Charter Oak Ranges At Reduced Prices On Easy Terms We have obtained a limited number of Charter Oak Ranges which we are offering at prices considerably below the present re tail prices on these dependable and well known Ranges. Take advan tage of these low prices and easy terms and get a good new Range NOW. We will take your old stove or range as first payment and you can pay the balance in small weekly or monthly installments. Uso our Exchange Department. We buy Second Hand Furniture. Your Credit Is Good. OAmandu Bags I The Grabateria Cash ft Grocery Constant activity, co-operative buying giving us quantity prices, no bookecping, low rent, lots of space, fine location and extensive acpuaiutancc has spelled the success of the Cash Grocery business as conducted by the Grabateria. With the mills partially closed the business has kept up because it is knownby those who were thrifty and saved that the prices we put on all our goods is consistent with the very low cost of doing business and they have the money to buy. We are keen after the trade that expects us to keep the stock fresh- and clean aud of variety that appeals to cveiy palate. Our phone is Oh 102; our delivery regular and our attention to phone orders is personal. COUCH & CURRIER, Owners Phono Columbia 102 " Dr. F. P. Schultze, Res. Col. 1181 Dr. D. S. Swart, Res. Col 283 Office Col. 379 Office Col. 379 Drs. Schultze & Swart PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 1-G Honharo & Currier BIiIr. $1150 Four fine buildiug lots, each 50x100, sidewalks. Rice & Tate, 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887. For Sale Brown Rtcd baby buggy, good condition, 714 S. Crawford street, Col. 879. For Sale or Trade New dining fable for chickens. Address 521 French Block, not later than Satur day. For Rent Four room house, modern, 465 East Chicago street. Call 209 Smith avenue, north. For Sale A single delivery wag on, good as new, good top, front and rear curtains. Take it at your own price. Call at this office. Good bouse, chicken house, gar age, dog house, linoleum on floor, all this for $400; must be all cash. 301 N. Jersey street. $1800 7 room house on corner lot 99x9G. with a buildii g suitable for general merchandise, grocery, confectiouery, billiard and card room, located in small town with logging and mill industries. Rice & Tate, 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887. Beginning Tuesday evening aud continuing every Tuesday evening a dance will be given in the skat ing rink under the auspices of the Disabled American veterans of the World War. Admission 25 and 30 cents, including war tax. Board and room for two men, homo privileges, modern con veniences. Mra. T. Hill, C15 E. Tyler street. 20 For Sale Five room semi-modern house with Iqt 50x100, also garage and chicken house; price $2550 ?5o down, $25 per month and interest. 51 1 Tioga street. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank the kind friends who kindly assisted us in the funeral of our daughter and for the beautiful and profuse floral offerings. C.V. Zim merman and Family. If it's a Koed day Sunday and you are looking for a good buy in a three room cottage, come down to 929 Calhoun street, just two blocks east of the East school and aee the most upto date cottage in town. Kitchen and dining alcove combined, built-in Dutch kitchen and china closet, basement and cement walks. I will be there all day Sunday. For sale on your own terms by owner, Roy Crouchley.. Big Doings MOOSE HALL WATCH THIS SPACE I SANTOX SCIENTIFIC TOOTH BRUSH THE BRUSH THAT CLEANS YOUR TEETH If we could perceiveof a better Tooth Brush, either iu Quality, Construction or Design, we would produce one, but we believe the San Tox Scientific Tooth Brush to be the most practical Tooth Brush offered for sale iu the drug world today. Comes in hard aud medium at 65c each. The Depree Company, For Sate B y ST. JOHNS PHARMACY The Proscription Store A. D. S., SANTOX AND DR. HOBSON REMEDIES PHONE COLUMBIA 138 Rev. John G. Lake will con duct divino healing services at the I. 0. 