, you may be disappointed, for you may get tho prize. He-ported. The Gleaners' Sunday school class of Pioneer M. 15. S .S. met. at the home of Mrs. A. H. Mulliu on Allegheny street Friday even ing. Ah a result of each member having earned a dollar in an un usual way, $121 were ndded to tJie treasury nnd many unique pieces of poetry were rend giv ing the information as to how the dollar was earned. The most popular unusual method seemed to have been by pressing hubby's trousers, which accounts for the unusually trim appearance of some of the good citizens of St. Johns, evidently. Games and refreshments followed the short business meeting. f)()c NKKTIES four bits-HOO-KUS. - Any Felt Hat In the Houso $3.35 Values up to $G GO Dress Caps Reg. Price 2 50, Sale.. $1.85 " 1 95, " .. 1.45 " " 1,25, " .... 95c Dross Raincoats Rubberized Cloth, Good Lookers $6.50, $9.50, $12.50 Kid Gloves Reg. Price 2 50, Sale. . 75 " 1 95. Sale. 1.50 Dress Shirts $1.65. $1.95, $2.45 Guaranteed Pull Cut and Past Colors "Saij It witi &(otoers" Cut Flowers, Ferns Flowering Pot Plants, Floral Designs. $3eclcett' s Greenhouses 814 and 816 North Kellogg Street Phone Col. 401 CALDWELL & SON LEADING BARBERS The place where good service and courteous trcatmeut prevail. Children' hair cutting receive special attention, 1O0 BURLINGTON STREET St. Johns Fuel Co. 515 Columbia Boulevard Slab and Cordwood Office Wildrox Shingle Co. Phone Col, 918 DEARING'S For Fine Chooelates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars 311 South Jersey Street Community church services on Inst Sunday were a departure from the regular order of wor ship. In the morning the new officers were installed; Mrs.Mur rny snug. Christian Endeavor was led by Mabel Reed. Miss Reed is the now president of the C. E. nnd is taking a hold of the work in a way that is good to sec. Patriotic songs woro sung nt tho evening service. Mr. J. B. Huntingdon gave a splendid address on Abraham Lincoln. Of ficers will be elected for tho Sun day school the coming Sunday. There, will bo a solo and also special music by tho choir. Ella Ackcrman will lead Christian Endeavor. For the evening ser vice the pastor will present 11 story in a recent number of the Christian Herald: "Tho Head of the Whole Family.' ' Tho dif ferent characters will bo por trayed by tho speaker. Reported. Dr. Frank Sandifur this week opens a fully equipped branch office in the Kouham & Currier building for practice as a vision specialist. The Dr. is a resident of this part of the cjty. He is a lecturer in the Oregon College of Ocular Sciences, as well as a successful practitioner aud is em inently lilted for his profession. His work hero will bo chiefly of evenings aud Saturdays. For appointments call at office or phone Columbia 1170. AMERICAN SHOE SHOP 110 S. Jersey Street EDW. CONNANT, Prop. Every man owes a duty to his community Until further notice I will re pair shoes for needy persons in tho St. Johns community at ac tual cost. Any person or persons will ing to avail themselves of this opportunity will apply to any church, lodge, charitable institu tion or tho Community Club or Bachelor Club. Would appreciate tho bringing in of any discarded shoes; they will always help some one. St. Johns Christian CHURCH Oswego and Contral Bible School 9:45 A, M. Communion and Sermon 11:00 A, M. C, E, 6:30 P. M, Sermon 7:30 P. M, Midweek Service Thursday 8 P. M. DEVOTED T. the prtxUmiilon tf the Goiptl T rcst.rUt primitive Christianity To rurlii Scriptural Ideal To bolldlat Chrttilin (hinder. minili rn inni 1111 ir, i in - DR. JONES, Minister Residence Phone Col. (90 Office Col. 97 A Suit Pressed 35c Why pay more? Why not bring those suits here now and let Joy put them into con dition? You would le sur prised how much longer clothes wear when we keep them in shape for you. A Suit French Dry Cleaned $1.25 Store No. 4 217 N. Jersey Street 6 Stores MULTNOMAH THEATRE Timrs. and Fri., Fob. 1G and 17 "STRONGHEART" Tho Big Wolf-Dog in "THE SILENT CALL" From tho Saturday Evening Post story "The Cross Pull." Don't lot the youngsters miss this groat dog picture. Saturday, Feb. 18 Lionel Barrymoro "JIM THe'pENMAN" Sunday, Fob. 1!) Wcsloy Barry and Kathorlno Mac Donald in 'STRANGER THAN FICTION" Mon. and Tues., Fob. UO and IU Constance Tnhuadgo in "LESSONS IN LOVE" Also "Whito Eaglo No. 7." Wednesday, February 22 Kirst National .Special, "PLAYTHINGS OF DESTINY" Thurs. and Fri., Fob. 2!1 aud 21 Dorthy Phillips in "MAN, WOMAN AND MAR. HI AGE" An exceptionally strong ohlil rool super apccial Saturday, February 25th raunno marie in "WIFE AGAINST WIFE" Pulley & Zurclier Plumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Ware riione Col. to! i!07 S. Jcricy St. Dr. W. J. Gilstrap Physician & Surgeon Glasses Accurately Pitted X ray Laboratory Peninsula Security Co. HUlg. St. Johns. K. O. Muck rhunci Col. 12X1 lUt HKU 1)07 1'cMcinlcii Street A. A. Muck l'liontu Col. 118 Alain .W1 Sand, Gravel and Crushed Rock Member of tliv llullik-m' !xrlMiiv S Davis Barber Shop and BATII ROOMS HALL & Datli, Proprietors 108 Philadelphia St. llatlis Ilf.c Ollicc-Col. OlMi UeIdeneeCil. 1T7 Dr. E. P. Borden DENTIST I'nliileiw extraction of teeth under ultroun oxiik km l'enlinmlii IUiiIC UMk. St. Jolnia, 1'ortliiinl. Oregon MEN'S CABINET SHOP 418 North Jersey Street Purnltiire Making ami Job Work a SiK'cialty. KcftiiishiiiK and Ke pnirinu neatly done, THE 1 HOUSE DYE WORKS 317 N JliKSI'.V Me i' itilti cleaned mill restetl f l.fiO Men' nulls BMiiet uml rcsel .60 ladles' suits nnd coiits cleaned and iresied l.fifl French Dry or Steam Cleaning Wc make no charge (or chIIiiik (or and delivering, minor reMlni. re. iacinK brolceu Imtton. Our rate ure recognized Standard l'rlcrs for l'irtl clut Work. We ipecUlUe on fjuli k Service. Good Work, Tel. Columbia 1289 h. a. HAnnmc PENINSULA HUE ABSTRACT & REALTY CO H. HENDERSON, Manager 402 N. Jaraay Street Abbtructs of Title l'lcirod Tit lea KxAiuiued l'lioiie Columblu 265 PORTRAIT of yourself or any member of your family FREE Call at the address below for par ticulars. Sample on exhibition at Philadelphia Shoe Shop CARI, JUIINKK, Prop. 801 N. Jersey Street. Phone Columbia 874 L. R. NICHOLS Chimney Brick, Cesspool Hrick, also Contracts taken for Digging Cesspools, digger, John Morgan. 502 N. Hdlson Street