$6000.00 WORTH FURNITURE 9 Must be Sold in One Week Regardless of Price or Cost The Big Furniture Store of the St. Johns Furniture Co. at 206, West Philadelphia Street, St. Johns, Must be Emptied at Once. can't afford to throw away, or to absolutely give away $6,000 worth of Good Furniture, but we will sell it at Prices so low that we will actually G I V E A W A Y THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF VALUE We IN. A. SWETLAND, Manager THESE TWO MEN IN CHARGE flr OF SALES R. G. SIEGEL Havo been given orders to do anything necessary to GET RID of the Entire Stock in One Week to Get Back Whole Salo Cost of it If possible, to sell it for the cost of hauling It away if necessary, But at any rate TO CLEAR OUT THE STOCK IN ONE WEEK. Never in Portland's History has there been such a Sacrifice of so much Good Furniture at One Time, such a Wholesale and Merciless SLAUGHTER of PRICES. You can now furnish your home complete for the money you would ordinarily pay for one suite COTTON FELT MATTRESSES ONLY 25 LEFT 40 Pound Roll Kclgc. l-'ancy Ticking, Worth $12.50 While They Lasl - $6.00 2 DOZEN BREAKFAST TABLES Size 36x36, Round or Square Regularly $4.50 Special - $2.50 ONE DOZEN BUPPETS Quarter Sawed Oak French Plate Mirror Sells Regular for $49.50 Sacrificed at Only - - $21.50 Garden Hose, Garden Tools and Lawn Mowers will be sacrificed at Wholesale Cost; come see them and be convinced BED DAVENPORTS Solid Oak Case, Covered in Imitation Spanish leather Reg. $57.50 Now Only $37 GENUINE BRASS BEDS I'ull Site 2 III. Tost nml Heavy I'lller Rod. Tills lied, will ncll anywhere for f til) 00 To Close Out at Only $2315 25 Pair Feather Pillows Size 19x20. KcRtilar S4.G0 SPECIAL, PER PAIR $1.95 Grass Rugs In Many Beautiful Patterns 9x12 $7.00 8x10 ?.G.15 6x9 4.35 SUPPLY YOUR LAUNDRY NEEDS No. 1 Galvanized Tub $ .90 No. 2 Galvanized Tub 1.10 No. 8 Galvanized Tub l.!S5 10 Quart thickets !17c 12 Quart Buckets 4Gc Glass Wash Hoards 70c BARGAINS IN USED FURNITURE Knngcs $10.00 Up Beds 1.00 Up Mattresses 7 ' 50c Up Springs 50c Up Dressers $10.00 Bed Davenport $10.00 Kitchen Cabinet Complete.... 9.00 9x12 Rugs at Sacrifice Prices Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs 9x12 $13.00 . qxio6 $11.50 Gold Seal Congoleum, Yard 47c HAND POWER Washing - Machine Worth $20.00 To Close Out at $8.95 SALF NOW IN FUN SWING Tell Your Friends and Come Early, Best Selections Go to the Early Bnyers, So Come Early- REMEMBER THE PLACE FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. FORMERLY ST. JOHNS FURNITURE CO. Columbia 821 206-208 W. Philadelphia Street THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A, V. Marklc, lWUor PubliHhod Frldny of Knch W 401 N. Jersey St. l'lione Col. BobttflptUn prlo $1.60 p.ry.ar FOY'S -St. Johns Fair Store i TnK JUvjxw It euteted nt iKuton.cc fiCSl UUaillV 3110 LOWCSl rTICCS in I'nrtl.nil. Oreuou. as man nmiirr ol the second class muter Hie Act ot Con. presto! March 3, IH79- Cleanup Week May Hl-Juno 4. Let'H make a thorough job of it. Clrna.J. Muck expectH to move into hlu handBomo now storo building tho llrBt of next week. Ilia new building ia one to foul proud of. Tho Portland Woolen Mills base ball club will play tho Nic- olai Door Manufacturing to. tenm nt Columbia Park Sunday at S p. m. The Fraternal Hooaters will havo a Fourth of July celebra tion in St. Johns. The various fraternal organizations of St. Johna havo been invitod to meet with tho Hooaters next Wednes day evening to mako arrange, menta for a joint celebration at Pier Park. The Uooster, hand meets every Monday evening at tho rink. IJrlntr out your horn and help the good work along. Tho Hooatera are Bonding a com munication to tho County Com missioners urging them to speed un work of our district for which the money haa already ben appropriated. Tho Hoostera are trying to locate a laundry here. Watch for tho new Hooa tor buttons. Join and wear one. Koported. For Salo 14 full blooded one year old White Leghorns, Petlu ma strain, and G White Wyan dotta. Will Bell lot for $1.25 each and throw in 0x10 hen house, fencing and pats. In quire evenings 1818 Willamette boulevard. Lc-at Blue Joraey jacket, near St. Johns. Finder pleaao return to Couch & Currier's grocery etore; reward. Toys a Specialty 207 N. Jersey St. Phone Col 839 Poitlnnd, Ore. Phone Col. 1001 W. S. Wymore Contractor in nil kinds of Cement work or Day work. Residence 01(5 N. Central Ave. J. W. BOTTOM Contract Painier 507 East Allegheny St. Plume Columbia 1242 Lawn Mowers and Scissors "SHARPENED SAW FILING Satisfaction Guaranteed H. F. ROSE SJ4 E. Nhik