St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 04, 1921, Image 3

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Occidental Steel Range, Price $79.00
Terms $7.G0 Down, $7.00 Month
Occidental Cast Iron Range, Price $114.00
Terms $10.00 Down, $10.00 Month
Estate Steel Range, Price f 102.50
Size 38X10
Estate Steel Range, Price $107-50
Size 38X18
Terms $10.00 Down, $10.00 Month
Hargains in USED
RANGES which hive
been thoroughly OYER
HAULED, guaranteed to
Old Ranges and
Stoves taken as part
payment on a New
Your Credit is Good
OAmandii Baqs
7 sWH
The Cash Grabateria Grocery
Wc have taken our loss; there is not $500 worth of
Groceries in our store that were- bought on the high market.
Our books verify the statement that the stock turns once each
All goods arc marked on the close margin thnt is justi
fied by the minimum of expense that is incident to cash busi
ness, by the saving in qtiauity purchases because of our con
ncctiou with other Mores of like nature.
Everybody knows the market is down; the familiar and
pleasing remarks along that line arc daily experience in our
There is no desire on our part to reduce the quality of
anything wc sell. The very close margin of all our goods Is
what has spelled the rapid turnover with us.
The friends of Fred Couch will be glad to know that
h" has purchased the stock of Sandy Scales and will be daily
seen behind the counter.
We mnkc regular aud prompt delivery and give prompt
attention to phone orders.
Phone Columbia 102
Couch & Currier,
Crown Plour $2 50 per 49 lb sack
Scrtch Feed Peninsla, Golden Rod, Olpmpic, Kerr Gifford and
Albers Brands $3 20 per 100 lb. sack
Whole Corn 2 40 per 100 Ib.sack
Cracked Corn. $2.55 per 100 lb. sack
Rolled Oats $1.60 ber 6o lb. sack
Rolled Barley, Process $1.95 per 75 lb. sack
Best Grade of Rock Springs Lump Coal $15.50 per ton
Above prices are at the store not deliveredfor cash only.
Also Hay, Straw, Shingles, Cement, Etc.
Peninsula Mercantile Co.
670 W. Lombard St, Pbent Col. 795
Dr. F. P. Schultzev Res. Col. 1131 Dr. D. S. Swart, Res. Col 283
Office Col. 379 Office Col. 379
Drs. Schultze & Swart
1 6 Bonhatn Sc. Currier Bldg.
' Two partly furnished housekeep
ing rooms, and one single room fur
nished. Riverside Hotel, 116 Deca
tur street.
Wanted Sewing. Call at 1032
N. Central avenue. 14
For Sale Petaluma Incubator,
100 egpr. $8.00; Old Trusty Incu
bator. 150 egg, $10. at Griffith's
sheet metal works in the French
St. Johns would surely make
an ideal location for the World's
fair of 1925.
Wanted Half dozen Bantam
pullets 209 Smith avenue north.
Will sell my Lexington Coupee
car at a sacrifice if taken within
next two weeks. Phone Col. 1225.
A 20x24 foot garage fitted up for
light housekeeping. Call 109 W,
Burr street, corner S. Ivanhoe.
Wanted to Rent Small house
with lights by Feb. 14th, Inquire
at this office.
Boy 14 years of age wants place
to board while attending school.
A. Panos, 1 1 1 W. Tyler street.
Friday and Saturday Specials
$3 85 Black Beauty hot water bottles. .$3.00
Stearics Tonic wine 98c
Pumo hand soap.
Porestc hand paste 8c
Peroxide bath soap 10c
The Prescription Store
Daniel Rost of Seattle was a
guest of his old time friend, J.
F. Hendricks, during the past
"Now, then, my hearties,"
said the gallant captain, "you
have a tough battlo before you.
Fight hko heroes till your pow
der is gone; then run. I'm a lit
tle lame.and I'll start now" Ex.
Charles Foss sustained some
painful injuries to his shoulders,
loft leg and other parts of the
body when he was struck down
by an auto driven by A. J. Mo
tot at Fourth and Washington
streets Monday of lnnt week,
Mr. Motot took Mr. Foss to Dr.
Scelcy'a office and luter to his
home here, whore ho is getting
along as well as could be expect
Oregon Crane Circle No. 511
met January 19th with a largfl
attendance for the closing of our
contest; since September wc have
dono well. The A division was
served by the U division to a
bountiful banquet and program.
