"ion A MONTH You can purchase any one of the ranges listed below on the special ly Easy Terms of $5 per Month. We will accept your old range as first payment, or you can pay $5 down and we will deliver the new range to your home. 8-14 Charier Oak, Plain Nickel Trimming $77.50 8-18 Charter Oak, White Enamel Trimming $90.00 8-18 Occidental, Plnltr Trimming. , $69.50 8-18 Wcdgcwood, Plain Nickel Trimming $87.50 .8 18 Peerless, White Knamcl Trimming $87.50 pAmondu Baqs u iiibiH ill wFnn .'OOCHXHXOOOCrtCH3CKXHaCKWl WE have been here hr years in business and expect to remain. During this time we have scon competitors come and go aud a few have taken away more than they brought into . the town. Docs it pay to help them do this? Is it not better to deal with those wlto become citizens of the communitv and are interested in a large way in its welfare? Where we have made money it has been reinvested in other St. Johns industries, or in making our own store better and larger and helping .towards the growth aud betterment of St. Johns in both cast's. We employ none but American citizens and will jCmploy no other. Our homes arc in St. Johns, our children are getting their education in St. Johns schools aud we arc proud of it. We have no intentions of taking away St. Johns dollars and spending them in other climates. The Grabateria Cash Grocery COUCH & CURRIER, Owners Phone Columbia 102 Dr. V. IVSchulUe, Res. Col. 1131 Office Col. 379 Drs. Schultze & Swart PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 1-0 Bonlmm & Currier Bldg. I Portland Manufacturing Co. -MANUFACTURERS OF- $ Panels, Berry Boxes, celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case btock, and all kinds of Veneer FACTORY, FOOT OF RICHMOND STREET St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Department of the Interior U. S. LU VffKt M tKllitd, re Sept. 20tb, 1921. Notice is hereby gWeo tlut Chester D. Bodway. of Portland, Ore., who, on May 10th, 1930, made Homettead Bntry, No. 066W, for Lot 3, Section 19, Town hlp 1 N., Range 1 K., W. Meridian. Ua filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to catabllah claim to tbe land aboTC described, befor the RegUter & Receiver of tbe U. S. Land Office, a Portland. Oregon, on tbe 8th day of No vember, 1921. Claimant name aa wit esse: John Redding of Llnnton, Ore., R. V. D. 1; M. Mill, of Llnnton. Ore,, R. P. V. 1; Stanley Percell.of Linnton, Ore., R. P. D. 1; Willi DeWey, of Linnton, Ore., R. P. D. 1. Act June 9, 1916. ALKXANDHR SWBRK, Sept. 8Oct RegUtcr. Men's'Odd Coats awl yts. rogbrs: CCKXK?OOOOWK83OCroO0CmOr Dr. D. S. Swart, Res. Col 283 Office Col. 379 Coffee Drums, Ex Foot of Burlington St. W. 0. W. DANCE The W. O. W. Announces a Series of Dances, the First to be given Monday Even ing, October 3 at Blckner Hall, St. Johns. Dancing te Start at 1:45 Music by 4 piece Orchestra 'Good Time Assured "Try tho Drug Storo lUrat" ST. JOHNS PHARMACY The Prescription Storo A. D. S., SANTOX AND DR. HOBSON REMEDIES PHONE COLUMBIA 381 Guaranteed Rubber Goods For Your Fall Needs TOOTH PASTE Pchecco Tooth Paste 39c Eucntnitit Tooth Paste 19c Nuxferronc Liquid Iron Coaatwieo trade is brisk. Six lines are in operation. Subject for Christian Science services Sunday: Unreality. J. H. Freum is having a fine residence erected on North Jer sey street. When a busy little beo Rets a load he goes straight home which is more than any man can do. MrB. G. Olson and three child ren or. l'rineviiio navo Deen visitina formor friends in St. Johns and vicinity. Northwest wheat has no com petitor. Strength in the millstuff market has forced an expected advance of $1 a ton. Oil has been found in Arctic rcir tons. A heavy secoago has been located in a vast area hith erto deemed worthless. Mrs. T. C. Wniteof 810 North Syracuse entertained Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Uarncs ot itosouurg at her home last week. Mm IV 11. Hnln nf Sr. Helens was tho KUst of her daughter, Mrs. J.T. Chambers, on Will amotto boulevard tho past week. Is there any law against park ing a wood pile