St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 14, 1921, Image 1

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An Interesting Game
The first foot ball (rams ofjtho
Portland City League was played
last Sunday at Pier ParK and the
St. Johns Bachelor Club chalked
up a 16 to 0 victory over the Al
bina Athletic Club in a fast and
hard fought stamo. Both teams
played excellent ball and tho
crowd, estimated at about twelve
hundred, witnessed tho many
thrilling plays before timo was
eullqd at tho end of the lust
qjarter. The St. Johns Com
munity Club Band was out and
playod several selections which
were enthusiastically received
and appreciated by tho crowd.
The first quarter was hotly con
tested and neither sido scored,
but in tho second quarter a
touch down and a beautiful drop
kick by "Slick" Whelan from
the twenty yard line rovo the
Bachelors nine points. As far
as scoring was concerned, the
third quarter was a repetition of
tho first In the fourth quarter,
however, a ' scries of line
plunges, end runs and a beau
tiful pass, "Horm" Schroeder
to "Battle Bigolow," placed tho
ball on Albina's' one yard line,
and tho Bachelors were again
in position to score. Albina's
line was held on the first down.
"Ilerm" was thrown for a one
yard loss, but on tho next down
"Guff" Bellamy "wormed" his
way through foe another touch
down and "BatjJeV kicked goal.
Score: Bachelors, 1G; Albinn, 0.
This ended tho scoring and tho
gamo onded with tho ball in mid
field. Johnson and Himes wore
tho stars for tho-losers whilo tho
cntiro Bachelor team played ex
cellent ball. Rofereo Dowey han
dled the gamo in faultless style.
Atliltu I'oiltlou lUclielon
Rollout h. H. "Or It" I.lml
Wiggaiii L T. 'I.uiiV'Wrluklo
Clubb I.. C. "I't" Crow
KIIUu! C. "l'l" Shw
ilurni It. C. "Sid" JoriUu
Dynno K T. "11111" Williams
Io1iuon R. M. "Scoot" I.lml
Cook C. "Buttle" lllgclow
llrmly I.. II. "Hucit" Illitt
1'lyuu It. II. "Slick" WheUn
Hf.iiM 1'. "Herui "Schroeder
Substitutes Albina, Wilson
for Wiggans, Sollno for Roffoni.
Bachelors-" Guff" Bellamy for
"Slick" Wholan "Curly" Vroo
man for "Billl" WilliamB and
"Duko" Walton for "Sid"
My Dog
I look Into your great browu eyes,
Where love and loyal homage thine.
And wonder where the difference Ilea
llctwcen your aoul and mine.
I tearch the whole broad earth around
l'or that one heart which, leal and
Heart Irlcmhhlp without end or bound
And find the iirlic in you.
J. O. Holland In "Primary Kducatloti,"
White Front Grocery
Will supply you with Fresh Meats and all kinds of Groceries,
the best of service and low price; will please you who are trying to
save. You as a buyer of food kuow that honest weight scales am
the only kind which satisfy you, which gives you absolute confidence
aud assurance that you will receive a full sixteen ounces to the
pound. In qur New Meat Market we will use the Penny Change
System wlweby you pay for exactly what you get and no more.
Here are a few Specials for Friday and Saturday
PURE CANE BERRY SUGAR, 17 lbs. - $1.00
With a purchase of $1 worth of other groceries. $1 worth to customer
Carnation Milk, 3 Cans to a Customer, Can 10c
Pher Jam, 8ot....c ... .. 10c
(3 Jars to Customer)
Calumet Baling Powder, Pound Can 28c
Wesson Oi, Pints 20c
Bulk Macaroni, Curve CutT 3 Pounds 25c
Bulk Coffee, Regular S5c Pound, Now 80c
Royal Club Coffee, Pound Can. . . .40c 1 Large Stick Caudy Free
We carry Baking Goods, Fresh Every Day. Dairy
Products, Candies, Etc.
Musical Analysis. Haud Building and Relaxation
t , Credits given to High School Students
St. Tohns Studio
410 Oswego Street
Columbia oo4
Qatton Ranch Dairy
Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farm
The Dairy is under strict supervision of the City
Health Department and the Cows are tested
for tuberculosis every six months.
Phn Col. 321 fer ordars
Don't Oct Impatient
Itdoesn't help when trouble's
hero to shed the brackish, bripy
tear. 1 well recall tho fateful day
when my old hen refused to lay;
I needed eggs to poach and boil,
and brace mo up for honest toil,
but when I sought the biddy's
coop, she'd laid no eggs and caret
not a whoop. And I had fed her
costly hay and kindred grub that
sho might lay. I might havo wept
and tore my hair and rent my
beard in deep despair; instead
of that I seized tho fowl, be
headed her, despite her howl,
and had her for my ovoning
meal, and then remarked, "How
good I feel!" And so I mako the
best of things when grief in my
direction swings. I onco pos
sessed a balky steed, and when
it balKed 'twas vain to plead or
weep or let hot language roll, or
soak it with a cedar pole.
