St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 21, 1921, Image 2

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A. W. Markle Kdlkor
Publtshed Fridayof Each Week
404 N. Jersey 3trPhone Col. 321
Subscription prlo SI. 60 piryiar,
In Portland, Oregon, ns mall ninttcr
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
The Bachelor Club foot ball
team met its first defeat of the
Benson whon they traveled to
Astoria last Sunday and held the
heavy Astorians to a 27 to 0
score. Although outweighed at
least twenty pounds to the man
tho Bachelors fouyht every inch
of tho way, but everything was ed missionary
against them and the only ques sneak at the
Joliu Dickson lms returned from "LET'S ALL GET MARRIED"
White Salmon, Wash., where he . , , . r. . ,
has been engaged in picking and Jo bo presented by Bachelor
packing apples? Club at James John High Audi-
1 h " toriuni. An enjoyable evening's
I?or Rent Strictly modem four entertainment is in store for
room house, close in; few pieces of ajl who may be fortunate
furniture for sale. Inquire at 613 enough to obtain seats in the
IS. Chicago St. High School auditorium on Nov.
Mrs. Ida 13. Tolbcrt left Wedues- 5th. "Let's All Get Married"
day for Kureka, Cal., where she abounds in sparkling wit and
will visit her sou and then go to many delightfully funny situa-
ohi irnorio in -. tions, nuiy presented oy trie
main permanently.
The Upworth League of the M.
IS. Church holds a "Study of Pray
er" meeting every Tuesday at 7:30.
Come and join us. Reported.
Kev. C. E. Benlehr, a return-
from India, will
morning Bcrvico
Club's All Star cast. Miss Lola
Murphy and Harry Fassctt in
the leading roles are strongly
supported by the Misses Clara
Nelson, Caroline Linn, Minnie
Merx, "Spoke" Marlett. "Gum
my" Teeling, "Turn" Keliher,
"Hap" Pnhl and Mr. "Skee"
Larson. Preparation fori the
Y. W. C. A. Notes
tion was how low they could keep next Lord's Duy at the Christian blny is progressing rapidly un
der tho able diroction of Mrs.
Geo. Hall. Scats will be on sale
beginning Oct. 25, and can be ob
tained from any of tho Club
members. Proceeds of this play
will go toward financing the
Weekly schedule:
Monday P. M. Camp-Fire and
High School Club 2:30. Evening
Gymnasium 8 to 9:30.
Tuesday P. M. Millinery I to 3
o'clock; Blue Bird Club 3:30; New
Club 3:30. Evening, Community
Club 8 o'clock first and third
Tuesdays of each month.
Wednesday P. M. Dependable
Club 3:30. Evening, Sewiug 7-9.
Thursday P. M. 1 to 3 o'clock,
Basketry, II. K. S. Club, S. O. S.
Club and George School Club
Evening Gymnasium 8 to 9:30.
1'iiday P. M. Rainbow Club.
livening, Social Night.
Saturday A. M. 10-1 1 Child
reu's Folk and Esthetic Dancing
Class. P. M., Swimming.
14 f a r? 1
iui, nciuen r. Junes
311 North Jersey Street
Nothing to sell but Service
the score. But the Fish City boys church.
got all the breaks of the game Sobwood HC0 pcr onj Miv.
und had a big advantage in the 1 p0mbiiL 1448
condition of the field, which was MtJf' -''l,m' 11,Ja
mud on one und and sand on the , Typewriter paper for sale at
nthnr. Thin mucin M nfrnmn nlnw tins oflice. Price 25c nor nun-
nnd irnvc evorv ndvnntaL'o to n dred sheets.or 500 sheets for one Bachelor Club foot
heavy tonm. whereas sneed. dollar. basket ball teams.
which the Bachelors depended while they arc doing all this in-
upon, was impossible. Tho Bach- vestigating they ought to probe
elors lost "Herm" Schroedor in restaurant soup to Hud out if there
tho first quarter, when he in- is anything in it but profit. Ex.
'jurod his neck and his passing , . ., . , ...
and "Chuck" Sundstrom re- or in fllyora Hlrect reward,
placed him in tho third quarter. $1800 For quick sale new four-
Tho stars of tho gamo would be room modern hungalow.lot Soxioo,
hard to pick, but too mucli can street assessments paiu, $.juu ensn,
nniauce $iu pcr mo, nice k inie,
Realtors, 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887.
Cltliem of Colorado Town Reallr
What It Means to 8eeur ths
Needed Power.
