THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. Mnrlclc Kdltor Published Friday of Each Week 404 N. Jcraey St. Phjnc Cot.321 Subscription erlos) S1.60 par year Tna Rrvirw is entered at post office In Portland. Oregon, as mull matte of the second class under the Act of Con ,(reM of March J, 1879. A party called into the office Saturday to congratulate us on th pulling power of an advertisement in the Review. lie said he had spent live dollars in advertising 11 is property in the Portland papers. and finally decided to try a snial advertisement in the Review. It brought results at once and a sa was effected shortly after the paper was issued. Several days earlier another citizen told us of u slmilnr experience in regard to his prop crty. Many times during the past year people have told us of qiiic results from an advertisement the Review. A number of times people have called in the office am ordered a for sale ad for two inser tions or more uud then before the second issue thev have advised us not to make a second publication an thev sold out on the first inser tion. Yesterday a lady said she sol a baby carriage through an adver tlsctncnt last week, and had buyer after she had made the sale do it goes. If people only real I. now easy it is to sell property or anything else through an advertise uicnt in the paper the Review could not contain the amount of ad vcrtlHlug offered. It pays of course it pays. It could not be oth crwisc. There never was a better advertising medium. The Review circulation is greater than all the city papers combined in St Johns, and its advertising rates are lower than unv onu of them. If you have anything to sell and want to sell It quickly try the Review. It Ih timo that tho county o Multnomah cxptmtl a litllu money and olTort in improving tliu county romln in tho St. .lohnu district. TIiIh part of tho county turnain InrKU stuns of money into tho county treasury each yoar in tho Hliapu of taxes and KotH rather little in return. Rich niond and Obwoko streets, hot county rondB, need nttanlion bndly. Thero are numerous cliuc holes tliut shotilii ho lllled liofor thoy rov worHO. Tho county commissioners should jcet busy down this way and ulvo us tho kind of roadwayn wo are.'n titled to. St. Johns needs bettc otreets and it is up to tho county to do its mil share. Onu hundred llrst class envoi onus with your namu and ad dress neatly printed on the cor nor for onu dollar at tho Ituview olllce. Additional 100 for 7fc Tho postoflicu department ai vises tho uhu of printed return envelopes. Lards or tlianss noliceH are charged for at the ratu of fifty cents each. Persons doslriiiK to have such notices publiBh should make a note of this. Give me an offer for my equity in a new 4 room modem bungalow with or without furniture. No tea honulile olfer turned down. (S18 N. Kellogg street; Col. 470. Two furnished house keeping rooms, modern and close in, ir Also s room furnished house to rent. Call White 'tout Grocery French block. Typewriter paper for sale at thiB otlico. Trice lifie nor him dred sheets.or fiOO sheets forone dollur. Por Rent Modem.) 100111 house $18. 916 Calhoun street. Fatty Arbuckle's second trial will lie called Jamiury 38th. Twenty eight women are 011 the jury list. "PASTE THIS IN T Erery dollar ipent out of town iaivu xjiat uumjvu rrom circulation here. The dollars spent with the HOME MERCHANTS go to PAY RENT, TAXES and WAGES in this town. The Home Merchants :: ! : Need You. You Need the Home jj :: Merchants. ji GIVE THEM YOUR:: i: TRADE From "The Scandal1' The Bachelor Club's Official Paper At the tneetltiK of Nov. 8th, 1921, the club received an epistle from Brother Peanuts and wife, informing us that they were now engaged in the business of liv ing happily ever after, seeing as how they had been married a long time ago, nobody but a few knowing just