Furniture Bargains At Ormandy Bros.' Big Furniture Store . 40 lb. Felt Mnttress $5.85 Ivory Enameled Bed, has 2 in. continuous posts and 1 in. fillers Link Fabric Steel Spring 40 lb. Cotton Felt Mattress. This Bed Outfit would sell regularly for $37.50, Our Special Price $27.45 Ivory Enamel Chiffonier, has 5 Drawers, Mirror 16x20 $21,75 Ivory Enameled Dresser, has 4 Drawers, Mirror 16x24 $22.50 Matting Rugs, Size 9x11 $4.75 Grass Rugs, Size 6x9 $5.50 Grass Rugs, 8x10 $6.75 Grass Rugs, Size 9x12 $8.75 Iulaid Linoleum, 2 Patterns, Square Yard $1.68 English Breakfast Tables $3.00 Terms Cash Only OAmandu Bios We advise a buyer's Strike on SUGAR Why did prices drop? You, the consumer refused to pay the top. Just apply that effective action to sugar and the announcements of shortage and higher prices, advances etc. will vanish like thin air. Hut if the sack grabbing game gets under way you will pay $20.00 a sack in another two months. Kor ourselves, we arc not going to speculate. If we did we would be a factor in boosting the price. Manipulation is just as plain ns day to the experienced buyer. What arc YOU going to do about it? It is up to the consumer, if you demand the sugar the price will raise. Please do not ask tin to be a factor in price boosting by expecting us to sell you a sack of sugar. Don't buy. We know we can protect our trade in all other lines if we eliminate the sack sugar business. Moderation in all things wins in the end. Grabateria Cash Grocery COUCH & CURRIER, Owners Phone Columbia 102 Dr. I I Schultze, Res. Col. 1131 Dr. D. S. Swart, Res. Col 283 Office Col. 379 Office Col. 379 Drs. Schultze & Swart PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS l'G Douham & Currier Bldg. GOOD EATS CAFE QUALITY AND SERVICE a wee ekEM plaice to lav Quick Service Right Prices A Real Cup of Coffee From 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. a well cooked Lunch and Dinner. COICE SALADS TO ORDER. Delicious Desserts and Home Made Pies and Cakes. Special 5 o'clock Menu, also Hot Bread. Short Orders and Waffles PhUailplnhlA St. ST. JOHNS Served All Day Bring in Your Job Printing Now Friday and Saturday Specials $5.00 combination fountain Syringe for. . . .$3.76 15c letter size tablet 8 cents 15 cent can Presto ' 8 cents 35 cent Armand talcum Powder. .25 cents 85 cent Pitchers Baby Brand Castoria 25 cents ST. JOHNS PHARMACY I The Prescription Store A. D. S., SANTOX AND DR. HOBSON REMEDIES PHONE COLUMBIA 138 Subject for Christian Science services Sunday: Mind. Raymond Thompson loft last week for Japan, where ho will spend some time. Rev. C. P. Gates is holding evangelical services this week at Clear Lake, near Salem. Special music by the ohoir at the Evangelical church Sunday evening. Other services as usual. A small sprinkling of snow made its appearance during tho past week, probably in honor of Mr. Groundhog. About 25 laborers hnvo been employed since last Thursday in putting the park site in North St. Johns in better condition. Mr. Davli has sold his harbor ing business on Philadelphia street to R. L. Hall of Kansas, who has assumed nossession of tho samo. Mrs. David Mowatt has arrived from Oakland, Cal,. to care fo Mrs. Ralph Hanvlllc, who has sus tained a broken limb. Her son, David, Jr., accompanied her. iho woman's Missionary so cioty of tho United Evangelical church will hold their regular monthly business meeting at tho church February 23d. at 7:30. A toa will also be served. Jacob Hahn is erecting a neat residence on South Ivanhoo street, near tho Evangelical church. When it is completed 10 intends constructing a larger one on tho corner of ivanhoo and Charleston street. R. L. Durk of Dilley, Oregon, was a St. Johns visitor for a couple of days this week. Ho is a formor citizen of St. Johns nndsnynhoiD gritting along nice ly on iiis ranch.. Ho advanced his subscription to tho Roviow a year ahead while here. A school masior in Kansas en tered the school room one morn ing and noticed the following scrolled on tho blackboard, "Our teacher is n mule." Tho pupils imagined thoro would bo a rough house over it. but imagino thoir surprise