.9 4 St Johns Grocery (FORMERLY C. S. BUCY'S STORE) 202 South Jersey street Corner Leavitt Phone Col. 528 WE DELIVER FREE Trade at the Store where your $ Buys the Most k WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Drop in and see Our Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday. Satisfaction or your money back ;o REAL HUMORIST OF AMERICA In One Writer' Opinion, the Country Editor It Entitled to Honor of the Title. The funniest things which uru writ leu ntiil printed In this country uru not written by Irvln Cobf or Uforcu Ado or lllnif I.unliiiT. Tltuy nru not written by the iiroresslonul humorist of thu Kreut iKiWHliunurH. Thfy ure wrltlt'ii by tin- so-culled country editors uud nutubly by so culled country cdltoru of Uhlo nud lCiiimnH. Wo hnrdly think unyonc with h real seii&u of humor who rendu lurse numbcra of nowwimiiera und iiiiixszIiics und modern book will din pule this assertion. Humor Ih nu'roly thu ublllty to sen und rvitct understuiidliiKly to thu mlrth-pruvukluK side of huimiii nature, which Is not thu lewd umplo of Its sldei. A humorous imriiKrunh may lit) Krosily exiiKK'Tiited In Its liilerpretn tlon of humnti nature, but human mi turu iniiMt lit; somewhere down neur the bottom of It or It Is u fill I lire. 'J'lils vxiiliiltm why humor N ho much more uuiustiik', so much moro witlsfy Iiik tlittn wit. Wit need no humiin nature as ItH foundation, It limy bu slmiity u IlKhtntiiK-IIku piny on merit words, Multlclt'iit to ciuinu ii smile, n IhukIi iierlnipH, but iionu of tho Nolld comfort derived by thu illscernliiK from true humor. Ohio Htutu Journal. 1 Compliment to the Mare, Talk of uutumoblle drivers belnt; arrested for vMutliiK thu Meed limit when they lly up uud down thu lilli ways nt 10, 60, tio, etc, miles mi hour, drew onu day u bit of rein lulsceiice from Cuiliilu TIioiuiih 13. Hulls of the United HtnteM seeret iturV Ice. "1 remember one tlmu buck In u Jlttlu Ohio town," sntd tho niptiiln, "when my fathur wna sloiiud by an olllcer of thu law beeuusu ho wits ilrlvliiK his innru morti than 12 miles ii hour," '"You was wring more than twelve miles an hour,' unld tho olllcer; 'I'll ur'retit you for BiH'edliiK. " '"No, set up, et up my father mild. That'll h coiiipllineut to tho mure. Nliu can't go 11! miles un hour." Detroit Kreo I'ress. Cat's Meat. Tho pert of London authorities are upeudliiK mor thun 5,1,000 n yeur for cat's meat, lht the In rue nrmy of cuts required to deal with the rut and mice liifeHtlin; the docks may bo siii ported In the style to which they Imve been uccuMtomvd. tio presumably the cnts are purely "sportsmen," Just kill the rats for the fun of the lliliii? but never cut their prey, Ami alio, piu Numuhly, tho cits don't imiko much heudwny with their Jobs, slucti wo urn ussureil the ktiirt bus been continually Increasedand likewise the upiiroprl Htlous for their support, It looks like M IHilltlcul alnevure. l.os Antioles Times, Buy Wood Now! Green Wood, Part Green and Dry Immediate Delivery St. Johns Lumber Co. Boy's School Clothirt Sis $7.50, 810.00, $11.00, $1 2.50 These Suits are all Special Values They are the Season End Close-Outs and are priced now - $3.00 to $5.00 less than six months ago. Your Boy will be well dressed in one of these suits. - - - 2 NOTICE OP AIEETINd OF COUNTY BOARD OP EQUAL IZATION. Notice Ii hereby y,lvea that ou Mon day, September 12, 11K21, the Hoard of Iiunl!int!ou of Multnomah County will attend at the olficc of the County AncMor, ut the Court lloti'e hi Port. Intid, nutl publicly examine the tmcss incut rolls for the yenr IlKil, ami correct' all errors in valuation, description or (iin)ltlei ol Isuds, lots or other prop, crty, niictscd by the County Assessor. And It shall lie the duty of per win In tercitoil to appear at the time and place appointed. If It ahult appear to such llonrd of ltqunllratlnn that that there are iiny lands or lots or other property ntcil twice, or incorrectly assessed nt to tlcicrl) tlon or ipmntily, and In the inline of ii person or persons not the owner thereof, or assessed under or be yond ihc actual cash value thereof, saltl lloanriuay uiake proper correction ol the winic. If It snail appear to such Hoard that any laud, lots or other prop, city tiucufihlc by the Micivir are not iiuM'Mtd, inch Hoard shall asses the s.imu at the full cash value thereof. 