VIEW 7 Si: Johns Best Piace Of sl for the 1925 Fair Si. J.)' .us Best Placeof all K - the 1925 Fair 4s j VOLUME 17 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 20.1921. NUMBER 28 The Bachelor Club base ball team won nn exciting game at Co lumbia Park last Sundny.defeat ing Laurelhurst 8-4. The Bach elors proceeded to win the game in the early innings, getting Bovcral hits which resulted in three runs. This lead was not maintained very long, as tlio boyB from Laurelhurst went on a rnmpago in the fifth inning when a couple of their five hits interminged' with erratic work of the Bachelors sent four run! over the plate. The home team came back with a vengeance during the next few innings and ho whole team braced up so that the opponents could not cross the plate again. Whelan at short played a good game for the win ners and Btarred with n marvel ous backhand catch when he plucked a sure hit out of the air. Several good catches and stopj by the Laurelhurst second base man kept the score down consid erably. Gardner and Smith op posed Larsen andPoft with hon ors ubout even. Sunday the Bachelors -journey to Gervais to opposo the fast nine from that town. Ah uervais hns not been defeated this year they will no doubt givo the club fellows a stiir battle. Ryder L. Cormany has 'been awarded tho concession ut the Portland Automobile Park, loca ted across tho'strcct fiom Penin sula Park on Albina avenue, which was offered by the Pork Bureau to tho highest bidder, IiIb bid having beon recommend ed by S. C. Pier of tho Bureau oT Purchases, und passed by the Council at the Wednesday scs Hion. Mr. Cormandy will con duct the business along lines of , liko concessions operated in other Parks of similar nature In tho country. Ho will be estab lished for business by , the first of tho week. . NBKTIIiS ROGKRS. A very pleasant birthday pnr ty was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. B.. Green at 810 North Smith avenue Sunday, May 15. The party was in hon or of Mr. M. B. and W. E. Green's birthdays, which are four dnys apart. Those prespnt were a sister, Mrs. Ella Rice, and dnughters Lydia and IS I die, from Forest Grove, nnd nnolhei sister, Mrs. W. Gunning nnd husband from McMinnville. Mr. Gunning is County Comissioner of Yamhill county; their daugh ters, Mrs. Loren McHinley, and husband and HCtle daughter. Alico of Sheridan. Oregon; their son, Clarence Gunning and wife or Bel view: also Mr. M. B. Green's brother. Mr. W.E.Green nnd wife of Portland, and their daughter. Mrs. Thos. Solomon nnd their two little sons, aUo of Portland. The guests arrived in time for u typical birthday dinner, which included n birth day cake for each of the honor guests. After dinner the men all took n walk over the most interesting parts of St. Johns and decided St. Johns was the most logical place for (he 1025 Fuir. They returned home after n splendid day. The twelfth annual ball of the Bachelor Club, held in the skat ing rinu Thursday evening of last week, was a most brillinnt nlFalr nnd u splendid success. There were about four hundred in attendance and nil enjoyed the social ovent immensely. Tl;c rink was converted into one huge bower of beauty that was a de light to the eye, and the music furnished by Curtiss seven picco orchestra, was unoxcellubtc. Tho event w ontr" bo remembered with n great deal of plensuro by all who were fortunate enough to bo in attendance. "Tho Fruit of His Folly" at the Portland Woolen Mills Club House May 27th and 28th. No. 2Q Autographic Kodak Jr. teith Kodak SttUtJtigMtlt f.7.7 lens $25.M For nil round, day-in-nml-iLy-out picture making, the aG has always particularly appealed to us wc thrnlc it will partici:!:. ' nppcal to you. J'.'s compact and convenient to carry, lor example, and yst the