when the Prof, content ed himself with adding tho word "Trainer" to tho sentenco and opened school as usual. Ex. Dr. F. L. Stetson of tho Uni versity of Oregon will speak on Tho Kindergarten as an "Aid to Child Development," and Miss Hazel McConnell will read, on Friday, Feb. 18th, at 3 p. m. at tho Williams School Kindergar ten building. Tho Kindergarten Council will bo tho guests of the patrons and teachers of Wil liams School Kindregarten. The public is cordially invited. To tho people of St. Johns and vicinity who In any way remem bered us in our recent sorrow: Wo wiBh to say our hearts aro full of lovo and gratitude to tho church people, tho different fra ternal orders, the faithful po lice, the Bachelor Club and tho Hoy Scouts, and ail others who so faithfully joined in the search for our beloved daughter and aistor. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Zim merman and family. A most enjoyable surprise party was given in honor of Mr. H. W. Bonham at his home in Piedmont on last Friday evening by his employes and friends. Music and gamea were indulged in until a late hour, when a sumptuous repast was served by Mrs. Bonham, who is well known to bo an artist in the culinary art. Those present wore Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bon ham, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Currier, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Roberts, Miss M. E. Plaskett, Miss N. John ston, Leo Johnston, Miss Frances Cameron, Mrs. Mabel Fenton, Miss Etra Finfrock. Miss Kath orine Bonham, Robert Currier, Walter Roberta and John Cur rier. The Altruistic Club, Pythian Sisters, met at the home of Mrs. A. Fletcher, 717 S. Jersey street. February 7th, for an all day meeting. Quilting was the order of the day, interrupted only long enough to take care of the bountiful dinner prepared by the hostess and the SiBters. In the afternoon a business ses sion was held. Mrs. Cora Davis of the Welfare Bureau of Port land was present and gave a very interesting talk, also com plimenting the club for the good work being done by it in the community. Bernice Gromachey was elected vice president to serve th remaining term of Sis ter Grace Johnson, she having moved to Bridal Veil, Oregon. The next meeting wilt be held at the home of B. Gromachey, 910 N. Syracuse street, Febru ary 22nd. Reported. Divine healing services will be held in the I. O. O. F. hall Sunday evening at 8 0 clock. Mrs. C. P. Gates has returned from the Eye, Ear and Nose luspital, where Bhe underwent an operation. Mrs. Ralph Hanville had the misfortune to fall and break one of limbs the past week. She is get ting along nicely, we learn. At a meeting of the school board Thursday evening of last week it decided to purchase the Burt-Neff-Bronaugh tract of 14.87 acres as a site for the pro posed new James John high school. Tho tract lies between Central avenue. Smith avenue. Burr and ldastrccts,and price of the tract is $18,225, the assess ed valuation being $12,400, it is said. The Can es tract was fa vorcd by many residents, but the board considered this site too small to accommodate an athlct ic field of tho size the members desired. Plans for the now school call for n structure simi lar in typo to tho Franklin high school, and will cost about a quarto of a million dollars. Work upon snmo should proceed with as little delay as possible, in order to help relievo tho un employed problem. Deeply feeling tho death of thoir pastor. Rev. John Thrcl- fall, tho members and those of tho community church spirit of tho Congrogationnl church are holding regular morning and evening Sunday servi(). Rov. Sullina, secretary of tho Congrc gational churches of Portland and Oregon, is sending out able men to till tho pulpit, until n man enn bo secured with the same high ideals of truo chria tian sorvico and devotion to tho uplifting of humanity. Rev. George Hull of Los Angclos. Cal., will occupy the pulpit next Sunday, Feb. 20, 11 u. m. and 7:30 p. ni.. Ho had a largo ex perience in army camp life, also organizing and working with and among tho Boy Scouts of Amorica. Tho evening service will bo a apodal aorvico for tho Boy Scouts and young men, which will be of much interest to them. Reported. A auartet of birthdays wns celobrated in a most enjoyable dancing party at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. W. IS. Ashby, bib N. Edison strcot. last Saturday overling. Tho four in whoso tonor tho party was held wero: Mrs. Ashby, Mrs. Southmayd, Miss Adams and little Miss Val entine Bradley. Mrs. Ashby and Mrs. Southmayd wero bb ac tive m thoir movements ns girls of sixteen. Tho evening was a most merry one and all had tho imeof their lives. 