4 ST. JOHNS REVIEW ; - ' r -'Hi VOIiUME'J.7 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1921. NUMBER 35 Tlie Fourth at St. Johns It Mr. was lit. July fourth was celebrated in a good old fashioued way iu St. Johns. In spite of the fact that many pecple took advantage of the two and 'one-half day holiday period to seek the country for an outing, the crowd iu St. Johns was fairly good. And they were kept interested from the time the parade started in the morning until the iports had been concluded late iu the after noon. The parade was headed by the Dand and it discoursed several pleasing selections in excellent style along the way. The leading features of the parade was the Ash by emigrant wagon that was gotten up in the good old way, with none of the features lacking to make typical of the historical old etni grant wagon of bygone days. An other feature of the parade was the float containing the Goddess of Liberty, Miss Virginia Sicfcrt, who was' selected by vote, and her maids A fine float was that of and Mrs. Southmayd which composed of rare rugs, screens ens, silks, tables and other highly interesting articles, worth many dollars, and were secured by Mis. Southmayd during her eight years .stay in India. Mrs. botitli mayd has been a great traveler and iius been twice uroutid the world The exhibit aroused a great deal of interest. The program at the baud stand near the city lull after the parade was'qulte interesting and listened to attentively by a goodly sized audience. Dr. II. I'. Jones; presi dent of the day, gave neat open ing address. "The Star Spangled Banner." was sung by the gather criug. followed by invocation by Rev. W. 14. Klostcr. A pleasing solo was sung by Mr. Ilultcrflcld. Hon. T, J. Clcctou, orator of the day, gave au interesting and inspir ing discourse. The rending of the Declaration of Independence by Mrs. J. N. Bartlett was rendered in a splendid manner. "America" was sung by the assembly. A. G. John son gave the closing address iu a few well chosen and appropriate words, The baud rendered several pleasing selections that were greatly enjoyed. Miss Thompson and Miss Tooley presided at the piano. In the afternoon the various sports took place on Ivauhoe and Syracuse streets. A list of the prizewinners will appear in next week's lifeuc. . . List of Contributors It is the desire of this, organiza tion at this opportune time-to ac quaint everyone of the fact that the Fourth of July celebration has been a decided success. Owing to the handicap under which we have la bored, it was impossible to do ex actly as was planned, but ever ctiort lias been exerted to accom plish that looked for by all a grand, old-time celebration in honor of our country and all concerned Following is a list of those mak ing cash donations for the eclcbra tion: St. Johns Ice Co, . Couch and Currier, A. C. Gelss, John Koce, W. C. Rowe, Joy the Tailor. R. L. llartlett. It. Hen derson, S. C. Conk, Carl Juhiike, W. Jower, J, II. Chauucey, Ocyerle and Arm strong,?, C. McKcnna. M. T, Groh Peninsula Market, I'. II. Woolley, J. II. Page, I. Papus, R. L, Hall, 1'. Slvcrt, St. Johns Record Hxchange, A, Juhiike, uurrins lor urugs, j, n. i.yticn, iiouimm ami turner, at. loiins riinrmacy, rt-o pics' Bargain Store, J. L. Caldwell, C.J. Muck, 15. Connutit, Peninsula Hlcctric Co,, II. C. Kasmcyer, St. Johns fruit Co,, St. Johns Purnlture Co,, St, Johns Trantortallon Co,, St. lolitis Meat Co,, A. W, Davis, Peninsula Security Go,, Sunset Grocery. Cloverland Creamery, , . . . -. i i ... ... i .. n . . i . . juji itiRmci, wiiil b ii-3iiiuiniu, ii.or.ua-., Portland Mfir. U) a. a. .muck, Trail Ilros., Peninsula Natlunal Hank, Hank of Commerce. Home Mercantile Co., G.cs cr's Hxchange, S. L. Knowlcs, Dr. It, P. Jones, R. I,. I.uvrlck, Ormamly Ilros., Glover anil Allen, C. C Klngle. Win. Surher, Hodges Confectioner) , St. Julius Undertaking Co.. Tower the Jeweler. St. Johns Hardware Co,, Good lints ltentau- rant, J. f . Uillmoro, m. j. i.miic, Pulley and Zurchcr, V. II. Hearing, St. Julius Auto Iilccttlc Co., St. Jolius Ileal ICstalc Kxcliaucc. II. P. Clark. Multnomah Theatre, w. W. Rogers, L. Simmons ami Co., Columbia Garage, PRIZIJ DONATORS ReoCtothlmr Co.. Meier & Prank. Ilrowusvllle Mills, Motorcycle .