ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 17 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1921. NUMBER 3G The New St. Johns Park In the acquisition of the St. Johns tract for a park site, l'ortlnndcrs have a park which promises a va riety of interests, possible because of the Size and natural advantages of tiie pi ice. More than sixty acres comprise the park-in-thc-uiaklng, which will benefit the St. Johns community and will have sufficient attraction to briug visitors from all parts of the city. Commissioner Pier has included the park, in his outline of a boulevard system, thus putting it in a list of important places to be visited. The land ha? great variety in topography, includ ing rolling ground, a high knoll and a deep ravine with elevations rang ing from forty-five feet in the ra vine to lo.s feet at the top of the knoll. The greater part of the park area is in rolling country, best I adapted for park uses for picnic grounds, playflelds and walks and. scenic drives recently announced in the park plan of development, a wide drive is contemplated, passing through the most interesting parts of the park and opening up every section of the plot to the greatest use. The contemplated location for the south entrance to this drive is at Meyers street. Pedestrian entrances arc arranged for Seneca street and Bruce, Weycrhauscr, Reno and St. Johns avenues. Entrances at the northwest corner will be both vehi cle and pedestrian, giving the in dustrial section of the city adequate access to the park property. Play ground and athletic activities will receive a big share of attention in the general scheme. For baseball enthusiasts .two ball fields are dc signed John V. Peters, engineer for the bureau of parks, has already surveyed the laud for regulation fields with diamonds built in the ap proved direction for good play. A small building for dressing and .storage will be located conveniently near both fields. These fields are The New Village Store The village store lrn changed a pile I Or so It seems to me, It's (IllTcreiit In stock and style l'rotn what it used to be; Tlic cracker barrel's vanished now, The prunes have irone from slcht, There's nothing left around, I vow, There's no place for us to sit I That used to haunt that store, Our wisdom and our native wit I Aren't heard there any morel , The place Is nil so spick and span i And citified and smart It's simply broken up the clan ' And cracked each loafer's heart. I know its making money fast . Since Its dimmed its wavsi It never made much lu the past-- mil uiosc were nooa om days) It Was the mcctluK place, the hub, In that glad time of yore; It was the forum aud the club And now It's Just a storcl Advertising World. paths bf easy Krnde. The more cner getic, ambitious visitors will find a 'staked in the northwesterly comer vent for their energies in several of the site and the lower lias been hillside trails. I fitted to a natural stadium forma- Natural beauty of fine evergreens ' tiou of the ground. Tennis will be is one of the features of the new provided, probably in the south- site. The laud has a generous man-, westerly corner of the park, where tic of Douglas firs, some splendid playground activities arc to be grouped. The preliminary plan culls for four regulation courts which would permit tournament nluv as well ms every day contests. A field house is an important structure which will accommodate tennis players and youngsters from the playground and will serve as a gen cral headquarters for the park ac tivitles. The playground arena wilt be di vided so that the little 'children wil have n protected play area for their sand courts and wading, pools, al have numerous entrances, so that lowing the older boys greater free incense cedars and dogwoods, ma ple aud other native growth. In choosing a site for this district of the city, the natural bcuutie.4 of the place were one of the deciding fac tors. Prom the high point attractive