St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 05, 1921, Image 2

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A. V. Mnrkle lldltar
Publlnhed Friday of Each Week
404 N. Jersey St. Phone Col. 321
Subtorlptlan prlo SI .GO par year.
gUWI -TIIT'l I'l : i r--
TnR Rrvirw la entered at post office
la Portland, Oregon, as tnnil matter
of the second class under the Act of Con-
Ureas of March 3, 1879.
The municipal paving plant
was authorized to proceed with
tho navinp; of Kellocp: street
from the business district of St.
Johns to municipal terminal No.
4. followiner n conference yester
day between members of the
dock commission and the city
council in Mayor Baker's office.
Th street Is now nrncticallly Im
masablo for trucks, it is re
liorted. The paving plant will be
authorized to rush tho work to
facilitate freight movements to
and from the terminal. J he im
firovement will necessitate the
ay imr of 100,000 yards of as-
phaltic concrete pavement at a
cost of approximately s&i.uuu.
Tho dock commission hns
agreed to provide the fundi. The
county will take care of tho
grading of tho street. The dock
commission has airreed to reim
burBe tho city for $2800 expended
n flhnrt Lima norn in witienintr
Kellogg Btrcct to make it a main
traffic artery to tho terminal.
At a meeting of tho officers of
the Congregational church held
Monday evening it was decided
that from this on tho organiza
tion shall be known as the St.
Johns Community church, Con
grcgational. It is the purposo
of tho organization, in so far as
ia possible, to touch and serve
tho community lifo at every
point. While it will be impossible
to nut all of tho plans into opera
tion at onco, a program is being
Dronarcd that w ill put the work
on a very practical basis. There
will bo rcKiilar services btinuny.
Tho sormon thought in morning
w bo"C mbingUn nnd Uut."
In tho ovoning." Eating Husks."
A short song service will be
held at the beginning of the
evening service. While this is
not to bo jazz music, you will
find it full of pcp.Koportod.
Oregon and California are tied
for leadership in tmusairo or leg
station affecting the World War
veteran. Thin is shown by stn
Unties published in tho current
number ol tho American Legion
Woekly which shows that while
Oregon and Ualiiornia have each
passed eighteen such measures,
many states are lagging fur bo
hind nnd two. Alabama and
MiiBiBsippi. have passed none
at all. Washington ranks next
with sixteen such laws, making
a clean sweep for the Pacific
Wnlos. In this city, July
31st, at the residence, 1005 South
Syracuse street. Martha Mary
Wales, aged 95 years, U months
and 0 days, beloved mother of
Mrs. Adell Hrodnhlof Portland.
I). K.Martin of Houston, Texas;
I. H. Martin and Mrs, Alice
JJarton of Portland and one
adopted daughter, Mrs. Carrie
Ilrodahl of Portland. Funeral
services Tuesday. August 2nd.
at 2 p. m from the residence
establishment of K. T. Hymen,
991 Williams avenue at Manon.
Interment Hobo City cemetery.
Through the inability of tho
United States army nir service
to obtain gasoline for their air-
planes at Eugene and Moil ford
tho national forests or Oregon
must aro unimtrollcd in the mid
die of the lire season, (iiisulino
necessary to run the big planes
was requisitioned m June lor do
lirery Julylst, but m yet none
has reached the (lying ileitis
where tho ships oporate from.
Tho army appropriation bill was
passed prior to Juno iUiin, mil
money has not been available,
apparently thiough some error
in Washington.
I wish to express my sincere
thanks to the gentleman who
rescued my daughter from
drowning lust Sunday afternoon
near the St. Julinw terminal. -Mra.
Chas. Outright.
Lost Small brown leather
purse with rubber around it and
containing almost ifao. Mnder
please leave at 1250 Lombard
Subject for Christian Science
services Sunday: Spirit.
Mens and Boys' Suits.
For Rent. Three room house
and sleeping porch, $12.50 per
month; 033 Tioga street; cull
evenings after 5 p. m.
Sewing. Children's school
dresses made neatly and at rea
Bonable price. Mrs. Chns. Cut
right, 605 North Jersoy street.
Big reduction on tires ending
Saturday, tho 6th. Goodrich
tirca at cost. Fivo per cent, off
on all tires in stock; non-skid,
KOOO miln tninrnntt Uflv'U
sn.85. jack campbeii, 10-15 wiif-
lHiuB Hvonuc, near ntuoriu.
