The Bank Of Commerce 116 North Jersey St. JJusiuess concerns and individuals arc invited to 'bank with this institution under the assurance that prompt and courteous j treatment with every con sistent accomodation will always be extended. NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS Jlitemlvc alteration linvr been Hindu At our l'list nml Alder Street! I'miencr Hlntlon anil much better accomodations tv been provided far our xit runs, This bulldltiK l w bclnj; ued exclusively by in unit, In addition to the ticket ollicc, loit articles' burenu nndexpicfts ollicc, we have installed nn "JIUtCTRIC STORH," where Maida lain4 and elccltlo np pllancet may be purchased, np. rillcatlonM made for electric luht and jwwer, nml when light and poer bill limy be paid. This will inaVc It poMllilc for our patrons to trinivict such nutter of business with our CoiiiMny without going "I" towu to our iiihIii ollicc In Idee trie building, and you will re celve the mine courteous mid attentive Mrvlcc. Portland Railway Light & Power Company "BviYow Uctrk Goeds at an tleclric Store" Notice of Pinal Account lu the Circuit Court of tilt State Oregon for the County o( Multnomah. Iu Probate. No. 171)50. In the mutter for the lUtntc of Oscar M. Downs, dcrrttsed. Nolle is hereby given thut the under sinned ns Kxrculrlx of the INtnle o Oscar M. Downs, deseiited, Iiiim filed her final account In the Circuit Court of the Hlste of Oregon for the 'County of Mult no nub, lu Probate, mid thut Monday th 26th day of April. 1U2I. nl the hour of U;30 A. M. o'clock, of wild day in the Court room of said Court Inn been upp olnted by sld com t at the time und place for the liming of objections hereto mid toe stiiicuicni tuercoi. Date of first publication Match Jtfi.Uttl. Date of last publicution April '. 1121. V. (iOKDON, Itxecutrix. Sidney Gordon, Gerllugcr llldg, MaluOOUl, Attorney nt Law. Real Estate CENTRAL LOCATION Vlfttcu years lu the IiiuIium in St. Johns, I.Ut your pttixrty with us, We wak aalet. S. 0. COOK, -101! N. Jeruy RcportDf State Survey The Oregon State Survey of Mental Defect, Delinquency and Dependency conducted by tho Extension Division of the Uni versity of Oregon at the request of the Legislature, under the di rection of the United States Public Health Service, has been successfully completed by the voluntary assistance of hundreds of loyal Oregonians without tho expenditure of any special state appropriations and the report has been transmitted to the members of the Thirty-first Leg islature. Oregon has thus blaz ed a new trail for cooperative community betterment in the fields of mental, physical and so cial hygiene. Tho survey has reviewed over 05,000 socially in adequate individuals in Oregon, of which 2D.G55 wore complete or nart al dependents and yu.JMi were delinquents. Excluding two-thirds of each type as minor casea, there remain about 20,000 of whom approximately ten per cent are mental defectives, 'lo tal known insanu and mental defectives 7,080, a ratio of 0.8 per thousand of the general pop ulation. Rejections in the army draft in Oregon for bucIi causes wero 11.20 nor thousand, ho the survey is clearly conservative. Special studies with adult crimi mils showed 51 per cent mental y dull or defective, while 22 per cent of these adult criminals have the mind of a child of 12 years or less and arc distinctly mentally defective. The same element of mental defect holds true for juvenile delinquents. Of '151 dependent inmates of poor farms 175 showed mental defect. In addition, the sur vey shows a referendum of the teachers iu tho public schools covering .'!2,I80 pupils in the itate. Of these !).7i2 children were loo old for tho hcIiooI grade they were in. owing to their failure to advance in school work in accordance with normal expectation. The causes of this retttrdatioii in overgrude child ren are parental, economic, en vironmental, temperamental, physical and mental. "Change at Youngstown, madam," said thu station agent to a villager who was buying a tiukoUo tho city. "Noneo' them tricks, my lad," returned the old lady. "I want my change right here before I get into that there train." Ex. ROCiKKS will haven Mezzanine I'loor ll.irunlti Counter .soon ns the Kooils arrive. THE NATIONAL Vulcanizing Co. 205S.ierseySt. Is the Oldest Es tablished, Best Equipped and most Reliable Tire repairing Establishment on the Peninsula. All work done on a mon ey back guarantee. We take nride in