St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 23, 1921, Image 2

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A. W. Morlcle Utlltor
Published Friday of Each Week
404 N. Jersey St. Phone Col. 321
Subscription prloo SI. BO par yoar.
Thk Rkvibw
, pos
all i
in Portland, Oregon, as titall matter
of the second clrfss under the Act of Con-
((reM of March 3, 1879,
High School Note's
The Domestic Science classes
aro busy canning1 fruit.
The cafeteria will open Friday,
Sentembor 23rd. It will be un
der the supervision of Miss
Chollar, Mrs. Crosby, and Mrs.
Nelson will assist.
Plans for the annual Freshman
reception which will he held Sep
tember 30th, at the Utah School
nro well under way. Special com-
mittccs have been appointed to
mnko nil arrangements, and the
affair promises to be n success.
Wednesday of last week the
Faculty had n most enjoyable up
pie paring bee after the close of
tho flchool. A sack of apples do-
nutcd to tho Domestic Science
department wus prepared for pre-
serving in various delectable
forms for tho Winter's cafeteria.
After the work was done straw
borry short cake und chocolate
wore served as refreshments.
Coach Iiiatt's football napir
ants are getting into form, tho
recent rain putting the Held in
fine shape for good practice
work, uood material is devel
oping for both line and back
Hold. Hie team will average
about 155 pounds, ho they
ought to be up and coming all
tho time.
Friday, tho lfith the Science
third und fourth classes held a
uandwich salo, tho proceeds go
ing for science supplied. Tho
prococdu from tho Handwich
sales which huvu been held tho
past week, go into the student
body fund, to be used
to Do tinea lor loot-1
ball equipment. Tho hcIiikIuIu for
thia week
iUUH followH: ItP'B.
tiny, Bccontl and third torinort).
WodnuHday, fourth and fifth
tormera. Tlnirudny, uixtli mid
nevonth tonnoru. Frlduy, eighth
At claHH elections hold Soptom
bur 15th, tho folllowinir olllcors
woro elected: IOiclith torm-
Proaident, Sara Abbott: vice-
proaldotit, Dorothy Coulter: hoc
rotary, Mabel Rood: treiiBtirer,
121 mo Moon; livo wiro, Ko-
mayno Hrand.
Sovonth toriifl'royidont. Lil
linn Moulton; vico president,
Maxwell McDonald: secretary.
Kobo McCanloy; troiiHtiror, DoriB
bmlth; Boriroant-at-arniH, May
naru MiBkch.
Sixth term President, Albert
SmitliBon: vico-prcsldent, l.eliu
Taylor: aocrutary. Greta loot
ham: treasurer, Morgan Shirley.
Fifth term -President, Alta
liaaa: vicO'ProBidont, Kiilpli Dob
loy, Bocrotary, Joy I'Jftoland;
treiiHiiror, Harold I.luwollyn; livo
wiro. uion WIuhoii.
Fourth tonn President.
Halph Fairchild: viee-iiroaliiont.
Hex Jonon; secretary, Mildred
Johnson; treasurer, Oliver I.ung;
8orKCHntat-armH, Kut'j Allen;
livo wiro, Jack Van Hooter.
Third term- Proaidont. (iooruo
JolTcott; vico-president, Clydo
Montnir: Bocrotary. Do lie liar
ris; troaauror, Hlizaboth Schultz;
HorKennt-at-arma, George lkoda;
livo wiro, Norma Kotnor.
second tonn Proaidont, Ma
ry Harnoy, ; vlco-proaidont, Mar-
Karot McGrciror: .sccrotary. IAU
lian Avery: treasurer, Hobert
First torm Proaidont, Mar
ffnrot M cFall; troasurot', Lowoll
Y. W. C. A. Notes
Gymnasium clus will littjiu
MoncUy cvcninir the Udtli. Chil
dren'ii folk (laiiclnir clasps Huturdny,
the 23d, 10 to 11 a. in, Other
classes will begin Oct, 1st accord
iutf to ticliedulc.
