BSC Clearance Sale OP BED ROOM FURNITURE At Ormandy Bros. Big Furniture Store This Week's Cash Specials Golden Fir Dresser, has 3 Drawers, Mirror 16x24 $19.75 Golden Fir Chiffoner, has 5 Drawers, Mirror 16x20 $19.75 Ivory Enamel Dressing Table t. $21.85 Dressing Table, Chairs to Match $6.25 Quartered Oak Chiffoners, has 4 large Drawers and 2 Small ones, Plate Glass Mirror 16x24 $47.50 The Following nre Reduced Prices on TERA1S 40.00 Ivory Enameled Dresser $37.60 $43.75 Ivory Krmmcled Bed $33.60 $15.75 Simmons Coll Spring $14.25 $22.50 Felt Mattress, CO tl $19 50 USE OUR EXCHANGE DEPARTAENT OAmaadu Bags 5 The Grabateria Cash Grocery Constant activity, co-operative buying giving us quantity prices, no bookecpiug, low rent, lota of space, fiye location and extensive acpuaintancc has spelled the success of the Cash Grocery business as conducted by the Grabateria. With the mills partially closed the business has kept up because it is known by those who were thrifty and saved that the prices we put on all our goods is consistent with the very low cost of doing business and they have the money to buy. We arc keen after the trade that expects us to keep the stock fresh and clean aud of variety that appeals to every palate. Our nhouc is Col. 102: our delivery recrular & aud our attention to phone GOUCI1 & CURRIER, Owners Phone Columbia 102 Dr. l P. Sclmltze, Res. Col. 1131 Office Col. 379 Drs. Schultze & Swart PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 1-6 Bonham & Currier BldR. Lost A sterling Eversharp pencil with B. B. on it. Finder please call Columbia 878. Pleasant rooms for rent; board if desired. Call 313 N. Syracuse street; Columbia 791. Maternity cases taken reasonable at 1109 Princeton street, near Burr. Call Columbia 901. 8so3t STOP I LOOK! LISTEN! Any one contemplatinR buying a. range, heater, victrola or auy kind of fur niture ould do well to inquire at 510 S. Princeton St. near W. Rich mond St. Will sacrifice goods for quick sale. $1800, at $150 canh, a 4 room house, new cess pool, lot 125x 11G 1-2 with fruit. See Rico & Tate. 107 N. Jersey; Col. 887. For Sale One young cow cheap. Also want to buy a sec ond hand brooder. Phone Col umbia 664, First class dressmaking and plain sewing at reasonable prices 201 W. Richmond. 18 For Sale Three room house to be moved from its present site, 501 E. Burr street. Will be sold at a bargain. Call at above address. HATS and CAPS ROGERS. orders is personal. WOO? Dr. D. S. Swart, Res. Col 283 Office Col. 379 For Sale 50 egg incubator, brand new: also go-cart. Inquire 202 E. Polk street For Sale Six room house, lot 50x100, good foundation and basement, 6 fruit trees. Call 833 N. Leonard street. Wanted SmaU modern house; trade two improved lots, pay balance cash. Dan's Restaurant. uargain xoung cow, gives close to 4 gallons rich milk, sell on time; 2 calves 4 months old, trade for phonograph or chick ens; some doors and windows, good house and lot; Moline scales. 619 E. John street Look! I have some good buys houses and lots. Would like to hear from you if you want to buy or Bell. Columbia 1320. Will Trade-First class launch. 22 foot, six and one-half foot beam, with 5 h. p. medium heavy Duty engine, for Ford car. Call at 211 N. Fox street, St Johns. For Sale Five room modern house, lot 50x100, good cement basement and 9 hearing fruit trees: a snap if taken at once, on easy terms. 520 E. Mohawk street Friday and Saturday Specials $5.00 combination fountain Syringe for. . . .