St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 01, 1921, Image 3

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Up To Date Furniture
Beautiful 3 Piece Overstuffed Suite, Consisting of
Daveuport, Chair and Rocker to Match. These three
pieces have springs in Arm, Back, and Seats. The
Cushions have Springs inside, Cushions Back, and
arms arc covered with extra heavy beautiful Tapestry.
. This Suite Complete, Price at Only - $195
Terms: J$20 Down, $15 Month
Jl5a!f5'!";y.. Library Table,' Queen Anne Style.
PRICED AT ONLY 7. 531.00
Reed Chairs and Rockers to Match, Fumed Fhi
ish, Cretonne Covered Cushions and Backs, 2 Pieces.
PRICED $35.50
9m 'fcfflwnyPlfciJ
The Steady Return
The Cash Gralmtcria Grocery was the first on the field
to establish a store that eliminated all the red tape of .soliciting
orders at your back door, employment of a bookkeeper to fig
ure your account, cut out the any-timc-iu-the-day-dcllvery and
a collector to chase after you to get you to pay your bill.
The innovation took from the start and the steady return
of the customers tells the story of our ability to carry a splen
didly assorted stock of all the good things for the table. You
can sense the prosperity of the store the minute you step in
to it.
It has come because we have given the public what they
want at the prices they want, deliver at n regular hour and
deal with you ns" wc would be dealt with were we the cus
tomer and you the store owner.
The Grabateria Cash Grocery
Phone Columbia 102
Dr. I'. P. Schultzc, Res. Col. 1131 Dr. D. S. Swart, Res. Col 283
Office Col. 370 Office Col. 379
Drs. Schultze & Swart
1-6 Bonhara & Currier Bldg.
Every user of Federal Tires, either Cord or Fabric, is
A Booster.
He gets more miles for his money. S0x3 Traffik Tread S1500
Other sizes in proportion. See JACK CAMPBI&L. the Vulcan
Uer who carries all sires in stock, 1015 Williams Ave, near Alberta
I ' -
v ML- :
Bathing Caps Special
60c to $1.00, at - 50c
35c to 50c, at - 25c
The Prescription Store
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot-ofBurlington St.
St. Johns Hat Works and
Shoe Cleaning Parlor
litttt iti Gttli Hill Cliiwd ii itdti
Beat Shine in tho Oity
104 N. Jersey Street St. Johus
The proposed excursion of gov
ernors to Alaska has been canceled.
The rcasoa givea was that not
eaougb governors have agreed to
go oa the trip.
Suits Pressed 50c
Best work In the city.
No Charge for Calling for and
Phone Columbia 1289
1irtA,1 T?vrur!fnof1 mntl
wishes position as night watchman;
best of references furnished. Will
work a short time free for reference.
Call 817 N. Leonard street.
Don't send your printing out
of town.
Mrs. C. S. Currin of Klamath
Falls is visiting relatives and friends
in the old home.
The Odd Fellows' hall now
wears a new coat of shingles. Of
course n new dress of paint will
soon follow.
T. J. Chambers is remodeling
his residence on Willamette boulc.
vard. He says a home in St. Johns
is well worth taking cure of.
Almost every one in St. Johns
takes pride in caring for the lawn
and flower beds. This spirit is com
meudablc. It signifies contentment.
Michael Kilkenny has added a
uutliroom and made other pcrma
iictit improvements on his residence
property, '111 North Jersey street.
Loan sharks hover in the wake
of the bonus act. The state aid com
mission bus issued a statement
warning against a hoidc of petty
Freight rates in Washington have
been suspended. The state depart
incut of public works has agreed on
a five per cent, increase for ninety
days pending other action.
Schlcsscr Bros, arc building an
addition to their slaughter house in
Kenton. This firm was formerly in
business here and still do a whole
sale business in this city.
P. A. Ilrecdccn has made many
permanent improvements on his res
idence proierty on Willamette bou
levard. Mrs. Clark, n neighbor,
has made similar improvements.
Peter Kelly, aged .12, has been
ticutcuccd to GO days in the Port-
laud tun for molesting two little
girls. In these davs of liuuiau de
pravity parents cannot waicli tliclr
children too closely.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. VanOrsdalc,
recently from Mabel, were week
end guests of Dr. and .Mrs. l'nltncr.
Mr. VanOrsdale is n prominent log
ger and lumberman, well and favor
ably known in this city.
On July 1 3th the Y. W. C. A.
will give their annual entertain
ment and social evening at the
building. A splendid entertainment
is being prepared. A full program
will be given next week.
Nothing like contentment. We
should all be inspired by the fol
lowing lines: "Oh, contentment;
precious jewel; ever be our dear de
light. Save us from vexatious cruel
every morning, noon and night."
C. V. Hoylc of the National Vul
canising Co. recently underwent
major operation in I'cuiusula
Hospital. The operation was suc
cessful and Mr. Doyle will soon be
on duty again.
Mrs. I), h. Colburn of James
town, New York, is visiting the
families of II. W. and Geo. W.