1 ho ladles furnished the music nnd the gentlemen the refreshments. Among thoso participating in the good time wero: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Green, Mr. und Mrs, O. Gorman, Mr. and Mrs. T. ta bor, Mr. and Mrs. U. uoan, Mr. and Mrs. C. Scammon, Mr. and Mrs. J. Belieu, Mr. and Mrs. E, Bradloy, Mr. and Mrs. B. Brad- ey, Mr. and Mrs. J. uartioti, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wiesenback, Mr. and Mrs. Southmayd, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Soulo, Mr. and Mrs. C. Duffy: Mesdames Weir, Underwcis, Woldon, BrouB. Rig gle, Uahor, Hearn, E. Gould, Henery; Misses Houton, Hen ery, Brouse, Gould, AdamB; Messrs. L. Uihus, a. bcott, u Gosney, J. Riper, J. Cornell, Lavjlle, Moulton, J. uavis, u Adams. O. Stringer. C. King, O. TJiorp, C. Thorp, A.Ridder.J. McCauley, U. Masoy, u.uonori- son, wans. GLOVES LARGE ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGERS THE RAINCOAT MAN Will Give Playlet On Saturday evening, Feb. 2G, the Rainbow Club will preBent the playlet, "The Conspiracy of Spring." at tho Y. W. C. A. building, at a o'ciock. Admis sion 25 cents. The proceeds will bo the Rainbow Club's contribu tion to the local work. Follow ing is tho program: Cast of Characters: iheuueen, Spring, Mary Taylor; Maids in Waiting Arbutus, Alma Mark wart; Trillium, Vivian Millhon; Hepatica, Barbara Munson; Zep. nyr, a tieraia, virginiu uvuv Iabh: First Earth, sprite. Nancy Thompson; Second Earth, sprite, Laura Rogers; iniru fcarin, sprite, Beth Boomsluiter; Robin Redbreast, Beatrice Chad wick; Butterfly. Dorothy Young: Klv- ulet, Viola Rassi; Blue Sky. Hel en Borden; Dawn. Madeline Munson; Flower Folk Daisies, Ruth Clark, Pearl Muck; Wild Roses, Roaalind Ogden, Nina Hoes; Violets, Alice Monahan, Margaret Robertson; Marigolds, Evelyn Donaldson, Ruby Stone; Little Earth, mortal, Elizabeth Blew. l?OR SALIJ 1'our room.strlctly moil cm cottnKc. I.ocntedctoac in on corner lot COxOO. I'rtve.l street and nil Im provements tin id. Nine fine fruit trees on lot, and house Is just bcltie cotntilct cd. This Is a real ImrRfiln nt $2300.00. Small payment down, bnlancc easy terms. Inquire Mr. Doyle, I'eninsula Security Co. RUBERS RoGERS. Cess pools dug and bricked, $2 per foot. Call Columbia 12G0, 238 W. Tyler street. 14 Nurse, private home, hospital care; special rates forconllne mcnttt. Columhin 1314. 14 PANAMA HATS $1.50-ROG. ERS. For Rent Nice suite of front rooms, over Bonham & Currier's store; phono Columbia 2G3. Masmiorado Suits for Rent. 515 Bristol street. S1.50 NEKTIES now $1.00: $z.bu Ties now $l.uU KUUEKS. Hair Weavlng.-Mrs. T. Hill. G15 E. Tyler street; Col. 783. Your income tax due March 15th. See A. W. Davis, notary public, who will help you out with proper report. tf STOP I LOOK! LISTEN I Any- one contemplating buying n range, heater, victrola or any kind of fur niture otild do well to inmiirc at 510 S. Princeton St. near W. Rich. mond St. Will sacrifice uoods for quick sale. You'll never loso them with ROGERS' 50c Suspenders. For Trade An uuemcuinbered five room house in Woodlawu for dwelling in St. Johns district? will pay difference. Phone Woodlawu 5410. ia-Ct Wanted -Good violin, must be in good condition. Phone Col umbia 389. SU-SH-ROGERS sella SHOSE. For Snlo Crocheted Scarf Ends, Yokes and Pillow Slip Lace. Orders tnken for all kinds of crocheting at 814 N, Smith avenuo. 