Contain Emma Beam of tho A
Bidu and Ethel Smock of tho Bs
were presented with a beautiful
bounuot of carnations by Guar
dian Neighbor EfTa Beam. Re
Representative McArthur has
been notified by the Department
of Agriculture that soverul thou
sand packages of vegetable and
flower seeds are ready for distri
bution among his constituents in
Multnomah county, and ho an
nounces that these seeds will bo
sent only upon specific requests
from individuals or organiza
tions. Seed distribution will bo
bo mado nbout March 1st. Ad
dress C. N. McArthur, 48GHoubo
Otilco building. Washington,. D.
Thuradny ovoning, Jnnuary
27th, St. Johns Camp No. 7C1C,
Modern Woodmen of America,
had its largest "blowout" of the
Bonaon A largo class of candi
dates was initiated with about
75 members present. Tho Do-
grco learn from Oregon lu
Camp was prcsont to handlo
tho royal goat, and ho proved
their match, for Dillio is kept
in practice theso days. A flno
lunch was nerved by the com
mittee in charge. Tho crowd
did not leavo tho hall until the
clock had struck 2 a. m.. which
proved that thoy must have en
Joyed an onjoyablo evening.
In ono of tho fastest gamen
ever piayeu in ot. jonns too
Bachelor Club defeated tho
heavy Indopcndonco team last
Saturday evening 30 to 10. A
largo crowd enjoyed and wero
thrilled by somo very fast and
clever shooting by tho locals.
The whole Club team starred,
but tho sensational shooting of
"Chuck" Sundstrom, who scor
ed M points himself, was a feat
ure Ira Mix, tho former O. A.
C. all star, was held to three
lone baskets by the Club guards.
A return game will bo played
at Independence February 12th,
and a hard gamo is looked for
by the locals.
Tho graduating class of tho
Williams school were entertain
ed at tho home of Mary E. Har
ney, South Decatur street, on
the evening of Jonuary 21st.
After games and a program, de
licious refreshments were serv
ed. Mrs. Burghduff and Mr.
VanTino being present, wero
presented with beautiful gifts of
flowers in appreciation of thoir
efforts with the class. Gradu
ating members of the class: Lil
lian Avery, Mary Taylor, Viola
Rassi, Thelma Randall, Virginia
Douglass, Georgia Burrow, Em
ily Larson, Lillian Dickes, Doro
thy Fluter.Mary Harney, Alshild
Martinson, Frank Learned, Rob
ert Rakes, Donald Tooley, Byron
Bigelow, Lloyd Franklin, Carl
Marshall, Lewis Manderson,
Lincoln Cochran, Daniel Doty.
Sunday services at the M. E.
church, corner Leavitt and Syr
acuse streets: Sunday school 10
a. m. ; morning sermon 11. sub
ject. Prayer or Profanity, Which?
Junior League, led by Deaconess
Miss Cress, 3 p. m. ; Epworth
League devotional meeting, Miss
Brown leader, 6:30 p. m. At 7:30
p, m. there will be the first of a
series of monthly Sunday even
ing concerts. Program Pre
lude, Mrs. B. A. Olson; Vesper
Song, "Now the Day is Over"
No. 59 Hymnal; Invocation; Male
Quartet by J. J. II. S. Quartet,
selected; Anthem, by choir;
Evening Psalm: Duet, Mrs. Boa
cow and Miss Eggman, selected;
Special, by choir; Solo, Mrs. D.
R. Deemer, selected; Song, by
congregation, "A Clean Heart,"
No. 91, Faith and Hope; Brief
Address by pastor; Male Quar
tet, J. J. H. S. Quartet, select
ed; Poatlude, Mrs. B. A. Olson.
Your income tax due March
15th. See A. W. Davis, notary
public, who will help you out
with proper report. tf
A fine baby girl arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Jewett of Lents Monday morn
ing. They were former resi
dents of St. Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Warner
have purchased four lots on Cen
tral avenue and John street, and
have commenced the construc
tion of a residonce.
Tho Woman's Guild of the
Episcopal church will meutTluir
day, February 10th, at the home
of Mrs. Davidson, ulu Salem
street. All members pleuse at
Mayor Baker has submitted an
ordinance whereby Chief of Police
Jenkins receives an increase in sal
ary and Sergeant Crane is promot
cd to lieutenant in this district. The
ordinance should pass unanimously.
The Royal Goodwill Society will
Hive a mask bull in Odd Fellows'
Hall Saturday evening, I'd). 12th.
All Rebekahs, Odd Follows mid
friends arc invited to attend. Don't
forget. Good music.
Dr. E. P. Borden will preach
tho sermon at the Congregation
al church Sunday morning. In
tho evening the Boy Scouts will
rendor n pleasing program nt
7:30. All Invited.
The Gleaner class of the Pio
neer Methodist church will hold
n business and social meeting nt
the home of Mrs. Otis Learned.
303 S. Syracuse, Friday evening,
Feb. lth. Al members invited
to bo present.
