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About St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1921)
THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W. Markle, Edlkor Publjahod Friday of Each Wee 404 N. Jersey St. Phone Col. 32 Tax Rrvirw It entered at pott office In Portland, Oregon, nt mall matter ni the second class under the Act of Con KM ol Marc li 3, 1879 COMMUNITY SINGING AN AID TO COMMUNITY LIFE 8 flaya Walter Jenkins, Chautauqua flono Leader. "Community (ringing Is a powerful niwiui of stimulating a feeling of sol Idnrlty, which should exist In a com uiunlty between tnan and man," says Walter It. Jenkins, tho well-known flong leader of the N0rthwe.1t who Is 10 be at tho Chautauqua. Mr. Jenkins Is one of tho moat ahlo loaders of com inanity singing now heforo tho public, During 1017-18 bo was Northwest Song Leader far the Army nud Navy Cainpi and mnca that tlmo has been Sec-clary of th Portland Community Henrico Inc.' Ilia entLuMssm and "ncn" mnko him an instant favorite before nil uudl ences. In addition to leading conimiin Ity lnlng at Chnutnuqun on tho flftl day ha will alio present aomo splendid barltona solos. Unablo (0 Accept The Fraternal Hooters arc in re eelpt of the following from the O. A. R.: St. Johns, July 2ml, 1921. To the Committee of the Cclebrn tlou of the Fourth of July, Orcelluu The comrades of Gen. Coinpson Post, G. A. K., greatly appreciate your very kind invitation to tmrtlc Ipate with the citizens of St. Johns on the Fourth of July Celebration Dut because of our infirmities 011 nc count of age, cannot participate In parade, much as we desire to do 10. We are grateful for the many kindnesses shown us In the past by the citizens of St. Johns nud Iiojk: you will accept our thanks lucre for. Wishing you abundant success in the coming event, we are Kin ccrcly and fratcrtiully yours, lly order of the Post ut our regular incctlug, this July 2nd, 1021 C. W. Gousliue, Commander' J. G Chambers, Adjutant. Committee W. II. Nolcu, D. J. Ilorsman Uvery, Express and Baggage Prompt and Satisfactory Service H. M. WALDREF 1001 Lombard St. Phone Col. MOO NO. 2M Kcort of (he condition of The Bank of Commerce At Portland, In the .Stale ol Oregon, at tac close 01 rmiiiii-ss juueau, RUSOUKCHS. Leant and discounts. . f MS.fcM.TC ureruraits, secured mm uu Mcurcd . . . . iW,64 u. 8, government securities owjtd ll.OMi.OO Stocks, tccurlttes, claims, Ileus, judgments, etc.. , , l,tH6,t0 ruratiure and fisturet . . . 2.473,86 Other real estate owned, . . . UK) 00 Amount due fiout bank, haul era and truit couiruiuict, dfMlvuated and approved re- Mnri aututi 14.0S0.67 Cash on hand in vault, . . 3.7U5.00 Other awett: Thrift Slump. . . 10,24 Total ... LIAUILITIHS. Capital stock paldlu. . . . Undivided profit!, leas ei- iwe.oou.o: $50,000.00 pauses and taxes paid . . , . . , 3,204.1)3 Deposits due the state ol Oregon and depoilts due couutr or titles and other public fuuda !W,300.00 individual acpoaits subject to check Demand certificate! of deposit outstanding.,.. . Cashier's checks of thlt bauV outttaudlus payable on dc. 43,000,81 3.20 mand 4351.92 Certified checkt outstanding,. . . 350,00 Time certlflcatti of depoiit out Handing S.GtW.tW Bit lags Deposits, payable tub- ject to notice..., 14,921.09 Rtwvcd for Interest and Uses 103.S0 Total fWo.OO'J.OS State of Oregon, I County of Uultnoiusb, 1, U. H, Hurd, Caihler of the ubovc aamed bank, do toleuiuly twrar that the abort ttateiueut it true to the best of my knowledge aud belief. K. K. HURD, Caihler, Subscribed and sworu to before me thlt 6th day of July, 1921, D, II. Knowlet, Notary l'nbllc. Uy commiulon cxplrct Nov. 14, 1923. Correct Attettt J. N. Edleften, , P, Drinker, Director. Mr. J. L, Wall, the pTitTio tuner, is home nun in and ready atrect; phone Col. 509. 21) for feusinetu. 001 Dtichunnni ClmrtetNo. 10103. Reaerve DUt. No. 12 Report of condition of the PENINSULA NATIONAL BANK AT PORTLAND In the State of Oregon, at the clote of business June 30, 1921. RRSOURCBS, Loans and dl-counts.lncltid-lug redis counts 1,137,381.20 Acceptances of other banks sold with en dortcment of this bbnk 49,912.23 1,037,4C8.92 Overdrafts, utitecurcd U&.