t CLEAN COAL CLEANLY DELIVERED Our methods of delivering coal where you want it is just like the coal itself clean. Our carriers do not scntterit nil over your place. Our prices, too, arc such that we invite the severest comparison. Send us your order now. KB 1'LiJl Four Kinds of Laundry HIGH GRADE FINISHED WORK ECONOMY FAMILY WORK ROUGH SMY WET WASH TELEPHONE EAST HO" St Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Foot-oNBorlinglon St, Portland Manufacturing Co. MANl'l-'ACTUKliUS OK Panels, Berry Boxes, Coffee Drums, Ex celsior Grape Boxes, Egg Case Stock, and all kinds of Veneer FACTORY, FOOT OF RICHMOND STRI2UT mm. Acetylene welding Forge welding machine work ASSOCIATED ENGINEERING CORPORATION -roor op BunuMoron srncer- MEN OF IMMORTAL MEMORY Many of the Works of the Greek Philosopher, Plato and Aristotle, Are Still Preserved. Pinto (427-317 B. 0.), the celebrated Greek philosopher, tnught that tho true source of knowledge Is tho reason, observes nti exchange. According to IiIh tenchlng, vu come to conscious ness through Innate ldens developed by contact with tho outer world through senses. Ho distinguished be tween empirical knowledge ami reason, and divided philosophy Into logic, metaphysics nnd morals, lie was the first to attempt the construction of philosophic language; to develop an abstract Idea of knowledge nnd ficlenco; to stnto logically the prop erties of matter, form, substance, ac cident, causo nnd effect, reality nnd appearance; to describe the divinity ns a being essentially good, and tell of Ms moral attributes. He taught that matter Is uu eternal and Intlnlto principle; that Hod Is the supreme In telligence, Incorporeal, without begin ning, end or change, nnd that tho soul of man Is Immortal. Arlstotlo (3S1 IW2 U. 0.), another celebrated Greek philosopher, was the pupil of Plato and the teacher of Alexander the Great. Ho makes logic the Instrument by which all general knowledge Is ob tnlned. He enlarged the limits of philosophy to Include all sciences ex cept history, lie taught that nature Is a machine, active through deity or a llrst cause. CATFISH CLIMB SMOOTH WALL Certain Species Equipped With a Pe culiar Suetlon Apparatus That Maket Feat Really Easy. An Interesting account of the climb ing cntlWh of Colombia (Arges mar nioratus) was published a few years ago by It. I). O. Johnson. These fish ran climb, by means of suction ap paratus, not only tip the steeply-Inclined bed of mountain torrent, but even up a smooth, vertical surface. Mr. Johnson saw some of them climb a vertical distance of IB feet In half an hour, up a wall of rock over which trickled a thin lllin of water. In nee! Ion with n recent publica tion of thl article, (J. IC. Noble states that other species of llsh are known to rllmh In the same manner. Several of these occur In the Himalaya. Neiim chllus ruplcola, and perhaps other upe cles of mountain ryprlnlds, adhere to the rocks by meons of their smooth ventral skin nnd enlarged lips. Tho sllurld genera Pseudechenels und (llyptostenium cling by means of a well-developed abdominal sucker. The mountain torrents of the Hima laya form the nursery for many spe cies of frogs. Their tadpoles, like the Dili, have become adapted to their Im-alloii; some t llng by means of their Hps and ventral musculature, while others poess u well-developed ven tral sucker. Hclentlllc American. Bring in Your Job Printing Now Qlue Stronger Than Steel, A new Held for wood bus been opened by the use of what U mil nlv wood mid glue made from the IiIihmI of the iiuIiiiuIn killed at tin KhiiiiJilcr limine and of the ciim-Iii. ol tnlned from milk. Iteiiiiirkable s(urdlnet under all eon dllloiis lias been xliimn by this com bliinllon. The combination was Hot thought f In connection with the iihiii tifaeliiieof airplanes. Thin ohects of wood are laid out1 mcr the other