Phonographs Wc sell them oh EASY 0unandi Baos Grabateria Cash Grocery Constant activity, cooperative buying giving us quantity prices, no bookeeping, low rent, lots of space, fine location and extensive acpuaiutaucc lias spelled the success of the Cash Grocery business as conducted by the Grabateria. With the mills partially closed the business has kept up because it is knownby those who were thrifty and saved that the prices we put on all our goods is consistent with the very low cost of doing business and they have the money to buy. Wc are keen after the trade that expects us to keep the stock fresh and clean and of variety that appeals to every palate. Our phone is C l. 102; our delivery regular and our attention to ph me orders is personal. COUCH & CURRIER, Owners Phone Columbia 102 Dr. V. P. SchulUe, Kes. Col. 1131 Office Col. 379 Drs. Schultze & Swart PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 1-6 Bonham & Currier Bldg. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD MAKING RAPID GROWTH IN MEMBERSHIP AND FINANCES. The membership campaign be ing conducted by St. Johns Camp No. 773, Woodmen of the World, is getting more interesting each week and applications are being received in goodly numbers. From present indications a class of at least fifty will be aoded to the local Camp during the next sixty days. The Committee in charge have divided the membership into two teams, with Neighbors Trout and Kroyer .as leaders, both of whom cluim their team will win. There are eight Camps of the Woodmen of the World in Port land, having a combined mem bership of about 11,000. Near ly all of the Camp3 are con ducting campaigns at this time and about 300 new members are being secured monthly in this city. At the last quarterly meeting of the Board of Head Managers an additional $225,000 was added to the reserve fund, making it nearly 59,000.000. Men between the ages of lb and 50 are eligible to membersb p. N. J. SIMMONS. Past Council Commander, TERMS Dr. D. S. Swart, Res. Col 283 Office Col. 879 New House For Sale at 929 E. Calhoun street. Three rooms with kitchen and dining alcove, built in china closet, built in Dutch kitchen; everything very latest. Will sell on your own termfc in reason. See owner, Roy Crouchley, 920 N. Central avenue; Phone Columbia 1C64. For Sale Crocheted Scarf Ends, Yokes and Pillow Slip Lace. Orders taken for all kinds of crocheting at 814 N. Smith avenue. 16 Hatchirg Eggs For Sale Single comb White Leghorns, trap nest, good stock, mated to Tancred Cockerel, and Buff Orp ingtons, good stock also. 1032 N. Syracuse street. 18 For Sale A 5 room bungalow, strictly modern, block from car. Come and look this over and see for yourself that it is a bargain at $2650; $1200 cash. Owner, 110 Fox Btreet. For Trade An unemcutnbered five room house In Woodlawn for dwelling in St. Johns district: will pay difference. Phone Woodlawn 5416. i2-5t Pour room plastered bouse, barn, lights, sidewalks, frait and berries, close to; will sacrifice lor $1350 terms and 6 per cent Interest, 615 Hart sun street. SAM TOX SCIENTIFIC TOOTH BRUSH THE BRUSH THAT CLEANS YOUR TEETH If wc could perceive of a better Tooth Brush, either in Quality, Construction or Design, we would produce one, but wc believe the San Tox Scientific Tooth firush to be the most practical Tooth Brush offered for sale in the drug world today. Comes in hard and medium at G5c each, The Depree Company, For Sale Ily ST. JOHNS PHARMACY I The Prescription Store A. D. S., SANTOX AND DR. HOBSON REMEDIES Subject for Christian Science services Sunday: Man. F. A. Rice has returned from a business trip to Washington state. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Blew at tended the funeral of the form er's aunt at Junction City Wed nesday. Andy Kerr has ncceptcd the contract for the construction of a $10,000 home for A. C. Gcslcr at Centralia, Wash. II. B. Comnson W. R. C. No. 52 will servo a silver tea in Odd Fellown' hall Saturday, March 5th, from 3 to 5 p. m. A fine now dnughter was born to Dr. and Mrs. H. F.'Joncs Sat urday morning last, uauc and mother are doing just fine. One of the scientists has found out that eating sauerkraut pro longs life, but why prolong lile If one must eat sauerkraut Ex. Preiminnry work on the hand some new Methodise emtren on mm . t 1 I Charleston street next to the