$3.75 15c letter size tablet 8 cents 15 cent can Presto 8 cents 35 cent Armaud talcum Powder. .25 cents 35 cent Pitchers Baby Brand Castoria ... .25 cents ST. JOHNS PHARMACY The Prescription Store A. D. S RANTOX AND DR. HOBSON REMEDIES Subject for Christian Scicnco services Sunday: Jesus Christ A lazy man is no worse than a dead one, says an exchange, but he takes up more room. W. J. Nolan of Boring. Ore gon, greeted old time friends here the past week. Do not fail to attend The Con spiracy of Spring at the Y.W.C. A. building Saturday evening. uVhv not teach grammar in the schools?" somebody asks. What for? Nobody ever uses it, so far as wo can hear, Wheel ing Intelligencer. Miss Minnie Nelson is spend ing her vacation at homo after just completing n course at the Emanuel Hospital' as trained nurse. The Laurelwood Past Noble Grand Club will meet with Mrs. Nannie Snyder. 349 Wheeler street, Thursday, March 3rd, at 2 p. m. Commissioner Pier has outlin ed on interesting system of boul evard improvements, but ho omitted the keynote of it nil a high bridgo at St Johns. A. W. Davis has sold the C. A. Fry cottage on South Ivanhoo street to Matt Rank. Also the R. H. Shields four room cottage on Calhoun street to II. J. Shaw. Rev. Osborne Tnvlor lectured on Masonry utMnsonic hall Wed nesday. Feb. loth. Another lino lecturer will mnko an address at the hall the- first Wednesday in March. Jack Cnmnboll. one of St Johns' well known citizens, is opening up n vulcanizing busi ness nt Alberta street and Wil Mams avenue, and will bn ready for business the tlratot next week. Mrs. E. P. Schutze was host ess to members of the Friend shin Club nt luncheon Wednes day of last week, honoring Mrs. Alex. Scales, who bus dopartcd to snond several months in l.os Angeles. The club was organ ized recently by twenty matrons. Rvnrv nrennizntion on the peninsula should line up solidly for the 1925 World's Fair to bo located on the Peninsula. And the sooner this is done tho bet ter hope for success. Tho Pen insula is tho logical locationjor the Fair. Thn Rpciirltv HnnofU Associa tion of tho Knights and Ladies of Security is now in a nourish ing condition and tho talk is vprv strnnor to build n new two- story hall, to bo used for Lodgo purposes exclusively. 1110 struc ture unilor consideration will cost about $15,000 and be of tile. Laurel Lodge No. 186 was en tertained in a highly pleasing manner by Woodlawn No. 171 Monday evening, me local uuu Fellows were treated in a most royal manner by their Woodlawn brethren. The local ex-Service Men degreo team accompanied them thither. The team gave a demonstration that made n de cided hit Mr. (J. O. Blomnuist of Linn- ton, Oregon, and Rosella Wilson, formerly of Kearney, Neb., were married at Stevens, Wash,, Jan. 29th, 1921, according to news received. A great surprise to all friends and neighbors, but we wiah them a long and happy life. They are now at home to all theie friends at Whitwood Court, Linnton, Oregon. Mr. Joseph Galloway and Miss Dorothy Brimner were united in marriage Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the M. E. parsonage, Re. W. E. Kloster pronouncing the words that made them man and wifo. Thn bride was attend ed by her sister, Miss Frances Brimner, and C.M. Jaeger was best man. The groom is one of St. Johns finest young men, and the bride is a charming St. Johns young lady. The numer ous friends of the happy young couple wish them a most happy and prosperous journey down the sea of life. The St. Johns Community Club will meet Tuesday even ing in the Y.W. C. A. building and it is desired that every member as well as others at tend. The meeting promises to be an interesting one and sev eral matters of importance will bo taken up. Henry W. Kent, Chairman of the