Don't send your printing out
of town.
Phone Columbia 81
E. Bergland
U8 N. Jersey Street
Lone Beaver Found Ha Had Taken the
Wordi of the Preacher Altogether
Too Literally.
As Lotto Heaver sat In the mission
house nnd listened to the words of the
nrencher, he had tin Inspiration. Only
by hard work hnd he been nble to live.
Ho worked tthout the Hudson's Hay
company's post In summer nnd spent
the winter In the snow-drifted forest
on his trnp lines.
"Verily I sny unto you," wild the
(trencher In his sermon, "ro to the
Lord In prnycr for what you wnnt, nnd
If you hnvn fnlth It will he given you,"
Lone Ilenvcr went to his tcepco nnd
fell on his knees. "0 Lord," ho prayed,
"bring inn n stick of flour, a side of
Itncon, one box of ten nnd one box of
He will I ed until lnte nftcrnoon In
vtiln. It occurred to him tltnt ns he
hnd never seen the Lord, he pcrhttps
lind naked too much of n stranger.
"0 !ord,' he prayed ngnln npologctl
cnlly, "bring mo only half of whnt I
nsked before."
.Still nothing happened. Supper tlmo
cm mo nnd Ime Ilenvcr wns hungry.
"0 Lord," lie cried desperately,
"bring tne n pinto of benns."
Thnt Rcemed II t tin enough to nsk,
but tint n licntt en in (i In answer. This
wns too much for Lone Heaver, mid
be voiced I ill lost faith In nngry words.
"0 Ionl," be snld, "you are Just the
snum ns (be Hudson's Hay company,
Hunt, Irnp, Msli or no cot." Chicago
Kvciilng Post.
Out Or. rell Arnott, nn Englishman,
Had the Germ of the Idea In the
Year 1821.
Hloven tiro 11 comparatively recent
Invention. True, stoves of somo sort
were UHcd by tho nnclents nnd even
by the MiviiKe tribes which preceded
their clvIII7.1t tldii, but the first real
modern "Improvement In the produc
tion nnd nneiicy of hunt," in ho called
It, wns minle by Dr. Nell Arnott nnd
fiiinuuuccil to 11 innrvelliijr ICnxInnd
Sov. I. 181! I. the Detroit News states.
I low much stoves were In need of
iiioileiiil.titlon In Ihosu tlitys In proven
by the fnct thnt when Hid (leriimn,
Dr. O. Wllllmii .Sicilies, In 1850, des
cribed bis llrst "smokeless" stoves,
not only the scientific world but nil
properly conducted households k reeled
him ns n ureal Inventor.
The next Mept forward wero mnde
by T. I'rhlKln TV11I0 In ISM nnd from
Hint day dales the stovo ns wo know It
Hut prloi to Tcnlu'n Inventions the
world wnn mnde ncuunlntcd by the
American, Hamilton, In 187-1, with
Ostein of compressed Kntss, straw nnd
other materials In such tt manner that
they could bo burnt without produc
Ini,' massei of sufTocntlni; smoke. Ilam
IIIoii'm Invention wns dedicated to
localities where wood wns scarce.
never bad much voj;ue, but presumably
wits deeply appreciated by tho peoplo
whom ho had In mind In devlsliiK Ids
Favored by Nature,
Sacramento hns tho distinction of
being the world' greatest dUtrlb
iillng center for deciduous fruit, nnd
hits the largest almond plant nnd tho
greatest fruit and vegetable cannery
nn the I'nclllc slope. The pear or-
iliitrds of the Kiicriiineto delta pro
dutv tho greatest crops In the world
Hie fruit being llrst to reach tho tnitr-
kt-tii each your, Tho delta district
which uifien Is compared with tliu
famed valley of tho Nile, also yields
IIiiiumiiiiN of tons of asparagus each
year, us well its great quantities of
other vegetables, while It Is known
throughout the nation for the variety
it hi I quality of Its vegetable seed.
I.ttuds bordering the streams of thu
valley produce most of the nation's
bops, The eastern edge Is prollllc In
he production of grapes and straw
berries, while the recently developed
rice acreage has placed California tc-
ond only to l.uuUltiuu ns n producer
if this cereal.
