St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 14, 1921, Image 3

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for Less
No. 18 Mascot Heater $19.00
No. 20 Mascot Heater $21.00
No. 22 Mascot Haatcr $24.00
No. 23 Bee Heater $18.00
No. 22 Cast Box Heater $12.00
No. 26 Cast Box Heater $15.00
No. 23Household Mission. ..$33.50
No. 22!Merlr, Coal or Wood.. $35.00
No. 21'Flrcfly, Coal or Wood.$38.50
No. 23 Ccsco, Coal or Wood.. $39.50
Any Heater in the Store for $1.0 0
WEEK Payments
Your Credit is Good
Qunandu Baqs
The Grabateria Grocery
The Store With the Checker Board Front
The owners arc St. Johns residents, St. Johns boosters
seven days iu the week. The owners have children going to
school with your children. We nrc one of you. The owners
of this store work tcti hours daily.
But we do not consider these as the main factor that
justifies your trade.
We give you prices at all times that meet the keenest
competition, we give you service, pcrsonnl conscientious ser
vice. Wc deliver any reasonable order ut least once a day.
Wc buy in heavy quantities at frequent intervals.
Why should we not remain iu business here when there
is a constant change of ownership of our line on every occasion.
The Grabateria Grocery
The Checker Board Front
Phone Columbia 102
Dr. 1. I Schultze, Res. Col. 1131 Dr. D. S. Swart, Ucu. Col 283
Office Col. 379 Office Col. 379
Drs. Schultze & Swart
1-6 llotilmtn & Currier Wdg.
Portland Manufacturing Co. I
rw . . r r n tt r. n..
faneis, oerry duxcs, ounce lm uiiis, ea
celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock, i:
and all kinds of Veneer
St. Johns Lumber Co,
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
J Peninsula Hospital
312 Trumbull St, cor. Willamette blvd.
The Hospital for St. Johns
Under New Management
"Hans, you're the most ignorant
lellovr I ever saw. Why, I don't be
lieve you know where the Declara.
tion of Indepeodsnce was signed.
"Sure I do at the bottom."
$2200 5 room modern house oa
hard street; name your own terras.
Furniture for $250.00. RICE &
TATE, Realtors, 107 N. Jersey;
Columbia 887.
"Try tho Drug Store First"
The Prescription Store
Guaranteed Rubber Goods For Your Fall Needs
Pebecco Tooth Paste 39c
Eucamint Tooth Paste 10c
Nuxfcrronc Liquid Iron
Pasturnc Tooth Paste 17c
Kolynos Tooth Paste 25c
General Pershing has canceled
his trip to England.
Ohio farmers have seen snakes
milking their cows. Prohibition,
where art thou ? Ex.
The new central hcatinir plant at
the Soldiers' Home at Roseburg has
been completed at a cost of about
Hop pickers in the Willamette
valley arc said to have made wages
this season, all the way from $1.60
to $7 a day.
Scientists promise to soon har
ness the sun's rays, while certain
government officials are trying to
bridle the moonshine.
Approximately 30 steamers
scheduled to take on cargo at
port of Astoria during October
all parts of the world."
The West holds the whin hand
in the senate. Out of a total of 60
members 33 arc from states on or
weit of the Mississippi
From his orchard ucar Salem
this stason State Senator I.nKolhtt
muiketed more than 4000 boxes of
peaches at an average of $1 a box
The state board of horticulture
announces that it will be necessary to
quarantine Malheur county because
of weevil found in alfalfa in that
The state land department has
paid over to the state treasurer
total of $113,155.48, the larger por
tion of which goes into the common
school fund.
Some of those wise owls who
shoot when they sec the bushes
move might get a good idea of mo
tion pacing behind the bars for
while. Ex.
Showing a total iu liabilities of
about $16,000, the Southwestern
Oregon Daily News and Evening
Record of Marshfiuld has suspended
A college cannot make brains. It
merely can train them. It usually
makes a smart man smarter and
fool a bigger fool. Klamath
Palls Herald.
News is received at Klamath
Palls that 30,000 acres of reclaimed
laud on the Title lake bed will be
opened to immediate homestead en
try. Ex-service men 7 will have
preferential rights.
"Yes, I am constable of this
town. But I don't depend ou that
alone for my lirin.' I am also the
town undertaker and my brother is
the town doctor, so we get them
coming and going." Hx.
The United Mates government
still has about $200,000 worth of
army stores to dispose of, says D. S.
Tobias o( Seattle. He lias cstab
llshed 18 stores iu the Northwest
for the sale of army goods.
Oregon will tell the world iu 1025
what hydro electric power is. Of
the 20,000,000 horse power run
ning to waste iu the Pacific North
west Oregon has 19,000,000 await
ing transformation into industries
that will make a New England out
of Oregon. Corvallis Gazette
Markwart & Zimnferman are rap.
Idly completing their ut. Jouna
apartments close to the junction on
ressenden street wltu the ter
mlnal itreetoir extension. There
will be five apartments of two and
three rooms each ou the lower floor
and probably as mauy on the upper
floor. Several of the apartments
have been engaged.