Weekly Schedule:
Monday P, M. Ciiinp-l-'iic uiul
High School Club 2:30. livening,
Uyiiiiiasluiu a to U'30.
lucsuay j , m, .Millinery 1 to 3
o'clock; lllue liinl (Jluli Ui'M, New
Club 3:30. Uvcning, Comuiunlty
Lino a o'clock lirM and third l ues
days of the month.
Wcdnesduy P. M. l)ceiKluble
unit) ;t:yu. nveiiiug, tsewing 7o
ThurMluy P. M, 1 to 3 o'clock,
Uaskctry, II. K. S. Club, S. O. S.
Club und George School Club.
Bvenlng, Gymnasium 8 to ono,
Priduy P. M, Rainbow Club.
r.venitig, bociul night.
Saturday A.M. io-ii Chlldrcn'ti
Folk and Hsthetlc Dancing Cluss.
P. M. Swimming.
Citizens in St. Johns will have
an opportunity to witness soma
high class football this season at
t'ler park. Mr. hasier of the
park bureau has promised to
erect dressing quarters at once.
and two splendid athletic Holds
havo already been completed.
Last year tho llachelors' Club
played under tho . name of Co
lumbia Park, and thoy certainly
made a splendid record, losing
only one game (luring: tho season.
Tho boys turned out for prac
tice at Pier park two weeks ago
and it certainly looks bright for
Regarding Sewers in St. Johns
st. Johns at this timo is par
tialiy equipped with a sewerage
system, and at the present time
there are petitions out to equip
the rest of the district. There
are three separate and distinct
trunk systems, viz: The St.
Johns Avcnuo and James Street
Trunk System, Tho Oswego
Street Trunk System and the Or-
egonian Avenue Tr"unk System.
The first named system will
drain tho area bounded by Koll
ogg on the west and Bruce
Btrcetand Pier park on tho north
200 feet south of Soneca Btreot;
on the cast as far north ns res
sendon street, and on the south
by a lino diagonally from a point
200 feet south of Seneca anul' es
senden streets to Richmond
Btreet. The Oswego Trunk Sys
tern starts at the easterly and
south easterly lino of the St.
Johns Avenue and James street
line and takes in the district
bounded by Willamette boule
vard and Polk street. The Ore
gonian Trunk System takes in
the area from Willamette boule
vurd between Polk street to the
railroad cut. The outlet for
theso three trunk sewers is the
Columbia slough. The opening
up of the slough at the Columbia
river has causod enough current
in tho slough to allow sbworout
lets to bo placed into it.
This work has boon assessed to
a large district and will cost
about $10 per lot. St. Johns dis
tricts that have no sowers uro
usseused for this work and it
will have to bo paid whether
sewers aro placed in St. Johns
at this time or not. There arc
plats showing tho proposed loca
tions of these proposed trunks,
Tho property udioining trunk
sowers will be assessed for com
pleted Bcwora. The districts for
ther away will be assessed on n
graduated scale, according to
the distanco from trunk sowars.
The approximate cost of tho
sower complete to lot lino has
1 11x111 (1 v 111 1 lit !51KO 'I'll I u tiilii In.
ci(Io3 'ti10 Sl0 for lho (Jolumliia
Mlotit'h iiHHOHamonL Wliuru blind
slough aaacasmont. Where blind
aowora aro already in tho coat
will bo for trunk lino aaacasmont
only, and not for any Intorala.
Tho Orotronian Trunk System
will drain tho district in which
there ia to bo a hiuh school
erected, and tho city engineer
una tho aaaurnnco that tnoro will
bo no buildiiur started unloaa
auwor connections aro available.
Thia means thai there will be
very little donotowarda orectinir
our IiIkIi school before thia aowor
system is in. Thru also drains
tho area on which blind sow
era have boon placed, namely,
Jersey and Huchanau ntreota.
Ihoro haa boon nlncod blind
sowers in vnrloua slroota that
will bo drained by tho Oawcvo
irunk bystcm, Thobt. Johns Av
onuo and James Street Trunk
byatem takes in tho now park,
and it has been stated that no
oxtensivo buildiiiK nroRram will
bo started on tho P or nark tint
thoy have soworatro fac ilitioa.