Selleck, 713 North Jersey street.
The Colburus and Sellecks were old
friends and pioneer settlers ot South
Harry Lavclle,'' until recently a
resident of this city, is a logging
coiitrac.or at in. Marys, Idaho.
His nephew, Merle I,avelle, has
gone to the new scenes of labor,
where he will remain uutil school
days again appear.
What is believed to be a record
yield of strawberries is reported by
Rtife Bandy who owns two acres
planted to berries in the Florin dis
trict east of Sacramento. After pay-
ng all expenses, Handy had 82800
from the sale of berries produced by
the two-acre patch during the year.
An interesting lecture will be
given in Bickner hall Sunday morn
ing at n o clock by J. C. UeKoy of
the International Bible Students'
Association. Subject: "The World's
judgment Day at Hand; Millions
now Living will Never Die." Seats
free; no collection
A nartv of fifteen inrls from
the Rainbow Club, and several oth
ers, will leave Saturday morning to
spend the week end and including
the Fourth at the Y. W. C. A. cot
tape at Gearhart. Mr. Kov Iuule-
due, Dr. Borden and Mrs. Blew
will furnish cars to make the trip.
Joseph Supple, the pioneer boat
builder of Portland, has returned
from an extended trip in several
states beyond the Rockies. His
shipyard at Unutou is now build
ing barges ana large watercrait are
expected on the ways at an early
date. Both Mr. Supple and Mr.
Rackliffe, his assistant, are optimistic.
Wolves iu sheep's clothing ap
pear to be operating in Portland,
Girls are asked to take automobile
rides and then compelled to remain
in the machines until their captors
are ready to return, Negroes are
burned at the stake for attempted
assaults. This paper does not en
courage violence, but when a white
man sinks to a level with the brute
be should at least be confined with
in prison walls.
Subject for Christian Science
services Sunday: God.
O. D. Lcok is having a residence
erected at 1002 Tioga street.
Lincoln Logan is erecting a neat
dwelling at 825 Buchanan street.
William Killcbrew left last week
for the harvest fields of Eastern Or
II. C. Benedix of Sacramento,
Cal.,wasa St. Johns visitor the
past week.
Win. D. O'Connor has taken out
a permit for u residence at 311 Wil
lis boulevard.
Miss Ruby Thorp left Saturday
for an extended visit with her sis
ter at Independence.
Mrs David is n guest of her
daughter, Mrs. E. D. Vinson, on
South Ivanhoc street
Mrs. A. C. Galbraith has taken
out permits for the erection of three
fine dwellings on Oswego street.
Muskrats burrowing into the
walls of the Central Oregon canal
have caused considerable damage.
A. II. Schwartz is erecting a
fine modern seven room house on
South Jersey, between Tyler and
Polk streets.
J. A. Banbury is having a fine
residence constructed on Richmond
street, between Smith avenue and
Seneca street.
The St. Johns Lumber Company
resumed operations Monday, after
being closed down on account of
high water.
Miss Marie Beaver of Deer Is
land U visiting her uncle and aunt,
Mr and Mrs C. J Beaver, 1777
Willamette boulevard.
Mr. Kent, timekeeper for the
Peninsula sawmill, was among many
visitors iu St. Johns since last issue
of this great moral lever.
An error iu time appealed iu last
week's issue concerning the lecture
of J. C. I,cKoy iu Bickner Hall.
The time should have been 1 1 a, 111.
A fine musical program, followed
by a sermoucttc by the pastor, will
he given iu the Methodist church
Sunday evening. Regular services
iu the morning.
The Cleaner Sunday School class
of the Methodist church will he eu
tcrtaiucd at the home of Mrs. Kd
ward Howe, ti8, South Ivanhoc
street, Friday evening.
Small girls wanted on July
Fourth, to ride on Float iu Parade;
must be dressed iu white. For par
ticulars call Columbia 939 Fra
ternal Boosters,
St Johns will no doubt be a gala
day and one long to be remembered
July Fourth The various commit
tees are 011 the job turn prospects
for n most Interesting day and an
enormous crowd urc very bright.
Wc desire to express our sincere
thanks to the neighbor and friends
and especially the members of the
Christian church, for their kind
ness, sympathy and beautiful floral
tributes during the illness ami death
of our father, the late Charles F.
Lidberg. Mrs Clara Ressel, Mrs
Agnes Josephsou, Mrs. Maude
Liudquist, C. J. Lidberg, Fred. P.
President Suspenders 50c
Pre-war prices ROGHRS
Kxpert builder and designer; free
estimates. Columbia 1418.
We wish to thank our neighbors
and friends for their kindness at
this time of our dear father's death
and for Uie beautiful floral offerings.
Mrs. Joseph Basle, Mrs. Kdgar
Sorber, Mrs. David borber, Airs.
Clarence Coolev. Mr. Arthur Peder-
son, Mr. Harry Pederson.
Lost in St. Johns Monday even-
itiK. White Spitz dog. Answers to
name of Teddy; reward. Phone Col,
554, 410 Oswego street.