0. F. hall Sunday even ing at 8 o'clock. All welcome. Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Learned and Mrs. Alice Learned motored to Estacada Saturday and paid Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Braasch a visit. With the neach and apricot trees in bloom, Spring must bo very nigh at hand, else these trees are taking mighty long chances. About 75 of tho friends of Cant. II. E. Mclntire dropped in upon him last Saturday evening and enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Laurelwood Past Noble Grand Club will meet at the homo of Sister Pearl Beckman, 815 S. Princeton street Thursday, Mar. 17th, at 2 p. m. A twelve pound baby boy ar rived nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Worden on Willamette boulevard bright and early last Saturday morning. Captain and Mrs. D. D. Pitt- mnn of Camp Lewis have bean vis ting at the homo of their couBin. Mrs. T. C. Waite. 810 N. Syracuse street, during the past week. The Glcanors' Sunday school class of tho Pioneer Methodist church will hold their regular monthly bako sale at Clark's LUirnlturo Btoro on Saturday uo ginning at 1 o'clock p. m. Androw Eugene, a bouncing nino pound baby boy, arrived at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Leon D. Sorber, 1020 S. Central ave nue, March 4th. Mother and babe are getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ball and Mrs. Georgia Simmons motored to Independence. Ureiron. to spent a few daya with their mo- .her. Mrs. Matririo Wilson, inoy returned Tuesday ovoning and reported a fine trip. Services at M. E. church Sun day, March 18th: Church school 0 a.m.. lesson subject, "liio Lord's Suntier:" sermon 11 n. m., "Is Christianity Failing?" Junior Leaguo meeting 3 p. m. Enworth League devotional meeting at 0:30 p. m. Evening sermon 7:30 "Tho Christian's Weapon." Thursday March 0, tho Ladles' Aid Society of tho Congrega. tional church met with Mrs. Da vid Cheney at 403 Buchanan street. Wo camo In the morn- ng and brought our lunch, which wo served bulTot style. Such a lunch as they had, and such a good timo as we had! Thero woro sixteen ladies and they worked hard, but wn had so much good innocent fun with it that no ono noticed the work. If you want to know nny more about this Ladies' Aid juat come to the next meeting, which will bo announced later. Reported. Subjects at tho Congregation al church next Sunday morning and evening: 11 a. m., "The Nearness of God;" 7:30 p. mr, Description of Amoakeag Wool en Mills of Manchester, N. H., tho largest mills in tho world: covers 13 acres and employ over 13.000 souls. Mr. Hull made special study of theso big mills when living in New fcngianu; some great truths from a great factory. Special muBic by the choir. Everybody cordially in vited. Rev. Geo. II. Hull, Tem porary Pastor. John Bronstein, general man ager of the Trojan Powder Co., his brother, Howard Brownstein, general sales manager, and Mr. Malhorn, secretary of the com pany, all of San Francisco, held f conference with their travel ing salesmen of tho Northwest territory in the office in Port land last week. Chas. Fobs of St. Johns, Earl Walters of Seat tle, Mr. Eyklebach, Mr. Har rington and K. A. Merriman of Portland were present. After the conference a feast was had at the Hazelwood restaurant A very pleasant entertainment was given Saturday evening, Feb. 20th, by Miss Velma Bort and a