1G For Rent Two furnished house keeping rooms nt tho Chi cago Rooming House. ForSalo One two hole, pol ished Htcol range, nenrly now. 710 E. Richmond street, St. Johns. ForSalo Good G room mod ern bungalow, a bargain. Call 820 N. Syracuso street, city. Experienced woman wishes work by dny or hour. Leave your name and address on card under my door nt G14 N.Leonard street; 0. M. Sowcri. Found Fountain pen. Own er may have same by calling nt 2010 Willamette boulevard, des cribing property and paying for this notice. For Sale Six room modern bun galow, street improvements in and paid for; one block from car line, G23 N, Ivauhoe .street. 16 Plain sewing and children's clothes. 5G1 W. Lombard stteet; Columbia 498. Tho Royal Goodwill Society will give u pie social on Satur day night, Fob. 2G, Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and friends are invit ed, All ladies will bring at least one pie and conceal your name on pie bo when sold you can bo easily found, the same as a box social. We will dance. Don't forget. adv. BETTER BUSINESS Begins with a Checking Account Add this money method to the many other labor saving and profitable devices you employ, It speeds business affairs, and saves the time of business men. The Banking service by which we can help you is safe, systematic and satisfactory. We invite you. to call and to commence using our valuable money service. mm Peninsula Nationa Ban Member Federal Reserve System THE I HOUSE DYE WORKS 317 N. Jersey Street Pre-War Prices Suits Cleaned and Pressed for S1.50 Suits Pressed 50c Ladies' I'linh Coats Like New, . fl l'lain Suits and Dreues Cleaned and Pressed J1.50 YOUR CHOICE French Dry or Steam Cleaning No Charge for Calling for and Delivering. Phone Columbia 1289 Sntinf notion Guitrimtovil II. A. MANNING Special Bargains for This Week Reg, $4,25 No. 8 Copper Bottom Wash Boiler - $3.18 Reg. $7.75 Cast Aluminum Tea Kettle, Spec. $5.98 Reg. $3.50 10 qt. Aluminum Pre serving Kettle - - $2.28 Fresh Stock of Bulk and Package Garden Seeds St. Johns Hardware Co. run r!xcmi&'rni srouis oo0DcDocaico0aooor0oow ORlre t'hotic Colmiililn 025 Hcklilcucc I'hnnc Columhin 477 Office l'honc Columbia 703 Drs. BORDEN & KELIHER DENTISTS 1-4 PENINSULA BANK BLDG. Nitrous Oxide Gas fur l'nlnlcss Kxtrnctlou of Teeth. Nerve Mocking for I'alulesi, I'reiMiratlou of Cuvltiei und Surgical Removal of Tcctli. Battery Prices are DOWN Replacements for All Cars Don't forget vc tnke care of anything Electrical on the Auto St Johns Auto Electric Service Cor.Jerscy nnd Charleston Sts. Phona Columbia OO W. A. CARROLL Real Estate Broker Own Your Home New Listings for your ins pection now on file at our of fice. Some fine bargains in homes both city and country, Phone Columbia 1285 301 N. Jersey St COH. UAIriMORIi Phillips & Leland Transfer and Storage l'honc Col Tl Oflice 20!) S. Jersey DAILY TRIPS TO PORTLAND CALL I' OH ST. JOHNS IM PKOVEMENT BONDS. In accordance with the provis ions of Ordinunce No. 38750, passed by tho Council February 2nd, 1921. notice is hereby Riv en that St. John Improvement Bonds numbered consecutively 539 to 555 inclusive, dated Octo ber 12th, 1912, are hereby called for redemption April 12th, 1921. The face value with accrued in terest will be naid upon presen tation of said bonJs at the oflice of the undersigned on the above date, being a semi-annual cou pon poriod. From and after said date the interest on said bonds shall cease. VM. ADAMS, City Treasurer. Portland, Oregon. Date of first publication, Feb. 11, 1921. ROGERS sellB SHOSR 17003 (SOB THE NATIONAL Vulcanizing Co, 205 S. Jersey St. Is the Oldest Es tablished, Best Equipped and most Reliable Tire repairing Establishment on the Peninsula. All work done on a mon ey hack guarantee. We take pride in turning out the best retreads in Port land. New mill second lmtul tires (or le. Just one block touth of tlir IVu. iniiiU National Dunk, on cur line. GHAS. F. BOYLE, Prop. FOY'S St Johns Fair Store Highest Quality and Lowest Prices Toys a Specialty 207 N. Jersey St. Phone Col.839 Tin? Skrvicks of thk EPISCOPAL CHURCH are Itelil every Sunday at 3 P.M. In I. O. O. F. Hall Sunday School at 2 p. m. JOHN D. lUCIi, Vicar Poff & O'Neil TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Daily Trips to Portland ftiu Col. 308 206 N. JERSEY ST