St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 22, 1921, Image 3

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    at us
B ed Room Suite
On Easy Terms
At Lower Prices
Period design Ivory Enameled Bed Room
Suite, consists of 3 wing dressing table, bed,
chiffonier, bed room rocker and dressing
table chair to match.
Price Was $225.75
Now $165.50
Adam design Ivory Enameled Bed Room
Suite, consists of large dresser with plate
glass mirror, 3 wing dressing table, bed,
chiffonier, bed room rocker, and dressing
trble chair to match.
Price Was $295.75
Now S2O1.0O
Your Credit Is Good
Wc Buy Second Hand Furniture
OAmandii Bags
Smash Go the Prices
A Few Bargains that will Knock the "Work"
out of House Work and leave Extra Dollars
for your Savings Account
Don't Forget Your Lawn
50-ft. Hose 4 Wo p,lccd $5.25
50-ft. Hose gSSjy $5.95
50-ft. HOSC $?oSo.ntCVill Not Kink $6.95
Buy Your Garden Tools Here, We Sell For Less
No. 1 Galvanized Wash Tubs 1.50, now 1.95c
No. 2-Galvnnized Wash Tubs $1.75, now $1.10
No. 3-r-Galvanized Wash Tubs $2.25, now $1.35
No. 8 All Copper Wash Boiler, Extra Heavy',
Regular $10.00, now $6.95
No. 9 All Copper Extra Heavy Wash Boilers,
Regular 1 1.50, now $7.95
Specials for Saturday and Mon. Only
GlassWash Board
Regular. .$1.25
Only. 75c
Genuine Gold Seal
GongoIeutn.ouQ J.
sale, per yd. 0
9x12 Cengoltum Rugt.
9x10s Congotutn Rugt,
.. $12.95
This Rne Bed OutfitComplete $25.50
1 BrtJf
W Ml J
." WW a 3e
t- j ! itr-u mr ii
1 Bed 2 Inch Post. 1J Inch Filler Rods
1 Well Supported Spring
1 Gusranteed All Cotton Felt Mattress
Remember All Complete For Only v $25.50
Feldstein Furniture Co.
Formerly St. Johns Furniture Go,
CetMMaS2l 206 W. PMIadelpkla Stmt
Friday and Saturday Sale
Palmolivc Soap. 2 for 15c
Eucatnint Tooth Paste 20c
Tungsten Lamps, 25 Watt at 15
Two Bars Goblin Soap 15c
Pcpsodcut Tooth Paste 45c
Lux 10c
Lydia Pinkhams' vegetable compound. .$1.10
Pebccco Tooth Paste 39c
The Proscription Store
Dr. P. P. Schultzc, Res. Col. 1131 Dr. D. S. Swart, Res. Col 283
Office Col. 379 Office Col. 379
Drs. Schultze & Swart
1-G Boiiham & Currier Bldg.
Paul Holmnn of 897 Warren
street is recovering from an at
tack of diphtheria.
Miss Inez Smith of South
Ivanhoe street is in West Side
Hospital recovering from an op
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Vernon
have purchased an attractive
home on Willamette boulevard
from J. S. McKinney.
A son was born to Mr. and
Mrs. E. B. Shields on Willam
ette boulevard Wednesday morn
ing. . .
Tho Bachelor Club ball team
will nlnyEaatern & Western Lum
ber Co. team at Columbia Park
Sunday morning.
J. N. Edlefsen and F.P.Drlnk-
cr motored to Larkln-Green log
glng camn recently. They re
port a very enjoyable trip.
A very interesting dismay
old photographs havo been on
display in tho Peninsula Nation
hi Bank window through com to
I sy of T. J. Monahan.
Robert E. Tanner of Corbctt
I son-in-law of George Atchison
lis in St. Vincent's hospital.
complete recovery is soon ox
Miss Kathcrine Whitlow has
returned from Toncka. Kansas
ISlio was accompanied by her sis
tor. Mrs. w. 0. Whitlow, who is
n guest at tho home of her aunt,
Mrs. Whitney Kose.
All tho girls' clubs of tho Y
W. C. A. will hold n rally Friday
afternoon at 1 o'clock at tho club
rooms. Mrs. Geo. Hall will road
and n (rood nrocrnm win bo k v
en. Miss Gula Gamble, fluid
secretary for girls' work, from
Seattle, will address tho girls
Parents invited. Don't forgot
tho dntc.
"What was our First Estate?
