HEATERS On Easy Terms Following is a partial list of the High Grade Heaters which we arc oficring at Low Prices aud 011 Easy Terms: No. 22 King (cast box Heater) $12.00 No. 26 " " " " " 15.00 No. 20 Dec, cast lined, for wood 17.50 No. 23 ' 19.75 No. 18 Mascot " " 21.00 No. 20 " " " 24.00 No. 22 " " " 28.00 No. 23 Household, all cast " 3G.00 No. 18 Ubby, for coal and wood 28.50 No. 20 " " 31.50 No. 20 Merit ' " 85.00 No. 22 " " s . 41.50 No. 221 Firefly " 42.50 No. 243 Ccsco, all cast " 45.00 Your Credit is Good OAmandu Baos The Steady Return The Cash Grabateria Grocery was the first on the field to establish u store that climluatcd'all the red tape of soliciting orders at your bnclc dour, employment of a bookkeeper to fig ure your account, cut out the niiy.timc-iii'tlic-day dcllvcry and a collector to chase after you to get you to pay your bill. The innovation took from the start and the steady return of the customers tells the story of our ability to carry a splen. dldly assorted stock of all the good things for the table. You can sense the prosperity of the Ktorc the minute you step iu to it. It has come because we have given the public what they want at the prices they want, deliver at a regular hour and . deal with you as we would be dealt with were we the cus tomer and you the store owner. The Grabateria Cash Grocery COUCH & CURRIER, Owners Phone Columbia 102 Dr. P. P. Schultre, Res. Col. 1131 Dr. D. S. Swort, Res. Col 283 - Office Col. 379 Office Col. 879 Drs. Schultze & Swart PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 1-6 Honbam & Currier Dldg. Portland Manufacturing Co. .-; -MANUFACTURERS OF- I Pnneis. Rerrv Boxes. Coffee Drums, Ex T " ' " . celsior Qrape Boxes, fcgg base mock, j and kinds of Veneer FACTORY, FOOT OF RICHMOND STREET t St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C HOY Footfrtrlington St. BARGAIN DAY At Handy Grocery 109 N. Edison Street Sugar. 16 j0UBd. " ' ' ' ' ' "JJJ Carnation aud Bonlen' Milk, can ' j. Bert aweet can corn, 2 for ""18c Tomatoci, Z me can nu. Van CHip Pork aad Bean, large can Royal Club Pineapple 2J titt can 25c Good bulk lOeueai, 4 Iba c " Km! RolW4 Oaa,4lb:.......... S hti rtraln Alklfa Honey, one pint w CMywpic Plow, 48 lb. . .40c Keyal dub Cstfee. oe lb. can...... , feat bulk CUfee, lb 80c and ........ .... . . . . " " FREE PROMPT DELIVERY. CALL COLUMWA 12t9 some GIRLS'! ! BOYS'!! Have you seen tbe stock of BOOKS we have waiting for you? Better come in of your old friends, Gordy's History, Frye's Geography and others all lined up for Our line of Books, Pencils, Tablets, Etc. is complete. Romombvr Tuesday, Soptombox' Oth in tho Day ST. JOHNS PHARMACY and sec you. I The Prescription Store A. D. S., SANTOX AND DR. HOBSON REMEDIES PHONE COLUMBIA 138 Subject for Christian Science services Sunday: Man. Miss Clara Edwards haB ac cepted a position in a Kenton drug store. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kerr havo returned from a very pleasant sojourn at Newport, Another thing that looks smaller going than coming is trouble, Flint Journal. .1. M. Hndiros. former owner of tho Swcot Shop, has pur chased tho Western Fluff Rug Cleaning Factory. Thn St. Johns Community Club will meet Tuesday oven ing, Sept. 20th, after the mid summer vacation. T 1? Hnnrtrlpkn has nur- nhauiwt thn hnllHincr nccunica bv tho National Vulcanizing Co. on South Jorsoy street. Tim Puthlnn Slaters' Altruistic Club will meet at the homo of Sister Maxfield, 715 East Charles ton, Tuesday, September uth. 1 n n nhnrt ttmn tho school cllild- Ml hn huvlntr tnhletfl niraln. Tho school bell is good music