when. Well, getting down to the main part, the letter contained an invitation "to feed the brutes" at his expense on the evening of Nov. 10th. Of course the brothers were there in large numbers mid with large stomachs, the few not being able to Bttcnd missing a banquet worth going tulles for. To tell nil we ntc would need another sheet in this paper, but let it suffice to say that the quality, quantity, variety and ser vice were unexcelled by any former club banquet ever served. Skce got by with one of his "propU tlous" talks, alter which he pttsentcd Peanuts and family with an electric cof fee percolator, to which Peanuts re sixjuucd in a very pleasing manner. As usual with club doings, the even ing was marked by several special feat ures most noteworthy of these being a new world's record set by llro.Siirk for food capacity, althongh lie couldn't get awny with u couple of wnslitubs full of matlied potatoes which were left over on account of Ditty not coming. Sllc also wielded u nasty knife when it came to eating peas. Hat came drifting In about 1U:.'10 p. its. with his lunch under his arm. Some of these old fossils are always playing jokes on the new mem bers, which Isn't at all nice, Hat being so young and deserving. After every one was lilted to the tonsils with food, music was Indulged in by some, while the rest watched Zip smoke a wedding cigar, such occasions being the only time when aforesaid Brother partakes of to bacco, .Shortly after the couple were congrat ulated on their successful feast and the brothers departed unto their resjxctlvc homes all acclaiming the banquet 100 fierfccl, Mrs. Peanuts was formerly Miss Oro Wagner and we wish them both much joy and success In their future years to come. "Duiit" Kulllior, eluded by tho elub to occupy thu Hittiholor throuo for thu Inttur liuir of 1U!M, liua moved IiIh Htnmplug ground or purhnpn It hIioiiIiI hu cillcd pulling grounilH to thu city of Olympln, WiiHlilugloii. Thu ehuugu wiim iimilti fur thu bulturmuiit of his biiHliiMH of iixtractlni; tuvlli. Dent having iiiirfornicd bin work no thor ninthly Mini Hklllftilly Unit nut ono of Ida iiittli'iitH ovur ciiiiim buck thu hoc mill time. In thu eotirmi of tho lust liirro ycarH Unlit Iiiih uvcrliuulril lime tliuU nvcry punnm In Ht. JoIiiih need iMg ili'iitnl ropnlrri, honcu hlit Juuruuy in o.irU iiiiIoiiiwii. llowtMT. IiijIiik iihIiIc thu Hliindur .ll'lllllSl IllH OXIM'Mllt'HH In tint IIik w wimt to Miy that thuro was noviT miy unit mlHHi'il inoro in our club tliiiu llrutlier limit, anil llui rciiHou for UiIh wii eiin Hiifoly miy Ih that liu wua itu A Nu. ONH Imchi'lor. OiiIhIiIo of ho im: nrt'Hliloiil of thu elub lit thu 1 1 tit of IiIh ili'piirturu liu wuh a iouilor In thu hiicIiiI lifu of our (irKiiiiUntloii, it gooil comiiiiiiilty hooHtur, an uxcidluut UiinliiT mill tullc.ur, mi ardoiil athletic fun mill it fitlr to iiilddllir ptMlm plity it Nfitlli'HH lo Hity (ivory ono rcgrutH Hint lio huh iiiovimi, htil rrlenilsiiii I'lininil alwuya hit placed boforo tlmt liiiinirtiiiit niiitttir of uitriilng ono' hrmtil mid butter. Wu nluo fut'l tlmt limit rogrotit Hint lie ciinunl bu with iih mill wu liotirllly HymimthUu will him In IiIh Iiiiii'IIiiuhh, If hiicIi may bu thu rum', iih iiiniiy of liu huvo lieon awny fur n long timo, which niiido ti hotter npiirei'lute the noodfollciWHlili of Hid ( lull. Althougli Dent inuiiiigeH to upend IiIh holldnyH with im wn hopo tliut Hiinie time lio will huh fit In re turn hero periiiniieiitly. Wo wIhIi Dent the lmnt uf HiiceoHtt In IiIh how ICK'UllOII I H Dent wiim ii northomlor. The find piny Klvitn hy tho llnchu lor t'lub for it goodly iinuibor of yearn wiih mIuhihI in thu high MChiMil audi liirluin Nor. C, it'll. It wiih a hiktohh from thu Hlart of iiractlio mid wuh well nilvertlHod uud miked of about town on account of Ita title, "l.ol'i All (let Married," Tho participant