&3 U. S. Government securities owned: Dopotltcd so secure circulation (U.S. bonds par vafue). 200,000.00 All other U. S. Government Securities 103,769.88 Total U. S. Gov ernment securities. . 363,769.88 Other bonds, stockt, securi ties, etc 310,039.94 1'urnlturc nnd fixtures 13,700.00 Other real estate owned 14.C75.14 Lnwful Reserve with federal Reserve Hank 95,539.07 Cash lit vault and amount due from national banks 258,613.20 Net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust compa nies In the United States Collier llinn included in Items 8, 9, 10.) 16,262.70 Total Items 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 273,705.96 Checks on Iwnks located out side of city or town of re ixntliiu bank and other cash Items 700.13 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S.Trcasuier 10,000.00 Other assets Customers' lia bility under letters of credit, 2,600.00 Total f 2,172,181. 17 I.IAtlll.ITIKt. Capital ttock p-ild in $200,000.00 Surplus fund 40,000.00 Undivided profits. . . .4,080.97 Lets current ex pvusrt. Interest and taxes paid 4,080,07 Circulating uotetnutstaudliiK. 200,000.00 Net amoutitt due to national banks 6,193,70 Net amounts due to banks, bankers and trust coliiim nlct (other than iiicluded In Items 21 or 22) 0,879.31 Certified checks outttandlug.... 112.00 Cashier's checkt on own bank outstanding 32,720.65 Total of Items 21,22, 23, 21 aud 25 44,005.02 Demand dcos!ls: Individual diMxnltt sub. led to check 724,708.02 Cvrtifleatos of dtjt due In less tliuti lttl dayt 3.804.10 State, county, or other mu nicipal depotitt si-cured by pledge of asictt of thlt bank 170,000.00 Dividends unpaid 8,000,00 Total of ilcmuud detNislit 000.672.12 Certificates of drm-lt 149.800.05 Othei time depotitt OIH.024.01 Postal Savings Dejutiit 4,702,40 Total of time deositt tuli jict to Reserve 773,510.40 Liabilities other than those above stated Travelers' letters of credit 2,600.00 Total R172.181.17l tit .j ti at rtiHtfiiti. County of Multnomah. I, C. II. Rumcll. Cashier of the ulx)ve named luink, do noleinnly swear that the uIkivc statement is true to the best of my knowledge nud lcllcf. (J. 11, IUiskmi, Latnier. MtlHierioed and sworn to lirfore me this 0th day of July. 1921. liordou a. ugden, Notary I'uuuc. Aiuiiuomau county, ure, Correct Attest: C, II. Carter, 1'. 1'. Drinker, J. N. Kdleftru, Directors, Dr. L. J. Keliher Dentist Room 4 Peninsula Hank Iluildiug Telephone Columbia 793 J. W. BOTTOM Contract Painter 507 Ilnsl Allegheny St. l'hnue Columbia 1242 St. Johns Fuel Co. filC Columbia llottlcvard Slnb nnd Cordwood Office Wildrose Shingle Co. Phone Col. 918 PENINSULA HUE ABSTRACT i REALTY CO H. HENDERSON, Managar 40 N. Jort.y Abstracts of Title lieared Titles Itxamiued I'liouc Columbia 255 Real Estate Established Since 1905 Member National Att'u of R.alty Hoards Member Interstate Realty Association, Member Portland Realty Hoard, List your propeity with us: we make uilrt, S, C, COOK, RtMiltor. 402 N. Jertey Street. Page's Barber Shop 205 N. Jersey Street The union shop that itauds for prompt ami enicieut service, llalr cuttlug u tpeciulty. A portion of public iwirouage win oc appreciated, Member llulldert Hxchange W. P. Greene & Son Contractors & BuHdcrs C25 W. Hl'CHANAN STRHHT 'ortlund, Ore, Phone Col, 1026 CALL VV THH MODEART STORE 606 NORTH JKRSKV l'or ituud Umbroidered Smocks and kiuioiius and Crocuet of all kinds. Keep on our ROGERS FINE FUNFINE MUSIC Ada Roach and Ruth Freeman Touch High Spots in Music and Entertainment at Chautauqua Ada Itoach and Ituth Krecnmn nro two folks who cun iwitertnln delightfully and havo tho time of their lives doing It. Their love of the work undoubtedly accounts to quite an extent for tho enviable plnca they hold In tho cntcrf nlnmcnt world. It Is doubtful If there Itf a rnoro popular duo on tho platform today. Ada Itoach la rut Irish Ocm. Sho sings und tells stories In a manner that cap tivates ovcrynnc. Ituth Freeman present dialect numbers and plays tho violin with real artistry. Noted Writer at Chautauqua Tho Bis Khaki Tcnta Lure Peter Clark Macfarlano From His Study I'eter Clark Miicfurlune. who has study for the Rummer by the KIllKon claim for fount on nmny other things books. Ills