turning out the best retreads in Port land. New nnd second Imnd tires ftir Mile. Just one block south of the Ten. iiiMilu National Hunk, on car Hue. I The Head light The overall of quality. Full meas urement, lock seams, roomy, fast color, strong fabric. Boys' Suits CUAS, F, BOYLE, Prop, Pulley & Zurclier Plumbing, I leutlng & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Ware I'honc Col. 02 207 S. Jersey Kt. Portland, Ore. Phone Col. 1001 W. S. Wymore Contractor In all kinds of Cement work or Day work. Residence 010 N. Central Ave J. W. BOTTOM Contract Painter 507 Hast Allegheny St. t'lmiii! Cohiinhln 121'.! When they play, boys like to be in dependent of the care o f clothes. But when he must dress up he wants to look his very best. Encourage that habit of self respect by fitting him with a Mayer Made suit. THE4R2Q RSHSNLSHOEl Tl H OOOD shoes con- I V in T " tributc much to 1 iif J one's appearance. I h T" Their cost is so little I h- more that there is 'ifl neither economy nor j satisfaction in any f-r I other land. They are 0ne Third fPfjP Less in Price than M they were one T"r' Florshctm prices I The Cooper Union Suits The Kenosha Un ion Suits, the Coop er quality, once worn are always demanded. We are the local agency. We have your size. Men's Griffon Suits 1 Well tailored, ex cellent fabric, sty lish cut, moderate l price. Installment plan if your credit is established. Draperies-- New and exclusive designs and color from the loom of Marshall Field & Co. Make your house a "Homey" place by new hangings. It is not tho high cost that makes the home; it is industry, taste and interest. The Community Club, Tues., April 19 Next Meeting is a Basket Social nnd oilier Stunts Meet at the Bank Corner at G:30. Transportation will be furnished to the Peninsula Club House Bonham & Currier MISS PLASKET, Buyer Dry Goods Dept. Tin'. Simvicits ov Tint EPISCOPAL CHURCH me licit! every Sunday nt 9 A. M. In I. O. O. F. Hall Sumlny School ul 10 u. iu. JOHN I). RICK, Vlcnr St. Johns Fuel Co. filfi Columbia Houlevuul Slab anil Cord wood Office Wildiose Sliinle Co. IMioue Col. 1UH FOY'S St. ins Fair Store! Highest Quality and Lowest Prices . Toys a Specialty 1207 N. Jersey St. l'lione Col. 83!) Dr. w. J. onstrap THE ST. JOHNS GARAGE Physician & Surgeon Classes Accurately Fitted X ray Laboratory Peninsula Security Co. HIiIk. L. E. ROSE, Mgr. Men's Dept. OjO i St. Johns. Poff & O'Neil 216 North Jersey St. Atitlnriml lml Service Sta tion. Complete line of Kurd parts iu stock. Tires, tubes nnd accessor ies. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand nnd Gravel Dally Trips to Portland Phone Col. 3U CARS STORED Welding, Brazing and Ha SUNSET CASH GROCERY 111 Philadelphia Street Phone Col. 1148 Our Prices for Groceries Means Money Saved in Your Pocket Pure Cane Berry Sugar, 11 lbs. $1, Sack $9.10 I.ess than Whole Sale Price Folger's Coffee Special Continued This Week 300 lbs. additional to be Given Away FREE I lb. Qolden Onto Coffee PIMjl: lb. flolilcn Gnte Coffee PREU with each 5 lb. can at. . . .$2.10 , with 2, lb. can at. . . .$1.10 Without u doubt this Is the finest coilce packed iu cans, money back guarantee, you 206 H. jersey ST I diatops Repaired. Woolley Bros. must be satisfied. Sunset Best Colfee, !55c lb. a lbs $1.00 Sunset Sjiecial llleud Coffee, U0c lb. 2 lbs f5c llreakfast llleud Coffee, 55c lb. 4 lbs )5c UUTTltK MAKKHT HAS ADYANClvD, lU'T, Wit HAVlv NOT Our Pamous Jersey ltelle Uutter, lb -ISe Sunset and Oakdale Mutter, lb 40c KKW-OOO'S CORN FI,AKHS 1H Ponfo Ponlrno-n AND NlvW POST TOASTlliS IU UeillS 1 clCKage ' Limit -1 Packages to Customer SPECIAL, SAU: CANNUD PINEAPPLE Mo. 2 Can, 2 Caci 15c No. 2J Cutis, lach 25c These cans average 8 slices to the can. packed lu heavy syrup and are being retailed at less than the cost of production, buy all you want while the Sale Lasts, Saturday and Monday Only. Uxtra Choice Jap Rice 6c Pound, 20 lb 1.00 25c Can K. C. Making Powder Now, Can ...,.20o Hxtra Choice Head Rice 3 lbs.. . 25c 13 lbs.... .00 Fancy California White Beans, 5c lb., 20 lb. . t $1.00 Fancy Yakima Dayo Beans, 3 lbs. 25c, 13 lbs .$1.00 Fancy Chill Beans, 3 lbs., 25c, 12 lbs , .$1.00 l'aucy Oregon Prunes 3 lbs. for..,. 