Tho school board potitioned tho
city council for sower, and tho
city onirinoor lias uont out not
tions which have boon handed to
several people. Thoro haa boon
no organization or club asked to
circulate theso petitions as a
both'. Various individuala have
been nakod to trot their noiirh
bora and frionda to atan. Tho
city council does not intend to
force this improvement on tho
public, but have sent out poti
tions to ascertain tho sentiment
of tho people, whethoror not thoy
want thia improvement. Ho sure
and mako up your mind whothor
this will benefit yourself nnd
your community or not. It is up
to tho people or bt. Johns dis
trict whether those sewers will
bo started this year. Tho Frator
mil Uooaters have potitioned tho
county commiaaionors to repair
tho county roads in this district
for which monoy has been an
propriatod, und it any men nro
needed that St, Johns married
mon bo irivon tho uroforenco.
lho itoostora liavo uIbo net
tionea 1110 pnrK bureau to oxno-
ditu worn in rior park, and if
noaaiblo, k'ivo tho work to tho
people of St. Johna.marriou men
preferred. Thoro will bo a mept
iuk at tuo Aiooao null noxt Wed
nosdny ovenintr. Set)tembor28th.
to which nil tho peonlo in tho
community should attand. Tho
St. Johns pair sito and tonics
which are of of interest tooverv
one will bo diacussed. Come out
and all hear and sou for thorn
solves, and do not take the other
follow'a word for it. Joo Hob-
orts, Secretary.
a winning team. Those who nro
expected to play include such
stars as "Huek" Hiatt, Sherm
Cochran, Hoody Smith, Herm
Schroedor, Ktmio Poff, Battle
HJgelow, Uirt Und, Scoot Lind.
Pad Shaw. Zip Mniroon. Lunk
Wrinkle, Peg Williams, Spark
Smook, ChunK
Sundstrum. Turn
Keiihor, buck Whelnn, Skeo Lar
son, (.itiii lieilamy, Hones 'reel
ing, Dedo Poll, assisted by tho
ablest of coaches. Fluff Hiatt
will whip tho pluyors into win
ning . form. Scoot Lind and
Spoko Mnrlett will manage tho
team. New suits havo been or
dered, and it is hoped tho
wholo town will turn out und seo
the games. Practice game will
bo held Sunday at Pier nark at
10:30 a. m, Koported.
The Bachelor Club's Official Paper
Urothers Zip and Dedo spent their
vacation this year exploring tho lower
Columbia In Brother Zip's Battleship,
tho "Duck." Leaving their home port
about 8:30 P. M. of tho 21st, thoy
(.foamed down tho wlllainotto and Into
tho mighty Columbia. After an hour
or two of nono too strenuous work with
tho paddles, tho lookout sighted a like
ly looking harbor to the starboard, that
port was mado wltuout u pilot and
soon tho voyagers wcro curled up in
their hnmmocks for tho night.
Thoy woro awakened tho noxt morn
ing by tlio sun beating uown on tneir
faces. HolcaKos and correo wcro soon
ready and ufter Ilrothor Zip hnd mado
away with a halt dozen or more of
Olympla'n Helf ltlslng tho mess gear
was cleaned up by tho means of lots
of sand and nono too much water. The
baggago was Btowed away and tho
crew shifted Into tho uniform of tho
day (bathing suits und whites), tho
linen woro cast off and the brothers
got under way for u record run that
day. Ht. Helens was left astern about
11 P. M. and before tho hntcakus thoy
had for breakfast ran out they were
miles below tho Columbia county scat,
Aftor a forty-flvo minute stop far
noon, tlto brothuru wcro again under
way. (loble wus tho next port they
hit, no stop being mndo us soundings
showi'd not over 10 fathom of water
and Captain Xlp did not llko to pick
up a pilot. About 4 bells that afler
noon tho crow was reported getting
a bit red, tho cuptuln ordered (hum to
don tnoro clothes heforo going farther.
The lookout 011 watch reported
smoko dead ahead so tho captain
ordered a tittle more speed anil he
foro long thuy wero abreast of Kalnlcr.