fume iih u writer Is well known that ho Is n remarkahlti great personages of the laid decade who of their confidence; Itoonovelt In the of tho Canal .one, Woodrow WIInoii 011 House-, and uiysterlntm Gcnemltf like Wood and Admirals llko Sims und itoduian and Hike. Maefitrlauo Is 1111 Intensely Notice to Creditors In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon for the County of Multnomah, Probate Department. Notice It hereby given that the under signed hat been appointed administrator of the estate of Auguttus M, Jistey, tie ceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County, and hat qualified. All pertoua having cluimt against tald ettate are hereby uotllled to present tlie tame, duly verllied as by law required, to the undersigned ut hit law othec, 316 Board of Trude lluilding, Portland, Oregon, within ix mouths from the date hereof, Dated and first published June 17, 1921. Last publication July 8, 1921. D. C. 1, 15 WIS. Administrator. With will anneied, of the ltate of Augustus M, Haley, deceased, FOY'S- St. Johns Fair Store Highest Quality and Lowest Prices Toys a Specialty 207 N. Jersey St. Phone Col.839 Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 North Jersey Street Day Phone Night Phone Columbia 97 Columbia G90 W. A. CARROLL Real list ate Broker Own Your Home rw T.;ct;,Tc fn.- ,.nr ;,,c. v t wa j va itia pectiou tiow on file at our of fice. Some fiue bargains in homes both city ami country. Phone Columbia 1285 301 N. Jersey St COR. UAITIMORIS Patronize the home merchant, i been coaxed out of bin cozy California - Whlte I'linutauauiiH, could well rent hexldes his widely circulated stories nnd wide-spread thrniiKhout tho land. It Ik not so Interviewer of gtvnt men. -There nro few have not honored htm with something wlldt of Arizona, uoethnis in trie heart tint porch nt Sea (llrt, tho silent Colonel Interesting speaker. Dr. L. F. Pickens, DENTIST Office hours 8 to 12 a, rn. 1 to 0. p. liveninRS 7 to 9. in Peninsula Hank llldg. Office Phone Columbia 1183 JOY SERVICE The quickest; The best; The cheapest; Suits Pressed 45c Dry Cleaned $1.25 "LET JOY DO IT" You Bring nnd Take Away is the Reason 5 Stores 217 N. Jersey Street Dr. W. J. Gilstrap Physician & Surgeon Glasses Accurately Pitted X ray Laboratory Peninsula Security Co. Bldg. St. Johus. VILHJALMUR STEFANSSON Famous Arctic explorer and discoverer of "the blonde Eskimo." He came to Chautauqua with a remarkable illustrated lecture on his many years of exploration work In the frozen North. This story has been attracting greater crowds throughout the great ci ies of the country than any lecture event in recent years. PETER CLARK MACFARLANE Noted American writer and correspondent who makes his initial Chautauqua appearance this summer before Kllison-White audiences. Macfarlane-is one of the leading contributors to the Saturday Evening Post, Colliers', and many of the leading magazines. He is rated as oue of the best public speakers in the country, ' THE JUGO SLAV ORCHESTRA An orchestra fiom Central Europe that is entirely unique upon the American concert platform. First Western Chautauqua tour follows many seasons of European successes and notable Eastern engage ments. They play various sizes of the tamburica, their household instrument for generations. THE ORPHEUS FOUR Official quartet of the Orpheus Club of Ios Angeles, winners of4 the first prize for male choruses at the Panama-Pacific Exposition, The Orpheus Four is acclaimed by musical critics to be one of the best, if not the best, male quartets in the United States. Two concerts on the third day. LITTLE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA s An organization created and coached by Thurlow Lieuraucc, noted American composer and au thority on Indian music. One of the finest stringed orchestras in the Chautauqua world. Jane Peter sou, Chicago contralto, soloist. Two concerts on the last day. July 17 Lawn Mowers and Scissors --SHARPENED- SAW FILING Satisfaction Guaranteed H. F. ROSE 524 E. Mohiftk 51. Phone Columbia 1069 ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street i'houe Columbia 302 Office- Col. 025 Reildeucc-Col. 477 Dr. E. P. Borden DENTIST I'nlulett