St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 08, 1921, Image 1

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St. Johns Ideal Place
for the 1925 Fair
St. Johns Ideal Place
for the 1925 Fair
Editor Review: Thinking,
perhaps, as the chairman of the
St. Johns Community Club that
1 ought to say n few words to
the citizens of tho'lower Penin
sula in regard to the Club and
what it is doing, what it stands
for and why every man and wo
man should belong to it. It
stands for God and home and the
Peninsula. For God. the Crea
tor and Supreme Ruler of the
universe, he who controls the
destiny of nntionB, will help us
if we only trust in Him; for
home because it is the birth
place and foundation of all that
goes to make this wonderful
country of ours; for the Penin.
stila because we think it is the
granneat and most beautifully
located landscape on earth the
grandest because it has all the
formations thntrinaitrnincrnrriata
could wish for to beautify and
make what no doubt God design
ed it for, tho Garden Spot of the
Pacific coast; beautiful because
located as it is between tho two
great rivers of tho Northwest,
tho majestic Columbia and tho
peaceful and queenly Willamette,
with its high promitories, its
lakes and lagoonB oh, it must
be seen to be appreciated.
The wonderful possibilities of
this Peninsula is beyond the con
ception of man, and we know
when the 1925 Fair Committee,
appointed by the chair, can get'
i. cz.. n !. ii... ?.-
aim uummuiuu ui uiu ruir
Board to come and look and seo
they will go away like that
queen of olden time and say the
half has not been told. Now ib
is up to you people of the Pen
insula to izct back of th'is com-
'mittce and put your shoulder;
of men U3 ever directed the
nfT'.iir of nn project. It is also
your duly to join tho Club in
order il:at anything coming into
our midst that is not what it
ought to bo can bo kept from
gaining a foothold that might
tend to disrupt this tho grand
est and best country on earth.
Do not not wait to bo solicited.
See Mr. Deane Knowles, chair
man of the membership commit
tee, or Mrs. Montgomery, Becre
tary of the Club, and get your
membership card. T. J. Mona
ban, Chairman St. Johns Com
munity Club.
Boosts (he Peninsula
in Mm wlinnl nnrl linln liftncr tn
this Peninsula tho greatest andj
biggest Fair on earth, backed,
as it is by our Governor and
State ofllciala, and as flno a body'
The Community Chest is more
than half full, and prospects are
that tho full quota of $850,000
will bo raised, although it may
rcciuiro continued untiring ef
forts. Many who would liko to
give in a substantial manner arc
unable to, and some others who
can are not so willing. A year
ago tho chest could probably be
filled with half tho present ef
fort, but conditions aro not so
flourishing now as then. How
ever, each ono should give as
much as possible.
In ronowing her subscription
to tho Review, Mrs. Juliu M.
Parker, formerly a well known
resident of St. Johns, snys: Wo
arc nine miles west of Lander,
Wvoming.nnd about five hundred
feet hiirher ut). I wonder if you
know Sacajawca Ib buried at
von wnanaKa. aoout imccn
miles from Lander? I intended
sending you a picture of her
grave but havo not been able to
get down the mountains to get
ono yet.
For Sale Your choice of 48
flno buildinir lots in 1910 Addition
to St. Johns. Tho smallest lots
are 50x100 each; prico from $150
to $350, small paymont down.