played tholr imrtH like prnfiiHHloniil iih many of tho niulleiiie reniurketl and certainly showed results from tho many iiIkIUh of rtditmrtiliiK and tho trained couching of Mra. tleo. M. Hull Through her exceptional ability of loaihlhK and directing the novice player broadened out Into first cIuhh material Thoo who took part were ih follow: l.ola Murphy, Caroline l.lml. Clara NeUou and Minnie Merx In the feminine rolen while Ditty Ka elt. .Spoken Marlett, Hkco Uimen Turn Kellher. Ilap I'ahl and (luiiiuiy leeiing put over the iiiiihciiIIiio cant l lie ciuii ih deeply indented to the young ladles mentioned for their will lug purth liwtlon and fine act lug and to Mm Hall for her devotion mui sacrifice in helping with tho work We Hiucerely hope that a future play- will tie um Mining iih hum oiio wiim, Tho basket ball team are off to good otiirt by beating the Ht Johns Lumber Co. twice, 21 U and 17 H, and by giving (ho fiiHt Vernon team diiilihlug. I'J l.r Tho Intent victories i tlinl a foy affair over tho Sollwoo.1 thletic AhsocIiiHoii uud a 17 1 win from the fast .nug Co. team, which ,l the prebeiit time leads tho com I'lercmi league in t no city. Wo tire dm a most succesiifiil season for the wiarera of the old gold and green. lirotlierM (luff and Zip are aunorlu lending ns well as doing most of thu worK on a Hiiowor uatlii?) and dress iiik room in tne inisomeut or our ipiartera These fixtures siippl)- want which Iiiih been felt by tho Club for year and which, needless to say, win ne used eouslilernlily Whereas. The Almighty Fa ther, who in His infinite wis- loin tioeth all thitivrs we II. has seen lit to call from this earthly inhitation the beloved mother- n-iaw, airs, tvoenecke. ot our leloved brother. J.S. HiirrouKhs. ueit Resolved. That we. the entire membership of this, Laurel oiiiro No. IM. 1. O. O. F.. ex tend our most sincere, heartfelt sympathy to Brother and Sister iurrouirhs and members of the family in this, their sad hour of lereavement. Ue it further Hesolved. That a cony of these resolutions ho sent to the mem ers of the family and bo snreiui on thejminutes of this meeting, and a copy bo sent to tho St. Johns Review for publication.- Committee. Ired Haskell, J. H. 'owe . W. II. K ebrew. esse L. Boothe, Recording Sec retary. , How About It? Were you really comfortable the last cold spell ? Was your house the home it should have been? Do you enjoy the piano, phono graph, telephone, electric lights and other conveniences with only one corner of the house warm around the stove? A Siblico I'ipeless Furnace will solve the problem. Price $135, in stalled $152. Will gladly demonstrate and place your order. ALKX. S. SCAUiS, 502 ifcsscndcn; Phone Col. 1225 DANCING Every Thursday Night St. Johns Skating RinK . East Side Woodman Orchestra White Front Grocery 523 Columbia Boulevard Columbia 760 French Mock UnMrAll-lcd nargains ill groceries will be given on 1'fliUy and Saturday. Don't fall to be here. We aim to bring down the cost of living, give the people a chance In the right way, You us u buyer of food know that 43c out of every 11.00 is spent for eatables, think of It. Now is the time. Pure Cane Kerry Sugar, 191 lbs. . . .$1.00 (With fl worth of groceries) Carnation or llorden't Milk, can. . . 10c (Rcans to (customer with a 50c purchase) Kettogg't Corn l'lakes or Post Toiuties 10c (four packages lo customer) Hulk Macaroni, Curve Cut, t lbs 25c Campbell' Soun 10c Van Camp's I'ork and llcaus No, 3. . .2fc Sardines, small, 6 cans t!Gc Crown or Olympic l'lour, IDs. . .. ft. 85 Vim 4Us M.80 I.nrge package Sen I'osui -k 12 bars Crystal White Soap U U bars Cream Oil Soap tUL Apples 1. 25, f 1.50 MHAT MAKKHT Si'1'.CIAI.S: (lolling Meat, lb 10c, 12c UoMiiii Steak, lb 20c T-lloue 25c Hamburger, lb 15c I'ork Chops, lb 25c I'ork Hound, lb 20c Many other kinds which we do not mention, Come early. The bargain on siigur or milk docs not include the other specials, M. MKKRICK, Prop. WE not only feed the public at the Lowest Prices, but have one of the fin est lines of Holi day Cigars to be found in the city. 