St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 08, 1921, Image 3

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Trunks.Suit Cases. Sulkies
' i s
. f
At Ormantly Bros. Big Furniture Store
, Trunks, good durable Trunks lu all the most useful t
sizes for Summer Travel or Home Use
Priced fgom $&75 to $24.00
Suit Cases, Serviceable Suit Cases, made of Fiber,
Leatherette or Genuine Leather, the Price rauges from
$2.40 to $13.50
Sidewalk Sulkios at Reduced Prices, to
Close Out the odd numbers which are left
$33 50 Sulkies for Only . $24.50
28.50 " " " 21.50
19.25 " ' " 15.25
Grass Rugs for the Tent Floor, Priced Very Low
Gx9 Grass Rurs $4.25
8x10 " " 5.75
9x12 " " 6.75
OAmandu Baos
-The Steady Return
The Cash Grabatcria Grocery was the first on the field
to establish a store that eliminated all the red tape of soliciting
orders at your back door, employment of n bookkeeper to fig
ure your account, cut out the any-timc-itMhi-day-dclivcry and
a collector to chase after you to get you to pay your bill.
The innovation took from the start and the steady return
of the customers tells the stoiy of our ability to carry a splcn
'dldly assorted stock of all the good things for the table. You
can sense the prosperity of the store the minute you step in
to it.
It has come because we have given the public what they
want at the prices they want, deliver at a regular hour and
deal with you as we would be dealt wjtli were we the cus
tomer and you the store owner.
The Grabateria Cash Grocery
Phone Columbia 102
Dr. V. P. Schultre, Res. Col. 1131 Dr. D. S. Swart, Res. Col 283
Office Col. 379 - Office Col. 379
Drs. Schultzc & Swart
1-6 Bonhara & Currier Rldg.
j Portland Manufacturing Co.
i Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex
celsior-Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock,
and all kinds of Veneer
St. Johns Lumber Co,
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot-ofBurlington St,
St. Johns Hit Works and
Shoe Ckaiim Parlor
Lrita ui Mi Nih Ikiui ui Bttettd
limat aMum in tho Oity
104 N, Jersey Street St. Johns
The proposed excursion of gov
ernors to Alaska has been cauccled.
The' reasoa given was that not
enough goveraor have agreed to
go on the trip,
Suits Pressed 50c
Best work in the city.
No Charge for Calling for and
Phone Columbia 1289
Wanted. Experienced man
wishes position as night watchman;
best of references furnished. Will
work a short time free for reference,.
Call 817 N. Ionard street.
Bathing Caps Special
60c to $1.00, at - 50c
35c to 50c, at - 25c
r . . a.
5 i ne rrescripiion oiore
Don't send your printing out
of town.
Miss Lillian Thornton has re
turned from u brief visit in Salem.
I. C. Brooks ol Pendleton greeted
old time frieuds here the past week.
Harry Groeshens of Astoria has
been lured to this citv by magnetic
The fruit growers of six states
will meet in Portland, July 11th,
12th and 13th.
Attend the entertainment at the
Y, W. C. A. building next Wed
uesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. fate have returned
home, after he'uriug the mighty
ocean roar at Cannon Beach.
Saturday last a delightful picnic
was held at Columbia Park, under
ol Minerva Chapter,
O. 15. S.
W. U. Pinkcrtou of Trenton,
Tennessee, is visiting M. J. Gray
uud family, 721 North Syracuse
A statement from President Hard
ing snys the proposed roldicrs bo
nus legislation is expected soon by
the senate.
Mr nud Mrs. Edward Conuaut
motoied to Seaside Saturday and
spent the glorious I-'onrth amid the
ocean breezes,
Mr. and Mrs. I H. von Grocn-
wald of Hawthorne avenue were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
I). Iv. Vernon.
Marital Koch sent Fourth of July
greetings. The great French soldier
says American aid was decisive in
the world's war. -
Mr. nud Mrs. Roy Wordcn left
Wednesday morning for near Clats-
knuie, where Roy is employed
n lumbering.
Three government torpedo de
stroyers were visited by Portland
to Ik July I'ourtli. The nquntlc ter
rors will remain till the 115th.
This summer's observations indi
cate that the authorities who used
to try-to regulate the length and fit
of bathing suits have given up in
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Kerr and
child have returned from n two
weeks' sojourn at I.oug Beach.
They report a most delightful
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sconce
leave Saturday morning for a
mouth's trip through California
Mr. Sconce is manager of Terminal
No. 1.