For sale by any agent in St
Currin's For Drugs
I Preserve Eggs Now
I While They Are Cheap
f Err Keep, Pint 35c
uunrt (uc
5 Gallon 75c
-I'ulniolive, 2 for 25
1 1 Woodbury's Facial 23c
;;CiitIcurn Soap 20c
; Resinol Soup 25c
II Cashmere Hoqttet . .10 and 25c
Packer's Tar 20c
House Cleaning f
Sulphur Candles 10c
Sponges 10c to $2 f
Dug Killer 50c, now 39c I
Moth Balls ...85c lb. t
Gallon $1.00 1 Hug Powder 10c to 40c J
Soap at Lowest
Others Priced on same Low
Toilet Articles
Shaving Sticks Refill 19c
Hind's Honey Almond Cream 39c
Pepsodent Tcoth Paste 45c
Orchard White 39c
Oriental Cream f 1.35
Lyon's Tooth Powder 23c
Pebeco Tooth Taste 39c
The Victrola-
The Instrument JSelected jby
the World's GreatestJ'Artists to
give you tueir
art. Hear Tet
rozziui here, be
fore and after
hearing her at
the Auditorium
Victrolas on
Easy Terms
From $25 to $275
Let Us Demonstrate The Vic
trola For You
Patent Medicines I
Glycothymoliue 25c, 50c, $1 i
Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound $1.10
Pierce's Gold. Medical Dls-
covery $1.10
Oaume Analgesique Dengue, ,69c ; ;
I Portland Manufacturing Co. jj
i '
Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex- !;
celsior Grape Bpxes, Egg Case Stock, j:
and all kinds of Veneer ;
St Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot-of'Burliiigion St.
Comparing tho geographical
location of Portland with that
of New York wo can readily sen
that the Peninsula is to Portland
what Manhattan is to New York.
Manhattan has been called the
"Treasury" of the world, nnd
it is at this timo lcadintr the
world as a shipping point. Man
hattan is the peninsula of New
York. Let us make tho Penin
sula tho samo to Portland as
Manhattan is to New York, and
Portland tho samo to tho Pacific
as Now York is to tho Atlantic.
Economists point out that the
Pacific Coast will bo of greater
importance than the Atlantic,
inasmuch as tho developments
on tho Pacific aro just commenc
ing. There are thousands of
miles of fertile country ready to,
be tapped. Russia is the groat
base of raw material supply for
the Pacific family to traders;
Alaska has merely been touched
for its wealth. So American
trade is increasing rapidly and
China, tho sleeping giant of the
Orient, will supply tho world
with materials for tho tcxtilo
industries for many years to
come. Portland has had its
struggle for marino supremacy
on the Pacific, and its location
as a fresh water harbor, and tho
advantages of n fresh water
harbor, together with other
features, will forovormako it tho
logical world's trading point of
tho Pacific. With ovcry ship
that cntere tho majestic Colum
bia, with overy ton of freight
unloaded or loaded onto tho
ocean carriers, Portland is being
maao Known to tho world as hav-
intr one of tho host froah wntcr
harbors, as having facilities for
handling any kind of cargo that
may bo brought forth. Thoro
aro sovcral ra roads enterintr
Portland from tho richest nnri-
cultural country of the world.
bringing in tho produco from at
least five states to be shipped to
all parts of the world. We be
lieve that the Pacific Coast has
tho future that the economists
promise; we helieve that the Pa
cific Ocean trade is gaining in
its importance to the world's
trade; wobeliovo that possibili
ties of irrigation of arid lands on
the slopes of the Rockies will in
crease wealth and shipping into
tho Pacific waters; wo believo
that coast cities are gaining and
will gain in population to a
greater extent in tho next ten
years than ever before; we be
liovo that Portland, through its
geographical location ns well as
its natural advantages for a
world's port, will grow and
prosper in the next ten years.
Wo know tho west side of
Portland has reached the heighth
of development. ( Its scope of de
velopment is limited by geo
graphical obstacles, and no doubt
will for somo timo in the future
represent the retail center of
Portland. There are GOO factories
operating in Portland; over 400
of these aro located on the Pen
insula. This proves conclusive
ly that tho Peninsula Bcction of
Portland, liko Manhattan, New
York, will be tho industrial nnd
financial center. Therefore,
knowing tho PoninBiilal and the
possibilities of tho future, let us
put forth every effort to make it
tho largest and best industrial
conter nnd best shipping point
on the Pacific Const. Lot us get
a bridge on the Jower end of the
Peninsula ut once, so wo will be
nearer tho rctnil center of Port
land. Let us get together and
Brovo to Mr. Meier and Fair
oard that the lower Pcninsulu
is tho ideal placo for tho 1925
Fair. Let overybody got buBy
and boost for more industries to
locate on tho Peninsula. Lot us
get together and mnko our end
of town more beautiful; improve
and clean up tho streets and
keep them that way, so when the
visitors go home they will be
able to say that the Peninsula is
tho Best Part of Portland.