$1900 $800 cash, 4 room bun
galow, near school.
$2600 $800 cash, 6 room house.
and good district, lot looxtoo.
$2800- $300 cash, 6 room house,
close in, easy terms.
$2500 $Goo cash, G room house,
suitable for sub-letting.
208 S. Jersey. Col. 94G.
not bo said for tho Astoria back
field, as they huve four men who
have both weight and speed and
are capable of holding their own
with any independent team in
tho state. Tho work of "Grit"
and "Scoot" Lind on the end
positions for the Bachelors wns
tho feature of the gamo as these
two broko up piny uftor play by
thoiruped and hard tackling.
Tho Bachelors play tho bell
Real Estate Broker
Business Chances, Loans and
Married. October 20lh, 1921, at
Dr. Jones' office, Leonard R,
Christensen of Omaha, Neb., and
htlicl Peterson of Portland, Ore.,
Dr. Jones officiating.
On Saturday evening, October
22ud, there will be n big dance in
I. O. O. F. Hull. Everybody come
and have a good time. Robertson's
wood team next Sunday at Pier four-piece orchestra will play. adv.
Park. This will ho tliu second
gamo of the City League sched
uled and tho boys aru deter
mined to get revenge for last
Sunday's loss. Reported.
Tho attendance at the Com
munity Church last Sabbath was
a splendid response to tho "Go
to Church Sunday" campaign.
At Sunday school tho 3 C cIiihh,
which is being taught by Airs.
Shaw, had the host attendance.
At the morning service Mrs.
Green gave a short report of the
convention held at Kugene. Mrs,
Lilian Blow of Newport, Wash.,
sang "The Way of Peace." At
the evening service the Para
bles of Christ were illustrated
with slides. Plans aru being laid
for tho organization of a Young
Peoples Society of Christian Kn
deavor. The Bible Study Class
will meet at 7:15 Friday even
ing. Tho thought for Sunday
will bo The Price of Power.
There will he Hiiecial music. The
evening service will ho one that kindness and sympathy
Old growth dry wood for sale;
been cut one year; good thick bark;
right price. Call E. M. Simpson,
Col. 1285 or Col. 125.
Lost Heaver Fur Neck Piece, in
Multnomah Theatre. Wednesday
evening, suitable reward. Leave
at 423 E. Chicago St.
St. Johns United Evangelical
church. Regular services Sunday
morning and evening. The newly
appointed pastor, Kev. J. Home
man, will preach morning mid even
ing. A cordial invitation is given to
all who do not attend elsewhere to
worship with us. J. Ilolilemau,
Wanted,-To list a few more
houses for sale. 4 to 0 rooms. I
am short of that kind of housos;
have customers waiting to buy
if pricoH are right. S. C. Cook,
Monitor. 402 N. Jersoy street.
We wish to thank bur pastor and
members of the Evangelical church,
our friends and neighbors, for their
shown us
You who Uvo In cities where tho
electricity U e thing to bo taken for
Krnntcil, rtMmlrlriK only the pressing
of n button, would nppreclnto It more
If you could see what hns to be done
111 Orei'ti Mountain Fall, Colo., before
we havo any Unlit.
In the llrst olnco. wo don't hnvo nnv
X",0 Chamber of Com-
vnvn (MV J VII M I ft I11IU ftMU VIII
renson thnt we hnvo that, I because
tho men who manago the power plant,
which In irituntod almost nt the very
top of a mountain, start their Ioiik nnd
fnr-froni-ensy climb every night about
fll.'lO and turn on the lights for us.
It niny sound very slniplo and nil
thnt, but If you could iieo thu speck
that Is tho power house, wny, wny up
there iiKiiliut the side of nn exceeding
ly Mcop nnd rocky mountain, you
would cIiiiiikh your mind nbout It.
Thuy liny the climb la nbout n mile.
And nometlme In tho midst of u my
voro thunder storm, when thu rnln Is
hurling Itself down thu mountain, and
tho full nro ronrlng In stentorian
tonoH, nnd tho trees nro ntrnlnlng nnd
uioiinliig In the wind, you wonder that
tho men over reach tho top at all, nnd
are morn thnn thankful when the
lights llnitlly go on. For that Is our
only wny of knowing thnt (he men
hnvo reached thoro safely. Kansas
City Htnr.
merce Building
Phone Main 8667
Dr. L F. Pickens,
Oflice hours 8 to 12 a. m. 1 to C. p. m.
Evenings 7 to D.
Office Hours:
1:30 to 5 P. in".
0:30 to 0 P. M.