Floral Commit tee for tho 1921 Rose Festival. and also Chairman of the Public Service League, will address the meeting next Tuesday even ing. Mr. Kent has been making addresses at the various schools and his talk next Tuesday even ing will undoubtedly bo highly interesting. Turn out and hear , what he he has to say. K. C. Couch came over from Hillsboro and greeted his old friends hero this week. The Community Club meets nt tho Y. W. C. A. building Tues day evening next Remember, and attend. Wallace Tindall, who is now a typical farmer or Toledo, Ore gon, visited his old friends here tho past wo.'k. Willis Mccon hriB sold his lot at corner of Charleston and Cen tral avenue to Mr. Bays, the con sideration being $750 cash. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Scales left Wednesday for Los An geles and other southern points. Thoy expect to bo gone for nn extended period. Mr. and Mrs. H. Startup of Muskegon, Mich., now traveling on tho Orpheum circuit, took dinner with their old friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. Basic, Tuesday evening. Dr. Harry Irvine and wifo of Corvnllis hnva been the guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. E. D. Vinson, on South Ivnnhoe street Tho Dr. has returned to Corvallia, but Mrs. Irvino will remain a few days longer. An eastern firm declares that it is going to try to do business without money. Information on tho subject will bo cheerfully furnished by almost any coun try editor. Choyonno Nows. Appropriate exercises were held at the Sitton school in honor of Washington's birthday Tuesday, in which the children took part. Miss Stevens gave an interesting talk on the child hood and youth of Washington. H. B. Comnson W. R. C. ac companied by Pnt Inat. visited Williams school Jan. 11 and pro- setued a beautiful Uuir to school. Tho following Thursdny a simi lar exerclso was held at Penin sular school and a flag present ed to them. Press Cor. Tho Conniracy of Spring at tho Y. W. C. A. building Satur day evening, February 26th. On accountof tho limited seating capacity, scats will bo held for thoso holding tickets until 8:15 o'clock, after which-ooor admis sions will bo received. The program will begin at 8:30. Homo mndo candy will boon sale. Tho girls of tho I. G. II. Y. club attended the dnnco given by tho Woolen Mill club in their club rooms Inst Monday night. Wo enjoyed the ehnngo from our usual routine and all of us cortainly had a good time. The noxt meeting will bo held nt-the homo of Edna Titus on Smith avenuo noxt Monday night- Reported. New books and exchanges nt St. Johns Library: Julia France and HerT mes. Atherlon: Joan and Pete. Wells; Out of the Si lences, Wnllon; Our Squares and the People in It, Adams; Golden Bird. Daviess: Letters or Trard, Kinlincr: Chnracter Building Thought Power, Irvino; Roam ing Through tho West Indies, Frauck. Mrs. Willis Moxon and daugh ter, Margery, will leave for Los Angeles on Sunday for nn ex tended trip through southern California and Mexico, and will return about September first While there thoy will attend tho wedding of Graham Moxon, which occurs at San Diego on March 10th, tho bride-elect be ing Mies Moore of Kansas, who has been wintering there. Mr. Moxon is in the U. S. naval ser vice and stationed at San Diego, Ynn ar rcnueHted to be pres ent At the meeting of tho Fra ternal Boosters at I. O. O. F. hall, Jersey and Leavitt streets, St. Johns, Friday evening, Feb. 2itt.h nt R n'nlock. It is our de sire to promote any movement for good that may be in prog ress in our several communities, tn nnlinlrl thn nrlncinleH of OUT Fraternal Orders