and tho days of learning aro mo ocac of all. Mi- inn! Mrs. D. E. Vurnon and Mra MntilHn Edwnrda visited at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. F. L. vnn Groonwa u on iiawtnorno avenue Sunday. Ur fi. Pi. Mnnninc haB ro- turned from a vory pleasant vis it with relatives in Olympla and Chehalis, having mado tho trip over tho Oympia Highway. Mm. .1. F. Hendricks has ro- tiimnd (mm n threo weeks' visit at Po Ell, Central iu and West port, Washington, . visiting with nor sisior hi inu iuur place. T not wnnk fivn families camo out from the Eastern states and located in tho Wlllamotto valloy. Tho now comers aro pleased with the hospitality of the Oregonians. This disposition Ib a big asset in any community. Mrs. Robert Krecktl and son nnrl Mm. nnnnrmnn aro oniovinK a very pleasant outing on tho cranberry rancn oi uev. uucor man at Seaviow. Mr. Krcckel will join them later and all re turn on Labor Day. Mr. and Mm. Willis VinHon ova nrn font Wnflllillff tntl atfito. Mr. Vinson had been taking a Cnmmop fnrm nt tho IJnlvorsitv of Washington. Thoy will go to tho Willamette University when school opens there. Tlinro In nllvnr llnlncr is cvorv it mi H. A Nnw York man'a rfiBi- InniA wan hiirolNrlzed and JT0fl taken at tho point of a gun. Still he is happy, tun wire tost nor power of speech. Mr. Jiggs will now be looking for burglars. S. H. Satterlee. who recently disposed of his barbering busi ness here, has returned from a most onjoyablo sojourn in tho Eastern states, returning by way nt Pollfnrnifl. where ho snont somotimo with his two sons, one in San t rancisco, anu me omer in Santa Barbara. This ofiico is under obliga tions to many frlondB for con tributing news items. The effort will be appreciated if copy reaches this ofllcoas soon as pos sible. Last week a few important items vrere loit over because it was impossible to handle them until this issue. f Krein K"reinr, residing near Philomath, has just passed his one-hundred and first birthday. Evidently this vonerable patri arch takes little interost in the following immortal lines: "I would not Uveal way a: I ask not to stay, Where storm after storm rises dark o er the way." Mra .Tanetia Cluta has not. rcu turned from Seattle, where sho has been visiting for the past . v week wltn ner son, ueorge u r.lntn and family of 122 N. Fax street, where sho has been for the past three months. She is on her way to California. Her home is in Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williamson are enjoying a most delightful outing in the White Salmon valley. They are both great lov ers of fishing and the White Salmon river is furnishing them a'iDlendid field for the sport They treated the editor and his family while they were in White Salmon to a dozen fine largo rainbow trout that were deli cious. Dave and his wife are so enthused with the White Salmon country that they have pur chased some land there and will build a cottage wherein to spend their Summer vacations. Don't send your printing out Typewriter paper for sale at this oftico. School' opens Tuesday, Sep tember 6th. Mrs. Ed. Smith is reported quite ill. Mrs J. M. Shaw made a trip to Ncwberg the first of the vcck. W. C. Roe and 3. II. Satterlee are enjoying a few days at Seaside. Mary Elizabeth Stevenson, who has been quite ill, is now gradu ally improving. Ed. S. Currier nnd family have returned from an enjoya ble outing at Nehalcm. Somo men dio of natural causes ; others bat green corn. Tho Dalles Chronicle. Charles Toolcy and daughter Anna havo returned from a very pleasant sojourn in California. Dr. Dordon, whose health