Col. 690, house
Col. 97, office
Dr. W. J. Gilstrap
Physician & Surgeon
Glasses Accurately Filled
X ray Laboratory
Peninsula Security Co. Bldg.
St. Johns.
Cess Pool Brick and
Fire Brick
Residence 502 Edison
Office 301 N. Jersey Col. 1285
buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
Fire Insurance and Notary Public
List your property with me if you
desire to sell quickly
402 N. Jrsy Street
Abstract of Title Prepared
Titles Kxauilned
Phone Columbia 265
'General Auto Repairing, Tires
and Accessories
Work Guaranteed at Reasonable Prices
Phone Col. 142 1116 Willamette Ulvcl.
you will not only onjoy, hut
will ho helpful.- Hoportod.
One night father nod I thought
we heard lnitgliir.s down stuns in
our home. Father snid: "I.ct'so
down to the police." So we went
down ami father said to the police
man: "There have heeu some
thieves In our house." "Ves,"
answered the officer, "we have
been onto that for about 11 year and
u half," J?x.
A reception in honor of Kev.
Kloster and his family will be giv
en at the uuw M. IS. church this,
l'ricluy, evening- A special pro
gram has been prepared, good mu
sic, refreshments mid a thoroughly
good time is bound to ensue.
Many n K'ooil farm hand hua
been Rpoilod by lioinir elected to
ConnresH. Columbia (S. C.)
At last I,oh AngeloK (unhooked,
but it took nn eurthqunke to do
it, Dallas Newu.
If Peter the (Jreatnnd Kreder-
it Milling the illness mid death of John
II. Ptslier: also for the beautiful
lloral olTcrlugs. Mrs. l'lslier,
Frances l'isher.
I). C. l.uwiu linn moved his
law otlico to '122 Chnmlior of
Commerce building-; phono Main
8(i(i7. Can ho ueen at hit) resi
dence, Kill Willamette boulevard
Saturday afternoons and Sun
Mve room house, modem in
every respect, lot 50x100, lino
location, $3500, $1000 ciihIi. bill
unco terms. J. V. Gilllmore,
11a i2 N. Jersoy; Uol. 81.
St. Johns Heights, 100 feet
from Willamette boulevard, 7
a m I
room mingaiow tor sale; en
tirely relinished witli built-in
conveniences; full cement base
ment, garage with cement iloor,
large lot, ?auu with small pay
ment down. 415 W. Tyler street;
Col. 05.
Victrolas $25.00 to $375.00. na
low as $1 per week- at Currin'a
for Drugs,
All mm
aii members 01 tne St.. Johns
Haptist church are requested to
Wathr Aff-cts Watch Sprlnot.
Dlit you over hnvo the innlimprlntr
of a nmiIcIi break 7 If you did, tho
cliiincc- nro thnt thin occurred In thun
derstorm weather, writes O. A. Ilrltw
lit Ponulur Mi'olmnlcs MiiRaxluo. It
Iimh been tho experience of ninny Jow
tiler that In tlumdorstonn unison thu
number of broken watch inalnsprlnKi
liicreiiftos Krently. This hns been vrro
nvously ascribed, though somewhat
vaguely, to the effect of electricity,
inneiiotlsm, and of tho nolso from the
thunder, but nn analysis of tho ex
planation- attempted falls to duvelop
uny rensoiuiblo relation In accord with
theso Ideus.
This mntter has recently been made
tho subject of sriontlflc study. It was
Dually found to arise from the fact
that nt thin tlmo of tho year tho air
wns both warm und moist, nnd that
both of thesn conditions facilitated
ruitliijr. A small spot of rust often
starts on tho sprlnir or In a crnck, and
tho spring soon weakens und lots go.
Th Compass Plant
On tho prairies and plains of Utah,
Texas nnd southern Minnesota thero
grows n wonderful plant which Iimh
proved uoeful to travelers wandering
over theo vast tracts of country. It
Is called thu compass plant, or pilot
plant, baeuuM) of u peculiarity In the
growth of tho leaves, which grow al
ternately nloug tho stalk, und point
precisely north nnd South! Tho In
dians followed thu direction given them
by these pointing leaves, and told the
white men about It. This plant he
Ioiiks to tho family of the CVuiattue,
und looks very much like tho sun
flower. It bus a strong, ro.lnmi
odor, souiow bat like turpentine, nnd
sometimes goes by the name of "tur
pentlno plnni." Christian Science
Peninsula Dank lildg.
