St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 18, 1921, Image 1

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St. Johns Ideal Place
for the 1925 Pair
St. Johns Ideal Place
for the 1925 Fair
The members of the St. Johns
Community Club had a jolly
ood timu at their semi-monthly
meeting Tuesday evening, which
was held at the Terminal Cafe
teria. Despite the steady down
pour of the elements, a coodly
crowd turned out to enjoy the
occasion. Thomas Autzen, who
is an expert in looking after tho
transportation facilities, lived
up to his reputation, and all who
aasemuied at tho bank corner
were transported to the Termi
nal by auto in admirable style.
Manager Murray and his able
corps of assistants at the Termi
nal Cafeteria, although handi
capped by about a 00 longshore
men dropping in upon them rath
or unexpectedly at five o'clock
for dinner, proved their ubilitv.
capability and the flexibility of
tlioir resources by serving an ap
petizing, satisfying and most
inviting dinner to the hungry
moinoera of the Club and their
friends. Tho Cafeteria is a largo
building and serves its purpose
well, and is most ably managed
by Manager Murray, whoso fine
treatment of the guests was
highly appreciated.
After the nbundant meal had
been placed where it would do
the most good, President Mona
ban culled the meeting to order
for a short business session, and
Secretary Montgomery read the
minutes of tho previous meet
ing. The matter of tho inc r.'as
cd t'olephone rate was discussed
to somo extent, and it was de
cided to favor tho recall of the
Public Utilities Commission.
President Monahan took up
tho matter of tho big 1925 Fair
being located in St. Johns, and
told of the wonderful and splen
didly adapted site there was
hero fur the big event. It was
unanimously decided tint a com
mittee bu appointed to bring tho
merits and advantages of this
location impressively and clear
ly to tho nttcntion of tho nilo
committee, nnd uso all other
means at their command in
bringing tho big ovont to St.
It was decided to inaugurate
a vigorous campaign for a Club
membership of ono thousand,
and application enrds wero pass
en to eacu membor with tho sug
gestion that each ono bring in
at least one now membor. Deane
il. Knowles was made chad man
of tho membership committco.
John N. Edlcfsen called atten
tion to several propositions, the
first being that efforts bo exert
ed toward hard surfacing of a
portion at least of Greeley street
tho coming Bummer; that the
school board be commended for
securing as largo a tract as they
did for high school purposes,
and that they bo urged not to
make tho first unit smaller than
win accommodate the presen
i .
nign school enrollment, and
larger if possible: that efforts
be DUt forth in thn wnv of no
curing hard aurfaco streets lead
ing to the new park site. It was
decided that these suggestions
receive proper attention.
Miss Wilma Wagner gave
very pleasing reading that was
highly enjoyed.
I ho meeting was then turned
over to Lieut. Crane, chairman
of the entertainment committee.
and introduced somo stunts that
produced much merriment. Tho
first was a potato race, with
box of potatoes at each end of
the lino. John N. Edlef.
Ben and Thomas autzen were
appointed captains, and they
each selected a crow of six la
dies and gentlemen. Thomas
Autzen's team captured tho
pnzo on a very closo margin
bomo wonderful sprinting was
demonstrated. In a tooth pick
and potato race Miss Clara Nel
son led tho field by a mile,
Oflicor Roberts and P. II. EJIcf.
sen staged a boxing bout that
was a hummer. Each was blind
oidcd and with a rone around
tho waist of each and tied to a
post bo that they wero about
arm's length anart. Tho re
suit was surely amusing. Blind
man's butt was another stunt
that nroduueed a lot of fun.
Oflicor Hatt was presented with
a prize for bravery in bringing
two prominent citizens to tho
meeting charged with being ab
sent for a number of meetings.
After a trial thoy wero fined a
couplo of Bimoleons. Supcrin
tendent G. A. Ross of tho Ter
minal made a few interesting
remarks concerning tho termi-
nal and freight. Ho said the
Dock Commission has 1 GO acres;
that thcro wero fivo piers each
low root long by 220 feet wide.
covering six acres each. Whon
mo meeting adjourned ho con
ducted the party through tho
big pier and oxplained tho var
ious doviccs and where tho var-t
ious quantities t)f freight canto
from, and other matters of In
terest. Mr. Ross ia surely the
right man In the right place.
and his courtesy and the efforts
Your Coal Bill
will show n decided drop, if yon put
in our coal. We say this localise
we know the amount of heat from
it far exceeds the amount of waste,
ns compared with other coal. It is
to your advantage to let us prove
Four Kinds f Laundry
it ' . ....
