St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 07, 1921, Image 1

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ST. Johns review
St. Johns Community Club
The meeting of tho St. Johns
Community Club nt the Y. VV.
C. A. building Tuesday evening
was especially interesting. Ihu
nttendance was large and the
oveninir was spent in an enjoy
uble manner. Representatives of
tno city government, the park
bureau and school board were
present and made interesting and
informing talks. Tho advisabil
ity, practicability and necessity
of a new sewer system in St.
Johns district was the keynote
of their discourdes. It was Jm
pressed upon the audience that
the lack of proper sewerage fa
cilities would handicap to some
extent the construction of the
new high school building and
ulio tend to impede the develop nf Mm nnw St. .Inlinn nnrlc.
It whs urged that in the interest
nf nmtier sanitation and the wel-!
i:ire of the community in gen-
iiiul that the sowers bo con
structed. G. B.Johnson, assist
ant to Commissioner Barbur,
tnudo the initial address and
stated that more work is boing
done in the northeast Bcction of
the city than in any other, and
that the channel from tho Co
l nubia Slough would be com-
phted in ubout a month. The
city, he said, docs nut want to
iorco improvements upon the
DHonlo, but want to learn tho ut
titudeof the people concerning
them. Ho said that the plans
have been completed for the Or
egonian avenue sewer, and that
tho cost of tho trunk sewer to
property owners abutting upon
it would be, on a conservative
odlimato. $135 to $U0 per 50x
100 foot lot, instead of $150, the
first estimate, and that tho cost
to other lots abutting upon the
trunk sewer would be npprox
i -nattily $20 per lot, tho differ
ence being on account ot the
litter having later on to con
struct laterals to the trunk bow
or. which would bring tho cost
of each lot eventually tho same
iisifon the trunk sewer. Mr.
Johnson brought n map depicting
the proposed sewer systems and
during the social hour expluincd
to all who sought furthnr in
formation. He stated that it
was tho policy of tho city to con
rlruct the sower lino on tho aide
of tho street whore macadam
was laid in tho center, on J that
no property owner connected
with tho present going sower
would bo culled upon to pay any
purt of tho new sewer.
Mr. Cramer of tho engineer
i ig department told how
I nul sloped from near Jersey I
niroet toward tho Columbia
Fhugh and a sewer system
wouhl have to bo laid at too
great dpMi to drain into thol
White Front Grocery
Will supply you with Presh Meats and nil kinds of Groceries,
the best of service and low price; will p'ease you who are trying to
save. You as a buyer of food know that honest weight scales are
the only kind which satisfy you, which gives you absolute confidence
aud assurance that you will receive a full sixteen ounces to the
pound, Iluy near home and save time nnd money. We compete
with any other store prices in Portland. In our New Meat Market
we will use the Penny Change System whereby you pay ror exactly
what you get and no more. Here are a few SPECIALS IN GROCERIES;
Pure Cane Berry Sugar, 17 Pounds f 1.00, LOO Worth to each Customer
Carnation Milk Can , .. 10c
Hest Peanut Ilutter, Pound He
Dulk Macaroni, Curve Cut, 3 Pounds 25c
IMiez Jam, 8 or 10c 3 Jars to Customer
Wesson Oil, Pints 29c
Calumet Baking Powder, Pound Can ,,, 28c
Van Camp's Pork and Deans, No. 3. 25c
Charardellis Ground Chocolate, Pound Can 42c
Royal Club Coffee, Pouud Can. . . ,40c 1 Large Stick Candy Free
We Carry Baking Goods of all Kinds, Dairy Products, Candles,
Tobacco, Etc. Open from 7. a. m. to 9 p. m.
Musical Analysis. Hand Building and Relaxation
Credits given to High School Students
St. Johns Studio
410 Oswego Street
Columbia 554
gallon Ranch Qairy
Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farm
The Dairy Is uuder strict supervision of fhe City
Health Department and the Cows are tested
for tuberculosis every six mouths.
t Phone Col. 321 for orders
Willamette river. Ho also said
thnt the property affected by the
proposed sewer systems would
have to pay for the channel now
being made between Columbia
River and Columbia Slouch,
whether the sewers were con
structed or not.
Mr. Thomas of the School
Board said that this district
would not be neglected in an)
manner in the matter of school
ing facilities and that the new
high fichool building would be
ready for occupancy by next
September. He also took occasion
to pay a fino tribute to Prof,
Fletcher, the present nrincioa
ot tno James Jonn high school
Mr. ihomns urccd the con
struction of the sewer svstoms
and declared that now was the
best time to construct them.