number of her friends at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thorp, 1600 McKen na avenue. Most excellent mu sic was furnished by a Hawaian 12 piece string orchestra. A number of vocal solos and recita tions were rendered. Dancing was also indulged in, after which a dainty lunch was served. Those present were: Mrs. Chas. Holmes, Ben Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bort, Velma Bort, Violet Dixon, Bessie Barron, Helen Barron. Agnes Heade, James Heade, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thorp. Reported. Play Suits 95c ROGERS. Every day a bargain at Bon- ham & Currier 8. Subject for Christian Science services Sunday: Substance. Roy Worden has gone to'Clat- skanie, where he has accepted a position with a lumber compa ny. Mrs. Emma Fuchs will leave Saturday for San Francisco for an extended visit. Her home here is at 721 Buchanan streot. Sermon subject 11 a. m., "The Prodigal's Brother;" sermon sub icct 7:30 p. m., "What Shall Wc Call the Baby r At the Christian church Sunday next. The Woman's Homo Mission ary society ot i'loneer jwctno- dist church will bo held Friday at 2 p. m. at the parsonage on Lcavitt street. A Rpccial pro gram has been provided followed by a silver tea. Tho Royal Goodwill Society will give a Hard Time danco on Saturday evening, March 12th. Rebokahs, Odd Fellows and friends welcome. Two small prizes given to lady and gent in beat representation. Admission tadics 20c; gents 30c. Do not miss it. Mrs. Roso Ellen Madden from Chicago, III., is visiting her son, William S. Madden. After trav eling over a greater part of the United States she has finally ar rived in Oregon and declares that tho farthnr sho goes the more beautiful tho world is. Wo hopo sho continues to liko Ore gon and will mako her future homo hero. Mrs. Percy L. Schclter died nt her home, 1225 Central avenue, March 5th of tuberculosis, bho wbb born in ricaaant view, Mich., August 23, 1892. and con sequently was uued 28 years, 5 months and 10 days at tho timo of her death. She is survived by her husband. Iho funeral services wore conducted nt the chapel of tho St. Johns Under- a .1 r 1 1 1 1 r taxing uo. wcancsuuy aiz p. 111. Interment in Rose City cemetery. On tho ovening of March 2nd a pleasant Burpriso party was given in honor of Mr. Herman Oaborn's birthday. Guests present wero Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Mnddcn nnd children, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. IToach, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Rogers, Mr. nnd Mra. II. R. Ackerman, Mr. and Mra. J. E. Bnrbcr, Mr. Harold Colfman. Refreshments wero nropnrcd at a friend's and a complete sur prise was enjoyed by all. Somo lovely presents wero given and everyone had a jolly time. Advertising in tho Review un doubtedly brings results. Ono party who had a Iioubo for salo ad in the paper for a few weeks says he received about 25 calls, another nova ho received ten calls on tho advertisement of his property in one issue Others tell of good results. Tho poo Elo read the paper. There is a ig demand for property, and the way to bring it to tho nttcn tion of tho would-be buyer is to advortise tho fact. Do not ex pect tho buyer to hunt you. Tell him about it in tho Review. It most surely pays. The body of Miss Goldio Zim merman, who disappeared from her home, 915 N. Hudson street tho morning of Feb. 2nd, was found Monday afternoon in tho Columbia Slough near tho Swift Packing plant. Sho had been in ill health for somo time, the result of a nervous breakdown. Diligent search was instituted but without avail until her body was discovered Monday after noon. Tho deceased was the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. C. V. Zimmerman, and was born in Kentucky March 18. 