Use Your Head
A woodpecker pecks
Out a great many spcckB
Of sawdust
When building a hut.
He works like a nigger
To make the holo bigger
He's sore if
His cutter wont cut.
Ho don't bother with plans
Of cheap artisans
But there's one thing
Can rightly be said:
Tho wbole excavation
Has this explanation
He builds it
By tiling his head. Ex.
Work for Your Home Town
he put forth to mako the visit
of guests interesting was highly
Mrs. Jennie Glover Allon,
wife of 0. W. Allon, died at her
home, 1029 S. Ivanhoe street, at
6:30 a. m. Tuesday. March 15th.
of heart trouble, from which she
had suffered for somo years.
She wbb born in Illinois March
16th, I860, and had resided in
St. Johns sinco 1904. Sho is sur
vived by her husband. 0. W. Al
len, two sons.Loron D.IGIover of
Scllwood nnd Thomas Glover of
St. Johns, nnd one daughter,
Mrs. Ncllio Dcaring of St.
Johns. Also by a brother and
sistor residing at LaCrosse,
Wis.: a brother at Long Beach.
Cnl., and a sistor at Big Sandy,
Mont, runcral services took
place at the Portland Cremato
rium yesterday afternoon at 2
HT onun ttmn mnnnu nnrl ttvtit.
ble, go to Currin's for Drugs.
THIS AD and 10c
Good for ono Jnzz Cap.
Thero is something the mat
ter with tho man who doesn'
care for the place he lives in
who doosn't come back to it with
some degree of rapture nnd ro
lief. Tho world citizen who
boasts that all places aro aliko
to him, that any place where he
hangs his hat is home, misses
ono of the first nnd strongest in
centives to decency and duty
which is tho desire to win the
general esteem and good opinion
of tho community in which one
dwells. No reward in money
compares in value with tho gold
en treasure of a good repute.
If a man cheats and lies and
steals and bears false witness, he
may buildup a great fortuno and
still bo plagued at night with
tho knowledge that thoso about
him hold a low opinion of his
worth and works. Dr. Elliott.
of Harvard, has told us that it
is the favorable opinion of a
man's homo town that is worth
earning and retaining. One of
tho neighbors might be wrong:
but if wo tako the summation of
what many aro saying, we prob
ably Bhnll arrivo at a just esti
mate. Merely to livo in a place
doesn't mako ono a citizen. Your
heart will bo whero your work
has boon put in to help forward
nny good thing that is going.
Of course, ono must be true to
tho immediate family circlo and
look well to tho roof tree and
tho door yard of one's own
household first of all. But that
intimato indoor devotion com-
mcndablo ns it is, may become
a selfish sentimont that takes no
thought for tho measures of pub
lic welfaro in whose benefit we
all share. Fault finders stand
ready with harsh censure nnd
snap judgment upon what the
toilers aro doing, lite toilers
aro too buBy doing tho work of
it... C 1 i. I 1 mi . 1 I itti
uiu muit nnaers. iney cannot wnere can a man buy a cap
siop 10 explain, what every plan- for his knee, or a key for a lock
tation of human beings is in of his hair? Can your pyes be
need of, if it is to flourish, is a' called an academy because there
1 . . A I. ft it n v il
group of men who love others
bettor than they lovo their own
ease and quiet and who spend
themselves in unselfish endeav
or. No man gets tho name of
civic patriot by doing things
simply for himself. Ho must
serve the public interest, in tho
general good, not his own pock
et: while tho ranee of his own
charity may cover the whole
world, it should, n tho homelv
phrase, "come homo to roost"
in his own town. Philadelphia
A number of localities have
been mentioned ns locations for
tho big 1925 Fair, but St. Johns
s the logicnl locntion. The more
one studies the situation the
more firmly convinced he must
becomo of this patent fact. No
world's Fair in tho past had a
more aomirnblc location than is
afforded on tho Lower Peninsu
a. It is true that at present
trnnsportntion fac tics are in
adequate, but this would be true
of nny other location mentioned
ns a possible site. But this
could readily bo remedied by
extension of car lines nnd exten
sion of hard surface streets.
Our most sincere and heart
clt thanks and appreciation to
the many kind friends for their
sympathy, assistance nnd beau
tiful floral offerings, in tho loss
of our beloved wife nnd (laugh
ter. Also wish to thank our
many kind friends who bo will
ingly tendered their kind as
sistnnco during her illness. Wo
oxtend our grntoful apprecia
tion. Percy L. Schelter, Mrs.