Cant. Edmonstone of the con
struction department of schools
also made a lew remarks on the
importance of the sewer system
and congratulated tho people of
?t. Johns upon tho $350,000
high school it was booh to have,
C. P. Keyser, superintendent
of the city Paris, exnressed
the hope that tho sewer systems
would be constructed and told of
their importancn in tho way of
development of the new St.
Johns park, which ho said would
be one of tho finest, if not the
llnest in tho city.
Mr. Lyons ot the Court of Do
incstic Relations told of the work
being done in tho wny of the
prevention of deliquency of ju
veniles, and proposed holding
meetings here in the interest of
tho work.
A resolution was adopted ex
pressing appreciation to the citv
authorities for tho repairs made
on Turlington street. A risitm
voto of thanks was a so g von the
visiting speakers.
A pleasing feature of tho even
ing was a short musical pro
gram of piano duels by pupils of
Airs. Frank A. luce, nil of
whom rendered their selections
in a most pleasing manner. Tho
first was Melody of Love by
Ruth Clark and Ernestino
Duncan; the second, Gipsy
Dance by Edna Basic and Violet
Root: tho concluding number, n
Schottische by Robert Rakes and
Gordon Rice, nil of which wcro
highly appreciated by tho audi
ence. When tho program had
been concluded a dolicious licht
lunch was served by tho ladies
and a pleasant sociul timo en
The only time I ever knew father
I to be really angry wus the day
1 Itanium's circus was in town. One
ot the girls in the Indies' dressing
fwyn, tier finger through a
'""lewoie in ui iiemnm h imp-
I?1" - " 10 "er "iceye.-
Residence Studio
515 Ainsworth Ave.
Woodlawn 2092.
A pretty wedding Sunday af-l The attendance at Sunday
ternoon was that o" Miss Irene, school is stcodily progress.
Jencks and Mr. Freeman C. ing. The class of young
Morgan, which took nlace atineonle. taught by Mrs. Shaw.
the home of tho bride's grand -
parents. Mr. and Mrs. II. H.
Jencks, 116 South Jersey street.
Dr. Herbert F. Jonc3 officiated,
using the beautiful ring cere;
mony. Miss Mabel Halberg was
brides maid and Mr. Eldon Hal
berg was best man. both beinir
cousin's of tho bride. The bride
wore a beautiful gown of white
georgette, and carried n large
bouquet of white carnntions.
She was the recipient of many
handsome and useful presents.
The marriage vows were made
beneath a bower.t'overnd profuse
ly with Autumn leaves, ferns,
asters and dahlias. About thirty
guests, being reatives of the
couple, witnessed the ceremony
and extended congratulations.
After the ceremony refresh
ments were served, consisting
of Ice cream, cukes and fruit
punch. Mi, and. Mrs. Morgan
will make their home for the
present with tho grand-parents.
The first regular monthly
business meeting of tho Com
munity church was held Mnndnv
evening. The oflicers met in a
business session ut 7:30, after
which they adjourned to the
main room, where a nrotrrnm of
musical numbers wus given. Mr.
A. C. Lyons of tho Court of Do
mestic Relation gave a talk on
Juvenile Delinnuoncy. Those
meetings arc to bo held monthly.
It is the plan to have some man
who is in public. Fife sneak nt
each meeting on some phase of
Community life. These meetings
nie free and the public is wel
come. At the noxtpneoting a
short Community sing will be a
part of the program.
Found. Shawl scurf. Owner
may have same by callingat this
office, describing scarf and pu-
tug lor ad.
Men's Fine Dress
Shoes $4.95
Men's Leather Work
Shoes - $3,85
Flannel Shirts
52.00, 2 25, ?3, $) 50, fl 85
Men's and Boy's
BELTS - 50c
Boss of the
Overalls - Si.65
coon s'iiti? at tins incur t'uicn
Bank ol Comwce Building ST. J O H N S Open failings
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
Thomas (irlce, Alannger
Office, Col. 527 PHONES Nipt, Col. 299 208 N. Jerse) St.
Night or Day Calls Promptly Answered
LOW RUNT enables us to (jive
our customers the benefit of
Very Iow Prices.
Wc guarantee lower prices
Wlion Yuu Instnu With -'
.MoitTJA;as jaanh : i.'vjwtmnth
108 South Jersey St. Phone Columbia 1G1
lis setting a pace thnt is good to
see. There were seventeen in at
tendance last Sunday. There was
a fair attendance dt the morn
ing worship. The evening serv
ice wns "Tho Life of Paul,"
which was very nicely illustrated
with slides. Tho Bible study
class will meet nt 7:15 Friday
evening. Next Sunday a short
Rally Day program will be given
by the little follksof the Sunday and Mrs. Burroughs, and dnugh
school at 10:00, after which there tor Loatha, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
will be reception of new mem-! erickson.
bers and observance of the
Lord's Supper. Mr. Veness, a
Whitney chorus director, will
sing. The evening service will
be, "Christ's Apostles," illus
trnted with slides. These slides
are of a good duality and rein
force the thoughts of the
speaker by bringing the facts to
the eje. in addition to the ear.