Are you a Booster? If not, get
busy nnd join and help us in our
endeavors. We meet overy Wed
nesday evening nt the Moose
Hall, St. JohnB, and earnestly
urge that everybody who is in
terested in tho future welfnro
of the Peninsula come. Respect
fully, The Fraternal Boosters of
Portland. '
An Interesting Alccting
II. B. Compson W. R. C. met
n regular session Saturday. April
2nd. The business being con
eluded, a wolcome was given the
Comrndea of the Post and a
bountiful birthday dinner parta
ken of in honor of eleven Com
rades whose birthdays had oc
curreu uur nir mo nnst six
months. Bcnutiful buttonnircs
were presented them by the
president, Sister Bigelow. An
enjoyable program followed.
Among the guests was Mr. Hun
tingdon, a personal friend of II.
13. Uomnson of whom tho Post
nnd Corps wns named, lie gave
an interesting talk on ucn.
Compson and touched on tho
close friendship of Gens. Cunt)
son and Sheridan, nnd closed his
remarks by an nblo rendition of
"Oil !!,! ,.,.. !!,! " tul.inli iiimo
ftjiivi iuciii o itiuui niu
highly appreciated by all. This
occasion also served ns a fare
well to Com. Greene of Minno
npolis, who has been a regular
attendant of tho Post nnd Corps
for many months, but is return
fug to ins old home, tie was
presented with a silver pencil
from the Corns. The members
of Post and Cot pa wero huppy to
wclcomo Comrade liollistcr and
wife of Newport. The previous
I have the very latest stripes and shapes in
Knits, Bows, 25cto $1.50 -Four-ln-Hand
These arc especially
$1.60, $1.76, $2.00, $2.25, $2,60, $2.75, $3.00 and up
especially low priced and you can't beat them at n so called SALIC; my g
ON SAL, IS every day, comparison invited
goods arc nil
COLLAR PINS. 25c and un CUPP LINKS, 35c and up HHLTS GOc and up
President Suspenders, Now GOc Paris or IJoston Garters, Now 35c t
Work Shoes... $2.95 up
Tennis Srjoes
Dress Shoes... $6. 50 up
Pants $1.50 up
Boy's Shoes... $2.50 up
Hosiery, Gloves
Bri dI Cmmtm Mki S"T JOHNS Open Evenings
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
Thomas Gricc, Manager
Office, Col. 527 PHONES Nlht. Col. 299 208 N. Jersey St.
Night or Day Calls Promptly Answered
LOW RENT enables us to give
our customers the benefit of
Very Low Prices.
Not a Branch office of auy
Portland Uudertaklng Co.
Wc guarantee lower prices than you can get in the city
We write all kinds of insurance, and believe we can give 1
the people of this community insurance service as good or 1
belter tnan any agent in me cay.
We have choice securities on hand at all times to net an
investor seven and eight per cent,
Our safe deposit vault is fireproof, and is protected with a t
thoroughly modern burglar alarm system, uoxca yo.uu
to $5.00 per year.
108 South Jersev St Phone Columbia 161 '
"Saiy it with lowers"
Have an Karly Garden this
Spring by planting right now hard
ened plants.
Early Cabbage Plants, 2 Dozen 25c
Head Lettuce Plants, 2 Dozen 25c
Pansy Plants, Perennial Plauts,
Ueddlug Plants, Hanging Uaskets,
Porch Hoxes and Tubs Pilled,
Seeds, Etc,
BecAett' s Qreenfiottses
814 and 816 North Kellogg Streat
Phone Col. 401
The place where ypcA service and
courteous treatment prevail. Children'!
hair cutting receive special attention.
For Fine Chocolates
Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars
311 South Jersey Street
Frank A. Rice
Office 107 N, Jersey Street
Phone Col. 887 Residence Col. 398
Patronize tho home merchant.
meeting of tho W. R. C. wo
were honored by a visit of the
Dept. Pres., Corn Mcliride, and
members of her official staff. Wc
hone they will come nirain soon.