Safety In Mid. Air,
A foreign Investigator has mnde
special Nttidy of thu possibilities of
lightning sjroko In midair nnd as
i-wiii I of observation of nearly ono
hundred Hlghls, In which the ttlmhlpe
experienced hoinu adventures with
MoiuiH, he has count to the following
conclusions; There Is no danger to
be looked for If tho machine la not In
Hie direct lino of discharge, itntl If It
does so happen there Is little danger
of tire resulting front the nature of
and dlhtrlbutlou of the conducting
metal portion, In IK) cases where the
uiHchtueH were struck directly, the
writer maintains that there were no
evil effects anil In all cases whero 111 a
chines fell during 11 storm thero was
110 evidence of scorching of parts or
melting of metal.
Qem Was Natural Thermometer.
It was a wonderful sapphire, so
It Is said, that led the celebrated Doc
tor Sorby to (ho discovery of tho ua
turo of the liquid sometimes found
Inclosed In the cavities of crystals.
I'he gem In question contained it tube-
shaped cavity n quarter of tin Inch
long and nn eighteenth of an Inch In
diameter, which wns so regular lu
Its bore that It served, by means of
the liquid partially tilling It, for a
thermometer, The contained liquid
liHlMUIcd the bore nt W degrees Kuh
reuhelt, and completely 11110(41 at SO
degrees. A study of the rate of ex
pansion of the liquid led to tho con
clusion Hint It must bo carbonic acid.
Dr. Herbert F. Jones
311 North Jersey Street
Duy Phone
Night Phone
Columbia COO
Columbia 97
Natives Invariably "Make Charms"
Defore They 8et Out on a
Hunting Expedition.
Nearly everything a Congo native
does Is done at the dictation of super
stition.. Witch doctors nnd their
stntngc nnd somewhnt horrible "medi
cine" nre In itemnntl for nil sorts of
curious uiiiiRS. 'incir cnnniis nre
"worked" for everything from curing
sickness to bringing bad fortune upon
nn enemy. There mny be n demand
that a curso be removed from n whole
town, or perhaps n curso Is to be laid
upon n single enemy.
Ono of the least unpleasant and
most Innocent of charms Is thnt which
Is "worked" to Invoke good lurk In
hunting. It has n certain plctim'soue
quality that Is cngnglng.
Tho Lower Congo Is not n sports
man's paradise, says a writer. Onme
Is not nlwnys to be cnsUy found.
Therefore, when n hunter whose prow
ess Is admired nnd envied Is nhout to
die n curious thing hnppens. Just
before ho ciplres u few thrends nre
drnwn from his loin cloth. These
thrends art tied nhout tho nrms of a
young man. This young man then has
n specific duty In life nnd certnln very
deflnlto obllgntlons.
Ho superintends tho burlnl of the
mlL'htr hunter. Then, whenever the
hunters of his neighborhood are nhout
to set out the young tnnn goes with
them to tho mighty hunter's grave.
llo kneels with his fnco townrd thu
hunters nnd his back to tho grave. Thu
hunters nppronch on hands nnd knees
until cliwe, then they dance about the
young man nnd the grave to the rub-a-
dub of 11 "charmed" drum. Palm wine
Is poured over the grave, while ench
hunter drinks to tho depnrted.
A hit of the mud formed of the wlno
and the earth on tho grave Is rubbed
on tho forehead, tho nrms nnd the In
steps of ench hunter. This Is sup
posed to give the hunters kvenuess,
surcuess of aim nnd swiftness In tho
At Inst the charm Is completed. Thu
hunters slug n song In prulsu of the
mighty departed. Then off tliey ro,
nsstired they will have success In the
Female Tlnamou flecoanUes No Ob
ligation of Loyalty to Either
Her Mate or Offspring.
lYuilnliio freedom goes u long wny
In the case of spiders (whero the
bride devours tho bridegroom), but lu
spite of her hasty temper thu female
spider Is n devoted mother.
Tho bnnner of "women's freedom"
Is carried much farther by the tin-
anion, u .South American bird.
Klio Is it tickle wife mid 11 collrmed
chllil deserter. Two female tlmimous
will light for tho claw of 11 blushing
initio bird, who accents tho winner
without imy voice In tho matter.
Ah soon us she has laid n itestful of
eggs, oft slto imm nnil fights nuothvr
female for nytlher husband.
Then sho resorts her second litis.
band, leaving I1I111 nothing hut lender
memories and inoro eggs. In time sho
nmiisses n kind of disconnected liarein
of hindinnds.
The husbands have till thu tender
utialltles thu wife lacks. They hatch
tho eggs, guard the chicks, nnd "moth
er" them.