They are worth while and you
will enjoy them. Reported.
The Bachelor Club will battle
Albina Athletic Club Sunday ut
Pier 1'nrk in the lirst leiiguo
game for the independent cham
pionship of Oregon. Tho foot ball
field at Pier Park is in splendid
condition and a large number of
funs are expected to be out to
see the gnme. "FluHy" llintt
will referee the game and will
sound his whittle nt 2:30 p. m.
A total of 00 cars of livestock
reached North Portland over Sun
day. This compares with the
showing of 112 cars last week,
when the record run of cattle
was reached, nogs were weak
and inclined lower, cattle ruled
very slow, while- sheep wore
steady at the start.
It's nice to lay nlivtl on Stimlny
morning, when the neighbors'
children mid chickens will tttniid
for it. lis.
Pays To Pay
With Rogers
Men's Winter
$1,75, $2.50. $3.2fi up
For n Dripping Nose nnd
Chilly Toes Wear Rogers
35c - Hose
Men's liress
$2.50, ?A 03, $1-85
Men's Odd Coats. . .$7.85
Men's Odd Vests... .$2.50
Men's Wool
Sport Coats $4.50
House J n kits
Not a Hrmuli 'U"ke of nny
Portland rtultttakiii", Co.
than you can get in the city
Miss Mary Behrens and Mrs.
White gave a surprise party for
their mother, Mrs. Frederickson,
112 North Fessendcn street, Sep
tember 24th, in honor of her
birthday. A lovely dinner wns
served and was enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Frederickson was pre
sented with a beautiful dinner
set and other presents. Those
present were, Mr. and Mrs.
White. Mr. and Mrs. Quirk,
Mrs. Schon and son Carl, and
Mrs. Annabel Ruth, Miss Ilene
1 Huolnt. MIhh Mnrv Kehrnnn. Mr.
Orders for nil thnt the Portland
Woolen Mills in St. Johns with its
present crew can turn out arc re
ported to be on file mid it is said no
promises nre made thnt new orders
cnn be filled until nfler March 1st
1922. The Portland Woolen Mills
hns a loyal nml capable crew of co
operative workers, from the super
iiitcmleut down to the apprentice
yarn twister, nnd it is snitl to turn
out the largest per cnpltn of fin
ished product of tiny mill in the
United States. Journal.
A car containing 1000 half
boxes of D'Anjou pears grown
by Rosenberg brothers at the
Bear.Creek orchards neur Med
ford sold recently in New York
for $1219, the highest price ever
paid for pears in America. Tin's
price represents an average o
$1.25 per half box for the fain
ous Rogue River Valley pears
The deal wus mnde through the
btewnrt rruit Company.
ueports are that the women
around independence nre not
putting up much fruit this year
--the men are using all the fruit
jars. Polk County Itemizcr.
Subject for Christian Science
services Sunday: Are Sin, Dis
ease and Death Real?
Good Hoy's Shirts.
R O O 15 It S.
Men's and Young Men's
$12 50, $10.(50, $25 00
Boy's Suits - 54.85 up
Boy's Overcoats . $7.50
Men's Fleeced
Sweater Coats
$1.25, $1.95
Men's mid Young Men's
Dress Raincoats
$12 50, $16.50, $18.50
Boy's School Shoes
$a.itf, $;ino, $:i85, $.125
it tuiti ,7omers"
Specially good val
ue in Potted Ferns
Prices 25c to $5,00
Beckett s reen houses
814 and 816 North Kellogg Street
Phone Col. 401
The jduce where good ton-ire ami
courteous treatment prevail. Children'
hair rutting receive sncoial attention.
For Fine Chocolates
Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars
.'ill South Jersey Street
Teacher of Piano
1687 Clarendon SI. Near Porftmoulh Are.
I.ewjm given in the home of the itudent
Alorc About Sewer Question
To the property owners in the
proposed Osweuu street sewer
system district, (which wns (lis
cussed on one side at tho Com
munity Club meetintr Inst Tncs
dny evening,) I wish to say that
the OawoKo street system has
nothinc to do with the now hinh
school or with the new park, nor
does it scre nny school or nub
lie ntFair. it is a purely local
atiair, altecting only the local
property owners who have to pay
lor it. and is not of public in
teres t. I think it would bo better
to let this local sewer question
rest until the present city liens
for street improvements are well
paid oil', and until tho largo
number of people that purchased
homes on installments nt war
lime prices, and ure now work
inn at $3 a day or less, to pay for
them, have their present debts
so far paid oif as to enable them
to meet the new expenses. The
now burden would in many
cases be more than they could
stand and they would have to
quit and let their property no.