extraction of teeth under nltrout oxide k l'eulutula llanK IlldK. St. Johin, l'ortlaud, Oregon Poff & O'Neil TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand nnd Gravel Daily Trips to Portland Phone Col. 308 206 N. JERSEY ST Phone Columbia 977 PENINSULA ELECTRIC CO., Inc. Electrical Engineers and Contractors wiuino imxturus and sumixs General Repair Work 109 S. Jertey Street, Portland. Oregon KNIGHTS AND LADIES Security Benefit Association St. Johns Council 2775 Kruular niectlno But and third Monjivi. Opru nicctlntit tu the public and tuciubcrt ind ami ilh Moudait. Vlaitora and mcuitxti cor. dUlly iuviltj lo attend at Moou II all. jgtLaurel Lodge, 1. 0,0, F, No, 1 86, St. Johni. Oraaon Meets each Mouday eveuiuK In Odd l'el. lowt hall at 7;3o, A cordial welcome to all vititinK brothers, v, 1'. freeman, n u, s, i,. Lormany. v, u. C, Crar, Kec 6tc. Joe KoUrtt Flo. Sec, II. V. Clark. Treaa. St. Johns Gamp No, 7546 Modern Woodmen of America. We heartily solicit the attendance ol our members at our regular meetings every 2d and 4tU luursday evening. O, W. Muhtti, C. It. Ilatchht, Consul. Cleric. Phone Columbia 2 Col. UM, HOLMES J.ODGE NO. 101 KNIOttTS or PYTHIAS Meets every Friday night at 7:30 o'clock In BICKNER Hall, Visitors always wel come, K. CORCORON, C C. Woodmen ol the World St. Johns Camp 773 Meet every Thursday evening in . O. O. F. Hall, Leavitt aud Jersey streets, visitors always welcome. W A Trout, c c i K, C Clark, Clerk. DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. f. and A. M. Meets the first and third Wednesdayof each month tn Masonic Hall. Visi tors welcome. John M. Blair, W, M. A. W. Davis, Secretary. PENINSULA CHAPTER No. 43 R, A. U. Stuted meetings first aud third Mouday of each month lo Ma sonic Hall. Visitors Wckoat. W. A. CAKROtL, k. it. r. 'J. II. I.KMO.N, SccreUry, tiring tn your Job prtaUag wall ou thiak of It Doat wait n Seven Days Filled With Splendid Attractions Twelve Concerts! Ten Lectures! A Big Play Production! ST. JOHNS EIXISONHWH1TE - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 That's my kind of a shoc,fellows F "Get those on and I'm ready for anything. Ready for fiihlne, a hike, a race, or a game and ready for work, too. I don't have to cliange them when I go to town. Sec those tire-tread soles and pneumatic heels, I don't pound leather , when I can walk on air. They're the best shoe I ever had.' The Hood Wurkshu deserves its popularity, nor U this popularity confined to the younger tncmbn of the family. A shoe for comfort and ease in hard service j a sturdy, tough, unusually long wearing shoe, combining lightness with strength, and economy with good looks. , oAik any dealer or write us. v ' Hood Rubber Products Co.. Inc. Watctlown, "HOOD KLAYKORT Th Hood Kbykort is tlu, auadard aho for tcnnla. Don't waslt money buying "sneakers" that co to pieces on hard courts. . Klaykorts make a corking shoe ' for every member of the family, for every kind of outdoor sport. Remember, HeoJ Kkjkortt The Fraternal Boosters Meets every Wednesday evening in the MOOSE HALL Join and Help Boost Pulley & Zurcher Plumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum ware Phone Col. 92 207 S. Jersey St. Hall Barber Shop and BATH BOOMS I. L BALL. Proprietor 108 Philadelphia St. Baths 35c Portland, Ore. Phone Col. 1064 W. S. Wymore Contractor in all kinds of Cement work or Day work. Residence 916 N. Central Ave. 22a5 - 23 Massachusetts. MJIXDOC Foe ikt sport trimmed, saappy appearing young men's outdoor shoe for hard service, we recom mend the new Bulldog Bal. Extra strong uppers, soles of tough tire tread stock, and the Hood Proc ca insures long wear. See it. St Joins Transfer 8 Storage Successor to J. R. VVEIMER Careful and experienced furniture experienced movers. Feed and Fuel 109 E. Burlington St. Col. 82 CHAMBERS COMPANY . G, Chambers Mrs. H. R, Lowry Funeral Directors 243-250 Killingsworth Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON Telephones: Woodlawn 3306 C 1133 .Mr. Chambers is the only G. A. R. undertaker in the city of Portland. Personal attention and supervision given to arrangements. Lady wishes day or half day work. Forty cents per hour. Car fare. Col, 14 17. 81