vistas may be had across the river lowlands to the mountains, Snow capped peaks and blue mountains add greatly to the scene. This high ground is to be developed to the greatest advantage of this pan orama of river bottom and distant mouuUlus. The St. Johns site will the communications to the south and west will be adequately cared for and in addition motor entrances for boulevard traffic will be provided. As part of the general scheme of dom in the open phiyfiehls, Walks and the drive will lead to a small lake which lias been designed for the ravine in the northerly portion of the park. A woodland lake, with the Sewing Shop IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o "V Is now located at 506 N. Jersey Sireet o Opposite Fletcher's Plumbing Shop O Anything In the soyvlng line neatly and prompt ly done Ready made House and Street Dresses from $3 to $6. IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Take along . plenty of film We have Kodak film in the complete assort ment, autographic and nonrautographic and all of it is ready for results. One feiture of our Kodak depart ment i that through helpful criticiiin snd friendly advice we help you make good pictures better. Come to our itorc and learn about service from us. CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS IMUXITONE A splendid Iron Tonic and Body Builder $1.00 MENTHOLATUM 23c, 45c and 85c ' Bromo Quinine. ...... .25c Bromo Seltzer. .25c, 50c, $1 Pebeco 39c Pepsodent 45c Kolynos 25c Emetine Tooth Paste. .50c We have a complete assort ment of NEW BATHING CAPS. Come In and look them over. J Currin's For Drugs wooded banks, in keeping with the surroundings would he an Interest ing feature, especially if boating is is to be permitted, which nicut is being considered by C. I Kayser, .superintendent of parks. The lake would furnish plenty of pastime for plcniccrs. A hoathotisc with refectory is planned. At the top of the knoll the design calls for a pavilion wuerc visitors might stop to rest and enjoy the view of the mountains. The woods will be reached by winding lakes nnd will be kept in their present natural beauty, sufficient clearing nway of brush and stumps having already made the groves ideal for picnic parlies. Hy Florence Holmes of litweaii of Turks, in the Telegram, Six Chinese river pirates were slain near Canton by six California university students. The brigands were taking jewely from two lady teachers touring the Orient when the attack was made. The hot wave is broken in many eastern states. Cooler weather is predicted from now on. Chautauqua Opens Sunday St. Johns annual seven day Chautauqua opens ucxt Sunday night in the big brown tent which will be erected on the Central school grounds. The opening hours have been set for 2:30 p. m. and 8:00 p. in. No morning session except the play ground work ot the Junior Chautauqua, which will be held from 9:30 to 11:30 each day, except the opening day, under the direction of Miss Eva Dell Kuapp, juuior supervisor. Mr. J. L. White of Spokane, brother of'the White in the Hllison-White firm, is to be our director tins uuautauqua scasoti and is already here assisting in every way possible with the prelim inary work. He has been director for six consecutive summers ou the Kllisou-Whitc six-day circuit, while it is his first year on the big premier seven-day circuit of about 140 towns. Mr. White's first town this season was Galveston, Texas, in early April, the circuit moving northward through Texas, Ari zona, lalilornta, Nevada, utnli and Idaho, with Oregon, Washington aud Montana dates still to be filled, the circuit closing the latter part of August. Mr. White assures us of a great program for the seven days and the cooperation the local people arc giving makes him optimistic! over the success of the Chautauqua' u every respect. Hie opening pro gram will be given by Durucll Ford, the famous electrical wizard, mid n real treat is promised for that night. Messrs. .Oazlcy aud