Air. ami. Airs. Henry ntlse am
daughters, Mildred and Gladys, of
Astoria, were week end visitors at
the home of J. W. Ball, 729 North
Ivnuhoe street.
Subject for Christian Science
services Sunday: Sacrament.
uoesn t a sine sum iook oua on
the fellow who used to be seen
around in his under one? Ex.
The savings account of Portland
is high; average per capita is $164,
as against $6Lbo tor tlic nation.
Lawn Mowers are selling fast at
the St. Johns Hardware Company.
Twenty per cent, discount.
Entertainment by Y. V. C. A.
Clubs uext Wednesday evening at
Y. W. C. A. building. Do not
miss it.
In the Chinese Empire thousands
bet on Dcmpscy. The Chink is an
American as far as the prize ring is
John Slovak has confessed to set
ting fire to his residence on South
Kellogg street, June 22nd. He wil
doubtless find this a poor way to
collect insurance.
Mr. Matthews is finishing a five
mast schooner ut the Peninsula
Lumber company's dock. We un
derstaud two large scows will soon
be placed on the ways in the ship
Kind words can never die. Nei'
ther will kindly acts. Gather fra'
grant bouquets and present to the
patients 111 the Peninsula Hospital.
Stars of the floral kingdom will shed
an additional light.
Mr. und Mrs. Howard Helms.
who have been spending a few
weeks at Seaside, were made happy
by tlie arrival ot a bouncing baby
boy, July Fourth. Mrs. Helms
mother, Mrs. Poe, is assisting them
Mr. and Mrs, J. S, McKiuney
and sou ot bt. Johns and Mr. and
Mrs. Pattou of Portland started to
Yellowstone Park Tuesday morn
ing. They will molar through Cal
ifornia before returning home.
A young daughter was born to
Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Ford at the
local hospital Friday morning last,
Rev. Iford was, formerly a well
kuown resident of St. Johns, but
for some time has been pastor of
the Baptist church at Dayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Faber,
Gladys Falwr, Ira Brown and Mary
Burley have returned from a three
week's visit at Ocean Park, Wash.,
aud report a very pleasant time.
The Faber cottage will be occupied
the rest of the season by Herbert
Faber and family.
Mrs. Mary McKay of Nova
Scotia, Canada, was a guest last
week of Mr. aud Mrs. Michael Ball
on North Ivanhoe. Mrs. McKay is
delighted with our Oregon scenery
and plans on returning to Portland
in 192.S for the fair.
Mrs. James Crozier, who has
been visiting at the home of J. J.
Corcoran for some mouths, left
Wednesday evening to join her hus
band in, Honolulu. Mr. Crozier is
superintendent of the Wooden Hull
division of the U. S. navy yard.
When they get to making men's
clothing without pockets many
women will be able to get to bed
earlier, it is said.
The Willamette promises to stay
within its banks for six months at
least. Acres' of potatoes will doubt
less be replanted in flooded districts.
Carpcnlier will not retire from
the prize ring; he will fight any man
except Dcmpscy, who the genial
Frenchman acknowledges his suc
rior. The Gleaner Class of the M. E.
church will hold a sale of home
cooking, Saturday, July 9th, at
H. F. Clark's Furniture Store. Sale
begins at 1 p. m.
Mr. nud Mrs. Otis Newton and
Mrs. Katheriue Mackey of Port
land, and Mr. and Mis. S. E Lau
der of Albina were St. Johns visit
ors since last issue of this paper.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned. Jackson huve
returned from Cottage Grove nud
again taken up a residence in this
city. Mr. Jackson holds a responsi
ble position at the Clark & Wilson
Screen your Doors and Windows,
Flies carry disease. You will find a
Complete Stock at the St. Johns
Hardware Company.
Mrs, W. E. Ashby visited friends
in Frelida, Wash., last week aud
attended the wedding of Miss Ger
trude Mclrviu of ,thnt, place uud
Archie J. Gagne of Bcllinghaut,
Both men aud women of all
classes will talk about prize fights
and tell why their choice should be
winner. Small boys will come to
blows nud often get a licking. Queer
worm, isn't nt
Mrs. John Tinner, who has been
spending several weeks with her
daughter nt Redmond, Oregon, has
returned to her home nt 512 Oswe
go street. Airs. Knuiloipn nud
daughter of Redmond accompanied
Mrs. 1 inner home.
i'l he nnuual picnic of the
Womans' Christian Temperance
Union will be held at Columbia
Park next Monday. We will meet
mere at 11 o clock and nave our
dinner spread at 12. Come along
with us aud have n good time; eve
rybody invited. Everyone is sup
posed to bring a couple of lemons,
cups and sugar in their lunch
basket. Reported.