picture it makes is just short of post card she z Jl x 4 Ji inches. And then it lens equipment. The Kodak Annstig mat is designed by kodak experts and manufactured in Kodak factories for the particular Koda.k on which it is to be fitted. Asa result lens and shutter and aux iliary equipment are in perfect harmony apd better pictures follow as a matter of course. See it here. We are featuring the "20 Junitr" i.i tur Kodak department Other Kodaks all autographic from $S.OO up Brownies from $2,00 up tain's for Drugs Gasser's Express 202 N. Jersey St. We Haul AnythingAny Time Any Place Fireproof Storage Moving Jobs and Long Distance Hauling A Specialty Phsne Office Col. 824 Residence Col. 377 The following will bo the O.A. IX. program for Memorial Day: Members of Gen. H. 15. Comp son Post, No. 22. G.A. H.. 11. B. Compson W. It. C. No. 32, nnd I'etor A. Porter Circle Lndies of the G. A. IX., will visit Williams, George and North grammar K'hools and James John high chool on Thursday afternoon at I o'clock. On v riday nt 2 p. m. they will visit the Portsmouth, Peninsula and Kenton schools. On Sunday at 11 a. m. they will attend the University Baptist church in n body. On Monday norning they will meet nt G. A. H. Hall at 9 a.m. Services at G. A. K. monument, opposite city hall, at 10 a. m. Memorial Day orntion by Or. H. L. At kinson at W. It. G. Hall at 11 n. m. Dinner at 12 for G. A. IX. people nt G. A. it. hall. School children will napcmble at Wil liams school on Monday nt 'J a. m. to take part in parade. Chil dren please bring flowers Fri day and Monday. ' E. G. Pratt has purchnscd and taken possession of the barber shop owned nnd conducted by S. II. Sutterlc.o on North Jersey street. .Mr. Sattcrlee expects to leave next month for an ex tended trip to his old home in Michigan and other eastern states and spend noxt winter in California. Mr. Satterlce hns been engaged in business here for a number' of years nnd his many friends will regret his departure. Mr. and Mrs. Ryder L. Cor many arc thu happy father and mother of a seven pound baby girl, which arrived at 3:12 a. m. Tuesday, May 17, 1S)21. The mother and (laughter nro pro gressing nicely, nnd tho "old man" is the happiest a going. Elmer J. Mueller has taken out a permit for erection of a dwelling on Allegheny street. Among the new books that are at the St. Job MR Library this week is an intcnstiiu' account of the history of th IVilic Northwest by Jeph S h:fer, "Open Gates to Russia"' by AI. W. Davis, a number of new books on poultry, including "Progressive Poultry Itatstntr" by Wm. A. Lippincott, an en tertaining book on tho Opera by Charles Anneslej. giving the detailed plots of 23 celebrated operas: "Modern Accounting" by II. H. Hatfield, and the fol lowing fiction: S'iver Sixuence, Sawyer; John Seneschal's Mar garet. Castle; Let t ic. Sawyer: The Brimming Cup, Cnnlbld; Slippy McGee, Vernier; Top 0' the Momin', McManns; Spnnsih Doubloons. Konvoii: In the Great I Apache Forest, Sehulu. Harold V, Lender and Miss Elizabeth Oesohger were united in marriage at the home of tho bride's parents, Mr. ami Mry. Wm. Oeschger, 412 Central ave nue, Sunday afternoon 'at 1 :30, Dr. II. l' Jones performing the ceremony. The bride is well known in St. Johns nnd possesses many friends. Mr. Leader is a son of an an extensive landholder in thu statu of Florida, and was an ofllcer in tho U. S. Army un til a short time ago. Guests present were: Miss Amedn Jenkins, Miss Hnrtle, Miss Hazel Hnrtle, Mrs. Clyde Mun son, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Scott, Arohio Miher, G. L. Gil lis, A. Widmor, Master W. Oes chger, Master A. Oeschger. The Christian church will be nnen from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. May 25th for tho purpose of receiv ing