1891. The funeral services took place at the chapel of the St. Johns Un dertaking Co. Wednesday morn ing at 10 o'clock, interment taking place at Columbia ceme tery. As soon as a silo can be ob tained the Watson Bucket Plow company will establish a new factory in Portland, according to announcement mado Monday. The plant will probably be locat ed somewhere in the St. Johns district. The company is capital ized at half a million dollars, and some of the stock has already been subscribed. The promot ers expect to sell $100,000 worth to the public. The plow is the invention of William Watson of Portland. It is claimed that the device will plow the ground to any depth desired and pulverize the soil and seed it at the same time, with the contrivance an acre of ground can be plowed, Eulvorized and seeded in an our, claim its backers. Port land News. NEKTIES ROGERS, GLOVES LARGE ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN Men like to deal at Bonham & Currier's; they carry tho stock. Boya' Dress CAPS 95c-ROG- ISKS, of course. For Salo Shepard strain An cona setting eggs. 714 S. Craw ford street; Col. 879. 19 Hair Weaving.-Mrs. T. Hill. G15 E. Tyler street; Col. 783. PANAMA HATS $1.50. $2.50 It pays to advertise If you do liver the goods ROGERS. Take somo trade on uptodato Dungnlow. W.P. Greene A: Son: Col. 1025. Your income tnx due March 15th. See A. W. Davis, notary public, who will help you out with proper report. tf What fits your face and nock etbookV $2600 4 room nit modern house on Willamette boulevard, sewer nnd street improvements paid, ear- nso nnd 50x100 lot. Rice & Tate, 107 N. Jersey: Col. 887. For Sale One Columbia Gr.tfo- noln: fine tone: $25. Call at this office. First clnss dressmaking and plain Bowing at reasonable prices -201 W. Richmond. 18 Got somo of those kitchen dishes; great bargains, nt Bon ham As Currier's. Ka-Ka-Kha-KHAKI PANTS- ROGERS. For Salo or Rent Now six room bungnlow, partly furnish ed; will sell cheap. 711 N.Ivan hoe Btrcet. For Sale - Colutubin Grnphnnohi aud 40 Records, price $85. Call nt 517 Oswego St. $tPoo Four room semi-modern house and 4 lots, $250 cash, bal ance easy. Ktce Tate, 107 No. Jersey street; phone Col. 887. Nifty new bunaglows on eaay payments. W. P. Greono &Son; Col. 1025. Pekin Duck Egs $1.50 for 13; Anconns $1.25 for 15, for hatch ing. Col. 1170; 728 E. Charles ton street. Men's Dross Shoes $0.50,$0.95, $9.50 no higher. I carry tho Best ROGERS. For Sale Bicycle, almost now, coaster brake, very reasonable; leaving city. Call 710 E. Mo hawk. For $50 down nnd $50 per month we'll give you a leaso and option on an up to tho minute home. W. P.Grcono &Son; Col. 1025. Wanted Good violin; nuiBt bo in good condition. Call Colum bia 389. Men's WORK SHOES $2.95, $3.85-ROGERS. Hatchirg Eggs For Sale Single comb White Leghorns, trap ncHt, good stock, mated to Tancred Cockerel, and Buir Orp ingtons, good Btock also. 1032 N. Syracuso street. 18 WORK PANTS $1.95-ROG-ERS. Don't send your printing out of town. For Sale Six room modern bun galow, street improvements in aud paid for; one block from car line. G23 N. Ivanhoe street. 16 For Rent Five rooms partly furnished, very reasonable, at Gil E. Charleston street. 