Rogers of the Acme Lumber Co.; McGuire of the Peninsula Lumber Co : Kenney of the Western Cooperage, and J. D. Webster of Portsmouth were attendants at a slated com munication of Peninsula chapter K. A. M. Saturday evening. Clatsop Crest on Columbia Highway has been donated as n1 park. I A birthday surprise parly was given in honor of Mrs. Mary Carr at the home of her daughter, Mrs, A. A. Amreiu, G23 East Chailestou street, the evening of July 5th. The guests presented her with a silk um brella. An abundance of good things to eat was lu evidence, It was a I complete surprise to Mrs. Carr. The j event was enjoyed by all, Those I present: Mrs. Gaines, Mr. and Mrs, Lee Cormany, Mr. aud Mrs. , Frank Tarrant. Mrs. Clark, Mrs. ( Brice, Mrs. Garvin, Mrs. Susie , Rodgcrs, Mrs. Isabclle Davis, Mrs. Agues L,ciauu, Mrs. Alta Spade man, Mrs. Yonkcr, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Cheney, Mrs. Fairchilds, Mrs. Mollic Dartoti, Mrs. Hcdlaud, Mr. and Mrs. George Harry, Mrs. Notay Klum, Mrs. Maggie Phill ipps, Mrs. McGregor, Mrs. llcck man, Miss Margaret Kerr, Miss Kale Quay, Mrs, Ellen Cunning ham, Mr. aud Mrs. LeRoy Crouch ley, Mr. aud Mrs. A. A. Amrcin, Master Lester Uurton, Master Le Roy Crouchlcy, Master Deck man, Master Robert Amreiu, Miss Hloise Fairchilds, Miss Hollie Amrcin. Ou June 2Gth at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Edmoiidsou, Miss Ruth Edmoudsou was united in marriage to Mr. John II. Hrtitis of Sisters, Oregon. The immediate family aud a few friends witnessed the ceremony. The young people will make their home on a farm near Sisters, in DcsChtitcs county, where Mr. Hruus has been locuted ptcviously. Rev. Gates of the Evangelical church read the wedding service. One hundred thousand dollars will be spent' by the Methodist churches of Portland in the erection of a new home for the Portland Settlement Center, 209 Cartithcrs street. i lie l.lttlc Alouarcli sawmill in North Portland was destroyed by lire Saturday niglit. L,oss, $150,000; partially insured. o4 KEEP COOL, - PANAMA HATS - $1.50 I offer you a Real Saving in Moil's High Grade Cotton Rib, Fancy Mottled Color Summer Weight UNION SUITS R'"u,flrB0V ' $1.75 Men's Chilly Athletic Underwear. 95c Men's Knit Cotton 1 UNION SUITS - $1.25 Men's Two-Piece Underwear Short Sleeves, Ankle Length SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Union Made, "Green Hood," "Standard" Garment - 65c Per Suit - $1.25 clWwor i' Dress Shirts - $1.50 up hosiery Mc"- S"k - ",cd - soc Suspender Special Like you used to buy for $100 Regular 75 c and $1.00 Value, to CQC - Z - - close out the lot, per pair - w HDPQQ rYpo5 Cr' OS Men's Fine Dress 7 PRESS CAPS " $L25 SHOES - $4.95 Men's Work SHOES---$2.95, $3.45, $3.85 pf KA KH-KHAKI jTj E 1 TT jj p C Hiking Pants - $2.95 ll C l I I L 5 " Coats - $2.50 UD of every description 1 25c, 35cr 50cf 65c, $1.00, $1.50 G f" P7 O Ross of the Koad Union Made L V LL O AlFDAI I C ( i act Good Stuff at the Right Price Here V V LIlAlLI-O "4 i .UJ t GOOD STUM AT Til II lilGUT I'KIGH Ft O Gi E R $5 , , THE RAINCOAT MAN B3nk of Commace Building ST. JOHNS OcenEwiiziK About one-third of capacity of Wool Warehouse Co.'s new storage house at St. Johns already is filled with 1,000,000 pounds of wool, for warded by flockmasters of Oregon, Washington aud Idaho. Additional clips are coming in at the rate of about three carloads daily, says "A. H. Lea, the general man ager. Sorting and grading of wool has commenced and as soon as the machinery for scouring is installed, j which will be next month, activi ! itics will begin in that department. I The Western Wool Warehouse 'company's warehouse is licensed and bonded under the United States warehouse act aud its negotiable re ceipts arc deemed acceptable col lateral by banks generally. As announced in last issue of tltc Review Grand High Priest Hllyctt constituted Peninsula Chapter, Roy al Arch Masons and installed the following officers: W. A. Carroll, most excellent high priest; Ray II. WnlU, king; J. S. Kenny, scribe; J. D. Webster, captain of the host; If. S. Leftwicli, royal arch captain; T. J. Karp, master third vail; II. G. Gazley, master second vail; R. A. McMahon, master first vail; Geo. II. Lemon, secrctarv: W. M. liver. sentinel. Carl G. Tinton acted as deputy grand high priest. Visitors were wesent from ncit-'lihorini? chapters; refreshments were served ami a pleasant evening is reported. The Pacific licet, cniudsltmr of !