HM Gas Ranges On Easy Terms Why swelter over the hot cook stove or range these warm summer days? You can get a nico New Gas Range or a good SECOND HAND. GAS RANGE from Qrmandy Bros, on vory Easy Terms. $77.50 New Gas Range Now $69.50 $67.50 Now Gas Range Now $60.00 $44.00 New. Gas Range Now $39.50 $35.00 New Gas Range Now $31.50 Second Hand Gas Range $40.00 Second .Hand GasRango $30.00 Second, Hand Gas Range $17.50 Second Hand Gas Range $16.00 Second Hand Gas Range $ 7.50 Second Hand Gas Range $ 6.00, Pay a little down and a little each week YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD OAmandu Bos IjIMMIIiJIIzITcIZM 1 Mill lb J Dr. I. P. Schultze, Res. Col. 1131 Dr. D. S. Swntt, Res. Col 283 Office Col. 379 Office Col. 379 Drs. Schultze & Swart PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 1-G Bonliatn & Currier Bldg. St. 'John$ Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Foot-ofBurlington. St. Columbia 131 C H01 Every Meal a Happy One! No half-cooked meals, no disappointments but always happy, expectant faces and big appetites at . every meal. GLOBE Gas-Kol Combination Range Here'a why anyone can prepare delicious, appetiz ing meals on this range : The some oven is used for either coal or gas with perfect results. Oven is square and has no obstructions. The bottom is a solid cast plate, insuring an even, perfect baking sur face. No dampers, no draft slides, no complicated parts to get out of order. An automatic ventilating system promotes perfect combustion. And the oven thermometer takes the guesswork out of cooking. Let u a how you thit range and explain every detail. Come in this week. H.F. ClarUI le Furniture Man 'St. Johns Hat Works and Shoe Cleaning Parlor Ufet ui Mt Nik Ctai1 ui Btoeltd Seat Shlno in tho Oity 1M N. Jeroey Street St. Johns The Geneva Confectionery serves Ice Cream, Cold Drinks and Light Lunches. 215 North Jersey. II TIN HOUSE DYE' WORKS Suits Pressed... 50c Best work In the city. No Charge for Calling for and Delivering. Phoue Columbia 1289 I SANTOX ADJUSTERS Supply required Tonic Properties to the Bowels. For Children you can find no better prepara tion when Uowel action is irregular. For the Adult wc state with confidence that wc know you will be pleased with the results you. experience after taking the first dose. For sale by ST. JOHNS PHARMACY The Prescription Store A. D. 5., SANTOX AND DR. HOBSON REMEDIES PHONE COLUMBIA 138 Vacationists '1 Cleanup Week, May 3I-June4 TosUlvcly no Rubbish Removed before Mny 31 or Inter thnii June 4 at It Mrs. Mackey hua returned to Portland after enjoyinjr a brief sojourn with friends in St. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. William Kille brew. who have been near Clat skanie for some time, have re turned. Subject for Christian Science services Sunday: Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mes merism and Hypnotism, Denoun ced. Mis9 Viola Bale of Amherst, Nova Scotia, who had been visit ing with Mrs. A. M. Warner at 208 S. Jersey street for the past week has returned to her home. Orin Lear is among the office force of tho Standard Oil com pany that helped man one of tho oil tankers. 1 ho ship will go to Honolulu some time nox month. Mrs. D.E. Vernon has roturn cd from a visit with her daugh ter.Mrs. von Groonwald of Haw thnrne avenue, and is auain hot accustomed place in tho Poo plo a store. Members of II. U. Compson W K C please comoout to Memo ritil services on the mornimr May 30, and do not iorget to re spond liberally with good "oats' for tho G. A. It. dinner. Ite ported. Mr. and Mrs. W 13. Ashby and dipt. K. IS. Melntiro and Mrs Higgler enjoyed a pleasant auto trip to Meadow Brook farm, near Knnier. Sunday, a chicken dinner was well taken caroof by the visitors. The tenth annual reunion o the graduates of Room 15. Cen tral school, will bo held next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in tho x. W. C. A. build ng. will undoubtedly bu an enjoya Die occasion. L.J. Wright, assistant cashier of tho Peninsula National Hank, leaves lor ban I'rnncsco June 12th to attend tho 21th nnnuul convention of the National Cred it Men's association, which will bo held in that city Juno Mth to 17th, inclusive. W. E. Hollcnbcck and dnuurh ter, Miss Edna, will spend sov eral days tho latter part of this week and part of next with Mrs. Hollcnbcck, who Is spending the summer at Sea View, and whoso health has already ben efitcd by tho salt air. Tho machinery for tho Maxam Shirt company is being placed n their now quarters in tho trench block. I he plant will ho in onorution in a few dnvu. ------ .i. - v -.