"The Well of Monteiuma."
Among thu niitiiy natural curiosities
of Arizona, one that Is not often vis
ited by tourists, Is thu singular bowl-
shaped depression In Yavapai county,
called "Tho Well of Montezuma." It
Is nearly circular, und between BOO
nnil IWK) feet In diameter nt tho brim,
It lies In thu midst of n nearly-level
area. Thu sides are vertical to n
depth of HO or 40 feet. Ilelow Hint
they merge Into n sloping shape, which
extends down to tt circular pool of
water, alleged by popular tradition,
ns nru so tunny other not very deep
areas of water, to be bottomless.
This remarkable formation has usu
ally been described ns n "pit crnter"
of volcanic origin, the result of the
falling of the roof of n cavern, formed
In tho limestone strata by running
wnter. Tho water of tho pool, It Is
snld, Hows out through n subterra
nean channel Into tho valley of Hen
ver creek,
Town's Natural Advantages.
Tito little river Arrow no bigger
than 11 good sized brook runs past the
outskirts of thu town of Heddltch, Kug
hind, on Its way to Join ihukcs.nro'i
Avon near lltdford, n few tulles ttbove
Htratfonlon-Avon. Along tho bed of
the Arrow you can Und smooth peb
hies of n peculiarly hard crystalline
nature: they ure Known locally ns
"emery stones," nnd were InvHlunble
for polishing needles not only when
simple Imttdpromsca wero lit vogue.
hut nlso for 11 considerable time Inter,
Thu makers gave a few pence to cttll
dreit for picking n dozen or two out
of Hie shallows of the brook. Titus
Heddltch could polish Its needles more
cheaply than those towns which had
to pay carriage for emery stoues, und
upon this tiny detail hinges thu de
velopment of nn Important Hrltlsh lit
dustry, Christian Science Monitor.
Hopeful Outlook.
'Well," snld the Judge, "what's your
argument this time? Aren't you evet
going to get over the habit of beat
lug your wife?"
"Yes, Judge, I'm begluulng to bnve
hopes. She don't look ns though site
could pull through many more of
St. Johns Fair Store
njhest Quality and Lowest Prices
Toys a Specialty
207 N. Jersey St. Phone Col.839
Sea Monsters' Duel to the, Death Wit
nested by Fishermen Off South
Carolina Coast
A combat between sharks Is n rnro
sight, but a battle to the finish wits
witnessed In tho sea off tho South
Carolina const by some fishermen. A
commotion In the water first attract
ed attention to the spot. Tho two
monster fish wero attacking each oth
er with tho utmost fury; and as tho
strugglo took place nt the surfneo of
tho water, tho anglers hnd an excel
lent view of It. The sharks fought,
not with their teeth, but with their
long, powerful tails. They dashed fu
riously nt ench other, darting this wny
and thnt, ench Inshlng nt the other
with his tall. At no tlmo did the spec
tators sec blood In the water, but the
blows that wero struck wero evidently
hard enough to do fatal damage, for
nftcr n while ono of the combntants
began to show signs of distress. It
gradually weakened nnd presently
turned sideways on the surface nnd
then over on Its back, In which po
sition It llontcd, apparently dead.
Tho men In the boat were nhout to
attach n rope to tho carcass when
suddenly thero wns a mighty swirl
In the wnter, nnd the other sbnrk
ennte swiftly to the surface, seized
the defeated foo In his Jaws and
carried him down out of sight.
Honest Criticism by Friends Would
Wreck Relations Almost Every
One Has "Paste Jewels."
It Is ImpoMfdhlo to tell the whole
truth to nn nverngu human being nnd
Kill remain on terms of friendship
with him. There Is little friendship
without make-believe. If twit men nro
close friends, you mny Inke tt that
they have been pretending to n con
siderably higher estimate of ench other
than they would set down In n perfect
honest diary.
It Is not necessary thnt they should
deliberately llo to another, but they
must discreetly conceal 11 curtain
amount of criticism that Is going on
all tho time behind the bones of their
What Is said In n spirit of truth Is
sot down to ninllce. Can n man ho
your friend If ho steals thu crown
from your bend? Can ho be your
friend even If ho steals n single Jewel
from your crown especially tho paste
Jewel? We hnvu nil thu greatest und
the niennest of us paste Jewels In our
crowns. Will tt true friend point them
out to n world that Is already over
much Inclined to scorn Or will ho not
rather organize n claque that will
ptetemlMo be dazzled by diamonds?