As tho steward's department hud work
ed pretty hard the captain gavu nil
hands shore Icavo. It didn't tako long
for tlio crow to get Into tliolr liberty
Karb, and up town looking for a chow
hou no. After having tliolr flit of
T-lion 0 and Krench fried and giving
tho town tho oncu over, thoy got under
way again. Alt. Coffcn was tho port
named for tlio night's stop, It being
mndo In about 0110 hour and forty five
minutes running tlmo from ltnlulcr.
Tlio crow was up bright and early
tlio next morning and urtur tiiuirt
breakfast of tho fnvorlto fruit, hot-?
cases, muy worn ngnm minor way ir
parts unknown. Tho river at this point
took 11 xnnku llko course so lho
brothurs ilcclileil that prutty itoml tliiin
could ho mailu Willi tlio sail. Ho after
tho canvas was spread to tlio wind
thoy sat hack ami lot tlio rust of tin
world un by. Hut as tho day uot
older, lho wind i;ot it bit stirrer and
It was not Ioiik buforo It i;ol too rotiuli
for sallliiK ami they had to k back to
using tho padillos.
About tliu tlmu tlio noblu craft stuck
hor noso around Capo Mom It ran lulu
11 very choppy sen, hut Captain Zip's
knowledge, of navigation proved In ho
too much for tliu elements and ho kept
tho llltlo craft headed Into tho storm.
f(fir two hours of tireless onerKy, tint
crow noticed thai tho bunkum woro
KottliiK low and decided to mako for
port. In doliii; so tliu skipper got off
lho. course) ami thuy shinned 11 sua
which almost causod 11 dlsustor, but
tlio coolness of tho crew, (aftor tho IiIk
sea Had swept over them), aided thum
lo mako 11 liindlnir lu surety. Tlio first
thliiK they did was to et tliolr beddliiK
out on 11 lino to dry, which didn't tako
lonK. ('amp was mailu under tuo tow
urlui: Plan trees and after a hearty
supper all hands turned in for tho
Thoy worn up with tlio first rays of
IIkIU tun next muruliiK, ouKur to ho on
llielr way Tho wind IiiivIiir moderat
ed somewhat durltiK lho nluht, uood
tlmo was mado all forenoon. After
nmudliiK tho C'iiiki of (loud Hope. Oath
laiiiut could bo seen off tlio starboard
bow. A stop was mado there to take
on stores and without much delay thoy
snowed off iikuIii for open water.
Once more tho wind came up In tlio
urterunon and I lie hrotuurs were fore
ed to mako 11 lundiui;, tho skipper was
on too Jon mis tlmo ami tuoy mado It
wunoiit any misnans, camp was
made 011 a little bluff and by nlulit
full tho weary truvulurs wero in their
hummocks. When thoy awoke the
next moriiliiK It was tryliiK to rain.
mil tlio nardy's didn't mind that. While
makliiK a flro Ilrothor Zip thoimlit his
shoo would make uood fuul, but he
thoui'.ht better of It when tho top of
It Hud burnt awuy. A hasty breakfast
was pruimred nnd soon tlio brothers
were on the last Icr of their Journey
To cross tlio rlvor from tho Wash
IiikIoii side to Toiikuo's Point was no
small mutter but they mado it In
0110 hour ami forty-five minutes. As
Inrla was soon mndo and as thoy nass
en tnrouKU tliu iiuriur 10 tuo nmaxe
mont of tho natives, Ilrothor Zip for
got hliuuoir and Btartod Jay-walking
ami inmost run 11 steamer down, They
shipped u sea or two at this point nnd
had lo put in for shore, It was a lucky
thliiK Ih'cuuko they had no sooner hit
1110 snore wiien tliey saw lirotners Tad
and Murphy busy cuttiiiK somo luck
less fisherman's net out of tliolr wheel.
The brothers all Joined in a little lunch
and talked over tho topics of tho day
aii iiuium iook 011 a regular reed at
one of Astoria's finest chow houses
that noon and then took in tho town.
llrother Tad received a word from the
city by tho sea and that afternoon he
loft, with out savlut! where ho was no
liiK or when ho would bo back. Wo can
nil kuchs why ho wanted to inuko the
trip to Reasldo, tho little Indy wus
there on her vacation.