half wuy acrosB thn nldnwulk? A writer in tho Scllwood Beo asks the question. Mm. ,1. B. Thoru. dauchter and two sons of 2129 Willumetto l.m-.lnvnnl huvQ returned from a four weeks' absence in tho hop fields near Independence. nr. .Inn n will nrcuch a so rtnu if nnrmnnn for tho month of October on "Tho Church." H'a florins of sermons dur nirthn past month on "Tho Gospel in Literaturo" proved very inter esting and were greatly appreci ated by the largo audionccs in attendance. U. I. Whintlur left Inst Sunday morning for a doer hunt in Cen tral Oregon, Ho was accompa nied by his son Clarence and Mr. nnil MrH. Corcoran, in whoso car they aro making tho trio. Be fore returning they win visit mo Silver King minn and other min ing properties near there. Mrs. Frank A. Rico has added to her already well equipped studio a now Stoinway grand piano. This enables her pupils to havo tho advantage of en semble work, which was so ably demonstrated at the last recital. During tho Winter months Mrs. Rico plans giving frequent re citals at her studio. Wayland and Leo Murphy, Rnaf Hlo-htv.HPcnnd and Fremont streets, have saved $500 tho past four vcars through tho salo of mill nmrliicful hv n herd of iroats Tho boys started with one kid and have grauuauy increaseu their herd until the sale of milk brings in n considerable rev enue. Why doeB n woman's hat cost ho much more than a man's? Surely tho trimming can't ac Aniint fnr mnrA Minn n fraction WWMV " of difference." Certainly not, but imn mnnr rnmnmher thnt IE COBIB more to sen a hat to a woman. A man seldom takea up more rrinn two minutes of tho sales man's time, while a woman will keep the entire sales staff busy for half a day. New xorK nun. Somewhat of a novel enter tainment will be given at tho St. Johns Library Wednesday nvnnincr. October 5th. when real people willl appear in foreign costume, it wu do in tne iorm oi a pageant of foreign lands, un der the direction of Miss Vida Nicholls, and Mrs. B. A. Thax ter will tell something about tho different costumes. The public is cordially invited to attend. The first church services will be held in the new MethodiBt hnrfh nn Charleston street on Sunday morning at the regular hour. Special music has been prepared, after which the ser mon will be preached by tho pas tor, the Rev. W. E. Kloster. The Woman's Christian Temperance . a . . Union will assist in tne evening services. Mrs. G. W. Overstreet, nrouirlont nf the W. C.T.U.. will speak and special music will be sung by memoers ox tne union. Mrs. Lafe Brown ofScanpooae died Wednesday of last week, afteran illness of some time. She had been spending tho Summer with her sister, Mrs. biferte, in St. Johns and had recently returned to her home in Scap- Eoose, apparently feeling much etter. She was aged 46 years and leaves a husband und three children. The funeral took place last Saturday and was attended bv a number from St. Johns. Rev. Johnson of Portsmouth preached the sermon. Pretty dry weather for the Rain coat Man. Tho lumber business is re ported to bo looking up. Irene Ogden has recovered from her recent illness enough to go to school. A. W. Davis is building anew rosidenco at 625 East Richmond street. Mrs. D. C. Ely of Oregon City greeted old friends here the past week. Mrs. Bessie Nesbit of Kllctisburg is a guest at ,tuc home of bcr brother, J. M. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kclloy of Seattle, formor residents of St. Johns, were welcome visitors here tho past week. Tho Pythian Sister Altru istic Club will meet at tho home of Sister Brice. 214 West Chicago street, Tuesday, Oct. 4th. Two hundred and 74 thousand fiersons were divorced in Amcr ca last year, according to Judge Grant of tho probata court of Boston. Phillips & Lcland, tho trans fer men, havo added a fine new truck to their equipment, which increasing business mado nec essary. Tho Lnurelwood Past Noblo Grand Club will meet at tho homo of Sister Loretta Norene. 