Annual meeting ot tho stock
holders of the Doric Masonic
Building Association will bo held
in Masonic hall Monday. Feb.
7th, at 8 p. m. All stockholders
and Musons requested to be
present. C. H. Carter, Pres.
Rev. John G. Lnko will give a
talk on Divine Healing in the
I. O. O F. Hnll Sunday evening
at 8 o'clock. Everybody invited.
The meeting last Sunday evening
was well attended. These meet
iocs will be held regularly 011 Sun
day evenings at I.O.O.P. hall.
Tho Woman's Home Mission
ary Society of the Methodist
church will hold their regular
monthly meeting at the homo of
Mrs. R. J. Fox, 221 Oswego
street, Friday, Feb. 11th, at 2
p. m. Special music nnd a good
program, after which a silver
tea will be given. A good at
tendance is desired.
Ono of tho important business
changes in St. Johns is tho re
tirement of Alex. b. bcalca from
tho secretaryship of tho Graba
teria Cash Grocery and his stock
retired in favor of Fred C. Couch.
Tho change was precipitated by
the impaired health of "Sandy"
Scales, who found it expedient
to securo businoss connections
that would tako him into the
out of doors lifo during the pro
cess of recuperation. Ho reiires
with the great good will of his
associates in business and the
employes of tho store. Fred
Couch is being congratulated
for having gotten into tho bus
iness game once more among his
uld friends and neighbors after
having spent several years on
tho high seas as second officer
of a large ship. Fred is known
as a man of active temperament
and is assured by those same
well wishers that ho is a large
asset to tho business.
Graduating exercises of the
James John High School wero
held in the auditorium of the
building last Friday evening,
and were very interesting. The
graduating class consisted of
Laura E. Norene, Erma Adele
Griswold, Helen E. Anderson,
Alpha M. Buttz. Leona M. Boom
si iter, Lillian Alpha Tooley, Eliz
abeth Louise McClure, and Har
riett Helen Padden. Miss Emma
Straube was advisor; colors, or
chid and Nile green; flower,
sweet pea; motto. Build for char
acter and not for fame. Program
March, Caprice Bohemien, Hel
en Anderson; Commencement,
Laura Norene; By the Wats of
Minnetonka, violin, Harriett
Padden; voice, Erma Griswold;
piano, Lillian Tooley; Class Gift,
presented by Alpha Buttz; ad
dress by Dean Elizabeth Fox
of University of Oregon; Oh,
That We Two Were Maying!
Harriett Padden, Erma Gris
wold and Lillian Tooley; presen
tation .of diplomas by Prof.
Gladioli Bulb for Sale, mixed
colors, 25c dozen. Bertha Mont
gomery, 415 N. Kellogg stieet.
For Trade An unencumbered
five room house in Woodlawu for
dwelling in St. Johns district: will
pay difference. Phone Woodlawu
5416. 3-5t
I'OR SALH l'our room.strlctly mod.
em cottage. Located close in on corner
lot 60x90. I'nveil street nnd all Ini
provements paid. Nine fine fruit trees
on lot, ana house is just being complet
ed. This Is a real bargain nt $2300.00.
Small payment down, balance easy
terms, Inquire Mr. Doyle, l'cnltisuln
security to.
For Rent Modern Garage at
517 Oswego St., $4 per Month.
My wife having left her home,
notice is hereby given that I will
not be responsible for any bills con
tracted by her.- C. Kchrll. 12
Maternity nurse; terms reasona
ble. Mrs. J. Hickman, 927 South
Kellogg street, St. Johns. 12
Cess pools dug and bricked. $2
per foot. Call Columbia 12GG,
238 W. Tyler street. 14
Nurse, private home, hospital
care; special rates for confine
ments. Columbia 1314. 14
Heavy Rock ford WORK SOX
Dancing at the St. Clement Mull,
Smith n venue nnd Calhoun street,
Friday evening, Feb. 4th. The
last appearance of the Filipino or
chestra. Admission, ladies 35 cts,
gents 50 cents.
For Sale Six room modern
house in St. Johns district, one
block from car lino; street im
provements in and paid for. lot
50x100, garage, fruit trees and
berries. Pneo $3000, terms;
phone Columbia COO.
Maternity cases taken reasonable
at 1109 Princeton street, near Hutr.
Call Columbia 904. 8uo3t
Wanted Sotting hens, Rhode
Island Reds: baby chicks for
sale. 714 S. Crawford Btreot;
Col. 879.
For Sale or Trade for St. Johns
property 34 acres, all level. eas
ily clenred, timber enough to
pay for land if taken oil", on Pa
cini! Highway, ono nnd ono-half
miles from town, near school,
and unencumbered. Seo owner
nt 1209 S. Ivanhoe street.