1IIKAM U. WKI.Cll, County Auessor, Portland, OreKOii, Ampul 15, 1921. Viibllihed AiiKiut 11)20; .September 2 U, 11)21. CHAMBERS COMPANY j. G. Chambers Mrs, II. K. I wry funeral Directors 24S-2M KilliiiKsworth Avenue I'OKTI.ANI), OKHOON Telephones; Wootllawu 3300 C 1133 Mr, Chambers Is the only O. A, H. undertaker In the city of I'orlUnd. Personal attention ami sucrvlion (iveu to arrangements. L. R. NICHOLS TRANSFER and General Hauling MOVING A SPKCIAITV Residence 502 Kilison Office 301 N. Jersey Col, 1285 If You Want Real Service The Modern Electric Wash ing Machine has been called the greatest of ull Labor-Saving Money-Saving Time-Saving Appliances ever produced for the Home. We believe yon will ngrce with tliis strong statement after you have seen one of these machines in action. Drop in any time for free demonstration. Electric Sloro Electric Building 1 1 Boy's Shoes and Stockings THE RED WING LINE OF HEAVY SHOES THE NEENAH LINE OE MEDIUM WEIGHT There are 110 better Shoes made for the purpose intended than these two lines, Priced $1 to $1.50 less than last September a BUSTER BROWN HOSIERY, HEAVY AND STRONG - $ The clothing, Shoes and Stockings arc none bought simply because Ot cheapness, lneyare bought lor tucir wearing-v, qualties and arc priced on value. " DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Next Week wc arc going to give you a big lot of Year ' End Remnants at Bargain Prices. ' I 1 Bonham & Currier MISS PLASKET, Buyer Dry Goods Dept. L. E. ROSE, Mgr. men s uqji. Portland Railway Light & Power Company "BuyYout DeclrlcGoedsatftnOeclrictore' Dr. Frank N. Sandifur OPTOMETRIST Vision Specialist Muscular Deficiencies Corrected Olasses Scientifically Pitted to Kyes Kcptselng of broVcu lenict mid repair work promptly unen care 01, SUITE 514 SELLING DLDG. Phone Main G075 Portland, Ore. A A tlU &4 A &4 1T4 A A ST4 1?4 1?4 kvT4 iTl A A A A &4 i!U &t A A 4 4 ivTi I SUNSET CASH GROCERY i WE QUALITY, ARE LEADERS SERVICE, PRICES Best Cane Berry Sugar, 15 lbs. $1.00 wm 4. 2 Tnwblers Cbippeil llevf - 5c 3 Cans I,illys Vienna Sausage. ....... -lOo 5 Cans I.ihhy's Deviled Ment 26c G Cans American Sardines .26c 4 Cans Lilly's Hot Sauce 26c 5 Cans Suar Peas , .(iOc 6 Cans Suar Com , GOc 0 Ih, Ik-st Japan Hice 48c U lb, Uest S. V. Ueans 18c 7 lb. " Ulu Uose Rice 48c 711). Tapioca 48c 7lh. " Sago, 48c 71b. " Curve Cut Macaroni 48c 21b. " Cream Cheese 48c Cottolcne, 2 lb, Cnn 45c. 4 lb. Can 80c. 8 lb. Can $1.50 Dest uud Cheapest Shortening Sunset Best Coffee 35c lb., 3 lb. .51 Sunset Breakfast Blend, 25c lb., 4 for. .95c BEST VALUES IN PORTLAND India and Ceylon, Japan and Gun Powder Teas, 40c lb. This Is bOo Values in Teas. Quality Guaranteed THIS IS PEACH CANNING TIME Best Free Stone Peaches - $1.25 Box and up This fruit comes from the fatuous Yukiuia Valley v Federal Milk Tall, 10c Can, Dozen Cans Federal Milk, Small Size, 5 for - $1.20 25c Fancy Sweet Watermelons, only ,VAc lb. Gherardelli's Bulk Cocoa, Mouev Won't Huy Uetter Cocoa 15c lb Royal White Soap, 10 Hars for 45c No Rub Naptha Soap, U liars for 45c Monday Morning Soap, U liars for, 36c Palm Olive Soap, 8 Dars for. , . 26c Cream Oil Soap, 3 for. x 25c Ivory Soap, 3 for ...... . . ....... 25c Lux Soap Chips, 3 PkRS. for. Rinso Powder, 2 PkRs. Wizard Washing Compound , for. ,35c .16c 23c jpo Ivory Soap Flakes, 3 for '. , ,25c Sea Koam Powder, 2 for 45c Keen Cleati denser, 2 for 15c ltvery article When In doubt about Quality come to T1IH Sl'NSHV, you csu always 'fiud 1'riccs the Lowest, we sell comes the inoucy back guarantee COMriiTBNT S A FOHC13 2W1S13 DULIVKMV iJVISRT DAT GEO. W. IMBODEN, Prop. 109 North Jersey Street Market Phone Columbia 21 Si Z4 14 5. Now is the time to buy your Garden Hose and Lawn Mowers AT REDUCED PRICES Another Cut in the Price of Paint Garden Tools and Cultivators Re duced. Hay Grain and Feeds are Lower (Quality Better) Contract for your Coal and Dia mond Briquetts now before the Winter rains come. Building Materials are moving fast. See us and get our prices before you buy. The Home Mercantile Co. . SOO W. Uurlinuton St root FUNERALS Beautiful gray or blaok adult oaskst, haarse, box, 2 auttfa mbalmlng and rafln d asrvlo for.... . . $75 pa Mil, LRU TRACRY Higher priced iuuerals In proportion. We manufacture caskets. Lady assistant. Beautiful funeral chapel. MILLER & TRACEY Main 2891 Independent Funeral Dlreetera 8 7888 Washington at CHa Street. Between 26th and 3ltt Street, Weal Side We -carry a. full line 'of : Choice Groceries at right prices; Fruits and Vegetables in Season "We know our business UKE ASOOKJ XOU SHOULD COtAfc tN AND Look ! Phone Col. 118 C. J. MUCK 217 S. Jeraey Street We know to a Positive Certainty that if you will give us a trial order you will become a steady patron of this shop. It's happened so many times that a person has come in and purchased a small order of meat, and then came back to express their de light and gratification and leave another order. This sort of thing surely helps our business. Weighed in the Balance oar ice will Beyer be found wanting in either quantity or quality. You get a good big piece every" time and the very beat itis poasibJe tcf obtain. Have us put you on our calling list. We know rno 'visitor will be more welcome than we after you know us and our ice. ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET TW"TT"1ss sssssssssss lH Mlsssssssssssl.i I, J iss I sssssssssssssssssssssTT i I I