510 Alloghony Btreet, Thursday, uctouor bth, at z p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Sullivan of 702 North Edison street aro rejoicing over tho arrival of a seven pound daughter.Scpt.26th. Mother and daughter doing fine. With tho world's hon cron extremely short, it looks like higher prices this year. Tho market is strong in nil quar ters and more active in this sec tion. Tho Guild of St. Andrews Episcopal church, Portsmouth, havo nrranirod a hard times so cial nnd bundlo salo, to bo held at tho St. Androws parish hall on Friday evening, September 30th. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Sackett. formorly of Missouri, but who havo recently purchased a ranch at Ulymplu, Wash., weroSt. Johns visitors laBt week. Mr. Sackett is a cousin of Morrit Hanks, whom ho had not seen for twenty years. St. Johns Community Club The Community Club will hold a social meeting at the Y. W. C. A. building on next Tuesday evening which promises to be particularly interesting and entertaining. There will he prominent speakers who will give entertaining talks; reports ou the Pair site proposition; re freshnients will be served and the Community Club Band will reiulr some selections, There will be other innovations that will tend to make the evening one of pleasure and enjoyment. Make it a point to be on hand next Tuesday even iug. It will be well worth while. Some acreage to trade for a car or bt. Johns lots. Call at this oihee. Men's Pine Dress Shoes $4.95. ROGERS. Lost. Kutahts Temnlar rincr. badly worn. Small ted cross in s.-t ting. Leave at Review office. For first. class dress making call 317 Smith avenue, North, Suits, coats, dresses and children's gar ments. For sale. One tou Ford truck, 1020 model. W. II. Saxon, 907 North Hudson street. Misses BeruiceSbaw and Marion Dunsmore left for the University of Oregon at Eugene last Sunday. The Telephone Company will give a demonstration aud enter tainment free at tbe Y W. C. A. building, Tuesday evening, Octo ber nth. The Review is late in being is sued this week owing to tbe turdi- ness of some of the advertisers in getting their copy to us. Unless ad vertising matter, as well as news items, reach this office by Wednes day noon it is very difficult aud sometimes out oi the question to get the paper out on time. Please re member this and all get copy in by noon Wednesday, aud earlier if possible. At a meeting of tbe Fraternal Boosters Wednesday evcniiig Rufus Holroan. county commissioner, gave an interesting talk ou matters rel ative to county affairs in which this section is interested, A number from the Community Club were in atteudaucc at the meeting and T. J. Monahan, president of the club, made a neat address. The sewer question, Fair site and other mat ters of civic interest were taken up. SPECIALS Pasturne Tooth Paste 17c Kolynos Tooth Paste 25c 9Gc GLOVES LARGE ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN RUBERS. ROGERS. Get your Wear-Ever Aluminum Pan at the St. Johns Hardware Co. 95c. value for 38c Note to brides: Tho thing thnt separates a properly hitched team of horses is tho tongue. Typewriter paper for salo at this oflice. TIN PANTS. ROGERS. DAN'S G18 .Wlndoll St. Horse, Buggy, Harness Complete $125. Do you know you can trudc your old tires in on new ones? Jack Campbell, 1045 Williams avenue. RUBER-SHOES. ROGERS, For Sale Cheap. Kitchen cab inet, 9x13 rug, 3 burner gasoline stove. Call at Sweet's Tire Shop, 118 Philadelphia street. For Sale. Gray wicker bugy in A-l condition. Cull at 1S38 Aster street. Sweater Vests. ROGERS. Property for Sale. Corner lot 50x100; two houses, both in good condition, and modern con veniences, three blocks from car lino; nice locution. H01 W. Richmond street, St. Johns, Ore. lints and Cans that fit vour face ami pocket book. R O U R S. For Salo. Six room house. good location; nil improvements paid. $1000 and terms, 023 N. Ivanhoo street. For Snlo.