ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 17 Stf. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1921. NUMBER 34 The Fourth at St. Johns Salute at sunrise. Parade will take place at 10 a. in. Line of march will be, starting at Jersey aud Fessenden, south on Jersey to Buchanan, on Buchanan to Lombard, ou Lombard to Jersey and Fessenden. Program will start immediately after the parade. Opening address by Dr. H. F, Jones, president of the. day. Community song, "The Star Spanglcd Banner." Invocation, by Rev. V. K. Klostcr. Solo, by Miss Lola Murphy. Oration by Hon. T. J. Clccton. Readiucr Declaration of Iudc pcudcnce'by Hazel Bartlctt. Chorus. Address by Mr, A. G. Johnson. Band concert will conclude open ing exercises. At 1 p. m. sports will take place ou Ivanhoc street, between Burlington and Chicago, consisting of most every kind, for which valuable prizes will be awarded. K vents. of special iutcrcst, consisting of water fight, boxing contest and tug of war will take place at 3 p. m. Dancing at rink afternoon and evening. Music by Portland Hotel orchestra. A voting contest, opcu to all. Nominate your choice of ludy to act as Goddess of Liberty at bt. Johns, on July Fourth. Votes 10 cents per hundred. Voting booth at Alultno tnah theatre; also at 209, South Jersey. Contest closes July a at 0:30 p. m. An invitation is extended to eve ry one to enter a float or decorated vehicle for Fourth of July parade. Prizes will be awarded for the most appropriate. PROGRAM: 1. Girl's Races, 14 years or less, CO yards. 2. Potato Race, Boys and Girls, 10 years or lets. .3. Sack Race, Boys 14 years or less. 4. Girl's Race, 10 to 18 ycurs, 60 yards. 5: Three-legged Race, Boys un der 15. G. Bicycle Race, one-half mile, 16 or less. 7. Boys under 16 years, 100 yards. 8. Children under 10 years old, 50 yards. 9. Pony Races, one-half mile, Boys; 2 heats. 10 Fat Man's Race, 100 yards. 11. Members of Fraternal Orders, 100 yards. 12. Men's Three-legged Race, 100 yards. 13. Married Women's Race, frc for all, 100 yards... 14. Men's xoo Yard Race. 15. Daughters of Fraternal Mem bers, 50 yard dash. 1G. Men's Race, 700 feet. 17.Fat Women's Race, 25 yards, 18. Men's 220 yard, Hurdle Knee 19. Running Broad Jump. 20. Standing Jump. 21. Hop, Step and Jump, running, 22. High Jump, Running. 23. Police, Firemen and Mail Car ricrs, 100 yards. 24. Booster Members Only, 100 yards. 25. Old Horse Race, one-eighth mile. 2G. Tug of War, Special time 27.-Water Fight, J bet. 3 and 4. 2b. baseball, juuior Moose vs. K. P. 29. Ladies' Nail Driving Contest 30. Greased Pig. "The Dccstrlct Skule" "The Decstrict Skulc," the play given tinder the auspices of the St. Johns Community Club in the Y. W. C. A. building last Friday evening, was a decided hit. The building proved wholly inadequate to accommodate the number desir ug to sec the performance, aud quite a number were unable to gain admittance. P. A. Getz instructor of James John High School, was the author and coach of the play, and it was a clever and wittily constructed production. Some of the costumes worn were certainly wonderful to behold in this day and age. Judg ing from the plaudits and merriment created the audience was highly pleased with the entertainment pro vided. The program follows: MORNING SKSSION Vocal Solo Miss Lola Murphy Teacher Rev. C. P. Gates SCHOLARS Abraham Diiuklcslrn&e II. C. Kasanycr Rastus Watcrmilliou Jackson. . . , A. L. Smock Remarkable Androscoggin Walters. Ormaudv Thcophilus Audroscoggiu honor Harry W. Oriuandy Olnf Rucson P. A. Get. Horace Greeley Dann..A. W.Markle Michael O'Rourkc Dr. H. F. Jones Weary Willie Wampum G. I,. Beach Radium Cosmopolite H. W. Botihnm Hzckiel Hardicmau . ...L, K. Rose Caleb Wampum.. K. A. Sundstrum Abnnico Honeysuckle ..K. Iy. Crane Little Martha Walker was guest at a most delightful birthday party gi.ven at her home, 420 Os wego street, nunc 28. Cuvcrs were laid for ten little guests