Owing to the great interest and
desires for further public lectures on
"Millious now Living will Never
Die," the J. B, S. A. has arranged
for a continuance of them, the
speaker being Norman M. Lewton,
evangelist of the Portland J. B. S. A.
The first of the series will be Sun
day, July 10th, at 11 a. in., in the
Aloose hall, instead o( Jiickner s
hall, as formerly announced. Seats
free; no collections; don't miss one.
The third annual eutertaiumeut
aud social evening will be given by
tlie Y, W. C. A. Clubs Wednesday
evening, July 13th, at the Y. W.
C, A building, Chicago aud Leon
ard streets. Admission, 15 cents;
children under six years old free.
Ice cream, candy and fruit punch
will be for sale. Everybody is in
vited and the proceeds will be for
the local work. The club girls will
sell tickets. The following program
will be given s Orchestra Folk
Dances by Bluebird Club. Read
ing, Dorothy Walker. Duet, Alma
Markwart and Beth Boomsluiter.
See-Saw Song, Rainbow Club.
Japanese Dance of Greeting, Helen
Borden and Virginia Douglas.
Solo, Mrs. Georgia Schmeer.
Japanese Dance by James John
High School. PJay, "Maids,
Modes and Manners," by H. K. S.
Club. Song, by II. K. S. Club.
Raymond, the bright thirteen
year old sou of Mr. aud Mrs, H. L.
Campbell, died at his home, 12 15
Kellogg, Saturday morning of
diptheria. Private funeral was held
in the afternoon, interment in Rose
City cemetery.
Cards of thanks notices are
charged for at the rate of fifty
cents each. Persons desiring to
have such notices published
should make a note of this. 1
(Advertisements under this heading
ten cent per line, minimum charge 25
Chickens (or sale at C20 Hast folk
l'or Sale. Range, plate, lawn
mower, 2 pictures, kitchen table, linole
um. I'uoueCol. 401.
f22f)00.00. Bight room modern house.
at 50x100. Cash paymc
ancc monthly. RICH & TATH,
uicnt $500.00; bat
107 N.
Jersey; Col, 887.
1 1 400. l'ivc room house, connected
with sewer. Lot 50x100. Cash J300,
Iwlancc easy terms. RICH & TATH.
HHMSTITCIIINO nud l'lcotlmr At-
tachmcnt, $2.00. Iluttouhole Attachment
9.85; fits any Sewing Machine. Per.
soinl Checks 10 cents extra. Light Mail
Order Houic, Dox l27,Blruiingbam, Ala.
l'or Sale. l'ivc room bungalow. 202
B. New York, aud 0 rooms. 2100 Will
amette Illvd., corner Catlln, lloth in A-l
condition. No reasonable oiler refilled.
Owner, at latter place 11 to G Saturday,
iMier unit mil d none .Mum am lor
l'or Sale. My fine laruc team of
mnrcs, with uood wnuon nml harness
they arc sound, true mid trusty. I have
no use for them. Will accent unv reason
able olTcr Call 1)28 Amherst street, tf
SI 800.00. l'ivc room house on raved
street; nsicssineuu nil tuld. This Is
rare buy. Any terms satisfactory to you
RICH & TATH, 107 N. Jersey
You don't have to be a SAILOR
to wear ROGERS Sailor Hats.
Try our Chile.- 'Tho Geneva.
215 1-2 N. Jersey street.
Men's Blue Serge Wool Pants
Remember the entertainment in
the Y. W. C. A. building, Wednes
day evening, July 13th.
Jack Campbell has received n lot
of new tires, fully guaranteed, 30
x3-j , only $12.00. Come and sec
mom, iu-11) Williams avenue, near
Did you notice ROGERS' Pants
in the Parade, July Fourth?
Ring Cherries 2c. per pound
pick them yourself. Inquire at this
F. R S
t'rcsii line 01 grocories nnc
confectionery, ico crenm nnc:
summer bovcrages. Take )omo
a brick of ico crenm for Sunday
dinner. Call Columbia 1051. The
Fern, 203 N. Jersey street. 29-4
Fat Men wanted to wear Big
bhirts and Pants,
Notice is hereby given that
will not be responsible for any bills
contracted by C. W. Sowers, as he
has left my home.- Mrs. C. M.