Ida Marie Schultze, daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. P. P. Schultze, enter
tained several of her little friends at
her home the evening, of October
6th, in honor of her eighth birthday.
Games were played and dainty re
freshments served. 1 he little guests
present were Evelyn Mnrdock,
Louise Rice, Ina Clark, Niua Moe,
Frances Carlson, Rebecca Over-
street, Blair MfiLean, -Barr Palmer,
Billy Kocnig and Richard Schultze.
Do you know That Currin's
has built its business on service
and satisfaction?
will bo served by the Guild of
the St, Andrews Episcopal
church, Portsmouth, at 6 p. m.
Friday, October 21. Booths will
supply what you want. Also
For Sale. Forty White Leg
horn hens, li years old, Tancred
and O. A. C. strains. Come and
see them at 808 S. Crawford
street or call Columbia 648.
I will trade an acre or an acre
and one-half of land for house
and lot in good restricted dis
trict and assume. Also will take
good building lot for a good car.
Call Columbia 311.
For Rent Nicely furnished
room with shower bath and home
!rivileges in newly built bunga
ow. on hard surface street, also
garage; one and one-half block
to car line; at 618 Tioga street.
Subject for Christian Science
services Sunday: Doctrine of
Tho Fraternal Boosters of
Portland will hold an open meet
ing next Wednesday evening.
Jack Rebman, who sustained
a broken leg recently by n load
of cement falling upon it, is get
ting along nicely.
Mr. Fleming has let the con
tract for his now five room bun
galow on west Charleston street
to W. P. Groeno & Son.
Tho Apple Vinegar Company at
IIood.River is now in the market
for cull apples, its initial offer
being $7 por ton.
The Pythian Sister Altruistic
Club will meet at the home of
Sister Bell. 424 E. Richmond St,
Tuesday, Oct. 18th.
Miss Elizabeth Moo is opening
up a millinery class. For partic
ulars call after 7 p.m. Col. 854.
Hats remodeled reasonable.
The Laurelwood Past Noble
Do you know That Currin's
Victrola servico is tho better?
Rain Hats 50c.
Try O. M. P. Butter.
Corduroy Pants $3.50.
Typewriter paper for sale at
this oflice.
The Geneva Confectionery serves
Ice Cream, Cold Drinks and Light
Lunches. 215 North Jersey.
Do you know That tho
World's greatest artists havo
chosen the Victrola torenroduce
their art?
n'-.. ni. !!.. it 1... n t
Nannie Snyder, 349 Wheeler
street, Thursday, October 20th,
nt 2 p. ni.
Tho grand championship of
California was rccontly won by
n Berkshire sow, bred and
rriscd at tho O. A. C. experi
ment station.
Tho Past Noble Grand Club
will give a homo cooked food
Bale Saturday afternoon, October
22nd. at tho liluo Bird Bazaar
311 North Jcrsoy strcot.
ma I'oninsuin Hospital on
Trumbull street is finely fitted
for patients, who rccoivo tho
bout of caro. It deserves tho pat
ronage of tho entiro I'cninBUla.
Paul Sandifur had tho mis
fortune to break his arm ono
evening Inst week. Ho had just
flnishod cranking his car when
anotner car camo along and
struck his arm.
Tho Gleaner class of thoM. E.
church will havo a sale of homo
cooking Saturday, Oct. 15th,
H. F. Clark's
oaio begins at 1 p,
Donald and Clarcnco Tooley of
HU9 south byracuso street won
first and second prizes at the
County Fair, and first orizo at
tho Stato Fair with tholr Tog
genburg milch goats.
J. L. Misner found ouite a cu
riosity whilo picking apples
from a trco at his homo in the
shapo of several blossoms in full
bloom and ama II smiles just be
ginning to develop.
The now Catholic church of
tho Assumption will opon Sun
day Oct. 10. Rt. Rev. Arch
bishop Christ 0 will bless the
church at 8 a. m. and offer Holy
Sacrifice of tho Mass. A special
invitation extended to all.
The Sunset Cash Grocery
changod ownership tho first of
tha week, Messrs. Graham and
Brown disposing of the busi
ness to Air. almon. who con
ducts three other stores in Port
land. Mr. Jack Wood, we I known
in Portland, will have charge as
manager hereafter.
Have you ever heard of the En
worth League of the M. E. church ?
They are a lively bunch of young
people. They meet every Sunday
evening at 6:30 sharp at their
church. They talk, laugh and sing.
A welcome hand extended. Attend
aud see. If you like it give teu
cents and you are a member.
Do you know That Currin's
represent!such Standard Compa
niesas Victor Phonograph, East
man Kodaks, Waterman Pen,
Eversharp Pencil, Pyrolin Ivory,
Nyal, A. li. a., Hqulbb, Penslar,
A complete surprise was given
Mrs. J. M. Shaw last Saturday
evening when twenty young
people stealthily stole upon her
at the Y. W.C. A. It was her
Sunday school class and Mrs.