is much imnrovod. will he in his ofiico regularly from now on. Typewriter paper for sale nt this ofiico. Price 25c per hun dred shccts.or 500 Bhects for one dollar. At tho Pioneer Methodist church next Sunday topics per taining to Labor Day will be discussed. C.nnhrnn Uma. linvn nKntit completed their eight milo con tract of road construction in Tillamook region. Manager McCrcdle of tho Mult- nnmnli Ttinnf.rn nnd fnmllv linvn been enjoying a very pleasant sojourn nt Seaside. The Woman's Guild will meet nt tho home of Mrs. Iluhland, 309 Central avenue, Thursdny, September Htfi, at 2 p. m. Misses Eva and Ruth Bot tom roturncd Saturday from a Eleasant visit with Miss Lillian conard at Sauvies Island. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. A. Simmons and MisB Agnes Peterson loft Tuesday for a few dnyB' so journ at Long Beach, SWubIi. "Billy" Davis is back from tho Boy Scout Camp at Wahtum Lake, looking ns though tho out ing fully agreed with him. W. T. Hartford will leave to day for Spokano and Montana, as ho has a large ranch and min ing interests in Montana to look after. Remember tho bnnquot and bazaar at tho Pioneer Method ist church on Chnrlcaton street. September 14th. Keep the dato In mind and attend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Rico and charming little daughtor, Louise, aro spending tho week ond and Labor Day at thoir cot tage at Cannon Beach. Mrs. Wayne Alenear and son aro here lrom Foster. Oregon. visiting her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Lnwronce, at 827 North Central avonuo. Tho hard surfacing of North Kellogg street leading to the Terminal is a vast improvement and highly appreciated by all who urlvo down that way. MIbq Rowen, who has been asslstinnr at tho St. Johns post office, b being transferred to the main otlice at Portland, and Mr. Hailer will assist here in her stead. The Women of Mooseheart Legion gavo a dance at Moose Hall Tuesday evening which waj well attended. All present re port a good time. Sneed's or chestra furnished the music. The Gleaners of tho M. E. church will meet at the home of Mr. B. R. Deemer, 2024 Willam otto boulevard. Friday evening. September 2. Members cordially invited to attend. ueported. William Killebrew has re. turned home from the harvest fields of Eastern Washington, where he has been for several months. He looks as if the out ing heartily agreed with him. A particularly fine display of trout was displayed in the win dow of Myers meat market on North Jersey street the first of the week. They wenf captured bv a narty composed of H. A. Manning and wife, Ed Corbett and Kay Myers at Ulk Creek, near Bend. Two fine deer hung up in front of the St. Johns Hardware store Thursday attracted the attention of pasaersby. They were killed by John Goodman in Cow Creek Canyon. Other members of the party were also successful, but have not yet brought their tro phies home. Alex Kerr killed one, Ed. Hanks two and an other member of the party killed two, is tho report re ceived. For Sale, A' lovely bungalow home near Catholic school and GLOVES LARGE ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN RUBERS ROGERS.' For Sale. Grov Wichor sulky: also storm front, all fiino condi tion: vory rensonnble. Call 1226 W. Lombard street. TIN PANTS. ROGERS. ForSaloor Trade. li-2 ton Gary truck, A-l condition. Will take lots or acreage; terms. Phone Main 8065... Wear ROGERS' Raincoats. For Rent. 8 room Iioubo: two bnths: clcctrc lights nnd water. Cornor Edison nnd Alta streets. Call 114 EdiBon. Good Sox, 15c j 2 pr. 25c ROGERS. For Sale. Hemstitching busi ness and household goods. 