When on a journey I would start
I took somo volumes in the cart;
when balkincss obessed tho
steed, I'd open somo good book
and read, and spend an hour in
comfort there, instead of paw
ing in tho air. And when iho
horse desired to go I'd speak a
loud, commanding, "Whoa I"
And so ho quit the balking
gamo and as a trotter earned
much fame. I always mako tho
best of things and am happy as
nine kings. Walt Mason.
As tho big water tank rises on
its foundations in St. Johns peo
ple begin to realize that thcro
will bo plonty of watnrfor next
year from tho big city mains.
Tho tank formerly otood on
Vernon on tho block boundod by
Prcscott, Skidmore, Eighteenth
nnd Nineteenth streets, north. It
holds 360,000 gallons of water.
LaRue & LaRuoaro tho contract
ors who took it down and aro
rebuilding it on the St. Johns
uito. When completed it will havo
a winding stairway to its top,
over 1G0 foot from the groJnd.
G. C. Rasch is tho assistant city
engineor in churgo. Tom Dowl
ing, water station superintend
ent, has a crow of twelve mon
making connection to tho tank
from the big Bull Run wator
Dan Willinmson has roopened
his restaurant at tho cornor of
Burlington and Ivanhoo street,
after boing closed down for tho
mid-summer. Tho restaurant has
been handsomely redecorated and
placed in a most attractive and
pleasing condition. Dan's has es
tablished a wide spread reputa
tion as a good placo to eat as
well as for scrvico and quality.
Do you know That you can
get any Model or Finish Vic
trola at Currin'a on very easy
Residence Studio
515 Ainsworth Ave.
Woodlawn 2092.
St. Johns Community Club
The St. Johns Community Club
will enjoy tho hospitality oi the
Lor Cabin Bakery at their ea
tablishmcnt, 2G5 Ivy street,
noxt Tuesday oveninfr. Thomas
Autzen will havo charge of the
auto transportation to bakery.
Tho Community Club upon a pre:
viouo occasion was entertained
by the Lojr Cabin .Bakery com
pany, and tho event was hugely
enjoyed. It is interesting-as well
as entertaining to witness the
art of bread and pastry making
through their various processes
n a big establishment, and all
will bo well repaid for mak-
ng tho trip next Tuesday oven
ng. Be at tho bank corner
not later than 7:30 o'clock, and
those having autos aro request
ed to bring them. Remember
tho time and place.
Tho Til Taylor memorial fund
has attained a total of $16,507. It
not enough for tho heroic
equostrian statuo first proposed.
t is enough for tho purchaso
of a "Til Taylor Memorial Park"
n Pendleton, which was tho
torno of tho martyred sheriff of
Umatilla county. A pnrk would
furnish a play ground for child
ren. It would afford a renting
place for mothers and babiep. It
would add to tho pleasure and
comfort of young and old. Its
usefulness nnd beauty would
symbolize and perpetuate tho
character of tho man. Til Taylor
gavo his lifo to public scrvico
and duty. His life votes for n
park, Journal.
Do you know That Currin'a for
Drugs havo many, many satis
fled owners of Victrolaa bought
from them?
ALLIGATORS Never Leak, Crack Nor Slick i;
ALLIGATOR. Feather Weighty Baloon Cloth. Dress Raincoats $12.00
Goodyears "GOLD SEAL" Red Rubber Shoes
This is the first year "GOLD SISAL," brand RUHKUS and
tribtitcd It) the West. You Kastcru folks will recognize this
Men's Leather Dress Men's House Boy's Suits - $4.85 up
Shoes $4.95 SLIPPERS Boy't0,8rco,,t5-?75
Ruber Heels, Any Style Toe 95c, 11.85, 2 50, f2.95 Mc.s Work
Men's Guaranteed Work RUBERS SHIRTS " 85C
Shoes - $3,85 l?or Mcil.s Arlificial 8llk
Men's Dress fcn' HOSG - 50C
PANTS Overcoats
2.50, 13 00, $8 95, frl.SO $12.50, $16.50. $19 50, $22.60 Mc.s VM Wlnter
Hats and Caps vtwttto - Underwear
That fit your Pace and lNUIVilJJOt $1,26,11.75, 2.50, $.1.25
Pocketbook -
Men's All Wool Men's
Flannel Shirts MackinaWS s u 1 T s
2,' S0: & $7.50, $8.50 j 'I8.C0, 22.50, '28.G0. up
M o! tmmu Wh ST. JOHNS
f fttf..TT.TTt -w -w
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
Thomas Grice, Alanager
Office, Cel. 527 PHONES Nlht. Col. 299 208 N. Jersey St.