This is one question which wil
lie answered nt the cottage mcot
ing to be held nt 8 n. m. rridny
April 22, at 52-1 E. Mohawk b;
tho missionaries of the Churci
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints. A hearty wclcomo is ex
tended to all. Reported.
A book contest wna held at tho
Library Tuesday, participated
in by tho 8b grades. RovIowb
woro given on four books Great
Expectations, Last Days of Pom
pnii. Littlo Women and Jacqucl
ho of the Carrier Pigeons. Dor
othy Constance Young of tho
Sitton school won tho contest on
her review of tho latter named
Tho women of Moosohcart Lo
gion aro giving a May Day pro
gram April 30th at tho Moose
hall. Tho program will bo cnti
tied "Earth's Garden." Tho
playlet will fcaturo Lucilo Nub
son as May Queen, Genevea
Nubson as Fairy Queen and n
chorus of flowers, also a rain
drop danco by Louiso Rico and
Mario Dully. I ho play will bo
followed by a May Polo dance by
the many bright colored Mowers.
Everybody welcome. Mooso
and their families aro urged to
attend. A few short talks fol
lowed by danco; good music.
A surprise handkerchief show
er party was given in honor of
Mrs. W. A. Sconce, 412 East
Burr street, on herbirthday.Sat
urday last. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbeck. Mr.
and Mrs. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs.
Cook nnd their noico Mary, Mrs.
Ryan and daughter. Mr.and Mrs.
Martin. Urville uaines and son
and Mrs. Cheney. Mrs. Sconce
was placed in the center of the
room while the guests surround
ed her showering her with hand
kerchiefs while Mrs. Cheney
payed. Mrs. bconce also re
ceived a beautiful diamond ring
from her husband. Refresh
ments were served and all re
ported it the most pleasant and
complete surprise party they
had attended.
The Fraternal Boosters held a
meeting Wednesday evening
that was highly enjoyable.
Quite a large number was in at
tendance and enjoyed the even
ing thoroughly. A. H. Johnson
of Commissioner Barbur's office
gave an interesting and instruc
tive talk on city hall affairs.
Miss Edwards and Mr. Hunting
don gave pleasing readings.
Miss Belle Williams presented
thejS following pupils in songs,
dances or readings: Deloris
Laudert. Lola Warren, Margaret
Getty. Georgia Siferte and Da
vid Richards. They all acquit
ted themselves in splendid style.
Miss Williams was the manager
of the "Little Follies," well
known in California and the
South, also recently put on the
play for the Portland Woman's
Club that was such a success,
and put on the plays for the
Multnomah hotel. She is plan
ning to put on a play for the
Boosters in the near future. The
balance of the evening was civ
en over to dancing which was
greatly enjoyed.
3000 Butterick Patterns at
Bonham & Curriers.
ijeyeno a Armstrong carry a
complete line of Garden Seeds in
Large $50 Baby Buggy for $20
at 402 S. Jersey street.
Homo sewing is mado easy
with a Butterick Pattern.
For Sale new 4 room modern
house with half or acre of land,
or will toko good lot as part
payment. Col. 311.
"A stitch in time saves nine;"
so does Butterick Patterns. The
Dcltor (Buttericks) saves your
Wheel chair for sale or rent nt
402 S. Jersey street.
Vacuum cleaner for rent at
402 S. Jor'sov street.
Two lots near Franklin High
to trade for auto, or what have
you? R, Roviow office.
For Sale Vlctrola and four
dozen records. Tho outfit com
plete for $50 if taken nt once.
Gall Robinson Studio.201 N. Jer
sey streot.
A well equipped real estate
office, well established and do
ing a good business for sale. Sec
403 N. Jersey street. St. Johns,
Ore., opposite postofficc.
How goodl Where did you got
that milk, mamma? Just look at
tho cap and rend. It says GAT
You can havo it nt every gro
cery storo if demanded.
For Salo Whlto Mlnorcn
chickens, very reasonable, at
418 N. Contrnl avenue, or call
Col. 290.
$200 down nnd bnlnnco of
$1400 on easily monthly pnys for
4 room house and 125x1 10 foot
lot, new cess pool nnd plumbing.
JE&TATE, 107 Is. Jersey;
Col. 887.
Why not buy tho best nnd pay
while you ride uoouycnr nnc
U. S. Tires on ensy pnymcntH nt
tho St. Johns Hardware (Jo.
Havo you scon thoso benutifu
hats at tho St. Johns Millinery?
Laco and Crcpo and Jet and Net
and Braid and Straw anything
to suit your fancy. If not in
stock can bo mado to ordor.