at a blrthduy cake, with three little cau dles, and ice cream was greatly en joyed by all. The most interesting feature ot tuc attcrnoon was wncna package arrived from the old country, from the little girl's grand mother, was oncucd and en 10 veil bv all. The afternoon was sncut with bophr mia Rheostat games and plays on the lawn. Mrs. S. A. Mulkcy Those present were: Margaret and vioiaceae Honeysuckle Anna Nocc, Jack Nocc, Lilian Mrs. h, A. Blew Muhm. Wesley Nichols, Foster Lluu Apathy Jnckson Fercusou, Ethel Bosic, Marian and Mrs. I.. P. Hoskins Nora Coolcy. Marian Walker, Mrs. Patience Snooks M. FcrKUSon. Mrs. J. Nocc, Mrs. Mrs. B. Vun Arsdale Frank Walker, Mrs. S. Peterson, great-graudmothcr of the little girl. The Western Cooperage is run niug a full day and light night crew, uvcr uuu men ami ou wo men arc employed. A large portion of the output goes to liiistern states and the Pacific Coast. Bust ucss in the cooperage line is grnd ually improving. Mrs. M. B. Green ..Miss M. I. Kerr Ranunculaccac Snooks pital. Ksplna Cactus Lillium Cactus Mrs. B. Montgomery Adorable Charlodora Ramscll . , , Mrs. 15. P. Borden INTERMISSION Musical Selection. Mrs. C. E. Bailey AFTERNOON SESSION Scholars same ns morning session Superintendent Eurypldes Euclid T. J. Mouahan COMMITTEEMEN . Duusravcu Salsbury, Chairman. Prof. W. T. Fletcher Wisdom Bcbedor D. Frank Horsiuuu District Reserve Evcrwear . . . V. J. Larson VISITORS Mrs. Alexander Honeysuckle, . Mrs. Mabel I-cnton Odessa Gradgrind Miss Gladys Brcdesou Saturday or Sunday night the grocery store of R. L. Bartlctt, next door to this office, was burglunzed. Entrance was made through a back window. A glass was broken and an inner bar removed. A few cig arcttes and two pieces of chewing tobacco were taken. About 50 cents iu small change was also taken irom the till, nvuictitiy some youthful dime novel heroes imagine pirates have left hidden treasures along the banks of the Willamette aud the site of Mr. Barttctt's store aud this office is the treasure chest. A grave mistake. Since this office was burglarized a short time ago, the entire force has made diligent search aud were unrewarded for their labors. Better try a new field. Sunday evening an automobile driven by Mr. McMurreu of 510G, Forty-second ave., southeast, turned turtle on Burlington street aud Wil lamette boulevard. His daughter, Mis Mildred McMurreu, received several painful bruises. The patient is resting easy iu the Peninsula hos- Visited Sunnysido Last Friday evening the follow ing members of Peuinsula Chapter Royal Arch Masons visited Sunny side chapter: W. A. Carroll, C. B. Russell, Fret! Leftwich, J. S. Kenney, W. L. McGuire, II. G. Gazley, Lee Johnson, Wiley Dyer, J. O. Bailey aud D. E. Veruou. Mrs. Vernon started with the com panions, but upon second reflection the council recalled the fact that nothing feminine ever entered the sacred portals of King Solomon's temple or the second tabernacle. Therefore she was tenderly cast aside on East Main street, where she visited her daughter, Mrs. von Grocuwald, until a seasonable hour, when she was picked up by com panions and conveyed safely libnie. Attorney Bailey was one of the trio exalted to the royal arch. Mr. Baily hoped to win favors from home companions, but was doomed to disappointment. He finally ar rived home safely alter making a pilgrimage through Damascus aud other places iu the Holy Laud. The hospitality of Suiiuysiuc chapter is too well known to require further comment at this time. Companions from there arc frequent visitors in St. Johns, aud members of Peniu sula chapter always feet at home iu the magnificent temple at bunny side. A Portland boy was run down and injured by n heavy truck. High weeds were responsible for the accident: the crossing was hid- leu. Later in the season over ripe foliage may also cause untold losses y the devouring element, lhe olicc force arc even now taking ft list of weed-grown lots. Better get )tisy before the copper ou the beat gets your number. A bouncing baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Armstrong, 908 Oswego street, Saturday, June 18th. ..