- anu will prove a welcome audi tion to our list of manufactur ng industries. I.owis Clark, who hod been tmmloyea at this oflico. has ac edited a position with o govern meiiL engineering corps which will operate a number of miles rom Eugene. He left Wednes day morning for scene of opera tions. A meeting of the Floral Com mittee of tho Community Club will meet in tho library this. Fri- day. evening at 8 o'clock. It is de3ired that each member attend and all others interested in St. Johns being fittingly represent- su in mo uoso festival are in vited to attend. Mrs.LuciaCreasmanof Burns. Oregon, has been visiting with ner parents, jir. and Mrs. S. M, Buckles.of 409 N. Edison street, for the pust couplo of weeks. She formerly lived in St. Johns or a number of years. Mrs. Creasman oxpocts to return to her homo about June 1st. St. Johns will goon have a bos- pltal, which will be located in the Chipman place on Willam ette boulevard. It will bo in chargo of Mrs. A. Beno and will be known as tho bt. Johns Gen- eral Hospital. Ic will be in op eration probably the first of next month. The need of a jws pltal has long been felt in this section, and it is gratifying that we are now to nave one. The ocation is ideal for the nurnose. More particulars next week. Memorial day exercises will be observed at the Congregational church next Sunday morning at a. m. All old soldiers. Civil Page's Barber Shop. First-class work assured. Union Shop. J. G. Page, Proprietor. 205 North Jersey, I The hardsurfacing of South Jersey street is just about com pleted. Tho high water may eliminate some of tho proposed Fair sites from serious consideration. The piano students of Nettie Lcona Foy gave a pleasing re cital last Saturday evening, F W Valentino is having alter ations and improvements made to his Charleston street prop erty. Mrs. F. E. yon Groenwald of Hawthorne visited St. Johns relatives and friends Saturday evening. Born--To Mr. and Mrs. Wesley A. bimons, biw u. 1'olk street. May 22, a ten and one-half pound baby girl, Mrs. J. C. Brooks has roturn ed to her homo in Pendleton af ter a pleasant sojourn hero and at Seaview. Tho annual entertainment nt tho St. Clement's school hull will be held May 31st, at 8 p. m. A splendid program has been ar ranged., Lewis Culdwell.the well known tonsonul artiBt, had tho misfor tune to fall last week and dis locate his kneo cap, which has put him out of commission for a few days. The missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will hold a cottage meet ing nt 524 E.Mohawk street this Friday.evening at 8 o'clock. All welcome. Big Children's Day program is to be rendered at tho Conirre- gational church by the children tho second Sunday in Juno at 11 a. m. Watch locals for further notice of this intercslinur pro gram. Reported. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cousins and family of Canton, III., havo arrived und will muko this city thoir permanent home. Mrs. Cousins is tho nieco of Mrs. Crane, tho well known milliner. Y. W. C. A. Schedule-Monday nignt, sowing class: Tuesday. cast for "Deestrict Skulo" by community Uuu: Wednesday, GLOVES LARGE ASSORTMENT - W. W. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN Bargain Column Mrs. BurghdulE's war ano ex service men arj asked to attend in their uni forms 4f possible. The church will be beautifully decorated and special music is arranged by arge choir with anthems and solos. Walter Jenkins and Mr. Fassett will sing patriotic solos. Rev. Or. Hull, an ex-Service man and son of a veteran, will speak on the theme, "The Past and Present, and Will There Be Another World War?" The La- or fuestion will be discussed in the Open Questionaire in the evening 7:dU. in attendance and interest is-growing in these public questions. All invited. Reported. ron n ion: inursday night, now club; Fri day night, gymnasium class. Owing to steadily increasing lusiness the Homo Mcrcantilo Co. has added additional help to tho establishment, Oscar Moo taving been added to tho forco. Ho is well known and well liked and will prove a valuablo aid to tho company. Result of drawim? at tho dem- onstrutlon of Sherwin-Williums paints and varnishes at tho St. Johns Hardware Co. last Satur day: First prize. No. 11. J. P. cusmussen. 