Office Phone Columbia 1183
Pulley & Zurcher
Plumbing, Heating & Tinning
Wc Repair Aluminum Wnrc
Phone Col. 02 U07 8. Jersey St.
Phone Columbia 977
Electrical Engineers and Contractors
(encriil KcjMlr Work
109 S. Jersey Street, Portland, Oregon
OITicc-Col. 025 Itesldcnce-Col. 477
Dr. E. P. Borden
I'alulrss extraction ot teeth under nitrous
oxide gas
Peuliitula llauK IIIiIk.
St. Johns, Portland, Oregon
& Davis Barber Shop
HAtL & Davis, Proprietor!
108 Philadelphia St. Hut lis 85c I
Member builders KxcJiaugc
W. P. Greene & Son
Contractors & Builders
Portland, Ore. Photic Col. 1025
418 North Jersey Street
luirtilttire Making and Job Work
In specialty. Kclinlsliinir nml Re
pairing neatly done.
Real Estate
Established Since 1905
Member National Ass'n of Realty Hoards
Aiemiivr rortiniui Keiiity Hoard,
I,Ut your property with us; we make.
naies, a. c. coon, Honitor.
102 N. Jersey Street.
Muhm & Brewer
Contractors and Biildirs
Plans mid Specifications furnished
Free when wc build. Repairs nnd
Alterations. Res. Photic Col. 962
Frank A. Rice
Office 107 N. Jersey Street
Phone Col. 887 Residence Col. 398
St. Johns Fuel Co.
515 Columbia Doulevnrd
Slab and Cordwood
Oflice Wildrosc Shingle Co.
Phone Col. 918
MlChael GoarCKeL And RcpaWn of Roof.
I I 1Mirt i t r iiiArVmnitll vn innnnap
Prices reasonable.
WILL PLAICE, 1 005 S. Semca St. I
ick tho Gront could huo Uusnin ho proBont nt nn important moot
and Prussia now how thoy would
Hwearl- Alilwaukcti Sontinol.
Wc cannot roaistpaaHiim'itlonn
thia advertisement which up-
pearctt noi ioiik ago in a Uln
cago nowapapor: If Wilbur
blank, who dcaortod hia wifo
and babo 20 years ago, will ro
turn, snid babo will knock his
block oil. J'Jx.
Ho who playa fair in the
fttremious game of life; who is
clean of body, mind and soul:
ing to bo held in tho church
building Sunday. Oct. 23rd. nt
oloven o'clock a.m.- K.P.Iiorden,
Soven room houae, modern ex
cept lights, lot 100x100 feet, two
mocks ot car line, three of new
city park, $2250, $100 cash. bal.
anco terms; look at this. J. l
Gillniore, 113 1-2 N. Jersoy.
Wanted. Men und voiucn to take
onlrrs uiihiii fileuilsamt ucubbors for
the KCiiulnr euuruutevil hosiery, mil
Hue lor iiii'ii. women uml children.
Who aSBOCintes With honest llieil ; HUmliwtc iluruiiiK. We jmy 7Po. n hour
whoia courteous to Iriend and !'M,C UT' ,r UUX) " Wfek fo; ,'u"
foo- who in tnn olilviil ,u ! !'mc 'Iricucc umuvesMiry. Write
IOO, WHO IB tOO Clllalroi 3 to lutcumUourtl StoekiuK Mtlls, Norrii-
wound the feelings of otliers.
and too BenBiblo to lower his re
pect for himaefl; whose hopes
and dreams arc foumiud on the
rock of determination; who
looks you straight in the eye;
who meets victory without boast
ing; defeat without bitterness
and all life with a smile; who
loves his friends, his country
and his God is a gentleman.-
For Sale.KirBt-claBs Uur
bank potatoes and Rural Is'ew
Yorkers, $2 per sack at Mock's
barn or $2.25 delivered in St.
Johns or vicinity. 1202 W. Lom
bard, evenings or Sundays. At
Mock's barn any timo during
1011, I'll,
acres and four room
Totting Pssrls.