'Happy's' Place 110 Philadelphia Street Pre-lnventory Sale STOCK REDUCING SALE 25 Per Cent Reduction on all Mantel Clocks 33 Per Cent Off on La Tosca and Richleiu Pearls and Novelty Bracelets Big Reduction on all Ladies' Wrist Watches 25 Per Cent Off on all La Vallieres 40 Per Cent Off on all Du Barry and Pyralin Imitation Ivory Sets WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS JANUARY RECORDS NOW ON SALE W. M. JEWELER THE I HOUSE DYE WORKS Suits Pressed 50c Best work in the city. No Charge for Calling for and Delivering. Phone Columbia 1289 FridayandSaturday ONLY Some of these Iiurgains are limit ed. Call early or phone Col. 1299. Prompt delivery. Olympic lMour, I'Js $1.85 " 10 lb CEc Vim l'lour, 4Ds $1.85 " " 101b G5c Corn Meal, yellow or white, 10 lb. . ,4Gc Olympic Pancake l'lour, pkg 28c 10 lb. sack.. 70c Kara Syrup, 5 lb. size 40c " 2J lb. sl;.e 24c " " Maple 21c Uncle John Maple Syrup 12 oz U0c ' i gal fl.U5 Special Sardlucsj cnu..... 5c Santa Cruz ovnl tin" 19c Oysters and Clams, 2 cans for 35c Heron Salmon, 2 cans for 25c Sterling Salmon 24c Seaport Toumtocs, per can 12c Sugar Hush Corn, no limit lie Canned Sweet l'atntocs 2.1c Coconnut, 2 packages for 25c Washing made easy 20 Mule Team llorax, 2 lb. package. .25c I,u x, 2 packages for 25c Kltuo, 2 (Mickagcs for 15c Citrus, large 25c llorax Soap Chips, 2 pkgs for 25c Our Sugar Special continues 19 lb.$1.00 Potatoes, Ynklinn, wick $2,00 Wc deliver anywhere uny time. Sugar delivered with other orders OPI5N SUNDAY. HANDY GROCERY 109 N. Ktlisou Street Col. 1299 For Sale, Trade or Rent Desirable profx'rtics at desirable terms and prices. Wc have some very special buys. Can be handled by KX-SOI.DIHttS with State Loan. RICE & TATE, Realtors 107 N. Jersey Col. 887 Shoe Sale! Tan Army Shoes $2.75 Peninsula Shoe Store 115 Philadelphia St. Notice of Pinal Account In the Circuit Court of the Stute of Oregon for Miiltnonuh County. In the mutter of the estate of Agiutui M. l(tey, ilcccaiKMl. In Probate No. 18007. Notice Is hereby uiven that the under signed, as administrator of the estate of Aguttus M, lUtcy.iKcttiicd, has filed his uiml account in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Mult nouuh. and that Tuesday, the 31st day of January. 1022, lit the hour of D:U0 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, mid the Court Koom of said Court has been ai)K)lutvd by said Court us the time and place lor tne Hearing 01 oojeciions mere I to ami tue settlement uicrcui. Dated mid first mibl.thcd Dcc,30. 1021 IVlia rf lial ittlttlliMI I). C. MiWIS, Administrator. With will annexed. Tower 107 Philadelphia St. i OA v. Abounding happiness is the reflecting of good health, and good health is the result of nourishing food. Use - 4 mills PI ROSE CITY FLOUR MILLS ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office 107 N. Jersey Street Phone Col. 8B7 Residence Col. 391 W. S. JEANS for Light Planer Trimmings, Per Load $4.0 Cord Wood, Per Cord - $7.5 Phone Columbia 722. SHINGLING And Repairing of Roofs Done in n workmanlike manner. Prices reasonable. WILL PLAICG, 1 005S. Seneca S Dr. L. F. Pickens, DENTIST Office hours 8 to 12 a. m. 1 to G. p. m UvenliiBS 7 to 9. Peninsula Hank Hldg. Office Phone Columbia 1183 Poff & O'Neil TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Dally Trips to Portland Phone Col. 308 206 N. JERSEY S CALL C. M. MOFFORD for Wrecking Wood, Cord $6.60 Fir Cord Wood $8.00 Columbia 833 Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 North Jersey Street Nothing to sell but Service Office Hours: Phones: 1:30 to 5 P. M. Cot. 600, bouse 6:30 to 6 1'. M. Col, 97, otbee PENINSULA TITLE ABSTRACT I REALTT CO