li brary building was begun this week. The Royal Neighbors will give a card nartv In U ckner hall on Wednesday, Mnrch9. Everybody welcome: refreshments ana prizos. Admission 25 cents. A number of new residences nro being constructed in &t. olins and prospects 11 ro bright for a building activity of much magnitude being inaugurated icro when Spring opens up. The staffs of the Peninsula National Bank and Peninsula Security Co. and families enjoy ed n social dunce at the Kenton Club on the 22nd. About fifteen couples weru in attendance and they had a jolly good time. After a very successful opera tion and a five week's stay ut tho Portland Surgical Hospital, Mr. Hoes, tho photographer, has returned to his homo and will soon bo at his studio to meet his friends and patrons. Tho Security Benefit Associa tion of the Knights and Ladies of Security will givo their an nual masnuerndo ball in tho skating rink Monday evening, March 11th. A jolly good time assured. Mrs. Geo. Tufts and two little sons of Seasido wcro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Gromn- choy last week. They said tho weather hasn't been exactly per- cut. but was a great deal hot ter than the pupors reported. B. F. Bolieu has returned from un extended trip to California, whero ho visited San rrancisco, Los Angeles, Long Beach, San ) ego and other points in tho southern part of the Btatc. He didn't see anything that looked better than Oregon. t A Garden Club was' organized at the Sitton school March 2nd by Mr. Kirkpatrick, tho city ur ban leader. Tho officers are: President, Gladys Dickson; vice president, Harriett Cooper; sec retary, Dorothy Young. A Cook ing Club will be organized next week. The Mothers' meGting of the W. C. T. U. will bo held at the homo of Mrs. J. C. Scott, 102 Central avenue, next Monday at 2 p. m. We hope to have a good attendance. Young mothers ore especially urged to come. These meetings aro very helpful as well as interesting. Reported, Mrs3 Virgina Ballow died February 26th. She was burn in Mssouri and resided at 619 Oswego street. She was nged 19 years, 2 months and 26 days. She is survived by her husband and hfant child. The body was shipped to Richland, Mo., for Interment bununy evening, tho St. Johns Undertaking Co. hav ing charge. "The Conspiracy of Spring," the playlet given by the Rain bow Club at tho r. w. u. A. building Saturday evening and repeated on Monday evening, was a splendid success, and all the participants executed their parts In admirable style. The attondanco waB large and all en joyed the playlet immensely. Bernice Gromachey entertain ed the AltruiBtic Club. Pythian Sisters, at her home Feb. 22nd. A large number was present. The usual routine of work, fun and "eats" were enjoyed by all. The next meeting will be at the home of Sister Hendricks on South Ivanhoe street. All members please be present. Reported. For Sale Six room modern bun galow, street improvements in and paid for; one block from car line, 623 N. Ivanhoe street. 16 Spring Millinery Opening at St John Millinery Mar. 4 and 5. Divine healing services will be held in the I. O. O. P. halt Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Oh, Boy! Oh, Joyl Big Dnnce, Saturday. March 5th, St. Johns Skating Rink; gents 50c, ladies 25c. Let's Go! President J. N. Edlefson of the Peninsula National Bank has returned from a business trip to the Grays Harbor coun try. President Harding should have good luck being inaugurated on I'ridny, especially ir ho wears the NEKTIE ROGERS sent to him. In honor of tho birthday of Vice ProsJdent F. P. Drinker. tho Peninsula Bank presented him with a handsome bouquet of roses I'cb. 21th. Wennah, tho eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Patterson, died at Whitwood Court I'obruary 23 of diptheria. Burial took place at Columbia cemetery Thursday last, the St. Johns Undertaking Co. in charge. Evangelistic services will bo held in the University Pnru Bap tist Church, corner IMsku and Draw streets, commencing Mar. 7th and continuing two weeks. ur, uutu, HupcriiuaiKU'iu 01 Evangelism for the Baptist State f !..!.! i - r Convention of Oregon will hnvo charge. Services at M. E. Church Sun- dny: 10 o'clock, church school: subject, "Tho Liberality of Love. 11 n. in., sermon, sub ject, "The Latchlesn Door." 3 p. m.. Junior League, Mrs. Sdith Vinson. Sunt. 6:30 