Two imrVors In ihyxlcs at Igni
tion utilvoiklty, KiikIuiii), nro eoiuluct
litif oxlmustlvo tests, on ttohulf of tlu
Oally Mull, with u view to rtmlltiK
a iussllili) illfTiTouco between ordi
nary unit Jiiimueso iMmrl. A Jmmu
eso pinrl Is produced by lusortlns; n
seed pearl or mother of mr Into the
liver of tut oystor. Alfred l lulvert,
a fellow of tho Chemical sodety,
stilted rfceutly thut tho several
siHH'Inieus of Jiipniieko ienrls ha pos
sosses nro tdeiittcnl In welKlit, color
uml luster with ordinary (H'ttrls, uml
they urt pniduced by tho oyster with
tho sumo materials and by the same
process ns tho other vurlety,
$3800.00 KX'SOLDIKR, nice
home for you. New up to the min
ute G room modern buugatow, best
Transfer and Long
Distance Hauling
Phone Columbia 1475
Residence 403 N. Jersey Street
Automatic Woodsaw
Phono Columbia 72 between i
7 A. M. and 7 P. M.
Peninsula People, Attention
It you want to sell, buy or t rude, brine,
your tirotxMltion to me. I am in that
biuinrt.s. Ynu should jwlroniie your
uciKiiuor, r iiantiie lime imugs to
thiiiKS. IXxi't vo to a struntrer that
miKht not use you ri;ht. Stilt
house, chicken houso 100 feet constructed house in St. Johns. l,et
long, barn, cow, two machines, u "ii you how you umy tuke im
dw liens, ?7oU0. Will take city
property as part uayment, close
to car line. Tin's is a money ma
ker; look at it. J. F. Glllmo'e,
113 1-2 N. Jersoy; Col. 81.
Hev. Gustaf F. Johnson of
Minneapolis. Minn., tho most
popular and noted Swedish
speaking evangelist in America,
will begin revival services at the
bwedish Mission Tabernacle,
Glisan and N. 17th street. Oct.
19th, continuing till Oct. 30th at
7:30 p. m. English services on
Sunday at 3 p. m. Oct. 23rd to
30ih. Everybody welcome. Come
early. Reported.
mediate possession. Rice & Tate,
Realtors, 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887,
Suits Pressed 50c
Best work In the city.
No Charge for Callluc for aud
Phone Columbia 12S9
301 N. Jersey St. Cor Baltimore
Residence 100S S. Smith Avenue
OHice Phone Columbia 12S5
Res. Phone Columbia 1228
l am always prompt (or sexvlce.
Also, if you want loruulng done call
me up, I have been working hi that
line for SO years, uml sell all Vlnd of
trees, roses and vines.
Department of the Interior
U. UND OFFICE at rtrtUsd, Ore
Sept. 2M, mi.
rotke is hereby Klven that Chester
U. Iknluay, of l'ortluml, Ore., who, 011
May 10th. 193). made Homestead Untrv.
No. (or I,ot 3. Section 19, Town,
ship 1 N., Range 1 !., W. .Meridian, has
inert nonce 01 intention to make three-
year liroof . to estabhili claim to the land
ubove described, before the Re;ister &
receiver 01 tne V, S. Land Otticc, a
l'ortland, Oregon, ou the 8th day o( No
vember, 1921,
Claimaut names as witnesses: John
KeilditiKoI I.innton, Ore,, R. V, 1), 1;
m. .tuns. 01 i.innton. Ore., R. V. 1). I;
Htanlev lVn-ell nl 1 i
. 1; Willis Dcbley, of I.iunton, Ore.,
k. r, ii. i,
Actjuue9. 1916.
Sept.SO-Oct 23 Register,
No. IOO. St. Johns. Orinon
Meets each Monday evening in Odtfl'el.l
lows hall at 7;3o. A cordial welcome to I
all visitiui; brothers.
L. 8. CormsnT. N O, Thomti TbomMoo. V.O.
jpc Kotxiti, Krc. Sec. C. W. Norfuc, HI 0, See
Sf, Johns Gamp No, 7546
Modern Woodmen of America.
We heartily solicit the attendance of
our members at our regular meetings I
every -1 and -itli inursdsy evenlug.
G. W. Muhm, C. Ii, Hstchitt,
Consul. Clerk.
1'houe Columbia 9G2 Col. 1-15G.
Meets every Friday night t
7:30 o'clock in BICKNKR
Hall. Visitors always wel
Woodmen Of the World
St. Johns Camp 773
Meet every Monday evenlncr in I
Btckner Hall, Burliugton aud Jersey
streets. Visitors always welcome.
