St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 18, 1921, Image 1

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Letter From Dr. J. V. Scott
The 9th installment of an In
tere3tintr letter from Dr. J. V n
ton Scott, formerly a well known
dentist of bt. Johns. O.ving to
its length and the shortness of
our space it will be published
Cnclu Jed.
One nfternoon wai sp?nt out
at the Summer I'alace. We drove
out to this in a motor car. it be
injr'outside of the city fie miles.
This was at one tune a most
beautiful place, nnd even now a
wonderful place to visit. Por
tions of the place were built in
the 17th century. Its last occu
pants were the Empress Down
ier nnd boy Emperor and was
occupied until 1909. In the
irrounds nre 200 palaces includ
infr quarters for the Eunuchs.
The buildings arc on the slopes
of the hills surrounding a large
Like. All those bniuinira are
gradually crumbling nwny since
no care tins been taken of them
since the fall of the Empire.
As wo pass along the road
from tho Palace to the city wo
pass n homo where two women
are grinding at a mill. On close
examination wo find they nro
shelling millet. Tno mill is
crude an J probnbly has been in
ti33 for a hundred years or more.
It consists of u stone roller be
ing rollad by the women on the
surface of another (hit stone. 1
trifd to get their picture but
they fled. However, a few cop
pers brought one woman back
and with my wifo at the other
end of the stick I was nblo to
get the picturo I wnnted.
The Winter Palnco is unothor
beautiful piece of architecture.
This is inside of the city nnd a
short distunco from thu Forbid
den City. It wns originnlly
built to recoivo tributary envoys
from tho Mongols and tho petty
states from tho South. It wns
built during tho lust of tho Ming
Dynnsty. A number of tho
buildings here nre now used by
tho President nnd his family,
also ofhees for different officials.
Conl Hill is close to the Win
ter Palace and overlooks the
Forbidden City. This is an or
tificial mound two hundred feet
high and spreads over considera
ble trround. It was built by
the Mongols nnd is said to hold
great quantities of coal to be
used in case of siego. It was
upon this hill that Chung Cheng,
tlu Ia3t or the Ming Emperors,
hanged himself after killinn
most of tho members of his
household, when he saw tho do
structionof the city by the hands
of the Manchus. This was in
1G37. There is a wall around this
hill with suitable towers, gates.
temples and altars which maku
it interesting.
Last, but not least, was our
trip to the trio to the Great Wall
of China. This was tho most
pleasant day we spent. Wo
boarded the Peking railwny
train nt eight o'clock one morn
ing in company with Mr.and Mrs.
Harris nnd Mrs. Lee. The train
was so crowded with soldiers
we could scat cely get in but after
some timo found sents for nil.
For somo distnnco wo traveled
through open country very much
ns thnt south of Peking. Ono
small town' wo passed outsido of
which was about n hundred cam
els crazing which to us wns nn
Interesting slant. Wo were not
long in reaching Nnnkow. which
s 25 miles north of Peking, but
the next six miles is up through
Nankow Puss nnd is vury Blow
rnn as fnr as the eye could sec.
It iB 1400 miles long, twenty
feet high nnd twenty feet wide
with towers every short distance.
We climbed on the wnll by tho
gntc, wnlked east to one of the
towers where we ate our lunch
yith the nssistnnce of some hnlf
dozen coolies. After a rest we
climbed to the highest peak
jsat of tho gate nearly n mile
away. From this tower wo
could see over a largo volley on,
the Mongolia sido ot the wnll.
Wo enmo down nnd wnlked some
distnnco down in tho volley.
After tnking a number of pic
turcs wo wnlked down to meet
our train. I mean the ladies
walked. Mr. Harris nnd I each
climbed on n burrow nnd rode
down. But nfter riding over
thoso rough stones wo enme to
tho conclusion tho Indies hnd tho
best of the bargain. Wo nrriv-
cd in Peking nt 5:30 p. m.
1 hero were mnnv other inter
esting sights, but I will hnvo to
wnit until I sec you to tell you
nil. Little Jnnet during our ex
cursions stayed nt tho Leo com
pound where sho hnd two little
companions thnt kept her buoy.
After n day's rest wo left for
Shnnghni londed with curios nnd
wares of different sorts. Janot,
too, hod her armo full full of
Cuppy. A littlo Pckincso dog I
ought for her.
Denr mother it wns n wonder
ful trip nnd tho mnny linos I
trnveling. Wo finally nrrived nt hnvo written do not nearly tell
China Lung Uhtno, winch is n
smnll village about 20 minutes
walk from tho wnll. lho any
nerfoct.n nice wurm Bun shining
nnd with lho nsslstnnco of two
Mongolian boys to carry our
unch basket up tho rugged pass
to tho gato in tho wall whero
people had passed in nnd out for
over two thousnnd yenrs. It is
hard to describo tho feeling thnt
comes over ono ns ho stands nnd
looks on a wnll built by humnn
handB that withstood tho storms
of tempests nnd foo nlikc for
twentv-two centuries. Tho wnll
is not ns Inrgo ns other wuIIb wo
hnd soon but whore it wns built
nnd over such country, over
peak nnd in canyon alike. It
nil. But it gives you some iden
of what is on tho other hnlf of
tho world nnd what they hnvo
done in times pnst and nro still
doing. With lovo J. Vinton.