Tho next inornlm: Drothers Zln and
Dodo decided to ko down and listen to
tno sua sea waves ror a day so they
hit the trull for Seaside. Afler tnklni;
u good swim and a long stroll up the
iicncn looking the 0110-pieco buttling
suits over, they hit buck to the laud
or tlio Swedes,
Hie next morning was snout mend
lug the sull and gettiug tho little craft
lit sli pshupo condition so thoy could
leave with the flood tide that noon
fter bidding the salty fishermen cood
bye, tho two travelers started on the
return trip,
Tho wind was pretty stroiic so after
tliey were out or lisrber they snreud
tho ennvns to the wind and sped up tho
buy ir lirotnor uones hud been there
uliout, lie would havo round souiothlng
10 give mm a run ror tils money. That
evening they passed uu a Ion raft and
decided to stop at some likely looking
place and havo tholr supper and then
catch the raft when It came alone.
This was done with ease und soon the
weary travelers wero curled up lu
their bunks on the logs.
The next morning the brothers hit
upon a bright idea, they gathered chips
and bark off tho legs und soon had a
flro going under their grate propped
ll mull KHUU ITOpiHHl
up on a nut log
nroiikrast tliey
the world go
was reached they thought a little sim
per ut somo chow house would not go
bud so they went ashore and hud thair
nil and caught up with their tow again. I
From "The Scandal
About midnight tho raft piled up on
a Jotty or dend head and tho brothors
had to abandon It. They wcro not vnrv Innrr tinmnqn nnntlmr
I in ft was noon coming their way and
- - - - - d - . .
i they wcro not Ions getting aboard It.
Tito next morning tlto light house at
tho mouth of the Wlllumotte was In
sight, the brothers unloaded at the
Club's favorite play ground (Knut
Haven). And after a big breakfast
they laid around taking things easy
until thuy left on tho last mile or two
of their trip. Tho brothers pulled Into
1 1. I I . . . . It.. . . I n . . ill I
up from their 225 111II0 trip with Just
a iiuiu nun Muni Him inrcu or luur
days' growth of whiskers.
Another such trip Is looked forward
to from tneso brothers next summer.
Tho picnic held on August 13th and
14th was of tho variety that will he
remembered tt long tlina by tho ones
that attended. The events of tho day
woro run or pop and action. Swim
ming was a pnBtlmc that many enjoy
The regular baseball en 1110 was call
ed at 2 P. M. sharp by umpire Dent.
Tlio Lounge Lizards beat tho Sand
Hoppers 12 to 7 In the best gnmo of
tho season. Captain Skoot of tho win
ners used his keen judgment In nick
ing the best of the lair sux who know
bow to bat mid steal bases. Captain
Hpnko of tlio losers pitched ngalnst
tho foxy old veteran Hllc, the hero of I
many u mound buttle. Much credit
must be hnnded iiiniilru Dent who call
ed every play to perfection. His keen
eyesight of close decisions oil stolon
buses by tho girls was extra good.
Three girls suffered sprained ankles,
which Increased Brother Flip's salo on
liniment tho next day.
Itrfitlmr Hnn frititnritit llm alttt.1.. ti'irl.
(flu canoo race from Brother Zip In u
hard raca of 100 yards. In tlio best
racn of tho day, Ilrothor Bones and
(luff had to lower their laurels to
Brother Spokes and (Irlt, who wcro
outweighed twenty pounds each but
won tho rnco by a six-Inch margin. In
the last raco of tho day, Brother
Spokes demonstrated that n rowhoul
is faster than a canoe paddled by two
men when ho defeated Hap and Zip
by tiircu-quurtcrs or a boat length In
a loo-yd. raco.
Tho nowosl mumlmr to ha taknn lutnl
tho club was no oilier than that man
about town formerly known as Hnrold
j. ijuvib, mil now bettor known us
Ilrothor Sharp,
a good one.
Tho club suru picked
Ilrothor Ilnuos was seen one evening
with two mermaids In ills fast sloop,
"(laygo," peacefully plowing tho
wntorn of tliu Willamette. It Is said
ho hud a good time, but why two?