L. Place.
(Anil he didn't take Tatilnc cither)
But by Wearing
Mr. N. ADAMS, employee of St. Johni Lumber Co., while working on n scnfToM nlmve revolving
machinery accldently (ell ami would btvr been ground to death had he not been wearliiK one of K()(ilKS OI.I)
HICKQItY WORK SHIRTS While (allliig through the air his shirt sleeve caught upon n lull, the materia!
of which withstood the strain, holding Mr. Adams above the machinery until atilttance was nvallahle -These
shirts arc not junk but the BUST the market affords like you always uct from KORKRS.
Mr. Adams paid J2.C0 for the shirt The price today Is f I.W. I have other ;oo.l WORK SHIRTS at
reduced prices, J2.00 Shirts now $1.20, $1.60 Shirts now 9Gc, Kt yours today.
&2.50 DRESS SHIRTS $1.50
$3.00 Sllk.ICnlt Nekties, Now 1.60
1.60 Silk. Knit Nektles, Now 1.00
3.00 l'onr.Iu.IIaud Kcktlcs 1.60
1.60 l'our.In.Hand Nektles, Now 1.00
1.60 Sport Wool Socks, Now 00c
1.00 811k Hosiery, Now, 60c
Latest Arrow Collars
Ross of the Road, Union Made Overalls and
Jumpers fl CO
Union Mudc, llovi of the Road CovvrulU $XU0
Doss of the Road Creuter Overalls jl.'JS
Children's Heavy l'laysulls 00c
Hoy's Dress Caps t)0c
Hoy's Corduroy Knickerbockers f-.2!
are pupils there In the crown
oi your nena wnnt jewels aro
found? Who travels the bridge
of your nose7 Could you uso in
shingling the roof of your mouth
the nails on tho end of your toes?
Louid the crook in your elbow
bo sent to jail? If so, what did
he do? How can you sharpen
your shoulder blades? I'll bo
darned if I know, do you? Could
you sit in tho shade of tho nalm
. . t
ot your hand, or beat on the drum
of your ear? Does tho calf on
your leg ent tno corn on your
toer then why grow corn on
tho car? Where can n man get
a pension for life to provide for
old age, your children or wifo?
T his ono I'll nnswer, if your
health is O.K., so quit thinking
about U today. Ex.
Men's oud Hoy's Reul Leather
Men's Dress Shoes - $6.50 up
Durable Work Shoes $2.95, $3,85
Baak of tmmtt W&i
Open Evenings
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Turlington' St.
l Portland Manufacturing Co.
Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex
celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock,
,1 nil trirtAi t UanaaH
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
Thomas Grlce, Manager
Office, Col. 527-PHONES-NUjht, Col. 299 208 N. Jersey St.
Night or Day Calls Promptly Answered
Not a Branch office of any
Portland Uudertaking Co.
LOW RENT enables us to give
our customers the benefit of
Very Low Prices.
We guarantee lower prices than you can set in the city
We write all kinds of insurance, and believe we can give
the people of this community insurance service as good or 1
better than any agent in the city.
We have choice securities on hand at all times to net an
investor seven and eight per cent,
Our safe deposit vault is fireproof, and is protected with a t
thoroughly modern burglar alarm system. uoxes fy.uu '
to $5.00 per year.
108 South Jersey St Phone Columbia 161 '
m '
"Sat it witi 3lowers"
Easter Lilies! Easter Lilies!
Extra fine plants, please make
your selection early, supply is lim
ited, pluuts can now be seen in full
bloom at the greenhouses.
Cabbage and Lettuce plants er two
dozen. , 25c
Mastodon I'utisy plants per doz 00c
I'or-Ket-ini'-uot plants per doz,,, 00c
Outdoor Primroses per doz , ,00c
Large Double Daises jer. doz,, 20c
SSeckett' s reenioiises
814 and 816 North Kellogg Strett
Phone Col. 401
The place where Rood service na
courteous treatment prevail. Children's
hair cutting receive upecial attention.
Frank A. Rice
Office 107 N. Jersey Street
Phone Col. 887 lUtidert Co!. 3' S
For Fine Chocolates
Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars
311 South Jersey Street
Ono woman can mako a homo
hnppy, but two of 'cm can't.Ex.
Kodak days aro hero. Currin
Says So.