Opon ovonings; phono Col. 375
You can buy a Butterick Pat
tern for almost any imaginable
garment from our Inrgo stock.
Bonham & Currier.
Oh. Boy! Go salmon fishing.
Get tho thrill of your life. Bo
suro you get the right tackle
though, nt the bt. Johns Hard
waro. They know.
Chns. L. Grndcn wishes to an
nouncc that ho has severed his
connections with privato corpor
ations nnd will engngo in the
general practice of law with
ofiices at 79 Gasco building,
Portland, Oregon. tf
For Rent Two room house
furnished, $12 month, suitablo
for baching, near Cooperage.
Col. 1289.
For Salo Threo room modern
house, lot 50x100, prico $1850;
terms to suit. Call 718 N. Ivan
hoo street. 25
I Bincarely thnnk our good
friends for tho beautiful floral
offerings, use of automobiles
and many kindnesses dono dur
ing the sickness and burial of
my beloved wife. Lillian M.
Campbell. John A. Campbell.
Going away, will sell, lease or
rent furnished G room house,
four lots, close in, 2 blocks to
car. tine location, uaii uiu is.
John street.
Beautiful new bungalow close
n: full cement basement, Are
Elaco and sewer, good terms,
et us show you. RICE & TATE,
07 N. Jersey: uo . ml.
Wanted-Plain sewing at 310
W. John street. Hattie Ratliff.
Would lease to reliable party
room strictly modern unfurn
shed bungalow. Call Col. 325.
Lost Wednesday evening,
April 13th, on Jersey between
oik and Richmond streets, a la
dy's blue knit cap. Finder please
eave at this office.
Look for the GATTON RANCH
DAIRY Label.
Which always looks good on ev
ery table.
So please demand milk from the
And don't get mixed up like lit
tle Mary.
This is a noted fact, that the
Central Hotel is sure run on a
clean cut basis. Every room has
been overhauled and thereby
made home liko for all who may
come. It is a proven fact that
the Central Hotel is the best lo
cated hotel in St Johns. Stores,
banks, drug stores, restaurants
and all other business within 50
to 100 feet from the door and
prices within the reach of all.
Large sitting rooms, and we
sure make it a home for all, both
adies and gentlemen. Rentals
aro positively right. Mrs. W.
T, Hartford, Owner.
Leather Puttees, $0.85.
Butterick Patterns havo been
improved: the Dehor does it.
Plowing and teaming of nil
kinds, prices reasonable. Rob
ert Rakes, GIG E. Charleston
street: phone Col. 1393.
Bcycrle & Armstrong sells
Screen Doors nnd l ly Screens.
Mrs. Vinson does hemstitch
ing nt 528 South Ivanhoo; phone
Columbia 1UH. 25
Knit Neckties.
Plowing nnd light hauling by
by tho man who knows W. II.
Everett. All work dono nt pre
war prices. Orders tnken even
ings. 1292 Lombard street, or
phone Col. 1320. 24
Bonham & Currier havo tho
local agency for Butterick Pat
Extra fine Cactus Dahlias for
sale 5c to 35c. Primroses, percn-
nials 5c to 15c Plymouth Rock
liatclilng eggs, 10 tor Sl.UO; Heavy
layers. 215 Burr St., Corner of
Lombard St. 2G
All kinds of Garden Tools at
Boyorlo & ArmstroiiR'B.
Dry four foot cord wood $8.50
per cord. Columbia 72a.
SPUR, the latest Arrow collar Is
sold by R O G E R S.
For Sale I'our room house,
modern except bath tub, lot 50x100,
garage, wood .sued and some trim;
range and heater goes with place.
Price 51550, $850 down, balance
$15 per month and interest. Call
517 Oswego street.
$2700, including 5 room house.
partly modern, C lots, 50 white
Leghorn pullets and 200rabbitH:
terms. See Mrs. Tnto, RICE &
TATE, 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887.
Work Pant s 1.50.
R 0 G 1? R S
Get your paints, oils and knl- Boyorlo & Armstrong.
For Salo Six room modern
houso nt 713 N. Ivanhoo street.
Prico $1500. $1000 down. Sco J.
F. Gillmore. 113 1-2 N. Jersey
street. 24
Get your fishing tncklo at Boy
orlo & Armstrong's, nnd got tho
big ones.
Plain sewing done at reasonable
prices. 105 S. Crawford St. 24
$2500 Suven room house, mod
ern, full cement basement, in fruit
trees; good terms. RICE & TATE,
Col. 887: 107 N. Jersey.
ror bale or Trade acres.