Sowers, 943 N. Ivanhoe St. Johns,
Meus' Fine Dress Shoes $ 1.95. No
oil can t beat it at the Down Town
Sales Prove it.
K O G E R S.
Middle aged couple desire to take
care of children during day or even
ing at reasonable price. Call Colum
bia 999.
I sell SOX What Am.
To my inuny friends who have
been so kind in the expression of
sympathy in my present affliction
aud in sending fruit and flowers,
desire by this means to convey
deepest gratitude. Friendship is
the highest desideratum of human
life and that which has been shown
me so generously lias toucueu my
heart. J. B. Huntington.
Panama Hats $1.50.
Girt wanted to help in kitchen at
the Peninsula Hospital, 312 Trum
bull street,
Cool Work Hats75c
R O G 15 R S
Lost. Waterman Ideal Fountain
Pen in East St. Johns; reward. Call
at Review office.
Chilly Underwear 95c.
Lost. Ladies' Black Leather
Medium sized Purse, on the Sitton
School Grounds, Sunday evening.
Call Columbia 444 or bring to 930
N, Syracuse street.
R. G. Muck
1'houes Col. 1284
Hast 8531
907 Pessendeu Street
A. A. Muck
I'hones Col. 118
Main 4907
Sand, Gravel and
Crushed Rock
Members of the builder' Hxchange
Statement of the Condition of th
Peninsula National Bank
' At tha Cloae of Bualnas-, Juno 30th, 1021
Loans and Discounts , . . , 1,037,468.92
Overdrafts , , 65.53
U. S. Bonds and Certlficntas , 363,759.88
Slock In Federal Reserve Uank . , 7.200.00
Bonds and Securities . . 317,415.03
Furniture and Fixtures . . 13,700.00
Customers' Liabilities Under Letters of
Credit . . . . 2,500.00
Cash on Hand, Duo from Unnks and
United States Treasurer
Capital Stock fully paid in
Surplus and Undivided Profits
Nationnl Bank Notes Outstanding
Dividtnds Unpaid
Letters of Credit
Deposits , , ,
. 200,000.00
. 200.000.00
. . 8.000.00
f 2.172, 181. 17
Big BargainsThis Week
On Articles You Need
The Canning Season is on, look over this list
ssssssssbibsssssss mmKmmmmmmmmimammtmmmmmmmmammmm
17 Qt, Aluminum Disli Pan, Special - $4.75
14(11, Heavy White & White Dish Pan 1.98
14 " Ahjminum Preserving Kettle, Spe, 3,68
14 In, Basting Spoon witli Holder 48c
2 Burner Blue Flame togas 011 Slove
Screen Doors, Ice Cream Freezers
gallon Ranch Qairy
Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farm
The Dairy is under strict supervision of the City
Health Depru tinent and the Cows are tested
for tuhcreulosis every six months.
Phone Col. 321 for orders
Tlie Largest and most Complete Assortment
and Stock of New and Second Hand Oil
Stoves and Ovens in St. Johns.
New 4 Burner Kcrogas Cook Stovo $30.00
" 3 Burner " " " 25.00
" 3 " Autofecd " 20.00
" 2 " Kerogns " " 18.00
" 3 " Anchor 41 " 13.50
"2 " " " 11 10.00
" Doublo Oven Glass Door Cook Stove. . . 8.50
" Double " " " " " ... 6.00
" " " " " " " ... 5.50
Second Hand 3 Burner $10.00
44 " 3 10.00
. " 2 " 7.50
' " " 2 " 7.50
" 2 " 5.00
2 " 2.50
" " 3 ' Gasoline Stove 2.50
" 1 " " 1.50
" " Double Oven 2.50
" " Single Oven 1.50
" " 1.50
Single Size Army Cots 5.00
This Is barirshi week. We have 2 nice
little 4 room bungalows you run Imvo
at your owu price uud on easy terms.
Make us au oiler, Will consider some
trade. W, 1, Greene & Sou, Col. 1025.
New l room Ikhuc, just finished, I.iv-
tug room, dintiiK room, kitchen aud ,
bedroom. Kitchen has all uullt.ius. Uath jf
uud kitchen in white enamel; wullbed lu 4
, living room, ytw uowu ami )si per
' month. W. l Oreeue & Sou, Col, 1025.