The Oswego street sewer is not
iudistieusible at this time. No
emergency e.xists.any more than
last year or any other year. The
OroKoninn avonue sewer system
will serve the new hiuh school.
and tho St. Johns avenue system
will servo IMor l'ark. Hut 1 am
not Discussing the necessity or
mlvisabilty of constructing these
two systems, or of the ability of
the property owners to stand the
cost. That is their business, not
mine. S. C. Cook, 1002 Oswego
Mr. A. C. Haislev nudwifuof
710 Mohawk street loft Wednes
day of this week for San 1' rim-
cisco, where they will remain in-
Needlewoik, stumped nrtieles nnd
materials for workimr. crochet
'lliicnd nml notions at Illno lilnl
Muiiiir, ail N. Jersey St. .H
Dress Sox Ific; 2 pr. 2(3c.
K 0 O I? It S.
A full line of the
choicest groceries
at most reasonable
prices, constantly
1 T
on nana.
nil I'lkM iidt ii rimiiL C i.luml.MSMO
Muhm & Brewer
Contractor! and Builders
Mans nnd BlH-'cificRtiuiis furnished
ree when we build Kiuiirs und
Munitions. Res. I'lionc Col. )(!2
Frank A. Rice
orficc 107 N. Jersey Street
Pliont! Col. 887 ItrMilmfi Col. IUH
St. Johns Fuel Co.
Hir Cnhiinhin Honk -vnnl
Slab nnd Cordwood
Oflice Wihliose MiiiikU- Co.
Phone Col fllH
Ambition and Success
It is very noticablo Unit those who Imvo the am
bition to save will and are succeeding through the
same source.
Starting in a modest way the practice becomes
a habit and the rosulUs enormous This is giving to
yourself the full value of every dollar earned.
We could recommend nothing better.
The Bank For Savings
Thursday nttit l'rldny. Oct. 0 nrnl 7
Asvjcintcd l'rodiiccrs prcM-nt
In seven nets. One of the big pictures
of the yenr,
A I A" Ucntitrt.
Sunday, October 9
All Stnr CMt in A TALK Ol' TWO
Momtnv nnd Tncdny, Oct. 10 nnd tl
GIRL" Rr-nlnrt, mid No. ft.
Wednesday, Oct. 1U-
UN WHO WAtr'-l'nthc.
Thurmlny nnd t'ridnv. Oct. 13 nnd 11
A IIIk 8eclitl, "WET GOLD'.'
.Saturday, Oct. lfilh
UOAI) TO LONDON'' l'rtthc.
Highest Quality and Lowest Prices
Toys a Specialty
207 N Jersey St. Phone Col.839
St. Johns Hat Works -and
Shoe Cleaning Parlor
1 V v
tidies and Genlt Halt Cleaned and Blocked
ItUHt SIllllV 111 tliv Gltv
101 N. Jersey Slicet Stjohn
Phillips & Leland
Transfer and Storage
Phone Col. 72 Oflice 201) S. Jersey
Hioiic Colmnliiii m
Cess Pool Dijjginjr, Houic Raising'
nnd Remodeling, also Shingling
KI7 N. J.kmwmI .Stirvl
Kfldrnt of St, John ImvliiH !
Mini city lit'll to M- In I'wtlund cum
iimke tlii'lr twynuntit willimt iiitMtuvi iii
fiiif hy hvhIIIiik tht'melvt' uf our ur
view. We will mv fcMiut' Mint WH'iiryiinr
riTuipt without inconvi'iilt'iK't' to
I've, 'if'. Krfrrviu'M: Any l. John
Ifaiiik. IViiIihhiIii Tltlt AUtniot hihI
ItiNilty Co., hy II. llt'iidcrMin, .Mmwxnr;
Wi Noilh JrrM-y .llrt-t't.
K. O. Muek
I'hoiim C..I. 1141
Kiul HAM
A. A. Muck
I'ltotMw Od. UK
107 I'MMIldvll SIlM't
Sand, Gravel and
Crushed Rock
Violin Instruction
STUDIO, 215 N. KyrHCtiHtf Stwot
l'lioiie Columhia 102
Minerva Chapter No. 105,0, E,S,
JlwU every Mteotul ium
lourth TneMhty o( m?M
month in .MamihIc IIhII.
Vikltork nflcoiiie.
AltU (ivcraltMt. W. U
Uruic V. Iu. ftcv.
IH7 h CrtiurloM MiMt
l'atronizo tho homo murolinnt.
Johns Fair Store