nnd taking care of supplies for tho Armenian Belief. Per sons having cldthing, toy, etc., to.donate to the cause may leave same at the church on that day and they will be properly taken care of. Be sure and come to I2pworth l.enguc next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Our District Fourth Vir. President. Mr. Bugh, will be out to speak to us. He will also show us some storeopticon views of last year's summer in stitute. Also wo are to have some visitors, the Woodlawn League, who will tell us some thing of this year's Bummer Institute to be held nt Jefferson. We are going to haven splendid time. Be sure nnd come; your frit-mis are welcome. Reported. ; "The Home of the Witch craft." the piny given under the nuspiees of the Fraternal Boos ters in Moose Hall Saturdav evening, under the direction of Miss Williams! pleased a large attendance immensely. Those participating in the entertain ment carried out their parts splendidly an 1 nil thoroughly enjoyed the event. Miss Barbara Rich of Boston has been a recent visitor in this city. She has been staying nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Clark, on North Edison street, n the guest of her brother, L. V. Rich. Miss Rich is u gradu ated nurse, bus also taken a spe cial medical course. She served overseas during thu war, and is located at present at Spokane. Wash., in thu public schools of that city. "Roblna in Search of a litis hand," the play given by the June class of thu James John High school ut the auditorium of the building hist Friday and Snturnay evenings, was a line success, Tho entertainment was well attended and thosu partici pating acquitted themselves in line style. Horn-To Mr. and Mrs. Lewis St. John, Wednesday morning, n six pound daughter at G07 Ij. Polk street. HATS AND CAPS That- fit your Face and Pocketbook SHIRT UNDERWEAR PANT S S s Men's, Hoys' and Children's Real Leal her H 0 S V i FINE NEKTIES 65c, 2 FOR $1.25 nrnr criirn at tiir mni-iT imipi; ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN Bank of Commerce Building ST. JOHNS OfM St. Johns Undertaking Co. Thomas Qrlcc, Manager Office, Col. 527 PHONES -Night, Col. 299 208 N. Jcrscj St. FREE USE OF CHAPEL AUTOAIOBILE HEARSE Night or Day Calls Promptly Answered 1,0 W RENT enables us to give our customers the benefit of Very Low Prices. Not a Uraiich offjee of any Portland Undertaking Co. We guarantee lower prices than you can get in the city " Sett if ttn'tt f?iottiers" ilave an Hnrly Garden this Spring by planting right now hard' filed plant. ' Earl Cabbage Plants, 2 Dozen 25c Head Lettuce Plants, 2 Dozen 25c Pansy Plants, Perennial Plants, Hedding Plants, i laninj Diukots, Porch lioxes and Tubs Pilled, Seeds, lite. m J I buy or sell St. Jobns Property A. W. DAVIS Real Estate Fire Insurance and Netary Public List your property with me if you desire to sell quickly Phillips & Leland Transfer and Storage Phone Col. 72 Office 209 S. Jersey DAILY TRIPS TO PORTLAND Aetna's Five Star Pointer The Latest In Insurance A Combination Residence Policy which insures you against BURGLARY, . GLASS BREAKAGE, WATER DAMAGE, LOSS OF USE, LIABILITY ON PREMISES PULL INFORMATION OIjADLY FURNISHED PENINSULA SECURITY CO. "Everything In Insurance" J 108 South Jersey St Phone Columbia 1G1 SSecA'ett v 'cettottses 814 and 816 Norlh Kellogg Street Phone Col. 401 LEWIS CALDWELL ' LEADING HAKBER Tin- j.Iaie wlu-rt' koo'I service nun miirtc'iu-. trt .iluaiit in viiil, Children' li.iir rtittniK re ivc cciHl attention. 