& Supply Co., Simons -Store, Powers Pur Co., Aider Street Market, P. R. I,. & P. Co.. Robinson & Detlan, Owl Diug Co., Multnomah Photo & Supply Co., Reed Prench Piano Co,, Joe Mauck, l M. Koontz. Cummlnus Carson Co., Ilalluu Hi Wright, Ilrcuueu & Whaleli, St. Johns Grocery. Rosenblatt. Hon Sclllm! i.lpmau and Wolfe, Harry Gibson, Port land lent ami Awning v.o uuis, wort man and King, Maxam Shirt and Garment Co,, Atkins Saw Co., Capital Coffee Co., Woodard Clark Drug Co., Houeyinan Hardware Co., A. Is. John son, Porlsmouui 1 iicatrc, reuiusuia Theatre, Northwest Tire Co., Win. HiiKhson Motor U univrrsiiy Drug Co,, Rychmau Ilros., I'lctclicrs Gro cery, C. Owen, Gucrra Grocery, Cooper atlvc Clothing Co., liggert. ami Young, General Clgur Store, Kelly's Olvmpla Co., llruun and Co,, Dan Marx and Oi A. O. SiMiddlng Ilros,, Auto Salvage Co., Miller Men' Outfitters, Willis Hardware Co., S. A. joiinsou. w- v Fraternal Boosters. THE C0A1AIUNITY CLUB The Geneva Confectionery serves Ice Cream, Cold Drinks and Light Lunches. 215 North Jersey. Mm. Vinson (loos hemstitch ing nt 528 South lvnnhou; phono Columbia 10M. 25, Tamburicaa Unique Instrument Jugo-SIav Orchestra at Chautauqua Fcaturo Thoir Own Native Sweet-Toned Instrument ssW-' Tst ' ssssssssssssssHssssHlssssssssw Probably no native Instrument brought to America In recent years has at tracted wider attention than the tamburlca. It embodies some ot the best features of the mandolin, banjo and guitar, but Is distinctive from each of these Iu mauy respects. The ranee of music U almost limitless. In volume the music produced by the sir players comprising the Jugo-SIav Tamburlca Orches tra la equal to that of an orchestra of eight or nine players using other string Instruments. Throughout Eastern, Southern and Middle Western statea the concerts of the Jugoslav Orchestra have been Xcclalmed as musical events of unusual Inter est and value. Their Chautauqua tour of the Coast under Elllson-Wfclte di rection will unquestionably add to the vplendld reputation alreudy galued. They will give a ful( afternoon concert on tho fourth day and a, preludo In the avenlnir. Bing Cherries ' 4c Per Pound Delivered Any place in St. Johns. Leave Orders Now. Portland Delivery 5c. Phn Office Col. 824 Rildnc--Col. 377 0 Gasser's Express rtfflr 9fl? N. Jercev Street Residence 921 S. Jersey Street The St. Johns Community Club held its regular mcetiui; at the Y. W. C. A. buildiuR Tuesday ev eniug, and then adjourned for the summer vacation, the next regular meeting to be held the first Tuesday 'veiling in September. A commuui oat Ion was read from Commissioner Pier in reply to a request that baud concerts he held in bt. Johns, stnt ihg that no funds were available for band concerts in Portland this sum mcr. J. N. Edlefscu reported that the site selection committee of the 1925 l?air would visit the proposed site here nnd give it full cousidera Hon. The project of a band for the Community Club was taken up anil discussed. Mr. Monahan stated that n baud was a fine thing for au or ionization to have and that if one be organized for the Community Club, it should consist of members of the Club only, and not of mem bers of nnv other organization. Sev eral musicians were present, includ ing Mr. Guar and Mr. Davis, who made remarks concerning such or ganization, It was finally decided that n band be organized, with Mr. Ganr as director and A. li. Jones, manager. Mrs. Shaw stated that the basement of the building would be nt the disposal ot the organization for band practice purposes. Mr. Kdlcfscn suggested that n commu nication be directed to the school board, urging that work proceed ns rimidlv as nossllilo toward the con struction of the new high school building here. Mr. Kdlcfscn also said lie believed it n good plan to repeat the production of "The Uceetrict Sktilc'' this Fan. aud he paid Mr. Gctz, the author aud conch, a high compliment for his efficient service and the fine play he produced. Mr. Gctz was also given- other fine compliments for his clever iroductiou and valuable assistance. communication was directed to be scut to the Commissioner of Public Works, asking that West Hurling ton street be placed iu better condi tion. Dr. Borden spoke on cooperation of the entire community iu getting the things needed iu St Johns. On motion of A. 15. Jones it was unanimously decided that au in vitation be extended the fraternal Boosters to meet with Community Club at its meeting in September. Last Sunday evening at a spe cially called meeting of the numbers and supporters of the Congrega itoual church n call was extended to Rev. D. Elmer Nottrse of La Jara, Col., to become its pastor. The new man comes with good rec ommeudatlous as an organizer and worker with young people, having successfully organized two Com munity churches in Colorado, and served