p. m. Epworth League devotional mooting. Sacred Concert 7:30 Voluntary, Mrs. B. A. Olson; All Hail the Power of Jesus Name." Miles Lane: Invocation: Solo, "Oh. fur a Closer Wulk with God," Mrs. C. W. Mason; Reading from Psalter; Anthem, 'Something for lheo:" Uuet. selected, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hamilton; Anthem, "Hark! Hnrk! My Soul!" Sormonotte. subject, "Ecco Homo;" Duet, Through tho Gates of Gold." Mrs. Dr. Frank Sandifur and Mrs. Otis Learned; Postlude, Mis. B. A. Olson; Benediction. Friendship or mutual confi dence being tho strongest bond of union between man and only eixsting whero honor has an abiding placo is adopted as our foundation principle. Of an deal Booster tho personification of all the higher and nobler at tributes of man s nature will ex- st. Each member must provo limsolf or herself worthy of no ccptanco by manner, friendship, lonor, justico nnd loyalty. As each frntnrnnl order proclaims these as its cardinal principles, wo are thus striving to gather nto one mighty fraternity wor thy men and women who appre ciate the true meaning of Frn- ternalism, who nro cautious in word and act, who lovo truth, who nro brave in defending right, whoso honor is untnrnish ed, whose sense of justico will prevent to tho best of their ability personal act or word in jurious to the worthy. Public ity Manager I'raternal Boosters. For Sale 6 room modern house; will accept small payment if pur chaser will assume mortgage; will give immediate possession, Plenty of garden space, chicken house and barn. Call 598. S. C. White Leghorn setting eggs trom trapnested stock, 515U for 15, or $7.50 per 100. Col. 648. CLEAN UP WEEK BURN RUBBISH (not garbage) BURY CANS AND ASHES They are good fertilizer for trees mid bushes THERE IS NO PUBLIC DUMPING GROUND ON THE PENINSULA There is a $50 Fine for dumping any place out here. All property is owned by some one who wants it kept clean. Call the Incinerator, they will send you a garbage man. Lieut. R. L. Crane ROBERT RAKES Plowing and Teaming of all kinds 616 E. Charleston St. Phone Col. 1320 PHONE COLUMBIA 138 GLOVES IyARGK ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN l'OU SAM l'our rooiu.slrictly moil, cm rottnc. Located clone In on comer lot GOxM). l'ftved street unit all lnu provcrncnts tmlil. Nine fine fruit trees 011 lot, nml house Is just being complet cil. This Is a real bttrgftin nt $2300.00 annul payment down, tmlnncc easy terms. Inquire Mr. Doyle, I'culnsuln bccurlty Co, WORK SHIRTS 85c-liOG I2KS. Kor Sale Shcpard strain An cona sottiiiK orks. 7M S. Craw ford street; Col. 871). 19 Sprint: Millinery Opening at St. Johns Millinery Mar.4 and 5. WORK PANTS $1.95-KOG EKS. Hair Wcavinjr.-Mrs. T. Hill, (ilB U. Tyler street; Col. 783. Your incomo tax due March 16th. See A. W. Davis, notary public, who will help you out with proper report. tf I-irst class dniasmakinir and plain sowinirat rcauonnhlo prices -mu w. Kichmond. 18 J use necaiiHO you're eavinir i town ROGERS won't stinir you on a suiTUASb'. Aro you lookfnir for a home? If so, como in and see our list at very attractive prices. l'crniB from $85 cash un. Rice & Tate. 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887. Kor Sale or Rent Now hIx room imntrmow. partly furn sh ed; will sell cheap. 711 N.Ivan hoe street. For Sale -Chandler car at very low price, or will trade for llirht roadster. Columbia 11M. Good Stuff at the Rlk'ht Price means quick sales, small profits, and lots of customers. Volume pay. Watch ROGERS. $15 silver cornet to trado for violin. Call ovoninirs Columbia 516. Rasket Rail Shocs-ROGERS. For Sale 6. room semi-modern house, Bower and Karate, close in, $1775, with $890 cnsli, balance $10 and Int. Rice & Tate, 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887. Wanted Good violin; must bo in good condition. Call Colum bia 389. For Salo 5 room modem bun gnlow in St. Johns, 100x100 plot of ground, $1000 down, terniB on balance. -C. O. Herwick, 101 N. Swonson street; phono Col. 315 or Col. 502. Men's all leather Work Shoes $3.85-ROGERS. For Sale--Brooder, ood aa new; also 120 ejjfr incubator. Will sell cheap. Call 110 S. Jer sey street. For Salo7 room modern house with 100x100 lot, in fruit, cloao to car, $3000. Good terms, or WILL TRADE for acreao. Rico &Tate, 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887. Learn to Dance. Why tako the car to tho city when you have a professional In your own town? Learn now, easy to learn method. Tho Crosson Studio, 203 1-2 W. Richmond street. Men's odd COATS $7.95-RO-GERS. For Rent Two furnished housekeeping rooms with water, li'Kht and gas, $17 per month, at the Chicago RoominK House; suitable for couple. For Salo or Trade Two lota 50x100, for Ford car. Call 429 E. Charleston street. Don't send your printing out of town. THE I HOUSE DYE WORKS 317 N. Jersey Street Prc-War Prices Suits Cleaned and Pressed for 1.50 Suits Pressed 50c Ladies' I'Juth Coats Like New. . 