207 bweneon street! second prize, No Yi, Mrs. J. C. Porter. 514 W. Tver street: third prize, No. 7, Mrs. W. Flu ter, 014 E. New York Btreet. Tho Pioneers of St. Johns will meet at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. r, J. Monahan, corner of Buchanan and Ivanhoo streets. tno second Tuesday or Juno in stead of meeting with Mrs. lose H. Benjamin. bIio boincr called .East. Members nlease iear in mind tno date, also the change of meeting place. Mrs. A. J. Hanson, Sec. Last Friduy evening tho fol- owing members of Peninsula Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, made a fraternal nilflrrimaire to Sunnyside Chapter: W. A. Car roll, R. B. Walls. J. S. Ktnney. . I). Webster, W. L. McGuire, I. G. Gazley, G. II. Lemon. L. i. Johnston and W. M. Dyer. tefreshments were served and u very pleasant nvenincr renort- ed. High Priest Carroll says the cigars were among the most ragrant. The first annual dance of the Community Club, which waB leld in the skating rink Wed nesday evening, was u most' de- ghtful affair. A goodly num- ier were in attendance, all of whom enjoyed the event im mense y. 'I he music was most excellent, the floor in superb condition and the rink hand somely embellished, as tho trim mings and artistic arrangements were still in place from the re cent Bachelor Club ball. The first annual speaking con test of James John High school was held in the school auditor ium May 20th, and proved very successful. Judges for the con test were Mrs.Drury-Scott, Rev. C. P. Gates and Mr. C. B. Rus sell. Prizes, which consisted of two ten dollar gold pieces and one five dollar gold piece, were donated by J. N. Edlefsen and won by the following suidents: Glenna Jones, Eloise Gray and Romayne Brand. GOOD WORK SHIRTS J95c. ROGERS tAUvcrttsetnents under this Ucadlng ten centi per line, minimum charcc 26 1 cents,) J2000 5 room modern house. bic ment, garncc and itnblc, lot 75x100, fire bcnrlng fruit trees, $650 rash, balance S22.G0 mouth, Including Interest. RICH & TATH, 107 N. Jf rseyi ! Co1umbln887. 11859 l'lve Room Modern home with newer mid iddewnlks, close In, good terms. RICH & TATH, 107 N. Jersey; 1.01. BtW. l'or Sale Three room plastered house double constructed, DOxlOO, fruit trees mid berries, wood shed, bam, good place to Veep cow and chickens, block und n halt from cur Hue. Trice f 1,000; terms. Vli 1. iuoiiiuvk street. 2U l'or 1 milk cow, also new G-rooin buiiL'alow, at n baiKititi l( taken nt once, Also one partly furnished house to rent. Call 303 Uurllnuton. l'lionc Columbia 15G. $20007 room modern house, full situ basement with cement wnlls nnd Door, n number of fruit trees, on paved street, Kood terms. Can you bent this? RICH & TATH, 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887, l'or Sale by Owner. l'lvc-rooin mod' cm house; lot 50x100 feet. Some fund turc mid linoleum. Call or address 1115 Hast John Street. Wanted Sewing by tho day or hour, or will do it at home. Call 833 W. Leonard atreot. For that outing Monday St. Johns Hardware Co. can equip you with everything to make the trip enjoyable. HATS AND CAPS that fit your luce anil pockctbook. ROGERS Wanted All kinds of work to do by tho hour. Col. 939. Six-room house, lot 50x100; close in to business center of St. Johns; will take tight car or delivery and sonic cash as first payment, balance easy terms, w. A. Carroll, 301 N. Jersey street. Phone Col 1285. Men's chilly Underwear 95c. R O G E R S Dr.H.O. Brown, Chiropractor, onico cornor Uwight nnd Lorn bard street: hours 1 to 4. Cull Columbia 273 for appointment. MENS' DRESS SHOES $4 95. R O G E R S Milk, Jersey Milk. Alwaya call for Johnson's Ranch Jersey Milk. If you buy it onco you will want no other. Call Col urnbia 31G. Reversible Leather Mitts. R O O E R S Chas. L. Gradcn wishes to an nounce that ho has severed his connections with private corpor ations and will engage in the general practico of law with ollicos at 7.9 Guaco building, Portland, Oregon. tf Garters