Shaw was presented with a
arge bouauet of vari-colored
dahlias, after which the evening
was spent in games and general
sociability. Dainty refresh
ments were served during the
Dressmaking of all descriptions,
also furs remodeled at 933 South
crsey. 52
For Sale. Northern Spies and
Bellfleur apples, at $1 per box.
Call at 315 E. John street
Garage for rent at 517 Oswego
street, with lights and water,
$4 per month.
Lost. Lady's gold wrist
watch, monogram on back.
B. L. K., on the grounds of
High School or in St. Johns. Wed
nesday noon, Oct. 12th. Finder
please call at High School. .
Bring In your news tems.
Get your battery recharged at
tho St. Johns Garage. adv
Good grade of linen finish pa
por, typewriter sizo 500, sheets
for $1.50 at this office
Wool Sox 35c; 3 nr. $1.00.
Do you know That you can
buy a Victrola. tho best phono
graph mado from Currin'a at
as low ns $1 per week?
Do you know That Currin's
taka care of Victrolas bought
thoro, free, as long as you re
main in St. Johns?
Mrs. Vinson docs hemstitch
ing at 528 South Ivanhoo; phono
Columbia 1044. tf
Do you know That you can
buy a Victrola at Currin'H for
Drugs as low as from any ono
in theU. S. A.?
Dress Raincoats $12.50.
Por Sale. Rosecomb aud Single
comb Rhode Island Rett cockerels.
Call 620 E. Tyler street.
Rent. Housekeeping
Inquire 712 N. Smith
- Nicely furnished
piano, at 933 S.
For Rent.
room, uso of
Toggcnburg buck for servico:
also does for sale at 1109 S. Syr
acuso street.
For Sale. Lot 50x100 baBC-
mont all dug and lumber on tho
ground ready to build. Call 222
N. Olylmpia street. 50
ZDo you know Thnt no salo is
mado at Currin's till tho custom
er is satisfied?
I can stll you a good pair of
Men's Dress 0HOE3 for $4.95
Lost. On it. Johns car Satur
day evening, black leathor toilot
case; "Laura M. Smith" en
graved on clasp; reward for any
information or return of Bamo
atReviow oflice.
Do you know That you pay
no interest on victrola con
tracts at Currin's?
Have you read about ROGERS'
For Rent, with board, a well I
situated room, for one or two
young men or two young women.
Call 1735 Willamette boulevard.
For 8alo Cheap. Horse and
new tent, or win trade ror
chickons or pigs. Call 1010
Tioga street, St. Johns.
For Sale. Small gas plate;
arge trunk, used once; purplo
meaelin dress, size 38.-933 S.
St. Johns Christian
Oswego and Central
Bibli SekMl 9:45 A. U.
CiiihIm ni SeraoB 11:00 A. U.
C. E. 6:30 P. U,
Sinti 7:30 P. U.
UUiHk Strict Hindi? 8 P. U,
This Is Go-to-Church
You will be welcome
DR. JONES, Minister
Old Age
A man's old ago depends upon his youth.
In proportion as ho saves his health and his
money during the years of productiveness, his
old age will be successful and comfortable.
Peninsula National Bank
Season Opens for Pheasants
and Bob Quail
October 15 to October 31
Wc nrc agents for the famous Winchester Shot
Guns and Shells. Complete stock of Winchester
Lender nnd Repeater Shells.
Two Big Specials for Saturday
Regular 50c seven inch Butchor Knifo, Spec. 25c
Rogular 20c Paring Knife, Special - 10c
II I i P imm
Closing Out Our Line of Brass
Beds at Remarkable Low Prices
37-50 Hrass Heds,
$32 SO Hrass Heds,
$32.60 Hrass Heds,
$30.00 Hrass Heds,
$25.00 Hrass Reds,
Now $3000
Now $25.00
Now $25 00
Now $2.1.00
Now $20.00
Your Credit is Good
J. M. BROWN, 423-J Chicago Street has just pur
chased a New Opal Range. Who will be
tho next one?
One-third acre aud 9 room house, j
cement basement, hardwood floors,
fireplace, etc. Only I4500, will,
take two or more lots iu trade, bal
ance easy. Rice & Tate, Realtors, ,
107 N. Jersey; Columbia 887.
Freah lino of groceries and
confectionery, ice cream and
summer beverages. Tako home
a briok of ice cream for Sunday ,
dinner. Call Columbia 1051. Tho!
Fern, 203 N. Jersey street. 29-4
TRADIJ for St. Johns property i
1 57 acres near Walport, valued ut 1
$4000, buildings. Rice & Tate,
Realtors, 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887,
Wanted. Salesmen for special
make of tires. Fully guaranteed
firsts at low prices. Salary and
expenses to right man. Wolver
ine Tire and Rubber Company,
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Suits Pressed 50c
Best work in tiic city.
No Charge for Calling for and
Phone Columbia 1289
$15504 room house and gar
age, lot 50x100, good street and
sidewalks, new cess pool, light.
RICH & TATR. Realtors, 107 N.
Jersey; Col. 887.
Do you know Who got Caru
so's place in tho opera?