(V7 vessels, will he reviewed in battle formation in San hrancisco harbor about the first of September by Secretary of the Navy Denby. Road work in nine counties is planned. A total of 72.8 miles of improvement will be considered at it meeting to be held in Portland, July 28th. Columbia Harbor is the best ou the Coast. The United States en gineer's office reports .ja feet of water at the mouth of the river. KNIT NKKTIKS-ROOKRS ImulSakI Thursday ami I'rhlny, July 14 nml IG Cnsmopolltnn Productions lironcitH 'THE PASSIONATE PILGRIM' from the book by Snuiucl Mcrwin. Saturday, July 16th TOM MOORE hi "LORD AND LADY ALOY." Sunday, July 17th J. WARREN KERRIGAN l Tim op whispkks." Monday nnd Tuesday, July 18 and 111 CHARLES RAY In "TH1 OLD SWIMMING HOMt." nlso 'Than, torn Poc" No. 7. Wednesday, July SMtli GERALDINE FARRAR In "Tint WORLD AND ITS WOMAN." Thursday and Pridiiy, July 21 nnd 2g BLACK BEAUTY A super special from the Itoolc. You've tend It see it, Was shown over town nt GO cents. Saturday, July 23d lUSTINE JOHNSON in PLAY THINGS OP IIROADWAY." AMERICAN SHOE SHOP Edw. Connant, Prop. 110 S. Jersey St. All (lint (he name implies, AMERICAN Look these over. Some body is passing up n good thing. 1488, 1 .137, 1307, 1355, 1179, 1333, 1767, 2512, 1777 All nbovc nre Winners MILL REMNANTS ODD PIECES LEFT OVER l From Spring and Winter Season I High Grade Woolens 2 2 2 2 2 2 SUITABLE FOR Coatings, Suitings AND Ladies' Dress Goods Bing Cherries 4c Per Pound Delivered Any place in St. Johns. Leave Orders Now. Portland Delivery 5c. Phsne Office Col. 824 Residence 'Cel. 377 Gasser's Express Office 22 N. Jnsty Street RetMeace S21S. Jersey Street I St. Johns Undertaking Co. . Thomas Gricc, Aanager Otfice, Col. 527-PHONES-NUJht, Col. 299 208 N. Jersey St. FREE USE OF CHAPEL AUTOAIOBILE HEARSE Night or Day Calls Promptly Answered LOW RUNT enables us to give our customers the benefit of Very t,ow Prices. Not a Branch office of any Portland Undertaking Co. We guarantee lower prices than you can get in the city Insure with us and Insure your safety :: PENINSULA SECURITY CO. : "Everything In Insurance" t 108 South Jersey St Phone Columbia 161 ( "Say 4t tuiti blowers' Ivxtra Pine Geraniums in full bloom, Hacli 25c Iarge Pansy Plants iu Dlooin Special per dozen 25c Nice Perns for your House.. 50c Up 2 2 2 2 2 2, $3eckett' s &reeniotises 814 and 816 North Kellogg Street Phone Col. 401 LEWIS CALDWELL LEADING BARBER The jilace where k1 rvlce ami courteous treatment prevail. Clfildrcu'it hair cutting receive special attention. 109 BURLINGTON STREET DEARING'S For Fine Chocelates Ice CrSam, Tobacco and Cigars 311 South Jersey Street Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office 107 N. Jersey Street Phone Col. 887 Residence Col. 393 ALSO A LARGE VARIETY OF ROBES and BLANKETS More or less damaged In manufacture To be sold at Great Reductions ? Remnant Counter open 8 A. tVI. to 5 P. IYI. Sat- 7 WlUiiya O Me ITIe IU re 1(1. Portland Woolen Mills ST. JOHNS. OREGON Co Go OJ Go 0- Cjo Oj Os Cjo Go 5vs Co Cjo C?o C?o C5o i I I I I Who is Banking Your Money? If you spend all you earn some other fellow is banking your money. That is as sure as death and taxes, and twenty or fourty years hence when you are old some other fellow will' 'bo living on the income from your money. It's a sure thing YOU won't be living on it. What Will YOU Be Living On? Answer this question NOW for yourself and commence banking your own money. THE BANK OF COMMERCE The Bank For Savings