White Front Grocery
Phone Columbia 766
Will give some Startling Specials for FRIDAY and
SATURDAY of this week. Visit our Store and
Meat Market and you will see for yourself,
PURE CANE BERRY SUGAR, 19 lbs. - $1.00
(With a purchase of ?1 worth of other groceries. $1 worth to n customer)
Pure Cane Berry SuRar, Sack n$6.10
Bordcns or Carnation Milk, Can 10c
(Limit, 2 Cans to a customer)
M. J. B. Coffee, Special Pound 41c
Royal Club Coffee, Pound Can. .40c 1 Large Stick Candy I'rec
Golden West Coffee, lb. . . .40c Bulk Coffee, Rep. 35c, now. 30c
Campbell's Soups, Limited. 10c Tomatoes with Puree, 2s.l2c
Sardines, 5 cans 25c Peaches, 2fj size 23c
Fancy Spltzenburg Packed Apples, Box $1.25
A big bargain, wc have n number of boxes to sell nt this price. Wc
carry nil kinds of Vegetables, l'ruits, Raking Goods, lite. Don't forget
Our Meat Market. Choice Cuts In Meats at Lowest Prices. Our Hours
arc from 6:30 A. M. to 9:30 P. M everyday hi the week. Wc will appre
ciate your patronage. M. MliRRICK, Prop.
St. Johns Transfer Co.
Drop in and get our prices on
Best Rock Springs Nut Coal $14.50 Ton
Careful Furniture Movers
109 East Burlington Street Columbia 82
Buying Is Brisk With These Prices
Olympic 1'lour, 49 lb. Sack.. $2.00
Vim l'lour, 49 lb. Sack f 1.95
(Made In St. Jolnu)
Ilcst Cane Sugar, 100 lb JG.4G
Best Grade Potatoes, 100 lb. 2.G0
Sweet Potatoes, 4 II 25c
Scratch I'ood, 100 lbs f2.70
Ilcst Grade !KK Uoi 45c
Carnation Milk 12c
Armour Milk 12c
Cream Cheese 30c
Karo Syrup, 5 lb , 45c
Karo Syrup, 2) lb 25c
Mapls Syrup, 12 ot., 30c
Maple Syrup, Pint, 12 ox 00c
Maple Syrup, gallon $1,20
Maple Karo Syrup 25c
Walnuts, per lb 35c
Salted Peanuts, lb. a. 15c
Cookies, lllg Lunch, lb 25c
llg Ncwtons, lb 30c
Cocoanut liars, lb 30c
Ginger Snaps, lb 25c
Chocalate liclalrs, lb 40c
Charardcllls Chocolate, lb 40c
Gunpowder Tea, lb 45c
Fruit, Vegetables, Bread, Milk, Pastries, Canned Goods,
School Supplies, Notions, Cigars, Tobacco, Ktc.
Use Your Phone, Col. 1299 Prompt Delivery Kverywherc
Handy Grocery
IOO N. Etllnon Stroot
Qualitij Goes GearTIitvugh
Dart Cars Reduced From $1295 to $971
This Is a great value for anyone who contemplates
the purchase of a car.
See us about taking your old car In on trade.
107 Fessenden Street
Phone Ray Bilyeu
Planer Trimmings, Block and Slab Wood
Columbia 1448 -
It. J. Simmons', C C;
W, A. Trout, Cltrk,
A. T. and A. M.
Meets the first and third
Wednesday of each month
lu iiasonic Hall. Vial.
tors welcome.
John M. Ulalr, W. M.
A. W. Davis, Secretary.
Ho. 43 B, . il.
Stated raecliuKS on the first
Monday of each month in Ms.
sonic Hall. VUltsrs Wcktat.
O. II. LKMON. SccrcUty.
National Vulcanizing Go.
J. W. BALL, Prop.
Here is the blueest thiuz that has ever
Happened In tne manufacture of roril-
siie Tires. Barney Oldfield has annoanc
d his New "999 Tires, made only in
wis ana suxsf sues. lie bas knocked
the stuffing out of Ford.sire tire prices,
without cuttine the quality bit. The
999" Oldfield Tire is of Standard Size,
made with four ply 17i ounce fabric, and
an excellent Noa.Skid Block Tread.
265 S. Jersey Street
$1550 i- room house and gar
age, lot 50x100, good street and
sidewalks, new cess pool, lights.
RICK & TATE, Realtors, 107 N.
Jersey; Col. 887.
Poff & O'Neil
Sand and Gravel
Daily Trips to Portland
hut W. m mt JO! SET ST
The Fraternal Boosters
Meets every Wednesday evening
in the
Join and Help Boost
j. G. Chambers Mrs. II. R. Lowry
Funeral Directors
24S-250 Killlngsworth Avenue
Telephones: Woodlawn 3300 C 1133
Mr. Chambers is the only G. A. R.
undertaker in the city ot Portland.
Personal attention and supervision
given to arrangements.