109 BURLINGTON STREET DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars 311 .South Jersey Street Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office 107 N. Jersey Street I'hone Col. 8H7 Residence Col. 3'J3 The St. Johns Community Club, tliroiiL'li its cntcrtnintnsnt 'committee nntl the sanction of various members of the Club, has decided that an annual dance , Bhrtll bo a Club feature. It is I the custom of the various civic 1 clubs throughout the city to give these dances and it is tho desire of the Committee that the first dance shall be an eminent suc cess as a social uatherinc of i Club members just as such events are with the other Clubs. The Club Membership Card will be your admittance ticket to the dance and it is requested that all interested parties shall plan to attend. A feature of the oc casion will be to promote senti ment for a Community Club Home, which shall bo owned by thu membership and which shall be available for all activities that may arise in a trrowinp lo cality such as ours. Tho skat ing rink will be used for this first annual dance. Music that will be a pleasure to hear will be furnished, and if you do not care to dance you may enjoy the music. Tho decorations arrang ed by the Hachelor Club will re main in place till after this oc casion. It is the plan of tho Committee to make it just as homey and informal and proper aa though it were an alfnir of a large family. Make it known among your friends that a mem bership card is the card of ad mission and if your friend is not a member see that he gets a card. The regular meeting time will be next Tuesday, but be cause of other important meet ings that night, thu dance is to bo given 011 Wednesday, May 2Sth. H. W. Simmons, who has a lino ranch near Oregon City, was a pleasant caller at this of fice tho first of thu week, lie reports crops in tho finest of condition. 1MOLTNOMAH1 THEATRE Tliurwlay ami l'riiliiy, Muv 19 uml 20 Cecil II. IV MUle'st ' Forbidden Fruit" In 8 nets, featuring; Tlieo. Roberts, Kittliryu Williams, Allien Ayersond l'orwt Stanley. No rwNc in price. Sntunlnv, May 21 CATHERINE MACDONALD in "MY LADY'S LATCH KKY." Snnilrtv. May 22- WILLIAM RUSSELL I" "TUB MAN WHO UAIIKD." Monday ntul Tucftlnv, Mny 2.1 ninl2l MARY MILES MINTER hi ' SWUUT LAVBNIIKII" Hwilnrt. The picture tluil didn't came n few wtek iin. Alw "Velvet 1'liiKcrs" No. I I, Wcdncsdny, May 2JV LEATRICE JOY lti,"IILINI YOUTH" Select. Thursday and l'rlday. Mny 20 nnd 27 Win. DeMllle' "MIDSUMMER MADNESS"- A I'iiraniutint Srccinl. AMERICAN SHOE SHOP 110 S. Jersey St. All that the name implies, AMERICAN fidw. Conimnt, Prop. THE WINNING NUMBER FOR LAST WEEK 1355 If I didn't appreciate your busi ness I wouldn't advertise. The Sweet Girl Graduate and Her Brother They must keep fresh the memories of happy School Dnys. Graduation Day is Gift Day Yes, It Is the Greatest Day In the life of the Hoy or Girl. Could theie lie a more opportune time for a i;ift than hi commemoration of this event? Mothers ami Fathers sliotiM coiitrilitile to their happiness by innkhiK your Gift "Gifts that Iast" of Jewolory or Sil ver from our Store. lfor the Girl Graduate Siting o! Pearl, Wrist Watoh.Jew cled lirooch, llur Pin or Kin. I'or the Hoy Gold Watch, Scat I Phi, Walilumar Chain or Ctiu I.lnks. ' , We have a complete stock of Waterman and Conklin I'ons and Ivversharp Pencils. Our stock of Gift ThiiiKS is intide up of catcfully selected articles of charming character and Listing values that will express your kind of best wishes to the graduate. lfrunswicK Phonographs and Records J UN 13 Rl -CORDS NOW ON SALE W. M. TOWER WATCH M Alt IS It A Xl JliWISI.IM 107 Philadelphia St. St. Johns First Class Grocery Stock For Sale in St. Johns Good Location, Good Business and Clean Stock $2700 Takes It Why Work For Others? Address "K" care of Review Office Hatton Ranch Dairy Buy Pure Milk Direct From The Farm The Dairy is under strict supervision of the City Health Department aud the Cows are tested for tuberculosis every six months. Phene Col. 321 fr ordrs