Owner, 117 N. Ilnrtumn St. 24
Vacant npartmenta and sleep
ing rooms. Wilcox Apartments,
Col. U3U.
Nico littlo bungalow with gar
age, ror salo or will rent furn
ished. 100 N. Jersey street.
Fine lot on East John street
for sale. $25 down and $10 per
month, and planter Jr. cultiva
tor, sell cheap. 1292 Lombard
street, corner Polk evenings or
Chicken coop for Bale: wire
enclosed runway. 302 W. New
York street.
For Sile One brass bed, special
made, exlra length ami width, with
box springs and mattress; goo.l
range stove, one leather bottom
rocker. Call 115 W. Tyler Sticct.
Please send check.
This is the invariable phrase In asking for payment.
Over 95 per cent of this nation's financial transactions are
made by check.
You ought to pay your bills by check it gives you
recognition as a business man or woman.
Courtesy, Service, Dependability and Strength.
4fijk Peninsula National Bank
Member Federal Reserve System I
. !
Here's Your Chance to replen
ish Your Cooking Utensils
at Prices that are Right
Arranged in Three Groups
Wash Bitlnt
5 ql. Pudding Pint
4 ql. lipped Sauce Pant
Mlilng Bowles
Deep Bite Pant
17 Quart Dish Pan
12 Quart Palls
14 Quart Dish Pans
8 Qt. Kettle with Cover
10 Qt. Preserving Kettle
10 ql. Dish Pint
10 ql. Palls
8 ql. Preserving Kelllet
12 ql. Rinsing Pans
8ql. Kellle with Coier
Sale Will Start Saturday and Continue For One Week
St. Johns Hardware Co.
rim wixGiinsvisK sroun
The Grabateria Cash Grocery (
Do you hear anyone say that Grocery prices arc too high
in St. Johns? Send them around to the Grabateria Cnsli Gro
cery and we will prove conclusively that they arc not.
Did anyone ever tell you that St. Johns Grocers did not
carry full stocks and varied assortments? Just walk into our
store and see the shelving and the lloor space; the best of every
thing displayed completely around you.
And never is a single solitary article bought just to sell at
a cheap price. Sanitary production and quality goods are in
sisted upon and we know the game.
There is nothing stale as our co-operative arrangement for
buying enables us to get quantity prices without speculating in
large quantities. Buy one of our coupon books and try iim for
a month; you will realize in that way what savings yjueuii
The Grabateria Cash Grocery I
COUCH & CURRIER, Owners fj
Phone Columbia 102 8
Four Kinds of Laundry
rou5x. nuv
Amsosac co.
If you want the Best Prices on
House Dills call us
Pacii'ic Milling & Mro. Co.
Columbia 1019
LUMBER II If you have never been here it will pay you to call and get our prices.
St. Johns Shoe Shop
Col. 1137 201 S. Jersey St.
The only union shop in St.
Johns. Still (loins work Rood
aa ever with a cut price accord
ing to salary. Work always
guaranteed. If not satisfactory
tell us and we will make it good
free of charge. Nineteen years
experience. Don't forget the
licit Cane .Stigar.12 lbs, . . . $1,00
Tomatoes icr can ... Dc
Koyal Club lllack Hemes, can 26c
Seajwrt Sugar Cum 2 cans, ... 23c
Royal Club Shrimp, can 22c
" " 1'ure Pineapple 2J ot. 28c
" Colice 1 lb. cans 10c
l'cacliet per can 18c
I'ull Cream Cheese, lb. ..... . .35c
Dried Prunes per lb. 10c; C lbs. -Ifc
Hulk Macron! 3, lbs....... .. 25c
Fresh Milk, qt.
This Sale, Frl.
109 N. Edison Street
Peas, 2 cans 23c
Slnleys' Crystal White Syrup U
lb, cun I"'
Snowdrift, I lb. can 2.1c
Small Sardines 5 cans for 2&-
O.tlumet Itoklug Powder. 32c
1 hatuome School Tablet I'RItlt
with every can ol Calumet Ul:luj
Powder. We carry all kind oi
the best pastry. Ire Craam Cones
C and 10c, Pints liOo nt. 60c
Sat. and Monday
Phone Col. 1299
Suits Pressed 50c
Best work In the city.
No Charge for Calling for and
Phone Columbia 1289
Fresh Lettuce,Spin
ach and Aspara
gus for Sat.
408 N, Jersey St, Neil lo Review Office