Night or Day Calls Promptly Answered
LOW RRNT enables us to give
our customers the benefit of
Very Low Prices.
We guarantee lower prices
U. S. statistics show the
One Fire
Showing a net loss of $965.00 PER MINUTE
Are you prepared if your turn should come next?
108 South Jersey St Phone Columbia 161
. . r i . fl a t t 1 t t 1 t
Regarding the 1925 Fair
j Tho question of tho 1925 Fair
(seems to be the main supject at
most meetings or tne various
clubs, tho Boosters as well as
others, but ono thing should not
bo forgotten, and that is the
immediate necessity of exist
ence. Tho 1925 Fair will give
employment to a largo number
of people, when it is started,
which may not bo for another
year. In the menn timo it be
hooves each and every ono of us
to look out for ourselves and our
fellow men. If wo havo a family
in need it is our duty to assist
them to the best of our ability.
This is n mighty good old world
to live in and it is our duty to
mako it as pleasant as possible
for our neighbors. We may need
help oursclvos some time or
other, and thcrcfofo it is our
duty to assist others. Perhapa
this 1925 Fair will not bo placed
on tho Bite that wo may havo in
mind, it is still our duty to assist
in any way wo may be able to
make this gigantic undertaking
a success. Tho people in St.
Johns district havo a wondorful
site for this Fair, but will it be
the sito selected? Tho people in
tho vicinity of tho various other
sites havo thoir opinions of tho
rcspectivo sites, but now let us
forget about tho various com
munities and consider the City of
Portland as a wholo which sito
will be of tho most value to in
dustries after tho Fair is over.
In order to build up cities you
must have nay rolls. Pay rolls
build up the residential dis
tricts, and as tho residential dis
tricts fill up, street improve
ments aro sought, nnd so it gouB
on. But the prime motive is to
get tho industry first. Let us
consider which aito is tho best
from an industrial standpoint.
Then tho facilities for taking
caro of freight, by rail and wa
- w -w -r - -
Not a Branch office of any
Portland Uudertaking Co.
than you can get in the cRy
present day average is
Per Minute
$150,000 fc
ter, and paved roads. These are
a vital nocessity and should never
bo overlooked. Loop service by
rail has been proven tho most
economical and serviceable in
cities of any siao and usunlly
surround the entire city. Tho
Peninsula is tho only part of
Portland that can boast of hav
ing this one great feature. The
Peninsula is the only part of
Portland whero tho people saw
fit to placo Terminal No. 4, by
voting bonds to tho extent of
several millions of dollars. Ex
tent of territory necessary is an
other great item to bo consid
ered, esnccially territory abut
ting deep water. What part 'of
Portland, PcninBiiIn excepted,
that is frcn from bridges and has
these requisites? Distance from
the center of tho city is another
item. Again, the Peninsula and
its sites havo other advantages.
Views of tho rivers from tho
Peninsula aro of the same grand
eur as from any sito over men
tioned. Both Columbia nnd Will
amette rivers can bo seen from
tho lowor Peninsula. Sovcrnl
mountain peaks can also bo
viewed from the Peninsula.
Thcro is only ono trouble on the
Peninsula. That is thero are two
sites, both good. From an eco
nomical standpoint, there is but
ono site whoreby all of the peo
nlo of tho City of Portland will
bo benfltcd. That is where thoy
havo already voted and spent
millions of dollars. When it
comes to a small tract of land,
which should nt this time bo
filled with factories, etc., Mock's
Bottom is tho place; but the
point to consider expenses,
amount of territory and mennB
of gaining access to that terri
tory nnd its beat uses to tho
people of Portland as a whole, af
ter tho 1925 Fair is over. At the
present timo tho people of the
PcnhiBulu aro divided ub to
which is tho best Bite, but this
is tho point that the Fraternal
HOOTIKS have been dls
merchandise of real merit
R 55
n .
Say it with 3-lowers"
Specially good val
ue in Potted Ferns
Prices 25c to $5.00
SBecAett's Qrecnhouses
814 aad 816 North Kellogg Street
Phone Col. 401
The place wbert good crvlca and
courttont treatment pre-ill. Cbildrtn't
hair cutting receWe apeclal attention.
For Fins Chocolates
Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars
311 South Jerey Street
Teacher of Piano
1887 Cluitta 81. Uu Pirisiuuib Att.
IcMOut given In the home o( the student
Boosters are trying to bring
forth, that in order to get re
sults there must be unanimous
action of all parties concerned
in any undertaking, whether it
is the Fair, a pnrk, a street or
anything else that is a benefit
to the people as a whole. Then
the clubs in the various districts
should get together, under one
common head, call it what you
will, and boost for your district;
thereby you will have more
nowor, for in unity thcro is
strength. If there is anything
good for your community it is
worth working for, nnd it is up
to overvbody to do their part.