St. Phont Columbia 1069 Residents of St. nuil city liens to Johns having taxes iwy In Portland can make their iniymeuts without Incouveui ciicc by avullltig themselves ot our ner vier receipt 1 1.... Ot, l).rr...o. ! Hank, Pciilusula Title, Abstract ami Really Co., by II. Henderson, Manager; VU .Norm jersey htreet. We will jny same ami secure your wiwioui iiiconveuieiice to you Any St. Johns Poff & O'Neil TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Dally Trips to Portland Phone Col. 308 206 N. JERSEY SI Keep Your on ROGERS to THE NATIONAL Vulcanizing Co. 205 S. Jerseyjt. Is the Oldest Es tablished, Best Equipped 'and most Reliable Tire repairing Establishment on the Peninsula. All work done on n mon ey back guarantee. Wc take pride in turning out the best retreads in Port land. New ami second hand tires (or sale. Just one block south of the Pen. insula National Hank, on car 1 1 tic. GHAS. F. BOYLE, Prop. C. R. Seeley Painter, Paper hanger, Kalsotuiner and Decorator. All wort uiitivntitvvd 'hone Col. 42 101 Olyrupia St. Phon. Columbia 977 PENINSULA ELECTRIC CO., Inc. Electrical Engineers and Contractors WIRING NXTVRXS AMI SWl'UKS l,eucral Repair Work 109 S. Jsrsty Str.ct, Portland, Oregon KNIGHTS AND LADIES V Security Benefit Association KJ T I St. Johns Council 2775 I Regular mttlluBS 6rl auJ third Mondays. I 0rn mllH8 to the public ami uimikn and I ami 4th Mondays, Visitors and members cor I dully liivlttU to attend at Sloose Hall. ! SERVICE Laurel Lodge, 1. 0. 0. F. Meets each Monday evening in Oddl'el- lovs Imll ot 7,3o. A cordial welcome to I 1 lie quickest; all visiting brother. 1 V. V. J'ufuian. N Q, 8. L. Cormany, V, O. - The .best; i ct" "nuAVlu The cheapest; St, JOlMS GaiUp J)0, 7546 " Modern Woodmen of America. 1 nie DpDCCoH AO We heartily solicit the attendance of ! JUIIj rlCjjCU t(Jt our members at our regular meetings t ! every 2d ami 4th Thursday evening. I Dry Cleaned $1.25 ' hi pt mv nn IT" K HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 "LET JOY DO 11 3K knicmis or pviniAS &S Meets every 1'rlday night at -vyf' 7:30 o'clock in 11ICKNHR You Bring and Take A why "aU- VUUor ",w,y we, is the Reason corcon. c. r Woodmen Of the World rf&ft St. Johns Camp 773 (fwjjdffl Meet every Thursday eveniug in JirP5 lt ' - Vm IIaU' Leaviu and Jerse' frirfWm streets. Visitors always welcome. m jjU : ' V w A Trout, C C ; R. C atrk, Clerk. 27 'd DORIC LODGE NO. 132 5 Stores vv a. r. and a. m. 917 NI lorcAV "srropf 6i?& Meets the first and third ZJ IN. JCrSCJ MrC vJjPCmWetnesdayo( each month ... VWjv In Masonic Hall. Visl. N tors welcome. PENINSULA TITLE ABSTRACT & REALTT CO S w.SI'sSeUrV H, HENDERSON, Managsr - - -- ' 1 mZZV:: Minerva Chapter No, 105, 0, E, S. I'hone Columbia 265 montj, j Masonic Hall. .I ""v." Visitors welcome. j . Aid Orertlreet, W. u JeaI Cl t G ' 'iir'friton street cuntral location jt PENINSULA CHAPTER Fifteen years In the bus,. less In St. rS U. D, R. A. M. Joints. l.it your property w. lit us. We BffrkJ c. . i - e . i . maVe sales. S. C. COOK; 402 N. Jersey .Ute? m"UnK fitJ Ulrd KXiyf Monday ol each month in Ma- souic j,, VWUfJ Vtktmu Dry four foot cord wood S.5Q w. a. carroli.. k. h. p jKrconl. Columbia 722. ' . II. IKMON, SecrttaVy: Portland Manufacturing Co.:! MANUFACTURERS OF Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex- i; celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case' Stock, i: and all kinds of, Veneer FACTORY, FOOT OF RICHAIOND STREET - The Fraternal Boosters Meets every Wednesday evening in the MOOSE HALL Join and Help Boost Pulley & Zurcher Plumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum wore Phone Col. 92 207 S. Jersey St Hall Barber Shop end BWH ROOMS K. L MALL, Presncttr 10S Philadelphia St. Baths 35c Dr. W. J. Gilstrap Physician & Surgeon Glasses Accurately Fitted X ray Laboratory Pcuinsula Security Co. Bldg. St. Johns. Dr. L. J. Keliher Dentist- Mm 4 Peninsula Bank Butldit Telephone Columbia 793 St Johns Transfer S Storage . Successor to J. R. WE.AIER Careful and experienced furniture movers, Feed and Fuel Col. 82 109 E. Burlington St. CHAMBERS COMPANY j. G, Chambers Mrs. II. U, Lowry Funeral Directors 248-250 KlllinRSworth Avenue ' PORTLAND. OR KG ON Telephones: Woodlawn 3306 C 1133 ir. Ptiamhr l tit nnl n A H undertaker In the city of Tortland. Personal attention and supervision given to arrangements. St. Johns Fuel Co. 515 Columbia Boulevard Slab and Cordwood Office Wildrose Shingle Co. Phone Col. 918 Member Builders Exchange W. P. Greene & Son Contract ors,& Builders 625 K. BUCHANAN STREET PortUad, Ore. Phone Col. 1005