25c Fancy Mlack l-'igs 2 lbs 25c Kancy Kvaporated Peuches 2 lbs 45c Fancy Oregon Italian Prunes, 25 lb. Boxes $1.90 This Is a special buy and are only sold at the price by the box, 100 boxes to sell Follow the crowds to the Sunset where von can save inotivv on vour 'Hveiy thrifty houao keeper lu St. Johus buys her wants at the Sunset and saves money every day wants- :y doitiB so. Miotic Columbia &H). W. A. CARROLL Real Estate Broker 'Own Your Home New Listings for your ins pection now on file at our of fice. Some fine bargains iu homes both city nnd country. Phone Columbia 1285 301 N. Jersey St COR. MAITIMORK I buy or sell St. Johus Property A. W. DAVIS Real "Estate Fire Insurance and Notary Public List your property with me if you desire d sell quickly Phillips & Leland Transfer and Storage Phone Col, 72 Oflice 200 S. Jersey DAILY TRIPS.TO PORTLAND T. W. HAYES Plowing General Team Work and Basement Excavating (?rm-tW nml Smut Ilmillnn 877 Vale Street, St. Johns. Cull after 5 p. M. or Sundays. Paint Creates Prosperity Snvc The Surface and You Save All The "run down" house (there Is one near you) Is fast going to ruin merely because the owner unwisely neglects to keep it protected with paint. It costs more not to paint thou to paint. 'Paint saves the surface and protects the building from miii, rain, frost and varying weather conditions that briug destruction. Prosperity demands the protection of all exposed surfaces' with good paint. ACME QUALITY HOUSE PAINT gives lasting protection nml beauty, it costs lew been u to it takes lewntul lasts longer. Cull at our store and let us show you color samples ami assist you iu seUttlnj; the proper color combination, that will make your house pH.'ar to the best aiU-aiilne. The Home Mercantile Co. Him V. Jlurllnuton St root KNIGHTS AND LADIES Security Benefit Association St. Johns Council 2775 I Kriiutar inrttlni: flrtt mil lliltil MomU'" Olwn inrtllMK" lo Ihc putillc mtil niriiilci mil oiul 4th Muin1), Vl.llurs mnl iiittulwi eor ilUlly linllr.l lunltrm! ul Mww Hall. &Sk Laurel Lodge, I.O.O.F. No 00( 8tl Johnil Oregon Meets each .Momluy evening hi Odd l'cl lows hnll at 7:.'lo. A rordlul welcome lo ' all vUltliiK brothers, i', riccnmi n ii n, i, irnrmniiy v. i. C. C, flrsy. Hrv Krr. ji KutciU I'lii.twc. II. I'. CUrk.Trrn.. St, Johns Gamp No, 7546 Modern Woodmen of Amcricn. Wc henrtily solicit the ntteinlnnre of our tueiubers at our regular mvclings every 2d anil -Itli Thurxlay cvenliie, O. W. Muhiu, I.J. Ogilen, Consul. Clerk. HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KNIGHTS Or PYTHIAS Meets every i'riday tilf-lit at 7:30 o'clock lu IIICKM'.K lliill. Visitors always wel come. I. COUCOUON, C. C. Woodmen Of the World St. Johns Camp 773 Meet every Thursday eveillng in I. O. O. F. Hall, I,eavitt and Jetsey streets. Visitors always welcome. W. A. Trout, C C j Jt. C. Clark, Clerk, Coal Prices Reduced Green Wood, Part Green and Dry Immediate Delivery St. Johns LumberCo. DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A. T. and A. M. Maiccis i iic ursi ami nurd Wedncsilayof each month in Ajusoiuc nan. visl tors welcome, John M. nUIr, W, M. A. W, Davis, Secretary, Minerva Chapter No, 105,0, E,S, Meets every second ami fourth Tuesday ol each month lu Masonic Hall, Visitors welcome, A Ida OuttrctI V. M Beuic V I'Okl. Kcc. 1117 8, Prttictton drrtt PENINSULA CHAPTER U. D, R, 4. M. Stuted meetings first aud third Monday of each month in Ma sonic Hall. Visitors Wtlccmr. w, A CARROI.I., l it. p 0. II. LKMO.N. Kcrclary. The Fraternal Boosters ELA1ER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO. 215 N. Syracuse Street l'lione ColambU SOI B asketball shoes KOGB Rs! CHAMBERS COMPANY J. G. Chambers Mrs. II. R. Lowry Funeral Directors ilS -2S0 KilHiiKSworth Avenue 1'OKTI.AND, ORKC.O.N' Telephones. Wood lawn 3300 C 1133 Mr. Clumlvcrs is the 6ulvG. A. R. undertaker iu the city of Portland. I'ersoual attention - and surervisiou giveu to arraugetuenU, Residents of St. Johus having taxes ami city liens to pay in t'ortlantl can maice tueir payments wttnout luconvetil ence by availing themselves of our ser. vices. We will pay same and secure your receipt witnout inconvenience to you, Fee, 25c. References: Any St, Johns tuuK. t'eninsuia title, Abstract aud Realty Co., by II. Henderson, Manager; 402 North Jersey Street. BOYS' SHOES that really wear good ROGERS. Meets every Wednesday in the MOOSE HALL Join and Help Boost evening KKIISUM TITLE ABSTRACT I REALTY CO H. HENDERSON, Manager 402 N. Jorsey Street Abstracts of Title Prepared Titles Examined Phone Columbia 255 Furniture Repaired and uiU'ixisunn Prices Reasonable EDWARD BROOKS, Fixup Shop, 625 527 Columbia Blvd French Block. 1