301 J N. Jersey BtreoL 46 Canvas Gloves 10c pr. ROGERS. Come and bco my dahlias. They aro beautiful; nono bottor. Cut flowers 15 cents ner dozen. Or ders taken now for dahlia bulbs. Stock kale plants 5c per dozen. Mrs. S. Peterson, 215 Burr street, cornor Lombard. Sh-Sli! ROGERS sells Men's Dress Shoes $4.95, pr. For Rent. Two sleeping rooms: very reasonable. Call at 625 Charleston strootor Col. 697. Wear ROGERS' Shocs-they'll fit you. Would like to mnko arrange ments to accompany man with car to and from Portlund morn ingsand evenings. Call Col.1466 after 5 p. m. NEKTIES. ROGERS. Hero is a bargain forBomeono. Brand now 5 room buntrnlow; good garago; 5 bearing fruit trees, closo in; 4 blockB of busi ness district; all for $2300. Buy today and move in at once. 301 N. Joraov, cornor Baltimore Btrect Wiw Men Pant Por ROGERS' DRESS PANTS. N E W BUNGALOWS. Wc have them from $2000 up to $5500. Let us show you. RICE & TATE 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887. For Sale. Tout cheap. 14x16. in good condition. 624 N. Kellogg street Por a Dripping Nose And Chilly Toes Wear ROGEPS' Warm 25 cent Hose. STOP At the Christian church foi any of the services next Sunday. LOOK To the Lord In worship and fel lowship. LISTEN To the message from God's word nnd obey its commands. Oswego and Central Ave. DR. JONES, Minister. ROGERS is no SLICKER just because he sells them I $2800 Por a 9 room house near new park. Will take smaller house or 2 lots In trade. RICE & TATE 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887. "For Sale. Baby Ovorland in splendid shape, $550, cash. Can be seen at aw u. Chicago street. DRESS PANTS, R O G E R S. S3800 6 room modern house with furnace on 100x100, on paved street, abundauce of fruit, good terms. RICE & TATE, 107 N. Jersey street; Col. 887. Boys' Suits Shoes. ROGERS. THE I HOUSE DYE WORKS Suits Pressed 00c Best work in the city. No Charge for Calling for and Delivering. Phone Columbia 1289 SUCCESS One of the most important factors of any ma terial success Is the ability to save money, be cause the money makes money, and the more you have the more you can make. One dollar starts an account. Come In and start one today. COURTESY, SERVICE, SECURITY Peninsula National Bank 2 Big Specials Something you will need Monday morning Reg. $4.00 No. 9 Heavy Cop-$? 00 per bottom Wash Boiler LvQ Reg. $1.60 No. 3 Galvaniz- $1 99 ed Wash Tub - W- St. JOHNS HARDWARE CO, THE WINCHESTER STORE Qatton Ranch Dairy Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farm The Dairy is under strict supervision of the City I IeiUh Department anil the Cows are tested for tuberculosis every six mouths. Phono Col. 321 for orders r 3in 1 Portland Made Heaters At Reduced Prices Mlaalon A Healer No. 21 fUD.OO Mission 1) " 21 32.2Ti Cheerful " " 21 Combination RO Cheerful " 21 Wood Only 27.00 Cheerful " " 21 Wood Only 28 00 Palace " " 20 Combination. 27.00 Beauty " ' 22 Wood Only 2(5 50 Ueauty " 20 Wood Only 2it.00 Opal " 20 Wood Only 22-00 Panama " 18 Wood Only 18 00 Also a Large Assortment of Used Heaters, Price Rang ing from $2.50 to $10 Sold another Globe Combination Range, (his time. D. BRASA1, 1169 E. 16th Street North H. F. CLARK THE FURNITURE MAN P. F. CLARK, Advertising Mgr. S Davis Barber Shop aud BATH KOOMK HALL A ftttu, Prpruun 108 Philadelphia St. Baths 35c NKKTI K S R OC15RS Kroah line of groceries and confectionery, ice cream und summer beverages. Take home n brick of ice crenni for Sunday dinner. Call Columbia 1051. Tho Fern, 203 N. Jersey street. 29-4 FOR FRIDAY AND Miununi of town. church. Col. 1025.