1 1'luin Suits anil Ureses Cleaned uud 1'ressed... ,$l.i0 YOUR CHOICE French Dry or Steam Cleaning No Charge for Culling for and Delivering. Phone Columbia 1289 8tttlnf notion Gtiuriuttvvtl II. A. MANNING I Constructive Banking is me mm ui hum uuhk, l!ir,.?r.n tlinf flltl.te rtt T- !. (.!.!! aw 1 .v-v. ii-no viiakuiuwo modern and progressive lines. subjects that particularly concern them, Believing that our present depositors are pleased with our service, we desire to extend it to new ones, and would welcome the opportunity of serving you in a constructive manner. COURTESY, SERVICE, DEPENDABILITY, and STRENGTH I! Peninsula Timely Bargains THESE SPRING DAYS Regular $3.50, Guaranteed 2SX1' Standard Bicycle Tires for $2.05 Regular G5c, 1920 Reach Tennis Ralls, while they last for 25c Regular $2.75 Rail Rearing Roller Skates $2.38 St. Johns Hardware Co. Tim wixcimsrisn sroien 0C0400O00C0000D0000'00OO00A000O.O0W8jI Olfioc l'hone Columbiu 6'iTi Residence l'hone Columbia -177 Drs. BORDEN & KELIHER DENTISTS 1-4 PENINSULA BANK BLDG. Nitron Oxide (Ins for l'allilcm I'.xtriictiou of Teeth. NO. 214 Hf)rt of the condition of Tho Bank of Commerce it I'ortland. in the State of Oreeon, ut the cloteof limine Vvb.'JlX, llttl. KK.SOUUCKS. Iamiiis and iIImmiiiiiIs .. .. I fil.SiKl 11 Overdraft, we nml nml un. secure! aui.w Itonds mid Murrains -WfiUUti) ItaiikfiiK limine 17.77 I'uriiltnre nnd fixtures . .'. 1 .'J7ti.Hr. Other reul itute owiiimI (H1 (HI Due from unproved iwurve bunk.. ' :il.!Wl.ll Cush on hand n.UAO.HI Other resources: ,. IH.'il Total JKWJBO.iW maiumtiks. Capital stock uild in $N),0O0.(M) Uiuilvlileil Junius, ifksvx- eiiscs nun lux wi pain -,'.i:i. io Individual rieixlUiuhH t to check ... . . 06.17fi.lMJ Demand certificate of iUmkuIi . li.'M) Cashier chucks uuUtuiiilinK .. l.'JAl.tXI Time ami SavliiKs DomhIh. l'J.IM.K) Reserved lor luiortt mm ixi-i nuu.uu Total fi:iti.780.:W State of Oregon, I ss County of Multnomah, f ' ' ' I, K. IV. Jiuril, uuuicr or lire mxtvt: uauietl bunk, do wileiiinlv swear that the above statement is true to the iut of my knowledge ami belief. K. k. Menu, inimivr. Subscribed anil bworu to before me this 2Gth day of I'cbruary, littl. I), It. Kuowles, Notury I'libllr. My tQuimiuiou expires Nov. I I, l'Jl. Correct Attest; J. N. l'.dlufieu, V. I'. Drinker. R, !v Kurd. Dirccturs. Don't Forget Your Battery Test Also remember that your other Klectrical Ivqtilpmenls on the car needs attention. We take care of anything Kleo trical on the car. St.Johns Auto Electric Senice Cor.Jerscy and Charleston Sts. Phvna Columbia OO J. W. BOTTOM Contract Painter 507 East Allegheny St. Phone Columbia 112 Brlnif in your ows items. r . ... . . constant endeavor ts to give ,n .tniiHlnH it...!.. I. .... f , ' ll UUVVIUJI UlUU UUS1MUSS niOIlg a Wc try to keep them informed on Nationa Ban Member Federal Reserve System Bmsmat Ollice l'hone Culuinhni T'.Kt Nerve lllocklnj; for 1'iiliilctw l'trmriition of Cavities ami HurlcM lU'tnovnl o( Teeth. ITOMSD THE NATIONAL Vulcanizing Co, 205 S. Jersey St. Is the Oldest Es tablished, Best Equipped and most Reliable Tire repairing Establishment on the Peninsula. All work done on a mon ey back xtianintee. We take pride in turning out the best retreads in I'ort land. New M"d sciond hand tins ' r sale. Jti'l i. ii- Mock south uf tin- 1 I Iiikitta National Jt-iiik. ii ear 1" , CHAS. F. BOYLE, Prop. FOY'S St Johns Pair Store Highest Quality and Lowest Prices Toys a Specialty 207 N. Jersey St. Phone Col KJ9 TllK Sl'IRVICKS Ol THK EPISCOPAL CHURCH are heM every Sunday at 9 A, M. In I. O. O. F. Hall Sunday School nt 10 a. nt. JOHN D. RICK, Vicar Poff & 0'Neii TRANSFER AND STORAGE Saud and Gravel -Dally Trips to Portland flwuCel. 308 . . 206 N. JERSEY ST mm