with dry sheets of m ner routed on both sides with the new glue. The iiiiim Is then hetitis under prcMiiv mid the reniilt Is thn n structure Is formed which Is strong er than steel and has many other ml vantages over metal. Panels were glued together will thexe mid tested In boiling water fo eight hours. At the expiration of till time none of the pieces showed any eparatlon of the plies. SUNSET CASH GROCERY 111 Philadelphia Street Phone Col. 1148 St. Johns Dependable Store Pure Cane Berry Sugar, 11 lbs. $1, Sack $9.00 Special Sale of Golden West Coffee Free lb. Package Nu-Ray-A Ten with each 3 lb. Cnn Golden West Coffee $1.30 Dependable Coffee 45c lb., 3 lb. Can $1.30 Sunset Hreakfnst Blend 30c lb. 3' lb. $1.00 Country Club Coffee .joe lb. 3 lb. Can $1.15 Standard Sweet Corn, 2 Cans 25c Standard Sugar Pens, i Cans 25c Standard Stringles lleans, 2 Can 25c Standard Tomatoes Puree H)c Standard Tomatoes, Whole, 2 for 25c Minced Clams, Full Can, 2 for Jlfle Cove Oysters, 20c Can, U for. 50c Large Can Medium Kcd Salmon 15c 25c 25c Jap Style Rice, 4 lb Fancy Head Rice, J 11).. . Small White Deans, -I Hi 25c Mexican Red Deans, 3 lb 25c Cracked Hominy, -I lb 25c Whole Green Teas, JUb 25c Pearl Tapioca, H lb 25c Fine Sago, 3 lb 25c Dickenson's Pure Fruit Jellies at Pre-War Prices Full Mason Quarts, True to Label, Each Tastes Like $1.00 Full Mason Pints, True to Label. Each Jelly Mother Makes at Home 60c Aunt Jamima Pancake and Buckwheat Flour KNOWN FROM COAST TO COAST 20c Package, Special 15c PutcCane nnd Maple Syrup, o,t. 51k, H, Gal. 85c 55c Sack, Spec. 45c Best High Grade Potatoes, Sack $1.35 Extra Standard Sliced Pineapple, Large Can - 30c Do your trading at the Sunset Cash Grocery and save money all the year around Always The Dependable Store i oo S" Something Special Every Day j Beginning March 1st On Tuesday, March First we are to begin putting on some epoch making sales in our Dry Goods Department. Every day we are going to give you at least one item of merchandise that is seasonable, new and desirable at just cost; some days less than cost. We will be frank with you and tell vou it is the same plan used by the big department stores with this excep tion. When you come in to take advantage of our offer we are not going to bore you to get you to take something else "just as good" and we shall endeavor to Rave a large enough supply of whatever the "Special" happens to be so that you will not be disappointed. The "Special" will be announced on a streamer across the door the day it is put on. If will work something like this the first day may be gingham day and you will be able to get your gingham for seven or eight cents, perhaps ten cents less than reg ular. The next day we may put on thread or fasteners. Another day our fancy voiles, another day shoes, another , hosiery. Another day sheets and pillow cases. But each day you may be assured one bargain. But it will be necessary for you to understand that the "Special" will be for iust one day At a time. If you get lert one day, you will have to wait for that to come on again or else pay tho regular price. We are expecting to make it interesting for you. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Men's High grade Shoes, Priced - - $6.95 Our shoe window displays an assortment of line-ends that were reg ularly priced from $8 to $11.50. If you can befitted from the Odd Lots you can make a saving worth while. Spring Suits forMen Here i Miss Plasket, Buyer Dry Goods Dept. Bonham & Currier L, E, Rose, Mgr. Men's Dept. OJO I Battery Prices are DOWN Replacements for All Cars Don't forget we take care of anything Electrical on the Auto St. Johns Auto Electric Seivic Cor.Jersey and Charleston Sts Phona Columbia BO AFTER THE BATH Nysis Talcum It's Nicest" Prolongs the Refreshing Effect CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS "Once a Trial- Always Nyal" W. A. CARROLL Real Estate Broker Own Your Home New Listiugs for your ins )eetion now on file at our of nee. Some fine bargains in homes both city and country. Phone Columbia 1285 301 N. Jersey St COR. BALTIMQRK I buy or sell St. Johns Property A. W. DAVIS Real Estate Fire Insurance and Notary Public List your property with me jf you desire to sell quickly hillips & Leland Transfer and -Storage hone Col. 72 Office 209 S. Jersey DAILY TRIPS TO PORTLAND THE Home Mercantile Co. Are Headquarters for Your Lime, Cement, Plaster, Brick, Etc. For your buildings. Our Prices are down on: PAINTS, OILS and VARNISHES We always have a good supply of HAY, GRAINS, and FEED for your stock andj PRICES RIGHT. See ns for your GARDEN SEKDS, SEED POTATOES, Lawn grass and Farm seeds. Garden tools, Fertiliz ers and Land Plaster. Poultry FEEDS and TONICS COAL and BRIQUETTS Auto Supplies SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY 209 West Burlington Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON KNIGHTS AND LADIES Security Benefit Association St. Johns Council 2775 Regular meeting drat au.l lliitil Mondaja, Open iiutMuti. to the iulillc mill ineiiitiria lint 111I4II1 Momlaya, 'lllor and mriiilwra cur tllally InUlr.l luattrmlat SIook Hall. & Laurel Lodge, 1, 0,0, F. No. 106. Sl.Johni. Qranaii Meets each Monday evening lu Odd I'd lot hall nt 7;!V. A cordial welcome to nil visiting brother, V. 1' I'ttMiian, N O 8, I. Cornmiiy, V (1. C. C. day, Krc hcc. 1. W, Noiene, I'ln.Src II y Clark. Tic, SI, Johns Camp No, 7546 Modern Woodmen of America. We heartily solicit the nttemluncc of our memUers at our rrgulur meetings every 2l ami lth Thursday evening. G. W. Muhui, I.J. Ogden, Consul. Clerk. HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 KNIGHTS or I'VIIIIAS Meets every Friday night at 7:30 o'clock iu lUCKNHlt Hall. Visitors always wel come. H. CORCORON, C. C. Woodmen ol the World Sr. Johns Camp 773 Meet every Thursday evening iu I. O. O. V. Hall, I.eavitt nnd Jersey streetn. Visitors always welcome. W, A. Trout, C. C i K. C Clark, Clerk, DORIC LODGE NO. 132 A, f. and A. M. Meets the first ami third Wednesdayof each mouth in Masonic Hall. Visi tors welcome, John M. niair, W. M. A. W. Davis, Secretary. Coal Prices Reduced Green Wood, Part Green and Dry Immediate Delivery St. Johns Lumber Co. Minerva Chapter No. 105,0. E. S. Meets every second and fourth Tuesday of each month in Masonic Hall, Visitors welcome, A Ida Overtired. W. M Beulc V. I'o.t. lite. IJI7B, Princeton atrret PENINSULA CHAPTER U. 0, R. A. M. Stated meetings first and third Monday of each month in Ma sonic Hall. Visitors Welcome. W, A CARROI.I.. K. ( p G. II. UiMON, Secretary. (Michael Goarcke TRANSFER AND STORAGE LONG D1SVANCH HAl'LINO Prompt ami Careful Service at all times. A trial will convince. Office with Greater St. Johns Realty Co, 1'iione (.oiumDu -tNi St. Johns would surely make an ideal location for the World's fair of 1925. Residents of St, Johns havlug taxes ami city liens to pay In 1'ortianu can make their payments without inconveni ence by availing themselves of our ser vices. We will pay same and secure your receipt without inconveuience to you. Fee, 25c. References: Any St, Johns Bank. Peninsula Title, Abstract aud Realty Co., by II. Henderson, Manager; i02 North Jersey Street. BOYS' SHOES that really wear good ROGERS. PEXINSULA TITLE ABSTRACT i REALTY CO H. HENDERSON, Manager 402 N.Jora.y Street Abstracts of Title Prepared Titles Examiued Phone Columbia 255 J. R. WEIAIER Transfer and Storage We deliver goods to and from all parts of Portland, Vancouver, I.inntou and surrounding country. Piano und furni ture moving. Phone Columbia 62. 109 Kast Burlington Street. Furniture Repaired and UBFIXISIIISD Prices Reasonable EDWARD BROOKS, Fixup Shep, 625 527 Columbia BWd French Block.