and have well in mind the coming event of 1925. Your cooperation is essen tial. Fta nrpsent. Non-mem- bers cordially invited. W. D, Wheeler has sold the Cliff House at Nyebeach to if. O. Gilmore. who has taken over the property and will continue to operate it. Mr. Gilmore is an experienced business mnn quite familiar with the art of catering to the public and will no doubt succeed in making the Cliff House the most por ular hoitelry at the beach. Mr. Wheeler has taken over Mr. Gilmore's poul- try farm just east of the city and will entraee in poultry rais ing. Yaquina Bay News, of Newport. Mr. Gilmore was for merly a well known business man of St. Johns. Good HOSIERY-ROGERS. I PHONE COLUMBIA 138 GLOVES LARGE ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN Divine healing services will be held in the I. O. O V. hall Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. l'OR. SALK 1'otir room.strlcllv mod. cm cottage. Iocnted cloc In on corner lot 60x90. Paved street and all lui. provcincnts pnid, Nine fine fruit trees on lot, and house U just beInK complet ed. This Is a real bargain at $2300.00. Small payment down, balance easy terms. Inquire Mr. Doyle, r-cnlusula Security Co. Modern Garage for Rent at 517 Oswego Street. $4 per month. For Sale- Shepard strnin An cona sotting eggs. 714 S. Craw ford street: Col. 819. 17 Spring Millinery Opening nt St Johns Millinery Mar.4 and 5. When in doubt when nnd what to oai, try our waffles and collee. Good Ents Cafe. Hair Weaving.- Mrs. T. Hill. G15 E. Tyler street; Col. 783. Spring Millinery Opening nt St Johns Millinery Mar.4 and 5. PANAMA HATS $1.50-ROG-ERS. Found Lady's glove. Samo may be had by calling nt this office and paying for this notice. Will Exchange-Rabbits rais ed in April for pullets rnised in April or May. Call at G10 W. Charleston street Seems like ROGERS uses lots of wrapping paper. For S900-A Groom house.only $85 cash payment; balance easy. Rico & Tate, 1U7 N. Jersey; uoi. 887. Your income tax duo March 15th. See A. W. Davis, notary public, who will help you out with proper report. tf Men's and Boys' SHOSE, 1921 priccs-ROGERS. For Snlo Crocheted Scarf Ends, Yokes nnd Pillow Slip Lace. Orders taken for nil kinds of crocheting nt 814 N. Smith nvenuo. HI I wish to thank several of my customers for their patience in waiting the r turn to bo waited upon Saturday evening ROG ERS. Will i?Ul'U IUUIII IIWUQVi lights nnd plumbing, gnrngo and hen house, lot 50x100, good torms. Rico &. Tate. 107 N. Jersoy; Col. 887. Hatchirg Eggs For Sale Single comb Whito Leghorns, trnn nest, good stock, mated to Tancred Cockerel, and BulF Orp ingtons, good stock also. 10J2 N. Syracuse street 18 You won't bo full of PRUNES if you wear ROGERS' SHIRTS, 'cauBe they'ro both an Orognn product. Somo like ham nnd eggs, some liko steaks or chops, but they all liko tho good meals nt Good Eats Calf). Wanted Day work or any kind of houuework or cleaning. Call 2215 Willamette boulovard. For Sale Six room modern bun galow, street improvements in and paid for; one block from car line, 023 N. Ivanhoe street. 16 To whom it may concern: I wilt not be responsible for any bills contracted by Mrs. Bertha Usher. Mr. Herman Usher. l'or Trade An ttnemcumbered five room house in Woodlawn for dwelling in St. Johns diMricf will pay difference. Phone Woodlawn 541G. i2-5t THE TIN HOUSE DYE WORKS 317 N. Jersey Street Prc-War Prices Suits Cleaned and Pressed for 1.60 Suits Pressed 50c Ladles' l'lush Coals I.tlceNcw.. ft l'luin Suits and Drcttes Cleaned uud I'lesscd..... M-50 YOUR CHOICE French Dry or Steam Cleaning No Charge for Calling for and Deliveting. Phone