-22 Flemish Glnnt rabbits und houses; can be bought for $20. Also havo u fine Jersey cow bIx years old; gives two and one-half gallons of milk a day. Call and soe hor. 814 N. Ivanhoo street, St. Johns. Good Work Pants $2 50. ROGERS. For Sule. Modern four room house, and lot l.'IOxlSO, 40 foot front, at 465 IS. Chicago street. Cull 463 E. Chicugo. For Salo. Drop-hoad sowing machino, 'almost new, $20; Eastman kodak, folding 31 x4f. very cheap. Also candy scales and somo electric fixtures, very ren sonuble. Cull 710 East Mohawk street. Boys' Overcoats $7.50; fioys' Suits 4.85 Up. R O G E R S. For Rent. SleopinR rooms nicely furnished, in private fnm ily. Meals across street. Call Columbia 68. Try our Chile.- 'The Genevu,' 215 l-i: N, Jersey street. Get your battery recharged at the bt. Johns Garage. udv For Sale. Everbearing Straw berry plants, $1.00 per hundred. Call 610 N. Smith uve. $1800 For 4 room plastered house, only three blocks from bank, lot 75x100, plumbing aud lights; terms or will take small car. Rice & Tate, Realtors, 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887. I am moving my real estate bus iness from 301 North Jersey street, St. Johns district, to Room 422 Chamber of Com merce building, corner Fourth and Stark. 1 will still continue to handle St. Johns proporty and will bo in a position to give as good sorvico to my clients as I havo endeavored to do locally. When you have anything to sell or buy givo me a chance. I havo addod a new line of business chances. W. A. Carroll, Phono Main 8067. St. Johns Christian CHURCH Oswego and Central School 9:45 A. U, Connyilon and Sermoa 11:00 A. U. C. E. 6:30 P. M, Sertoli 7:30 P. M, Midweek Senlct Thursday 8 P. U, Sunday Evening Subject: "What Constitutes a Church7" DR. JONES, Minister The Year's Profit HnHnHHHMMHMMHHHHi The salaried man or wage earner can figure his year's profit only on the basis of the amount he has saved during the twelve months. Can you figure a profit, or must you figure a loss on your years work? Peninsula National Bank COURTESY, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "Wear-Ever" 1 95C 1-qunrt 5 Aluminum Stew Pan 1 For ONLY 38C ; 5 On or before Oct. 8 This Spcciul Offer is made so you enn sec for yourself thnt aluminum . utensils are NOT nil the same. "Wear-Ever" utensils nrc mndo from hnrd, thick, cold-rolled sheet aluminum mclnl which' again nnd ngnin hnu been passed through gignntic rolling mills nnd subjected to the pressure of huge stamping machines. Get your Stew Pan H 'WtARtVtJ St Johns WUKHAJ. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MM Gasser's Express 202 N. Jersey St. We Haul AnythingAny Time Any Place Fireproof Storage Moving Jobs and Long Distance Hauling A Specialty Phone Offlco Col. 824 Residence Col. 377 CaPEaaBaEjr B. H. GAGE, 1&3 Oatmnn Street is now an owner of an Opal Range. Another customer Is satisfied with range quality H. F. CLARK THE FURNITURE MAN Needlework, Ktamperi articles und I materials for working, crochet' thread and notions at Din Hird Uazaar, 311 N. Jersey St. 48 f A, lCIll IIIIU W lUVUt MUM I confectionery, ice cream and summer beverages. Tak'e home a brick, of ice cream for Sunday I dinner. Call Columbia 1051. The Fern, 203 N. Jersey street. 21M For Sale Corner 100x100 with 4 room shack on rear with lights and sink. Macadam street and sidewalks all paid; $300 cash and balance of 1100 on easy payments. KICK & TATK, Realtors, 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887. Typewriter panor for salo at this office. Price 25c per hun dred sheets, or 500 sheets for one dollar. SERVICE, SECURITY 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LIMITED 5pttl10ltftpifion Jmr EE ninxtl bflow SEE llieiliffrrenca FEEL Ilia difference E KNOW tliii difference- 5 Itflwetn ordinary nliinti mini nnd "Wear-Ever" 3 3 todayl Hardware Co. WtARtVtft i no winencster btoro vwitwa a Ma IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIirn OIL HEATERS At 1921 Prices Prices From $5,00 to $8,50 I DYE WORKS Suits Pressed 50c Best work in the city. No Charge for Calling for atd Deliveriiig. I'hone Columbia 1289 Kx-Soldlersl We have the prop erty for you. Come in and let us. convince you. Free legal advice aud application blanks filled out. HICK & TAT K, Realtors, 107 N, Jersey; Columbia 887. J 1