Mnn Is not only 11 realist, llo Is nlso
11 lover or romance. 110 nrenms 01
what he would be quite its often ns
he deplores whnt ho Is. Ho ennnot
help being nttracted by people who
make his drenm nppour true. There
nru souin men who tire sncli miniko
egotists Hint they enn bellevo In the
truth of their dreams without nny
nsslstnnce from other people. Sotithey
agreed Hint his "Mitdoc" was "tho
best Hngilsli poem slnro Tnrndlso
list." There was no need to tell
him so; ho knew It nlready. Now
Ktntosmnn, London.
Some Real Bargains
Nine Itcittitiful vacant lots between tit
car line ami the new Illelt school site
Price from f 350 to $f00 each 011 very easy
Seven room home. 1 bed rootni. Iwtl
toilet, lights nn I basement, fruit trees
nice lawn, lot nuxioo, sidewalk anil ew
cr all (Mill; price f235), terms; can nc
cept small car up to f 000 nn 1 cash
enough to itiiike $1350 and balance of
$1000 ut fiO a mouth, which includes
1'our room hou&e with Urge attic
bitth, toilet, lights and full cement b.ue
itieiit. (rout anil hack tiorclits. 3 full loti
with tine orchard, concrete walks nnd
macadam street, i block from car line
ami two mocks trout tcltooi. Price $3UOU:
terms $1000 cash, balance $20 Per mouth
sun interest,.
.... -
A drtiulv 0 room modern house. 3
Peilrooins, all on ground lloor. A tin
place lu a g'vtd location. Price for quick
sine fiK'tHj, jiwu win itamuc litis,
S. C. COOK, Realtor,
402 N. Jersey St.
Hub it Hack of the Ears and
Insert in Nostrils. Proof of suc
t4 lll b clitn bf the drtunrUU
l'or S-tle iu St. Jolius by
70-5tli Ave. N. Y, City
Real Estate Broker
Opportunity is now Knocking nt
your door. Buy your home now.
Piices are low. 1925 is fast ap
proaching when values will double.
You need some of this increased
Call at our office and select yours
now. -
Phone Columbia 1285
301 N. Jersey St
The Feldstein Furniture Co.
Extends to you and your friends a special
invitation to visit their store -and inspect
stock and get prices. We are now prepared
to supply your needs. Let us help you in
furnishing your home. You may want some
Period furniture, "Queen Anne" or "William
and Mary" in walnut and mahogany. We
can suit the most particular. We have ac
cess to the best sample rooms in the city.
Rugs of all kinds and descriptions can be
furnished. i
The manager of this store is an experi
enced interior decorator and will always be
pleased to assist and plan your decorations.
We handle stoves, ranges, gas stoves, gas
plates, aluminum and granite ware, dishes.
We can furnish the kitchen, breakfast nook,
dining room, living room, bed room.
In conclusion let us state that we have
at this time established a permanent busi
ness in St. Johns and thank you kindly for
your patronage of the past, and invite you
all to come again. Cordially,
No. It GG99.
Iu the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Or.
egou for Multtioninli county.
Thouins H. Nicholson, rinlutiff, vs.
Mittiil Nicholson, Dcfcnilnnt.
To Mttutlc Nicholson, the nbove nam.
eil Dcfcnilnnt.
Iu the inline of the Stnte of Oregon,
you nre hereby rctiulrcil to nppcnr ami
atmver the Complaint filed against you
In the nbove entitled Court ami Suit, on
or before the 12th tlity of September,
1021, wlil date being niter the expiration
ot six weeks from the SQtU day of July,
the date of the first publication of this
Siimuious, mill if you fall to answer, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for u decree dissolving the
marriage contract now and heretofore
existing between the plaintiff and tic
feiulaut, mid for such other nnd further
relief ns lie may he entitled to, nsked for
iu pbtiutifl's Complaint on file herein.
litis Summons Is published by order
of the Hon. Geo. Taiwcll, Judge of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Multnomah County, said order havltijff
iR-ctt made aim entered on tlte uu day
01 July, Wil, 11. C. I.liWia,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Office 3IOBoardof Trade bldg., rortlaud.
Residence Addrew.lCU Willamette bvd,
Portland, Oregon.
Date of first publication July SO, 1921
last publication Sept. 9, 1921.