Comrade Chambers favored tho
Corps with two solos, and his
little crnnddauchter. Mary F.
Lowcrv, gave somo readings
which wore enjoyed by all.
James Chaney gave n reading
and proved that James tins a
marked talent in that lino.
Press Cor.
Meets This, Friday, Evening
Climb a Tree on High
We sit around nt eventide.
and tranquilly we lie, nnd tell of
how our cars can climb stupen
dous hills on high. We used to
be a truthful lot before the auto
came; wo used to ween and wist
and wot that falsehood was a
shame. And when from fishing
trips returned wo stretched the
truth n yard, our conscience liko
a bonfire burned, and scorched
us pretty hard. But that was in
u timo gone by, a time that's
vague, remote; and now wo sit
around and lie. each of his old
tin boat And when wo to our
beds rcpnir, some alto snores to
springdoes Conscience, while
wo'ro lying there, make night a
Bolcnin thing? Docs alio point
out that falsehood's wrong? Slto
trios that stunt no more; we've
lied so much, we've lied so long,
that Conscience is n bore. Our
old tin cars are red with rust,
they're long since out of style,
nnd something's always euro to
buBt before they go a mile.
Wo'rc always tinkering with
tools, o'er motors broken down,
and hiring farmors with their
mules, to haul us back to town.
Rut when wo smoke our evening
pipes the fiction graft prevails,
nnd Ananias has the gripes if
ho can henr our tales. And so
we sit besido tho sen, and tran
quilly wo ho of how our nutos
climbed a treo and did the trick
on high. Walt Mason.
The regular meeting of the
American I.egiou, St. Johns Post
No. 88, will be held in the St. Johus
Bachelor Club hall, Friday evening,
April 8, at 8 p. in. All cx-scrvicc
men are cordially invited to nttcml.
T. P. Uugbce, Commander.
Do not neglect to boost St.
Johns as tho most logical site
for tho big World's Fair in 1925
at every opportunity. It is the
most ideal spot of any. Every
organization on the entire pen
insula should pass resolutions
endorsing it and forward same
to tho site committee of the Fair
Association. Now is tho timo
to boost. Let overy ono do
their bit.
Tluirtdnjr nnd l'rldny, April 7 nnd S-
Wesley Barry
In "DINTY" hi ncvcn recM.
beil picture till clever buy
&tturTiiy, April Uth
Sumliiy, April 10
WALLACt HfclU m "llllt
CHARM SCUOOI'rnramotuit.
Monday nnd Tu'citdny, April 11 nnd 112-
ltll CAN Tltl.I' Itcalnrt, nnd
"Velvet I'ltincrw' No. 8.
Vediiediy. April 13th
Tuurdny ami 1'rliUy, April 14 nnd lf
RUSTI.IUSS SHX," u neven ncl
ticcinl by Uubl. W. Chniubem.
SnturJny, April 10'
AMATKUR )UVll'--rimiuouul.
Stylo 10 Price $150
There is no finer value than thin
IJrtiuswIck at $150. Thousands of
homes in the West will enthusiastically
testify to its beauty and its durability.
It is genuinely Ilrunswlck in the.splou
did quality of its tone, the beauty of
its cabinet work, the fineness of its
design and particularly in the fact that
without change it plays perfectly the
records of all makers and nil artists.
Brunswick Style 10 $150
10 Records $8.85
For Sale $158.85
Flour, rown and Olympic k s,o $2.30
Scratch Feed 100 ,ound at storc $2.70
Wll6at 100 I'ounil Snck at Store - - $2i80
Coal Best grade of Kock Springs Lump Goal
Delivered this week per ton $15.75
Corn, Oats, Barley, Mill Run, Egg Mash, Coal, Lime,
Cement, Shingles, Nails, Paints, Etc. AT REDUCED PRICES.
Peninsula Mercantile Co.
670 W. Lombard St,
Phone Col, 795
Coal For
Factory or Home
I,et us deliver your season's sup
ply uowfand you not only have the
convenience of a full supply hut can
save some money by buying in lurge
lots. Our coal satisfies- muxitnunt
heat at minimum cost. Phone us.