Columbia 1289 Siitlnfitotlon dimriitttviul II. A. MANNING One word may mean much to You As a rulo, when one needs financial advice, he needs it badly. How fortunate you are, under such circumstances, to be in a position to get it from your banker. His "Yes" or "No" may mean hundreds or possibly thousands of dollars to you. Besides providing its customers with all the usual facilities and services of a sound commercial bank, this institution tate to consult us. COURTESY, SERVICE, DEPENDABILITY, and STRENGTH I il Peninsula Member Vms as a mt Timely Bargains THESE SPRING DAYS Regular $3.60, Guaranteed 28xl Standard mcycie Tires lor n I n rt r t ueguiur uoc, ivzv ueacn xennis Dans, wnne they last for 25c Regular $2.75 Ball Bearing Roller Skates $2.38 St. Johns Hardware Co. run wixciinsTiM sroitn OODDaODDOO4OOODOOOO'CXOOOOO.O0OOX."VCJ Ollicc riinne Columbia 025 llcsldciicc l'hoiic Colutnblu 477 Drs. BORDEN & KELIHER DENTISTS 1-4 PENINSULA BANK BLDG. Nitrous Oxide Ous (or 1'iiIiiIch ltxtrnctlou of Teeth. J. HAGGBL0M House Raising and Repairing 61W I!. Polk Street I'liunc Col. H17 Dr. W. D, McMillan Oirice Hours- l;:WtoG:30 1'. M. 4 07 Oroitttnliut (,'. Cll and Alder Street rortUnd, Ore. Keep Your on - ROGERS T. W. HAYES Plowing, Central Team Work1 and (lascmcnt Excavating 877 Yale Street, St. Jnliu.s. Call after fi p. M, or Sundays, ELMER SNEED Violin Instruction STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street l'hoiic Columbia 302 WANi'KI) to rent a to 5 room partly furnished or unfurnished house with suHicient uround for Harden and chickens, convenient to St. Johns business center. ABk for Watson, Columbia 1001 or 978. 1 have G or 8 corda second irrowth fir and polo alder wood onchalf mile up Gormantown rood from went ferry landing; fir down and trimmed. Will k'ive to any one wantintr to cut it. A. L. DaKijett. New House For Sale at 929 13. Calhoun Btrect. Three rooma with kitchen and dining alcove, built in china closet, built in Dutch kitchen; overythinw very latest. Will sell on your own terms in reason. See owner, Hoy Crouchley, 920 N. Central avenue; Phone Columbia 1061. Last Friday evening a cottage meeting was held at Mr. and Mrs. Hazel's under the direction of tho Elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It proved very success ful, havini? many in attendance. President Peterson of their church of Portland was tho main speaker. Every Sunday morning at lU.'iiU a Sunday school is helu there. All are welcome to at tend. On March 4th thoro will bo another cottage meeting held at Mr. and Mrs. Hazel's, 524 E. Mohawk street, which will bo open to all who ure interested in religion. Reported. nets as n counsel and advisor I Nat ona Bank Federal Reserve System qtf.ys ? m. r 1 1 1 1 . V Office l'hoiic Columbia TXl Nerve Mocking (or I'nlnlcss 1'reiMrutloii of CmvIUcs und Surclcnl Kcmovnl o( Teeth. THE NATIONAL Vulcanizing Co. 205 S. Jersey St. Is the Oldest Es tablished, Best Equipped and most Reliable Tire repairing Establishment on the Peninsula. All work done on a mon ey back Kiinrantec. We take pride in turning out the best retreads in Port land. New uud second lisud tires for sale. Just one block fcnutli of the Ten. iuiuU National Ilnuk, on enr Hue, GHAS. F. BOYLE, Prop. FOY'S StJohnsFair Store Highest Quality and Lowest Prices Toys a Specialty 207 N. Jersey St. Phone Col.&M) Tin: Sisrvicks ov Tin? EPISCOPAL CHURCH arc held every Sunday at 3 P.M. In I. O. O. F. Hall Sunday School at 2 p. m, JOHN I). UICI5, Vicar Poff & O'Neil TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Dally Trips to Portland Phone Col. 308 206 N. JERSEY ST