ROGERS' hnir is getting amy,
Ho'h losing somo of it each dny.
Who cares ho atill sells
A good 25 cent SOX.
Wnnted-Sowlng. Cull nt 1032
N. Contrnl avenue. 14
At the meeting of tho Com
munity Club nt the Y. W. C. A.
building Tuesdny evening II. V,
Coffyn. Public Snfety expert,
gne a very interesting tnlk on
Snfety First. He gnve statistics
relative to nccidents from nuto-
mobiles, nnd offered some vnlun
blc udvico in tho nnture of pro
ventive methods. He stnted
that the majority of accidents
are the result of carelessness.
that there were six thousand
children killed by automobiles in
tho United States tho past year,
and thnt thero wore over one
thousnnd nutomobile accidents
in Portland last yenr. Ha ad
vised in crossing a street intersection-
'to nlwnys look to the
left first nnd then to the right
before crossing. Mr. Colfyn
has been giving valuable advice
to the school children in the
vnrious schools of the city re
garding the dnngcr from auto.
Chief of tho Portland Fire
department Grenfell then gave
nn instructive nnd entertaining
talk on fire prevention in which
ho cited n number of instances
in which preventable fims had
occurred duo to carelessness,
nnd told how to prevent fires
occurring. Tho Chief nlso gnvo
n prncticnl demonstration of tho
fire nlnrm boxes, having n box
on exhibition, land how to oper-
nto it. Ho nlso stnted in case
of firo when tho phone wns hnnd-
ioat to turn in nn nlarm it would
only bo necessary to tell Central
to givo tho firo department nnd
not tnko timo to look for the
Pupils of Mrs. Frank A. Rice,
tho talented musical instructor,
gnvo several very plensing mu
sical numbers. A piuno trio
rendered by Emmu nnd Lucy
Kohonic nnd Elsio Lawrence
wns particularly fine, nnd show
ed mnrked rythm nnd nn nccu
racy that would have done cred
it to adults. Little Louise Rice
captivated the audience with
two splendidly rendered and
difficult selections. Owing to tho
Inteness of the hour n pinno solo
that was to have been aiven by
Mildred Mngeski wns postponed j
until some future dnto. The1
High School qunrtet nlso render-:
ed n couple of delightful nndi
well received numbers. A read-,
ing by Miss Eloise Gray was!
particularly well recitod and
highly appreciated by the nudi
President Monnhan nntiounced
thnt the committee in charge of
the protest agninst reducing the
hours of ferry service, nnd of
which Mrs. Shnw is chairman
would meet with the county
commissioners 1'cbruary 17th
Mrs. Bertha Montgomery, the
faithful and highly efiicient sec
rotary, was reported on the sick
list, nnd Gordon Ogden acted as
secretary in her place. Lho la
dies of tho Congrcgattona
church served n fine lunch thnt
wns thoroughly enjoyed..
Work Begins on New Plant
One hundred first class envel
opes with your nnme and ad
dress neatly printed on tho cor
tier for ono dollnr nt tho Review
oflice. Additionnl 100 for 75c
Tho postofllco department ad
vises tho use of printed return
For Sale Semi-modern -1 room
iousc, lot GUxlUU, has lino gar
nge with electric lights, gns
range, heater ana some linoleum
goes with the place: price $1508.
$900 cash, balance $15 monthly
nnd interest. Call 517 Oswego
Men's Day and Night Shirts
Bring in your news items.
Exclusive Victrolas
After due consideration and investigation covering
a period of years wc came to the conclusion that the
Victroln playing a Victor Record with n Victor needle
was the one best Phonograph.
X $125,00
XVI - $225 00
It is the instrument thnt the world's greatest ar
tists have chosen to bring their art to you ns they
themselves would deliver it.
IX 175.00
Since such artists as, Caruso, MacCorinack, Gluck,
Heifetz, Kreisler, Elmau, Kubelik, Homer, Lauder and
a score more others of the world's best have selected
the Victroln it must surely be the instrument for you.
IV- 25. 00
The Victrola occupies a field all its own, at the top.
We have Victrolas in all sizes and finishes at prices
from $25.00 to $275.00, on Easy Terms.