-.--M-tfr. j--.- .j jvi i mi- - site' mm Happy Fourth of July, that's h e day everybody wears SAILOR HATS UNDERWEAR Men's Union Suits, Light Weight Cotton Rib or PoroMeuit $1.25 and 1.95 Meu'.s Chilly Athletic Union Suits, Per Garment 95c Men's Undershirts and Drawers, Per Gurment G5c, Suit. '. $1.25 Children's Athletic Union Suits, Park Mill Quality. . ......'....; r?.. ;90c Recital Was a Fine Success The violin recital given by pu pils of Elmer Sliced, the well known concert violinist and teacher, at the James John High school auditorium Friday evening of last week, was immensely enjoyed by all present. Each pupil demonstrated iu a most pleasing manner the results of the instructions they had received, and played like finished artists. Each pupil played a solo from memory, with a hue interpretation and bcautiiul tone. Two selec tions were played with ten violins. Many iu the audience spoke of the beautiful bowing, as they all bows worked exactly iu unison. The au dience seemed to appreciate every , number, as all remained per fectly quiet during the entire per formance. After the conclusion of the pupils' program Mr. Sliced ren dered several solos which proved him to be a great master of the vio lin. Those who were present need no further evidence as to his ability as a concert violinist and teacher. Miss Margaret E. Smith was at tnc piano ana piayeu an ex cellent accompaniment for nit per formers. Pupils who took part iu the recital, names and solos they appear iu the following prograur Song of the Sea Shell Krog- Gtutiu The 111a Hriisch Water Lily Waltz Ducelle- Severn Helen Whitegon Paulowua Mazurka Arthur Scyboltl Forrest Sweet Traiunerei Schuuiunn-Ernst . . . Eduu Whiteside Chanson de licrccau-M. Hatiser John Riley Romance Eclair-Ernst Karl Berry The Last Rose of Summer-Moon:-Reuchner Curl Juhiiku Souvenir Franz Drdln Dido Palmer (u) Cttvatluo J. Raff (h) Kuiawiak... Henri Wicniawskl Maude Stewart fa) Liebcsfrcud .... Fritz Krelslcr (b) Mcmiett W.A. Mozart Elmer Sliced Star of Faith Amanda Kennedy Violin Class (a) Caprice Viennols Fritz Krcisler Inner Sliced (h) Souvenir dc Moscou Henri Wicniawskl ......... Elmer Sliced Encore Petite Valse R. A. De ImulHahI Thursday and I'rMuy, June SO, July 1--"THE GREATEST LOVE." A picture of renl tnerit. Saturday July 2 WILL ROGERS iu "JUHtl.o" Goldwyit. Sunday, July 3 HOBART BOSWORTIi In "Tltli IIUUTKMASTHU." Monday, July 4 Open at 2:30 Continuous. "The Silent Barrier" With an all star n tnl Comedy. cast. Also Serial Tuesday, July 6 "SILENT BARRIERl'jiiid Serial. Wednesday, fuly C MADGE KENNEDY In "STRICT IA CONI'IDHNTIAI,." Take a KODAK with you Photooraphv the Kodak way is less expensive than you think our price cards demonstrate it. And any Kodak is simple to work we can readily show you how easy it is. Autographic Kodaks from $8.00 up Brownies $2.00 up Currin's For Drugs Hots of the Koad Overalls $1,05 Panama Hats ....,$1,60 and 2.50 Cool Dress Caps 1.25 up Drtts Shirts, Union Made 1.50 up Hoy's Pants 1,50 Hoy's Suits ?5.50. 8.50 up Hoy's Dress KaM...., 'J5c Ncktlai, the dollar kind, now C5c, two for. . . 1.25 I'ancy Socks, two tone or silk plated 50c Men's llclts C5c, 75c, 1.00 Paris, Dottou and Ivory Garters 35c up Collar Pius 25c, 50c, 75c Pocket books , 25c up Hair Combs 15c, 25c Williams Shaving Soap 6c Collates Dental Cream , 15c Shinola Home Sets , 50c Separable Cull Links 36c Men's White Handkerchief 10c, 3 for 25c Olive Cream Skin Soap 10c SlipOripTle Clasps, Gold 1.00 Wash Nckties 26c, 35c, 50c President Suipenders, Now..,,.,, 60c Youth's Suspenders 25c Cool Work flats,, , 76c Un Knit Wool Tocmies 35c Men's I'lue Dress Shoes Men's Work Shoes 2.25, f.THR, Hoy Scout Shoes $2.25, 2.50, Tennis Shoes $1.35,11.45, fl.60, 2.50, Sailor lists for Men $3.50, 4.00, Work Vants , I.C0, Sl.DS, 2.25, Dress rants 4.85, 0.50, Men's Suits Children's Play Suits 75c, Men's coveralls 2.WJ, Illuc Stripe Overalls Rogers Special, now.,..,,,...,... Arrow Soft Collars, Dc I.uxe Collars Huttous Carpenters Overalls , rsinters overalls anil Jackets Leather Mittens , Leather Puttees Women's HikliiK l'auts Women's Hiking Coats Men's Hiking Pants 2.05, Ka-Kh-Kha-Khaki Hats i)5c, l'auts 1.1)5, " " Costs Suit Cases Nektles, Silk Knit J4.9S 4.H5 2.76 up il.UU 4.60 2.50 7.60 17.50 up VDC 3.25 1.25 60c 25c up 75c, 10c 1.05 1.05 1.00 0.85 2.06 3.50 3.25 1.25 2.60 2.50 1.U5 1.00 Saxy Violin Class Men's SUITS W.G0 Up R O G E R S NEKTIES ROGERS Thursday and I'rlday, July 7 and 8 GLADYS BROCKWELL In "TUB SACK IIHN" l'athc. Oneof the Kood pictures of the year. Saturday. July !) WANDA MAWLEY In "THU SNOll" Uealart. Sunday, Jul v 10 A Paramount Special, "Held By The Enemy" With Jack Holt, Wanda Ilawlev ami Au,ncs Ay res. This tin Rood one AMERICAN SHOE SHOP 110 S. Jersey St. All (lint (lie name implies, AMERICAN Udw. Coniiant, Prop. Wntch My Shop Window, the Winning Numbers ate Posted There Residents of St. Johns liavlmr taxes and city Ileus to pay iu Portland ran make their payments without Inconveni ence by availing thcmiclvrs of our ser vices. We will pay luituuaud Micureyour receipt without inconvenience to you. I'cc. zm. Keiercuces: Any tt, JoIiiih Itank. Peuinsula Title, Abstract1 and Realty Co., by II, Henderson, Manager; Mortu jcrney .unci, coon avujfi' at this higuv mien ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN BMk of Conimerce Building ST. JOHNS OpentvMinjj ROYAL ANNS We are ready to take Royal Ann Cherries any time now. Phone us for Price, Etc. Phnc Office Col. 824 Residence Col. 377 Gasscr's Express OffIc 202 N. Jersey Street RreUteace 921 S, Jersey Street St. Johns Undertaking Co. Thomas Grice, Alnnager Office, Col. 527 PHONES- -Nhjht, Col. 299 208 N. Jersey St. FREG USG OF CHAPEL AUTOMOBILE HEARSE Night or Day Calls Promptly Answered LOW RUNT enables us to give our customers the benefit of Very I.ow Prices. Not a Branch oflice of any Portland Undertaking Co, Wc guarantee lower prices than you can get in the city Insure with us and Insure your safety: MMHMSSMSHBHMBSBaHHBWkMaMMSMSSWBMSMWWSSSWSSSiaM PENINSULA SECURITY CO. "Everything In Insurance" t 108 South Jersey St Phone Columbia 161 "sSay 4t with blowers" Kxtra Pine Geraniums in full bloom, Hach 25c Large Pansy Plants in Ulooni Special per dozen. 25c Nice Perns for your House, ,50c Up The Favorite Brunswick Style 7-$II5 Hero wo show Brunswick Stylo 7, the most popu lar and by far the best phonograph made at Its prlco. In every quality It dosorvos the great Brunswick reputationtone that Is big, round and truthfully pure, the ability to play all rec ords perfectly, and a cabinet of unusual beauty, combine in mak ing It the Ideal instrument of its price. JULY RECORDS NOW SELLING Brunswick, Stylo 7 . .$115 Records of your soloctlon 10 $125 W. M. TOWER WATCH MAICISU ASI . ISWlSLHIt Philadelphia Street St. Johns 3ecAett' s Sfreenhouses 814 and 816 North Kellogg Street Phone Col. 401 LEWIS CALDWELL LEADING DARKER The place where good service aud courteous treatment prevail. Children's hair cutting receive special attention, 109 BURLINGTON STREET DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars 311 South Jersey Street Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office 107 N. Jersey Street Phone CoL 887 RJdnct Col, 398 Independence Day 1 7761 921 One hundred and fortyfive yoara of opportunities. Secured, as thoy were by our forefathers at supreme sacrifice, let us as Americans not waste our her itage. Consider not alone the matter of saving as a means of simply having more money, but more the fact that the opportunity to enjoy a higher plane of existence will be yours. THE BANK OF COMMERCE The Bank For Savings J