as pastor-counselor of the San Luis Valley District of Christ- inu Ktnlcnvor. lfor the last two years Mr. Notirse has been presl- lent of the Colorado Association of Community Churches. In addition to his regular work he was also chaplain Of the Colorado Soldiers' and Sailors' Home. The Congrega tional church It looking forward to a progressive community program. Mr. Notirse brings with him an ex- ericuce of six years in various forms of community work. With the hearty cooperation which is promised by pastor and people the church proposes to put on a pro gressive community program, which will touch nud serve the life of the community at every oint. 1 here will be regular services iu the church Sunday. Sunday school at 10:00. Morning worship at 11:00. Lvcuing service at 7:15. You will find a real welcome nt all of the services. -Reported. The Crater lake season opened the first of this mouth. On account of snow it will be impossible to reach the rim of the hike for sev eral days. Members of Latirclwood Rcbekah Lodge, No. 160, will meet Wednes day evening, July 13th, at 7:30 o'clock for tlie transaction of busi ness, after which there will be joint installation ot officers of Laurel Lodge, No. 186, I. O. O. and Rcbekah Lodge. All Odd Fellows invited. A picnic will be held at the Odd Fellows' Home, Suuday, June to, by the same lodges. Meet J at the hall at 9:30 o'clock with well tilled baskets aud a determination to make the day a pleasant one for all the inmates of the home, Auto mobiles arc needed for the trip. Anna Cauright, Recording bec'y. Saturday evening, July Oth, Grand High Priest W. R. Bilycu of Albany and other grand officers will constitute Peninsula chapter and in stall the officers. A delegation from Portland, Washington aud Sunny side chapters will be present. All Royal Arch Masons wherever dis persed are earnestly requested to attend. Refreshments will be served and the Sacred words: "Behold how good nud how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell iu unity," will be beautifully exemplified. High Priest Carroll has been presiding officer iu alt the York Rite bodies nud a few remarks of interest to the craft will be appreciated. It was mother's birthday aud it is customury for us children to give her n little present. Although mother was In bed, just recovering from pneumonia, went to pur chase the gift. The surprise was 011 me, for when I entered the littlr bedroom I saw mother sitting up in bed. Dear friends had gathered with lovely gifts aud a delicious birthday cake, including other goodies. A new way of celebrating a birthday. Mother's nurse, Beaty Chadwick. Exports from the Columbia river have made a leap upward of fifty per cent. Trade from river ports for tlie year will total ubout $8,000,000. Puget Sound business has dropped. YOU CAN LEAD A HORSE TO WATER But You Can't Make Him Drink I tuny lead you to my store by advertising but I can't make you buy GOOD STUFF AT THE RIGHT PRICE Wjll make you want to buy nud I'm wise enough to know it and that's just what my many satis fied customers are recieviug everyday at "The Biggest Little Store on Earth," between the Picture Show aud Undertaking' Parlor, Why don't some of you delinquent folks get acquainted? I'm hot on your trail. Wc will both save money if you call on me the next time you need HATS AND CAPS THAT FIT YOUR FACE AND POCKETBOOK Socks, Shoes, Pants UNDERWEAR Gloves, Garters, Shirts, Collars, Noktios, Cuff Links, Arm Bands, Overalls, Tennis Shoes, Hiking Pants, Belts, Leggings, Susponders MEN'S AND BOY'S SUITS GOOD STUM AT THIS ltlGUT 1'KICIS ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN Bank of tanwee BuMng ST. JOHNS . Opio Ewinp St. Johns Undertaking Co. Thomas Grice, Alnnager Office, Col. 527 PHONES -NUjht, Col. 299 208 N. Jersey St. FREE USE OF CHAPEL AUTOAIOBILE HEARSE Night or Day Calls Promptly Answered Not a Ilranch office of any Portland Undertaking Co, LOW RUNT enables us to give our customers the benefit of Very Low Prices. We guarantee lower prices than you can get in the city Insure with us and Insure your safety :: PENINSULA SECURITY CO. "Everything In Insurance" f 108 South Jersey St. Phone Columbia 101 T 'Say 4t with &owers" Hxtra Pine Geraniums iu full bloom, Hach 25c Large Pansy Plants in liloom Special per dozen 25c Nice Ferns for your House, ,50c Up SBectett 's Greenhouses 814 and 816 North Kellogg Street Phone Col. 401 LEWIS CALDWELL LEADING BARBEK The place where Kd eervlce ud courteous treatment prevail. Children's hair cutting receive special 1116111100. 