Tito wliolo world lovea n ROY
AL Tailored Mnn-ROGERS.
Ekks aro about low cnoutrh now
to bo utilized in theatrical crit
ieism, says an exchange.
Now is the time to clean out.
clean up nnd kcop clean, Cur
rin aayn So.
Wool PANTS $4.85, were $7.50
It may not bo of much inter
est to anybody, but n cockroach
has no toenail. Ex.
A Victrola is tho mncljino for
you. ask your neighbor: ho
hnB ono. Currin Says So.
Footless hosiery is now tho
rago in l'nris. I'oraonnlly wo
have Paris beaten by Bovernl
yenrs.IJurlington News.
THIS AD and 10c
Good for ono Jazz Cap.
Personally wo haven't dono
much toward helping Mr. Hard
ing select a cabinet, but it is his
fault. Dallas Nows.
Tho all time best entertainer
n Victroln. Currin's for
Thank goodness wo'ru nt tho
point whero we enn ntrnin ask
for a dimo'fl vwirth otraomotliing
wiuiout being inughed nt. Ex.
Shoo Laces 3 tmir lOc-ROG-
Get vour rats now with Sure-
kill rat naato nt Currin'B for
"Mountain dew" rhymes beau
tifully with "basement brew."
Eggs are cheap now, so is
Egg Keep. A word to the wise.
Currin Says So.
Sunshine in tho heart is better
than mtonshinc in tho stomach.
Bandannnr Handkerchiefs 10c,
3 for 25c ROGERS.
Knickerbocker bath Bprays
one-third off. Currin's for
How to pay tho income tax
isn't bothering half as much as
how to get tho income.
Eerythinc for house clnnnlncf.
disinfecting and fumigating.
Currin's for Drugs.
True, tho boautv of woman in
sometimes but skin deep. Rut
that is far as the average malo
oyo can penetrate.
Rockford WORK SOCKS 15g
Tho reason why n womnn
wears furs in tho summer nnd n
ow neck dross in tho winter is
becauso sho is a woman. Ex.
Case, tho guaranteed kind of
cutlery, knives, razors and
shears. Currin's for Drugs.
A Knno surgeon operated upon
limsclf successfully for mmon-
dicitis. At this rate man will
soon become his own undertaker.
Good Suitcases S2.1G -ROG
Thursday mid l'rldny, March 17.18
UUnsiHNbb I ftLMAUOt in
liest In two yean.
SitluriUy, March tilth
A r.olilwyn 8pccll,"TMI STRHHT
CA1.I.IJI) STRAIGHT" with Mil nil
Star cast.
.Sunday, Mnrch 20-
William Farnum
MAKHKS," and n dnndy two reel
Monday and Tuvsday, March Ul-22
Charles Ray
Velvet I'Jinjern" No. 6.
Vcdnduy, March 23
KOOKIU'H KltrUKN'IMrnmoiint.
Thursday and Friday, March '1 'iit
A rauie bH-cial from the book,
'HAM' A CIIANCK," In 7 reohi.
Jewelry as the Gift Idea
A Royal Welcome awaits you at this
Store of Dependable Merchandise.
Cut glass, Jewelry of all kinds Rings, Dia
monds, etc. These articles not only help mako lifo
worth living but they ropreaent a wise money invest
ment. Just received n ticw shipment of Right-tiny Great Mogul
Alarm Clocks, WcmcIox Alarms, J Jen, Hnby Hen, Slecpmeter,
and Jack O' Lantern.
SII.VKRWARIi. Here in this store we keep an eye on itiul
ity first as well as beauty pf design ami workmanship. Come in and
see the new Grosvenor Pattern In Community Plate. A l'criod de
sign, the vogue for rich Simplicity in Tableware. Teaspoons $1.50
for set of six,
llccatise we have constantly followed a policy of full value,
our prices did not advance unjustly nor can they decline with sen
sational swiftness. You'll find them , as always, reasonable,
Hrunswick Phonographs and Records sold on easy terms, no
interest, New April records on sale Saturday, March the 10th.
WATCH MAKlili AND ,JiiWlirlUt
720 Burlington Street, St. Johns.
Under New Management
Nearest Hotel to all River Industries. We respectfully solicit n
share of your patronage.
Clean rooms and well cooked meals our specialty.
rL- accnriorrn pur need nr pabdad ati nu
HUUWVIII I hllUllllamilMU JWI)V Willi! IWIf jjVM
HfirA roar or BUHunaTon sthcet