and Arm Hands R O G E R S Four-room house, lot 50x100: good location; two blocks' from cur line. Price ouly $9,00; will tnoke terms on part. W. A. Carroll, 301 North Jersey streel. Phone Col. 1285. Goodyear and u. S. Tires at tho new reduced prices. Buy the best at St. Johns Hardware Oi. HEAVY WORK SHOES S3.8G. R O G E R S Three rooms for housekeeniiu: in private home, furnished. Move in June i. 043 North Ivanhoe. St. Johns, Col. 1417. COOL WORK HATS 75c. R O G E R S Lady wishes day or half day work, Forty cents per hour, Car fare. Col. 14 17. My Panama Hats never saw the canal, but they're rattling good values at 11.50 and 12 50. R O G F. R S Wanted.- Sewing at Central Ho- tel. Room 5. Living and dining room furniture for sale. 710 East Buchan. Col 191. Nice, clean suite or sleeping rooms lor rent. Over Honham & Currier's store. Phone Col. 263. SILK SOX G E Safeguard your Travel Funds with Travelers' Checks. These can be cashed in any city in the world and provide protection against robbery or loss. Courtesy, Service, Dependability and Strength Peninsula National Bank Member Federal Reserve System 1 er 1 " i GOOD SPORT Our Sporting GOODS msr Be All work and no play makes "Jack a Dull Boy," so come in boys and buy a now ball and bat ornny thing your heart craves to help you havo fun. Do that work your father and mother wants you to do, and do It with a smile and they will give you the money. Try it! Our Hardware is tho Best: it stands tho Test. ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. Th6 WliioliuHtor Storo The Steady Return The Cash Orabnteriu Grocery was the first 011 the field to establish a .store that eliminated all the red tiic of soliciting orders at your buck door, employment of n bookkeeper to fig ure your account, cut out the auy-tiiue-iibthe-day delivery and a collector to eluue after you to net you to pay your bill. " The innovation took from the start nnd the steady return of the customers tells the story of our ability to carry n spleu didly nssorted stock of nil the tfood things for the table. You can sense the prosjwrity of the More the minute you step in to it. 3 It has come localise wc have iivcn the public what they want at the prices they want, deliver at 11 regular hour and deal with you ns we would he dealt with were we the cus tomer nnd you the store owner. The Grabaferia Cash Grocery COUGH & CURRIER, Owners Phone Columbia 102 Every user of Inderal Tires, either Cord or Fabric, is A Hooster. , He i;ets more miles for his money. 30x3 Traffik Tread $15.00 Other sizes in proportion. See JACK CAMl'HELL, the Yulcun izer who carries all sizes in stock. 1015 Williams Ave, near Albertu R O UMBER B E D R LUMBER LUMBER ROCK PRICES CONTRACTORS, BUHDERS, CARPENTERS It will pay you to get our prices on lumber before buying. We are mak ing close prices on house bills and standard stocks and have some spe cials on which we can make espe cially attractive figures. RETAILERS Call us up about close prices on a high grade of No. 1 Common Di mension. Carload or truck lots. PACIFIC MILLING & MEG. CO. Col. 1019 Mr. J. L. Willi, Hit' piano tuner, is homo nmiin und ready for business. fiOI Hticbiiiiun street; phone Col. fiOl). 2) Garage for Rent,$ l, 517 Oswego. For Sale 4 room modern house, $1800, easy terms; ber ries and Harden planted.- 1106 Oswego street. Mrs. Vinson does hemstitch ing at 528 South Ivanhoo; phone Columbia 10M. 25, Sprayini? done chonn. Cull Col. 1333. U. E. Melton, papor banginir, ; minting, kalsomining. Ulu S. I Syracuse street. 29 Found A small grip with some sewing in it. Owner may havo same by calling and paying for this ad. 403 N. Jersey street, W. T. HartforJ. Kooma New Hoyal Hotel, 10S4 Fourth street; under now man ngemont. Little Urick Hotel, 32(i Stark street, near u'th; transient and permanent rooms. Lady wants house cleaning, washing and other work; go. d work guaranteed. Phone Col. 1201 mornings. 30 Elderly lady wishes some one to tako care of two small child ren during working hours. Will consider some lady to stay for home and board nnd small pay. 527 East Richmond street. Fresh lino of groceries nnd confectionery, ice cream and summer beverages. Tako homo a brick of ice cream for Sunday dinner. Call Columbia 1051. Tho -)rn, 203 N. Jersey street. 29-4 I I