4 St. Johns Grocery Phono Col. 528 (FORMERLY C. S. BUCY'S STORE) 202 South Jersey street Corner Leavltt WE DELIVER FREE Trade atthe Store where your $ will Buy the Most Drop in and see our Spe cial Prices for Friday, Saturday and Monday l July Specials Buy Wood Now! Green Woodj Pcirt Green and Dry Immediate Delivery St Johns Lumber Co. Choice Groceries i ELECTRICAL Housekeeping I 15lht hours lit liuullielcnt I law: for human lintnlii to cr form all the household tnika. llonerer, it la txmlblc to rttnh lUh the eight hour tiny lit the hotna bjr miklii uieol the vice Ulcal hind Hint lire nlfernl to you In the form of the electri cal dlik.washcr, wmlihiH mncii lne, Ironlnx ninchlne, vuciinm weeper nml niiiiy other Inhor MYlnjj device. Thete mitlriiiK "household fUtanti" will uo your work quickly and efficiently. Your home can be ruiiayMciimtk'nlly with tunc electrical ImiiiU (or they Merer ilinixitit you or grow tired, Your time uud energy can lie ilevotcd to the better thing ol life, when you keep home electrically. Glail to iliow you any time Two Stolen; Klectrlc Stoie -Klcctrlc 11. " lt mul Aider Kin. Portland Railway Light & Power Company "SoyYoytllectiicGoodjalanlleclfic.Sloie" Dr. Frank N. Sandifur OPTOMETRIST Vision Specialist Muscular Deficiencies Conected Oltssefl Sclenliflcally Kitted lo Jiyc.s Replacing of broken lenses uud ii-pulr work promptly taken owe of. SUITE 514 SELLING DLDG. riione Main G07G PoiUund, Ore. itf imii.i mm WW THE NATIONAL Vulcanizing Co, 205 S. Jersey St. Is the Oldest Es tablished, Best Equipped and most Reliable Tire repairing ' Establishment on the Peninsula. All work done on n mon ey back Kiinnmtcc. VVe fake pride in turning out the best retreads in Port laud. New nud second liuiid Urea for wile. Jut nut block no nth of the Pen. inuh Niitloiml Hunk, on cur Hue. GHAS. F. BOYLE, Prop. C. R. SEELEY Palntor, Papor Hanger and Knlsomlnor Phone Co! .12 101 Olympla St. A full line of the choicest groceries at most reasonable prices, constantly on hand. L, SIMMONS & CO. GROCERS 501 l'csnendcii l'hone Columbia 210 I Our fiscal year closes with the month of August. The last two weeks is the time we take for counting and measuring. Before beginning that part of the work of taking stock, we shall get out all season end merchandise includ ing Read-to-Wear and Yardage Goods and Shoes. This has been a backward -season and some good things are still in stock that would have been sold earlier had the weather been warmer. These are the things that will be reduced to such prices- as will make it profitable for you to purchase. There will be Muslin Night Gotwns, Crepe Night Gowns, Skirts, Jap Crepe, Indian Head Figured Voiles and Flaxons. There will be Work Shirts, Specials in Men's Shoes and Hats. Watch Our Display Tabic for July-August Bargains THE ST. JOHNS GARAGE Authorized Ford Service Sta tion, Complete line of rorri parts in stock. 1 ires, tubes rum accessories. Crank cases drained and flushed out and refilled with fresh supply of motor oil free of labor charge. -CARS STORED - Welding, Brazing and Ra diators Repaired. Wooiley Bros. l'hone Columbia KM). 216 North Jersey St. Phillips & Leland Transfer and Storage Phone Col. 72 Oflice 209 S. Jersey DAILY TRIPS TO PORTLAND buy or sell St. Johns Property A. W. DAVIS Real Estate Fire Insurance and Notary Public lst your property with me If you desire to sell quickly n Bonham & Currier MISS PLASKET, Buyer Dry Goods Dept. L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept. o i OICM ,4&&g'4&4 &4 tf ? T T ? T ? rib 1B1 rib A A i& 1B1 i& 4 i aL ft Al"f" tfA M Vfc I & 4 NOW IS THE TIME TO Paint Your House! We havo a full line of Paints, Oils, Stains and Varnishes. We want your order for your Building Alatcrinls and Hardware, Windows, Doors, Lime,' Cement and Plaster. Garden Tools, Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers. We have a good supply; also 4 4 t I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 UNSET CASH GROCERY I Hay, Orain, - Feeds 111 Philadelphia Street Phone Col. 1148 St. Johns Dependable Store We make new low prices, we never follow, always selling dependable merchandise 4 4 4 4 4 4 Pure Cane Berry Sugar, 15 lbs. $1, sacks - $6.35 No C. O. I). Orders taken for stiRiir, orders must be settled for at store Royal White Soap I Crystal White Soap I No Rub Naptha Soap 10 flars.....lGc 10 liars.... BOe 10 liars 45c - - Big Coffee Special - - Sunset Special Blend, 20c Pound, 5 Pound - 95c Not a cheap coffee hut a good coffee cheap, satisfaction guaranteed or your money back Best Full cream Cheese Swift Pure Silver Leaf l,ard Swifts Jewell Shortening 25clb.,mb.. 70c 18c lb., 2 lb. ..35c 2 lb 25c Dickensons Pure Cocoa Grope Juice, Pint 30c, Quart SSc Big Special Sale Ball Mason Jars, BUY NOW Pint Size, 95c Dozen Quart Size, $1.05 Dozen Gallon Size, $1.50 Dozen Best Rubber Jar Rings, 4 Dozen 25c Jiffy Jell, 2 Packages 15c Best Mixed Bird Seed, 2 Pkgs 25c Best Crepe Toilet Paper, 2 large rolls 15c Olympic Flour, Special Price, 3,t bbl. Sack - $2.18 Folgers Shasta Teas YZZii 25c 'a Ib.Pkg. Follow the crowd to The Sunset and you will be better satisfied with your purchases, besides the saving you will have left in real money. The store of sunshine and smiles. ri H HI HI l4 9 HI & Hi tm HI HI HI of all kinds Come in and get our prices and let us show you the goods. The Home Mercantile Co. 2O0 IV. nurUnaton Street stmt A I.ESSON FOR. AU. FO.S OF SENSE. VU&H aUAUTY CUTS "THE EXPENSE The Only Sensible economical way tojpur chase meats is to buy the high est grade. By this we do not mean that at all times you must purchase the highest priced cut, but we do mean that you should purchase meats that have been properly cared for. That is the only kind we sell. ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET GEO. W. I M BO DEN, Prp. 109 North Jersey Street Market Phone Columbia 21 FUNERALS! Baautlful gray or blaok adult oaikat, haarac, box, 2 autoa mbalmlng and r(ln ad aarvloa far $75 TRACP.Y Higher priced funerali la proportion, Wc manufacture caiketf, lMy auUtant. I)eullful fuueral clupel, MILLER & TRACEY Main 2601 Indapandant Funaral Dlractora 6 7606 Waahlngton at CUa Street, Uetwctn 20th and 2jt Street, West Sltfc We carry a full line of Choice Groceries at right prices. Fruits and Vegetables in Season c. J. MUCK PhoneCol. 118 21 7 S. Jersey Street Coal Is Cheaper around the Fourth of July than any other time during the whole year. That is especially so with us. We shall be ever so much obliged to to you if you willplaqe your order for your supply now, and take ad vantage of the midsummer reduc. tioo. "We will deliver at any time required. i I 1 tOttw