I beg of you to compare my prices, quality and quantity considered, and you will he con
vinced that I realty do .sell
At a price no down town store can beat and stay In business. There is no reason why quality 1
merchandise cannot be sold right here In St. Johns, especially at
Just us cheap as you can buy it any place in the United States and yo.: can bank 011 just that ser
vice when you patronize Till? RAINCOAT MAN,
My many good customers will bear me out on the above statement, proof of which is the fact
that IUJSINHSS IS GOOD with me right how under present Inbor tlilliculties, not the best ever,
but good. This is ample proof that my many customers realize the fact thnt It Is my con
stant effort to give you better merchandise at the lowest possible price,
and if you are not one of my customers I want you and am going to get you, nnd it's my business
to make you want to walk out of your way to trade with me the same as people now come from
Portsmouth aud Portland to get real values. And they arc getting them uud they know it, or
they would not make two trips. Really, fellows, we'll both make money if you put on your HAT
right now and come over to my store (if you haven't one I still sell HATS and CAPS that fit
your face and pockctbook), and when you get here take a look at my WORK SHOHS. Pve n
good one for $4.35 per pair, and Fou a Dkiitino Nosic and Chim.v Tons Whak kOOKUS'
Warm 35c Hons. I would particularly call your attention to my Hue of MEN'S AND BOYS'
(tank of CoAMfct BtffWtflg ST. JOHNS Open Evenings
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
Thomas Gricc, Manager
Office, Col. 527-PH0NES--Nhjht, Col. 299 208 N. Jersey St.
Night or Day Calls Promptly Answered
LOW RENT enables us to give
our customers the benefit of
Very I,ow Prices.
Not a Branch oflice of any
Portland Undertaking Co.
We guarantee lower prices than you can get in the city
Automobile Owners
Before placing your automobile insurance elsewhere.let us '
quote you rates, terms and form of coverage. We are particularly
well equipped to take care of your insurance needs, aud will be ,
pleased to explain the different forms of coverage. (
Automobile liability insurance should receive your special '
attention. The savings of s lifetime may le swept away by one '
accident that may, or may not be, your fault. For a nominal '
sum we issue a policy that will pay all claims for personal injury
for which you maybe liable up to $10,000. Phone, call or write ,
for particulars.
108 South Jersey St Phone Columbia 161
'Say it witt Somers'
Remember your friends with the
Kift of a nice Flowering Plant,
Fern or Cut Flowers.
Visit the Greenhouses and make
your selections; you will find prices
very reasonable aud to suit all
SBectetf s Qrceniouses
814 and 816 North Kellogg Strrtt
Phone Col. 401
The place where iioort service ana
courteous treatment prevail, Children'
hair cutting receive special attention.
Frank A. Rice
Office 107 N. Jersey Street
Phone Col. 887 Resident Col. 389
For Fine Chocolates
Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars
311 South Jersey Street
BOYS' SHOES that really
A contract was let Saturday
by the Western Wool Warehouse
company to Miller-Grier company
for the flrat unit of the mam
moth wool warehouse nnd scour
inR plant to ho erected by the
company on its tract at the foot
of Richmond street, nnd con
struction started tho first of this
week. Tho contract price wnB
$70,000. which includes the con
Btruction of n three story wool
warehouse, with n two story
west wins housinfr the scouring
plnnt nnd a one story south wing
to contain the steam plant. To
gether with the equipment,
which is now ready for shipment,
the first unit of the plant will
cost $143,000. Tho scouring mill
will be of maximum capacity,
with n possible output of 1,000,
000 pounds of wool a month,
Construction of the warehouse
and the installation of the plant
will be completed, according to
weather conditions, in GO or 90
days, It is expected to euro for
a part of the Spring wool clip.
By renaon of its modern dock,
already constructed, tho western
woel warehouse will be in posi
tion to inuugurntc wool ship
ments by water, baling or scour
ing in transit. By scouring in
transit, tho company will bo
enabled to save from $1 to $1.50
the hundred pounds in freight
rates, as from GO to 80 per cent
of grease wool contents ia dirt
und grease, lho main body of
thu warehouse- building will bo
100x100 feel, tho south wing
32x30 feet and tho wost wing
ZlxMO feet. The buildings will
he of reinforced concrete, mill
constructed. Tho company wns
organized by twenty prominent
l'ortlnnu and Oregon bankers
and wool men. A large pay roll
will bo required.
Thursday and I'riday, l'cb. 17 and 18
"Once To Every Woman"
A picture worth seeing.
Saturday, l'ebrunry 19
TOM MOORE In 'Ol'1'tCitR GM,"
from the (day.
Sunday, l'ebrunry 20
HUTCH." One ol the most likable
of the year.
Monday and Tuesday, l'cb. 21 and 22
A woitli while- serial , with n Kod
plot. Starring -' SeiU and Mar
Kticrlte Courtot, You icuicmbcr
We olTer you this (ample, II you
don't like the picture don't follow
it, Alto a I.arry Sctnon Comedy
aud another good picture,
Wednesday, 1'cbruary 23
A bit; ft reel comedy by MACK
Vacant Lots Wc have a. num
ber of inquiries for residential and
business lots. 1,1st your pioperty
here. Rice & Tate. 107 N. Jersey:
Columbia 887.
We Can't Figure Out
Why nny one will neglect
their eyes, when we fit glasses
aud guarantee satisfaction.
Physician anil Surgeon
and Records
The Gift to One
that AH Enjoy
Conic in and hear the
new Hruuswick records,
Released February 16th
Prices, J 1 15.00 Upwards
Easy Terms
Mrs. Frank A. Rice
of the
At four P. M.
Reservations now being made.
Mothers invited to visit classes.
Studio-412 S. Edison
Corner of Richmond St.
Phone Columbia 389
wear good ROGERS.