This is what the Fraternal
Boosters of Portland aro trying
in dn nn tho Peninsula iret the
several clubs and leagues under
one head nnd have an organiza
tion second to none in the City
of Portland. Joe Roberts, Sec.
Tim Hnmn Comincr Dnv at the
Christian church last Sunday was
argely attended una the serv
ices were greatly enjoyed. A
special feature nt tho evening
service and one tnnt was nigniy
appreciated was the illustration
of Dr. Jones sermon as he
preached by Mrs. GeorgoBlgler,
who drew tho illustrations with
crayon nnd paper. Iho Dr'a
theme was tho "Way of Ltto,"
and it waa aptly and appropri
ately depleted by Mrs. uigior.
Tho largo audience was im
mensely plcnsod with the service
nnd thoir closest attention was
held until conclusion.
Who likes n Hallowe'en twty?
Kvcrv mii. of coiir.scl The Indies
of Mooschenrt Legion; the Moose
Hull; October 18th; 0 piece orclies
trn; uptodutc dunces; pumpkin or
mince nlo nnd coffee. Gentlemen
please to wenr your overalls nnd
ladies your ginglinm dress, rrucs
for the best linrd time costumes.
Lots of fun and frolic. Price 35c.
Huougl. said.
Do vou know That your
neighbor has n Victroln bought
of Currln87 Ask him.
A full line of the
choicest groceries
at most reasonable
prices, constantly
on hand.
601 Prueudeii I'lione Columbia 210
Muhm & Brewer
Contractors and Builders
Plnns nml Specifications furnished
Pree when we build. Repairs and
Alterations. Res. Phone Col. JG2
Frank A. Rice
Office 107 N. Jersey Street
Plione Col. 887 Residence Col. VJH
St. Johns Fuel Co.
C15 Columbia Hoitlcvanl
Slnb and Cordwooil
Office Wildrose SIiIiikIu Co.
Phone Col. 018
"Extravagance Rots Character-
The habit of saving money while it stiffens the will
also brightens the energies-If you would be sure you
are beginning rightbegin to save."
Theodore Roosevelt.
The Bank For Savings
Thursday nnd I'ridny, Oct. Ill nml 14
A Mr S)co!nl, "WET GOLD"
Saturday, Oct. lGth
ttOAIJ TO LONDON'' I'.ithc.
Sunday, Oct. lOlh "
A Ilnrkor Production,
superb picture of Hit- Or cut Norlll.
Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 17 nnd 18
MOt'SK THAT 'f.'f. lllMI.T"
Ktnlart. And "UurrlcniU! Hutch"
No. (5.
Wednesday, Oct. Will
ROBT. KkKIM lu "Tint I.URlt
OP HOVI'T" -IMthe.
Thursday and Pridnv, Oct, 20 nnd 21
Darker production.
Saturday, Oct. 22
An All Star Cast lu "A VOICE IN
St. Johns Fair Store
Highest Quality and Lowest Prices
Toys a Specially
207 N. Jersey St. Phone Col.8119
Si. Johns Hat Works and
Shoe Cleaning Parlor
Ladles and Cents Halt Cleaned and Blocked
ItuKt Slilno tn thu Otty
101 N. Jmey Street St. John
Phillips & Leland
Transfer and Storage
IMioiiu Col. 71i Office 201) S. Jcrwry
i'lione Coiiimiiu una
Ccts Pool Digging, House Raising
nnd Remodeling, also Shingling
H.H7 N. I.ioimr.l Aiiwi
lU'ttltk'liU of St. John IiuvIiik Uxen
nml city lien to y In 1'oitlHiMl um
tmikf their iwyiiHMil) vltlnnit IwhhvhI
once Ity hvmIIInk tlwmwlve ( wr wr
vlcim. We will y il tvCHt ymr
UH'vlpt WitlHMit IIH'OIIVUIlU'lH.'t' to )tH,
I'te, Ufkr lMmMtcot: Any 81. Johw
Hank, rciiliiKiilu Title, AlMtinet him!
lU'iihy Co., hy II. lleiiilvrMiii, Mniwir;
lift! Noith jcrwy Street.
It. O. Muck A. A. Muck
PhoiitNt Col. 'M l'hoiHW Col. 1 IK
ItiutHWI MwlHUHfl
1)07 I'efcoeiuleii Street
Sand, Gravel and
Crushed Rock
Member o( the HuiMirV KxelwHM
Violij Instructicn
STUDIO, 215 N. SyrnciiKC Struct
l'huuc Columhiii !02
Minerva Chapter No, 105, 0.E.S.'
Meet every avcotui MM
fourth Tne winy ol rweli
month in MuMiuic Hull.
VUltorn welcome.
AM Ovfn4lel. W. M
Utl V IW, Siv.
1317 k ItlMcctutl 4li
1'atronizo the homo merchant.