Authorized Ford Service Sta
tion. Loniplete line ot i'orcl
parts in stock.
1 ires, tubes nnd accessories.
Crank cases drained and
flushed out and refilled with
fresh supply of motor oil free
ot labor charge.
Welding, Brazing and Ra
diators Repaired.
Woolley Bros.
Phono Columbia 590,
216 North Jersey St.
Dr. L. F. Pickens,
Office hours 8 to 12 a. ni. 1 to 6. p. m.
Iweuings 7 to 9.
eniusula Rank lMdg.
Office Phone Columbia 1183
Real Estate
Established Since 1905
MVmber National A&a'n of Realty Boards
Member Interstate Realty Association.
Member Portland Realty Board.
List your property with us; we make
sales. S, C. COOK, Realtor.
402 N. Jersey Street,
Feldstein Furniture Co.
206-208 W. Philadelphia Street
Phone Columbia 821
Dr. W. J. Gilstrap
Physician j& Surgeon
Glasses Accurately Fitted
X ray Laboratory
Peninsula Security Co, Dldg.
St. Johns.
Poff & 0'Neil
Sand and Gravel
Dally Trips to Portland
Phone Col. 308 206 N. JERSEY ST
Contract Painter
S07 East Allegheny St.
Phone Columbia 1242
402 N. Jarssy Street
Abstracts of Title Prepared
Titles Rxatulned
Phone Columbia 256
Member Duilder KxchanKe
W. P. Greene & Son
Contractors & Builders
Portland, Ore. Phone Col, 1025
Dr. L. J. Keliher
Room 4 Peninsula Bank Building
Telephone Columbia 793
Page's Barber Shop
205 N. Jersey Street
The union shop that stands for prompt
and efficient service. Hair cutting
a specialty. A portion of public
patronage will be appreciated.
Will give you a Lease and Option
on new 4 room bungalow. All
rent paid above interest and taxes
will apply ou purchase price.
W. P. Greene & Son
525 E. Buchanan Street
Phone Col 1025
St Johns Transfer fi Storage
Successor to
Careful and experienced furniture
'Feed and Fuel
Col 82 109 E. Burlington St.
fl& Laurel Lodge, 1. 0. 0. F.
No. IOO. SI. John.. Onosn
Meet each Monday evening in Odd Pel.
Iowa hall at 7:3a, A cordial welcome to
all visitltiK brothers.
IB. F.. Corminy, N O. 7honiit Thompson, V.O.
C.C. Otsy, Krc.titc. Jot KoUit.
ii. !. turn, i re ...
St. Johns Gamp No, 7546
Modern Woodmen of America.
We heartily solicit tlte attendance of
our members nt our regular meetings
every 2d and 4tli Thursday evening.
O. W. Muhui, C. ll Hatcbltt,
consul. Clerk.
Phone Columbia 9G2 Col. 1456.
Meets every I'rlday night at
7:30 o'clock In BICKNKR
Hall. Visitors always we.
H. n. ARNOLD, C. C.
Woodmen ol tha World
St. Johns Camp 773
Meet every Thursday evening iu
I, O. O. V. Hall, I.ctwitt and Jersey
streets. Visitors always welcome.
W. A. Trout, C. C.j K. C. CUrk, Clerk.
A. r. and A. M.
Meets the first and third
Weduesdavof each month
in Masonic mil. visi
tors welcome.
John M. Dlalr. W. M.
A. W. Davis, Secretary.
Hi. 43 n, A. II.
Stated meetings on the first
Monday of each month in Ma.
sonic Hall. Visitors Ktlcoau.
W. A. CARROLL, K. II. r.
0, 11. LUltON, Sccrcury.
TL f i i n ...
MIR KHTRrnfl HfinSTflrS
Meets every Wednesday evenlue
in the
Join and Help Boost
J. G. Chambers Mrs. H. R. Iwry
Funeral Directors
243-250 Killingsworth Avenue
Telephones: Woodlawn &06 C 1183
Mr. Chambers Is the onlv G. A. R.
undertaker In the city of Portland.
Personal attention and sunervlilon
given to arrangements.
418 Ntrtk itrttj Street
Furniture Making and Job Work
a Specialty. Refinlshing and Re
pairing neatly done.
Phono Columbia 977
tkctnul tlRetrs im Cefttmters
General Repair Work
109 S. Jersey Street. PortUnd. Oregon
Patroniie the home merchant, i