Ilrothor Spokes has caught over 110
pounds of black Imss in 11 llltlo over
two weeks of fishing, Pretty good
1 11 sny ror a small lioy.
rhe otien meeting of the Prater
mil,crs Inst Wednesday cvcip
nig was attended ny a great many
copie who enjoyed themselves to
the utmost. Music was furnished
by Lynch's orchestra. It would be
a great pleasure to have everybody
present cacli open meeting night- -
the third Wednesday of the month
-ns this is the one night set aside
by the lioactcrs for getting no
quaintcd nnd hnviug an evening of
enjoyment. Also remember each
und every one is cordially invited
to join us on these social occasions
and to meet with tis every other
Wednesday evening in promoting
the welfare of the community. On
next Wednesday evening, Sept. 28,
the plans lor the 11)25 Pair, the
sewer problems and other Items of
imiHutancc will lie discussed which
are of interest to every one in St.
Johns district. Come one and all
and express your opinions on these
micstlons ot vital importance. We
would be pleased to have each and
every one cooperate with us and
join us in our strenuous endeavors.
becretary Praternal lioosters.
One hundred first class envel
opes with your nnmo and ad
dress neatly printed on tho cor
tier for ono do hr at tho Kev ow
ollico. Additional 100 for 7fc-
Tho postolllce department ad.
vises tho uso of printed return
cards or. thanks not cos nro
charged for at tho rate of fifty
cents each. Persons desiring to
havo such notices published
should make a note of this.
Pntronizu tho homo merchant.
Light 1 6-inch
Slab Wood
Big Loads for
While it lasts.
Immediate Delivery
St. Johns Transfer Co.
109 0. Burlington Street
Phone Columbia 82
Dr. W. J. Gilstrap
Physician & Surgeon
Glasses Accurately Fitted
X ray Laboratory
Peninsula Security Co. Bldg.
St. Johns.
JrOil & U INCll
Sand and Gravel
Daily Trips to Portland
Phone Col. 308 206 N. JERSEY SI I
Wet Wash. 2 kinds Rouen Drv and
finish Work. Sneclnl attention civcti
to Bachelor Bundles. We Call for and
1032 N. Syracuse Street
rhoncCol. 1457
402 N. Jursey Gtract
Abstracts of Title Ptejxtrcd
Titles Examined
Phone Columbia 255
Member Builders Kxclmnjjc -
W. P. Greene & Son
Contractors & Builders
Portland, Ore. Photic Col. 1025
Dr. L. J. Keliher
Room 1 Peninsula Hank Hulldihj:
Telephone Columbia 793
Dr. Herbert F. Jones
311 North Jersey Strcel
Day Photic
Night Phone
Columbia GOO
Columbia 07
St. Johns Transfer S Storage
Successor to
Careful and experienced furniture
Feed and Fuel
Col. 82 109 IiurlliiRton St.
Pulley & Zurcher
Plumbing, Heating & Tinning
We Repair Aluminum Ware
I'lionc Cot. 112 207 S. Icrey St.
Dr. L. F. Pickens,
Oilicc hours 8 to 12 a. m. 1 to 0. p. m.
I;vening!i 7 to U-
Peninsula Dank HMg.
Office Phone Columbia 1183
I Lay or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
Fire Insurance and Notary Public
L,ist your property with me 11 you
desire to sell quickly
Painter, Paper Hangerand
. Kiilsomlnor
Phone Col .J2
101 Olyntpio St.
" -
Lawn Mowers and Scissors
SAW FILING Satisfaction Guaranteed
$24 E. MohaMk St. Phone Columbli 1069
1. J I i .1 U I. U Jl - I X . I .LIL
Violin Instruction
STUDIO, 21H N, Syracuse Street
Phone Columbia 302
Real Estate Broker
Opportunity is now knockiiitr at
your door. Buy your home now
i'rices are low, 11)25 is last ap
proaching when values will double.
You need some of this increased
Call at our office and select yours
Phone Columbia 1285
301 N. Jersey St
Muhm & Brewer
Contractu? and Builders
Plans and Specifications furnished
Free when we build. Repairs and
Alterations. Res. Phone Col. 9G2
For One Day Only
Saturday, Sep. 24
x Extra Specials
Ginghams 24c
The finest line of Dresa Ginphams for house and
school wear on the East side.