Wnntcd-12 Rhode Island Red
hens und rooster. Call at 524
E. John street.
For Sale or Rent New bunga
low, partly furnished. 713 North
Ivanhoe street.
For Rent Private garage. No.
3034 Willamette boulevard,
A Good Buy 8 room modern
house with 100x123 foot corner on
good street, $3500, good terms. See
Rice & Tnte, 107 N. Jersey.
We will appraise your property
free and will tell you within $5o.on
what a $2500 to n $10,000 property
is worth. See Hartfurd & Shock-
ellon, 403 N. Jersey street, oppo
site postoffice.
For Sale 4 room modern house,
including complete household fur
niture. Inquire (JOG S. Hudson St.
Vacant Lots Will take lot in
trade for Maxwell Touring. See
Rice & Tate, 107 N. Jersey.
Sale or Trade for good building
lot, equity in 7 room house, only
2300. See Rice & Tate.
Vacant Lots We have a num
ber of inquiries for residential and
business lots. List your property
here. Rice & Tnte, 107 N. Jersey;
Columbia 887.
Furnished Cottage for Rent In
quire at 524 H. Richmond street.
No children.
For Rent Room at 321 U. Bur
lington. Prefer laboring men.
317 N. Jersey Street
Pre-War Prices
Suits Cleaned and Pressed
for 1.50
Suits Pressed 50c
Ladies' I'lush Coats Like New. f 1
Plain Suits and Droit Cleaned
mid Pressed 1 .50
French Dry or Steam Cleaning
No Charge for Culling for and
Phone Columbia 1289
UtttlnCitotloit Gmit'iuitovil
Have You a Checking Account?
A great many persons who have savings accounts in
our bank have never opened a chocking aoceunt.
Perhaps they do not realize that a checking account
has just as many advantages as a savings account.
Many of our customers have found that they can savo
moro if they have both a savings aud checking account.
For one reason they do not carry with them so' much cash
which tempts them to spend needlessly.
And for another reason they keep track of their expendi
tures better when they pay their bills with checks.
Many good savers check out only what is ncccessary for
current expenses and at the end of each month transfer what is
left in their checking accounts to their savings accounts.
It is a good scheme. We advise you to try it.
Member Federal Reserve System
and for
IT is a worry aud a waste of time, which means a waste of
money, not to have always on hand a kit of first grade tools.
The steel in our tools is properly tempered not so soft that
it loses its edge, not so brittle that it nicks.
We shave the price down low on our tools and everything we
sell, Come in.
Our hardware is the best: It stands the test.
Special prices on Tools this week.
St. Johns Hardware Co. f
Office I'lionc Culiimliiii 0211
Residence I'hone Columbia 177
Office I'lionc ColuuiMu 7D3
Nerve mocking for
Painless 1'rctNirutlon
o( Cavities unit Surgical
Uemoviil n( Truth.
Nittons Oxide (Ins (or
I'ulntess Kxtructioti
of Teeth.
Vulcanizing Co,
205 S. Jersey St.
Is the Oldest Es
tablished, Best
Equipped and
most Reliable
Tire repairing
on the Peninsula.
All work done on n mon
ey back guarantee. We
lake pride in turning out
the best retreads in Port
land. New nml second liunil tires lot
sale. Just one Mock south of the I'm.
lunula National LUult, on car line.
St. Johns Fair Store
Highest Quality and Lowest Prices
Toys a Specialty
207 N. Jersey St.- Phone Col.889
Tin? Shrvicks oif thi?
ure lielil every Sunday nt 3 P.M.
In I. O. O. F. Hall
Snndny School nt 2 p. "
Dr. FranR N. Sandifur
Vision Specialist
Muscular Deficiencies Coirccted
Glasses Scientifically Pitted to P'yus
Replacing of broken lenses ami repair
work promptly taken euro of.
Phone Main 5075 Portland, Ore.
Here is the Whole Secret
of Our Success
And why we are selling so much
property, both houses nnd vacant
lots. We absolutely refuse to han
dle a property if the price is too
high. That is to say, tucking it
on to the buyer. Nothing doiug
along those lines through this of
fice, as we are strictly clean and
satisfy both seller and buyer. We
have ou hand now some of the bust
buys in St. Johns. Come aud let
us prove this to you, Wc have
from shacks to ten room modern.
Every property we offer for sale we
will get the buyer more for it in the
next sixty days. This is pretty
stout, but wc are reliable and will
do as we say. Our word is as good
as a United States bond.
404 N. Jersey. Opp. Postoffice.
SockB for Monday, Hosiery
for Sunday ROGEKS.