1 Why is a Bank? There are some folks who think that a bank is not a nec essity in the social order; And there arc many who know a bank only as a place for keeping money safe. When they think of a bank they picture iu their minds a massive structure with n lot of locks aud bars aud vaults and safes, and they thiuk of their own money as being "stored" where it will be absolutely safe and draw interest. But these folks mistake the real function of banking. To be sure a bank's first duty is to insure the absolute safe tv of the money entrusted to its care, but the REAL OBJECT of banking is TO KEEP MONEY WORKING- for everybody. THE I HOUSE DYE WORKS 317 N. Jersey Street Prc-War Prices Suits Cleaned and Pressed for $1.50 Suits Pressed 50c Ladies' I'liuh Coats Like New., fl PluinSuit mill Drc.scj Clcuned ami Pressed J 1.50 YOUK CHOICE French Dry or Steam Cleaning No Charge for Culling for aud Delivering, Phone Columbia 1289 SiitltiTnotlon Guiuumtuod ti. A. MANNING Peninsula nona an Member Federal Reserve System SPRING TIME GARDEN TIME Use our GARDEN TOOLS and TESTED SEEDS Specially priced this week Long handled shovels $1.90 Long handled rakes , 35c 5 Prong Cultivators $1.15 ODORLESS CLEAN EFFICIENT Bold onlr In It lb. rhlt cotton bar" And 1 lb. Jrtff Vo mirr No Hulk .tit IVrllllitr iu bout tn itiT-ni? inn cti mows Tot Ijinnf, llowrra, (lnrlm, Shrub Homo l'lnnta, l lfMi nnd Orchard IloolC IltKB Tslls juat HOW " ,b- covers n Uwn sptco of lloo couftra tut, I.m a ymr or mora A tsblriponnrul to It II I of poUtot to. iristot oronlln.rr robu.ii uimn. alum ant llawtr. crltp tnd oarlr Vm.Ubl... A ttstpoonful for ( to I In, pottM Wsnt. 1' vros lovn It Fullr Oiurmnlrvd. uiainiuuTon St. Johns Hardware Co. Villi WIXCIlliSTlSli STOItli (oooDDaDDapDooaoaarrxmooooaooc.TCO Office Photic Columbia 02C Residence Phone Columbia 177 Office l'hotie Columbia TIKI Drs. BORDEN & KELIHER DENTISTS 1-4 PENINSULA BANK BLDG. Nitron Oilile 0 for Pulnlcn lUttttction of Tcctlt. Nerve lilocklni; for Pillules 1'ivtHirntloii of Cnvltle mill Surgical Kctuovul of Teeth. Portland, Ore. Phone Col. 1004 W. S. Wymore Contractor iu nil kinds of Cement work or Day work. Resilience 010 N. Central Ave. Pulley & Zurclier Plumbing, Heating & Tinning We Repair Aluminum Wnre l'honc Col. D2 207 S. crey HI. Mrs. Bertha C.Burdick (T.lccutitate of the Royal Academy of Music, London.) Teacher of Piano 1957 HodKeSt. Phone Col. 872 ROBERT RAKES Plowing and Teaming of all kinds 010 K. Charleston St. Phone Col. 1320 J. HAGGBLOM House Raising and Repairing 628 11. Polk Street Phone Col. 817 J. W. BOTTOM Contract Painter 507 Hasl Allegheny St. Photic Columbia 1242 Member IluiMeit lixchaiiu W. P. Greene & Son 1 Contractors & Builders 620 K. 1IUCHANAN STKI.I'.T Portland, Ore. Phone Col. 1025 Brink' in your uewa items. For Sale Four room house and lot, $080 for quick snlo;$250 down, $8 per month. Call at 2180 Willamette boulevard. For Sale -Two and ono. half H. P. hnriznntnl tvnn enqnlino nn. gine. Call at 1001 S. Leonard street, iuat oft? Kuchanan. Satur day afternoon or Sunday. For Sale f!nmnlfit hniiMitlinld furniture very reasonable; going Bast. Blue Iioubo on corner Hudson and Oswego streets. Lost Ladv'a brown nocket book containing $25 and some papers, etc. Finder leave at At ' - it . 1 hub oiiiuo; rewaru. Lost Brown leather pocket book containing $10 and $5 bills, also a few photographs with pocketbook. Finder please leavo at 1226 S. Seneca street. TT0KE3 THE NATIONAL Vulcanizing Co, 205 S. Jersey St. Is the Oldest Es tablished, Best Equipped and most Reliable Tire repairing Establishment on the Peninsula. All work done on a mon ey back tfuaTHntee, Wc take pride in turning out tho best retreads in Port land. New and second hand tire f"r sale. Just one block ttouth of the Pen insula National Uauk, m car line. CHAS, F, BOYLE, Prop, FOY'S St Johns Fair Store Highest Quality and Lowest Prices Toys a Specialty 207 N. Jersey St. Phone Col. 839 Till? Sl?RVICHS OF Till? EPISCOPAL CHURCH are held every Sunday at 9 A, M. In I. O. O. F. Hall Sunday School at 10 a. m. JOHN I). RICK, Vicar Poff & O'Neil TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand aud Gravel Dally Trips to Portland PbtM Col. 308 206 N. JERSEY ST