Light and Dark Outing 4 2
Flannel at yard -
Boys' or Girls' good weight black Stockings, A 1
all sizes at pair - 3v
36 in. fine figured Challies - 19c
Many Other Extra Good Bargains
The People's
113 Philadelphia St.
A full line of the
choicest groceries
at most reasonable
prices, constantly
on , hand.
501 1'cMciiilcu Phone Columbia 210
j, G. Chamber! Air. II. K. I-owry
Funeral Directors
248-250 Killiiiutworth Avenue
Telephone: Womliawu C 1133
Mr. Chamber I the only O. A, K,
undertaker in the city of PorlUml.
Pcrtonnl iittcutloii ami tupervlilon
Klvcu to arrangements,
St. Johns Hat Works and
Shoe Cleaning Parlor
lidlei and Cenlt litis Cleaned and 6luktd
JJost Sjjo in tho Olty
104 N. Jersey Street St. Johns
PhillinQ & I eland
"""f" .
i . r - . i i ,w
iransrer ana Morage
Phone Col. 72 Office 209 S. Jersey
Phone Columbia 033
Ceis Pool Digging, Home Raiting
and Remodeling, alto Shingling
637 N. Leonard Street
Phone Columbia 81
L Bergland
11S3 N. Jersey Street
Residents of St. Johns bavins; taxes
and city Hens to pay in Portland can
make their navnients without lucouveni.
euce by avalliug themselves of our ser
vices, we will pay same ami secure your
receipt without inconvenience to you,
Pee, 25c, References: Any St. Johns
nan. I'eninsuia title. Abstract and
Realty Co., by H. Henderson, Manager;
aorui jersey street.
R. G. Muck
A, A. Muck
Phones Col. 12S4
Phones Col. 118
Kast 8531
Main 4907
907 I'esaenden Street
Sand, Gravel and
General Auto Repairing, Tires
ana Accessories
Work Guaranteed at Reasonable PrlcesJ
Phone Col. 142 1415 Willamette Blvd.
Bring in your news itecn8..k "J
Bargain Store
Masonic Bldg. St. Johns
We have a Complete
Line of Heaters
Combination Heaters
Wood Heaters
C nut Hontorc
viuui ilium .3
RrlfllIplfp iwprc
in and Look
Them Over, Priced
Real Estate
Established Since 1905
Member National Aw'n of Realty Hoards
Member Iiitcmtatc Realty Auociatlou.
Member Portland Realty Hoard.
I.Ut vour nroiKrty with in: we make
mIci. S. C. COOK. RMltor.
402 N. Jerey Street.
418 North Jersey Street
Furniture Making and Job Work
Specialty. Refinisliinpr and Re
pairing neatly done.
Phono Columbia 977
Electrical Engineers md Contractors
General Repair Work
109 S. Jersey Street. Portland. Orcac-n
Office-Col. C26 ResldenceCol. 477
Dr. E. P. Borden
Paiiileu extraction of teeth uuder nitrous
oxide ga
Penlntula 11a uK Bldg.
St. Joliui, Portland, Oregon
S Davis Barber Shop
MAIL k Davis, tntntim
108 Philadelphia St.
Paths 35c ,
Two Real Bargains
Seven room house, 4 bedrooms.
bath, toilet, lights, basement; fruit
trees, nice lawn; lot 30x100: side
walk and sewer all paid. Price
$2100; terms. Can accept a Ford
car up to $400 and cash to make
$1100, and balance of $1000 at $20
a montu, wnicu includes interest.
Four room bouse with large at
tic, bath, toilet and full cement
basement, front and back porches,
3 full lots, with fruit trees and gar
den; concrete walks and macadam
street; half block to car and two
blocks from school. Price $2650.
Terms, $1000 cash and balance $20
a mouth and interest.
S. C. COOK, Realtor,
402 N. Jersey St.
D1, A Tiirtn.
Office 107 N. Jersey Street
PtesKc CL 887 KtUtctCl.399