Waut quick, neat sewing done.
About a mouth's work at worker's
rooms. Also desire neat, economical
housekeeper or aged couple. "S"
this office.
Party taking fern and jardiniere
from South Jersey are known. Re
turn immediately or police will be
notified. 724 South Jersey.
Chaa. L. Graden wishes to an
nounce that he has severed his
connections with private corpor
ations and will engage in the
general practice of law with
offices at 719 Gasco building,
Portland, Oregon. tf
Wanted Five experienced
women operators: must be St,
Johns residents. Applications
taKen Tuesday morning, juiy
Maxam Shirt & Garment
Bargain Column
(Advertisements under this heading
ten cents cr liner mhiiiimttt chnrgc 25
Ifor Sale An JttiOO player plnno for
flRO; jwtfect condition. 1712 Willam
ette Uoulcvanl, l'lionc Col. 68.
New 4 room house, just finished, Liv
ing room, dining room, kitchen and
bedroom. Kitchen has all built-ins. Hath
and kitrhen in white enamel; wnllbed in
living room, 200 down and f 27 per
month, W. 1'. Orccnc & Son, Col, 1026.
11400. l'lvc room house, connected
with srwrr. I.nt flllitM. Cnih Mftt).
balance easy tctms. KICK & TATIt.
Goat (or sale cheap; 18 months old.
Call 423 lliUtol street.
This Is bargain week. We havb 2 nice
little 4 room buniralows you cnu have
at your own price and 011 easy terms.
Make us an olfer. Will consider some
trade. W. I'. Greene & Sou, Col. 1026.
I1KMSTITCII1NG and l'lcollnvr At-
tachmcut, $2.00. Itultouholc Attachment
f9.85; fits any Sewing Machine. Per
sonal Checks 10 cents extra. Unlit Mall
Order Home, llox 27,Birmiti(ham, Ala.
l'urnlturc of 5 room house, ItOO cash,
or will sell separately. 812 N, KcIIokk
l'or Sale. Oak finished vlctrola. Call
Columbia 4GG.
l'or Sale Young l'rlcrs at 60c each,
call at 1331 N. KelloKK'St.
l'or Sale Small Ice Chest cheap,
Columbia 482.
l'or Sale 6 room house, rccctitlon
hall, ks and electricity, A1 condition,
202 It, New York street, also, 0 loom
house at 2100 Willamette lllvd. Owner
here from California and will be nt luttcr
place all day I'riday and Saturday, after
that Phone Mrs. Clark, Main 3111.
l'or Sale 1'uruUhed brand new mod.
cm bungalow, rlht oil car line, also,
one block of terminal car. H60 cash
will hnudlc it. Owner 018 N. Kellogg.
l'or Sale 4 room house with large
attic, Imth, toilet, Unlit and full cement
basement, (rout and bnck porches, 3 full
lots with fine orchard, concrete walks
and Macadam St., i blockjlrom car ami
2 blocks from school, l'rlcc fSOOO.
terms $1000 cash, luilauce $20 month ami
Interest. S. C. COOK, Realtor, 402 N.
Jersey Street.
Try our Chile. 'Tho Gcnovn,'
215 1-2 N. Jersey street.
R O O 15 R S
Household goods for sale, in
cluding baby buy nud bed. 408,
Tioga street.
Paint your House, nuugalow
house paint iu popular shades,
$2 50 per gallon, at the St. Johns
Hurdwarc Company.
I Mb I,
This Bank has just paid over Ten Thousand
Dollars in Interest, being the amount
due every six months on savings ac
counts. Did you get your share of this fund or
are you one of the many who do not
realize the value of saving money?
Peninsula National Bank
Courtesy, Service, Dependability, Strength
Comoio yZ e
tLJU.1' S
Don't (;o out on ti trip without having the necessary
EXTRAS for your dir. We carry the best TIRR9,
Goodyear and United States Kurtliernioie Our" Prices
are Right. i
gatton Ranch pairy
Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farin
The Dairy is under strict supervision of the City
Health Department and the Cows are tested
for tuberculosis every six months.
Phone Col. 321 fr orders
Bed - $27.50 Dresser - $30.00
Chiffonier - $30.00 Dressing Table - ?30.00
Princess Dresser S27.50 Rocker - $6.50
Chair - - $5.50
Sold Another Opal Rango Last Week Everybody Knows Why?
SSee Our Truck in the Parade July 4thSfir
Fresh lino of uroceriea und
confectionery, ice cream and
summer beverages. Take home
a brick of ice cream for Sunday
dinner. Call Columbia 1051. Tho
Fern, 203 N. Jersey street. 29-4
Notice is hereby iiven that I
will not be responsible for any bills
contracted by C. V. Sowers, as he
has left my home. Mrs. C. M.
Sowers, 94a N. I van hoe St. Johns,
The Geneva Confectionery sjgvati
Ice Cream, Colli Drinks anil Imht
launches. 215K North Jersey,,
Doy's Druss RAPS 95c
' ROG 15 K S