H. HENDERSON, Mimgir 402 N. JaryStrt Abstracts of Title Prepared Titles Examined Phone Columbia 255 The 'Sib-loco' PipelessFurnace $135-$152 Improved principle; superior to any regardless of price; heats more air; uses less fuel; operating suc cessfully where others have failed; best guarantee for durability and results, For reference and demon stration see Alex. Scales, 502 Fes- senden street. I. T. WOODRUFF, Agent. Vooihut :WJ tttl Miliary Artist. MM FLOUR And Secure Both Manufactured from choice milling wheat, drawn from the best sections of the northwest. R. G. Muck A. A. Muck Phoues Col. 1284 Phones Col. 118 lUit H5U1 Msin i'M 007 Pctoentleii Strcit Sand, Gravel and Crushed Rock Members of the Iluililcrs' Kxclmiiuc Laurel Lodge, 1. 0. 0, F No, ISO, St. Johns. Orsaon Meets each Monday evciilnif lu Odd Pel lows hall at 7;3o, A cordial welcome to all vlsltliik' brothers. L. H. Corruany. N (1. Tbonita ThomDtos. V.O, JctK I.. UooUir. Krc. Ike. a.W.NOrtur.yin.tkc. li. v cut. TftM. St. Johns Gamp No, 7546 Modern Woodmen of America. We heartily solicit the attendance of our members ut our regular uicetliiK every 'M ami -itli lliurwiay evening. G. W. Muhm, C. 1. Hatchitt, Coniul. Clerk. Phone ColumbU 9C2 Col. 1450. HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KMGms or PVIIIIAS Meets erery l'rlilay iiIkIU at i:jo o'clock In OlCKNltU Hall, Visitors always wcl come, II. D. ARNOLD, C.C. Woodmen Of the World St. Johns Camp 773 Meet every Monday evening in Bickuer Hall, Burlington and Jersey streets. Visitors always welcome N, J, SimmoDi, C C.J W. A. Trout, Clerk DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. r. and A. M. Meets the first and third Wcdnesdayof each month in Masonic Hall. VUl tors welcome. John M. Blair. W. M. A. W. Davis, Secretary. PENINSULA CHAPTER No, 43 ft. A. II. Stated meetings on the first Monday ot each month in Ma sonic Hall, Yuitori Wcktnt. W. A. CAKROLL, K. II. T, O. II. I.UUOM, SccrtUry. The Fraternal Boosters Meets every Wednesday evening in the MOOSE HALL Join and Help Boost Mkierva Chapter No. 105, 0.E.S, Meets every second and fourth Tuesday of each mouth in Masonic lall Visitors welcome. AUU 0crtrtt. W, M ftrulc V. Port, Sec 111? &. PTIanlaa tirtri Phone ColumbU 977 PENINSUU ELECTRIC CO.. Inc. Electrical Engineers ai CeRtractors WIRING PIXTURBS AND SCrrLIKS General Repair Work 109 S. Jerssy Street, Portland. Oregon Real Estate Established Since 1905 Member National Ass'n of Realty Boards Memler Portland Realty Board. List your property with us: we make sales. S. C. COOK, Rsaltar. 402 N. Jersey Street. Patronise the home merchant. Quality First We thank our friends for their patronage dur ing the year, and wish one and all a most happy and prosperous New Year. L Simmons & Co. Quality Grocers Dr. W. J. Gilstrap Physician & Surgeon Glasses Accurately Fitted X ray Laboratory Peninsula Security Co. I3Idg. St. Johns. St. Johns Transfer Co. Drop in and get our Prices on FEED AND FUEL Best Cosl f I4.S0 Dry 16 In. Cord Wood f7.S0 USEFUL FUBNITUBE MOYEB. IM Eut tallajtoa St. Columbia 82 Office-Col. 625 Residencc-Coi. 477 Dr. E. P. Borden DENTIST Painless extraction of teeth under nitrous oxide gas Peninsula BanK Bldg. St. Johns, Portland, Oregon I buy or sell St. Johns Property A. W. DAVIS Real Estate Fire Insurance and Notary Public List your property with me if you desire to sell quickly & Davis Barber Shop and BATH KOOM8 BALL i Bivk, Prtpnetsn 108 Philadelphia St. Baths 35c HERRIN& RHODES, Inc. Steclu, Beads, Grab, Cotton Miscell&aeoas Securities pRIVATK tclcrsph wire to all mr ktt. clvlna ut aic.ptlon.l hcilltie. (or .cutlet buying an4 ..Hint order.. W. h. oo coooectlon wh.tto.vcr with promotion, or .tock Mltlng propodtloak All tgilnni haodlnl oo atitctlr caoml. .loo bail. Wrt u ht Uul.1 KUw mm. mJ sraia. 291 1 j. Exciaaft BUf., Partltmi, Ore. Mtmitrt Ckiff Btri Trait