109 BURLINGTON STREET DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars 311 South Jersey Street Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office 107 N. Jersey Street Phone Col. S87 Rwldcncc Col. 39S Mrs. M. E. Champaign of St. Louis, Mo., arrived in St. Johns, Monday, June 27th. to visit Mrs. L. Patriquiu, her schoolmate of GO years ao. They were raised iu Mo men county, III. This is the first meeting in over CO years; they are enjoying the visit of ii lifetime, living over in memory their old school days, at 126 South Fox street, St. Johns, the home of V, H. Woolley. Mrs. Woolley is a niece of Mrs. Patriquiu. W, L. McOuire,- foreman of the Peninsula Lumber Company, is proud to be favorably mentioned in the Review. He also wishes to call' attention to tlie fact that the super intendent, Mr. McMillan, has seven qliildrcn. It may be that Good Old Noah was looking on the present generation with a prophetic eye when he gave the command oh Mount Ararat: "He fruitful; mul tiply and replenish the earth." Up to the first of this mouth the Portland police made 77 arrests for which the penalties amounted to $1120 iu fines and 332 days iu jail. The moral squad made a total of 60 investigations, The officers have been very active the past few days, aud the above report Is a result of a determined effort. "Wc have just commenced," says Sargcaut Kcc-gan. Kudolph Samiielsou of Portland was killed iu automobile accident near Salem, July 3rd. Au infant child of the driver, Mr. Ramp, of Brooks was seriously Injured. Mrs. Roy R. Wcstlcy of St. Johns suf fered severe injuries, Her four-year-old daughter was slightly injured. II. C. Pliilipps, formerly con nected with the Multnomah the atre, now manager of the Ga theatre on Mississippi avenue; h sou, a Portland attorney, nud 1. C. Stimsou have returned from the headwaters of the Nelialcm, where they were flirting with the finny tribe. Mrs. S. A. Johnson has left some exceptionally fine White Rose po tatoes at this office. One hill will make a meal for a large family. Plant ,'155 hills, then laugh at the world and its shams for twelve solid months. The fruit harvest is on all over the Willamette valley. Canneries arc getting a large tonnage of cher ries and berries. Many Hastem shipments are being made. Give the gardens half n chance aud residents of this city will have plenty of vegetables. The hoe nud the sprinkler arc bread winners. Keep them busy. NKKTIKS RORHRS I;xert builder ami designer; free estimates. Columbia 1.118. MULTNOMAH THEATRE Thursday nnd I'ridsy, July 7 ntul 8 GLADYS BROCKWELL i "THIS SAGli IIHN" Pathe. Oueof the jjood pictures of the year. Saturday, July 9 WANDA HAW LEY In "TII SNOtt" Renlart. Sunday, July 10 A Paramount Special. "Held By The Enemy" With Jack Holt, Wanda Ilawley nnd AKiies Ayrcs, This Is a good one. iMomlny aud Tuesday, July 11 aud 12 A Pathe all star cast hi "THE TIGER'S COAT" and "Phantom l'oe" No. 0. Wednesday, July 13 ALICE BRADY In "OUT OJ' TIill CHORUS" Kcalart. Thursdny and l'riday, July 14 and 15 Cosmopolitan Productions presents 'THE TASSIONATE PILGRIM' from the book by Samuel Aferwiu. S.tturdny, July ICth TOM MOORE In "LORD AND LADY ALOY." Sunday, July 17th J. WARREN KERRIGAN l "Tiih nousit op wmspims." AMERfCAlTsHuElip 110 S. Jersey St. All (hat (lie name implies, AMERICAN Edw. Comiant, Prop. Watch My Shop Window, the: Winning Numbers urc Posted There Stay iu St. Johns, it's cold at Seaside If .(,1.tl nt tit liilinn liMvlmr tuvf nud city liens to py hi Portland can make their tMiy meats without Inconveni ence by availing themselves of our ser vices. We will iwy Mine ami srcure your receipt without inconvenience to you. l'cc. 2Te, References: Any St. Johns uatiK. rciiiusuiu line, Aiuunci nun Realty Co., by II. IIenderw)ii, Muuager; 402 North jerkcy Street. CIiuh. L. Gratlon wIhIioh to an nounce that ho has uuvorod hit) connections with private corpor ations and will engage in the ircnoral practice of Inw with olliccs nt 710 Uuhco building, Portland, Oregon. tl tea llYlah to announce that mA tulti vaunt orme.i tasses ln) open a Jfeiu July 12th at .7 Si ZJhl ttMMun la fr to i motAtr wlthlny to visit class. Your Losses Are more often to be measur ed in amounts much less than a dollar. It is the small and constant expenditures that con sume the whole. Go over your expense account for the month. It means dollars in your pockets. You will' find many items unnecessary, expensive and wasteful. Others have done it. It pays to save. THE BANK OF COMMERCE The Bank For Savings