THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. VV, Markle, BdlWr Publlahud Friday of Each Week 404 Nj, Jersey St. Phone Col. 321, Sutjeorjptjon prlca $1.GO paryanr. Advertising rntej. One week 40c pet Inch; two week 37Jc per Inch; 4 weeks 85c pot Inch; per year 25c per Inch; first page additional charge; political, 50c per inch per week. Locals 10c (tor line for first insertion, 71c subsequent insertions. Minimum 25c. Ads reset more tlmn once in (our weeks 5c per inch mldl llonM lor enen resetting. Tnn Rkvihw Is entered nt post office In Portland, Oregon, as mull matter t (be sacond class under the Act of Con grass of March 3, 1879, Mra. Nellie Darnell of Kaln ma, Wash., in tho Ktiest of her Bluter-ln-law, Mrs. S. (J. Cook. Mrs. A. M. Stearns eontrihut ed her automobile for the can so of tho Hootrer European relief fund. Mrs. Sarah A. Kemp has been quito ill at her home, 014 IN. Smith avenue, is reported some batter. We desiro to express our sin cero thanks to the neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy during the death of our son, and can assure thorn tho amo will over ho Kratefully remombored. 11. Elkins and Family. If there aro any (roundhoKs In thin part of tho world thuy saw thoir shadow Wednesday if they wero minded to uot out and look around. In any event the author will bo somewhat un certain for tho next Bix weeks to come. A birthday surprise dinner was el von in honor of T.J. Mod ahan January 27th at tho homo of his uon.Ed. at 1)05 South Ivan- hoo stroot. 1 ho occasion was a vary enjoyable one. Tho birth day cake, trimmud by Mrs. Gates, was irraccd with 07 can dies. Mrs. Monahan was assist ed by Mrs. C. II. Thayer and Mrs. W. II. Monahan. Tho mootimr of tho W. C. T. U. wilt bo hold at tho homo of Mra. J. C. Scott next Monday aftornon nt two o'clock. The mooting will bo in charge of Mra. S. J. Kerr and MIsb Kath ryn B. Scott. Tho subject, Child Welfuro. will bo very Interest inir and helpful. We hope for a good attendance, especially of Mothers, but every one is more than welcome.- Reported. Dor In Day, G ycur old tliiiujlitci of Mr. tul Mrs. Clifford liny, i!la IlBttman titrcct, won the trophy in tuuslc ttieht reading contest of a class of fourteen held recently at the fltmllo of Mrs. Frank A. Rice, 412 South Itdi.sou .street. She also tlcin onatratcd her ability to t;!ve tonic triad in any minor or minor key. All of her selections urc played from memory and of them nIic can write from memory. In addition to unusual ability as a musician, Doris has acquired 11 ktiowlcdKc of books that rivals a child lit the fourth crude, .She reads readily from the fourth render, never Itcaltatlun at words ol four or live syllables mid sh;1Is them equally as casllv. She adds. MiMracts 11ml multiplies nud writes a leulble hand She carries on a regular correspou deuce with her f'raudmother. Dotl Is not, howevwr, a bookwouu. Slit cnloys her swing and bar and has just as much fun 011 roller skates as the average youngster. When Dot is was nearly three, her morther be gan teaching her the phonics, using the Ueacou system, the system now used by rortlaud public schools We will mention a lew sal we closed out lust week. week behind as the St. Julius He k.-iioll Corn (lakes or Post Tiuutics, view rocs to press on Thursday. 2 lor.. . . . . . ....;- ;5c So wc have Friday and Sutuiduy to S,l,,,InS,.,l,j!k " '"'gg work on each week but can report iJ"jr;2,ior .r. ..... aGc tuc following weeK. i.asi week .s Light House Viuhlng Powder large sales one ( room modern House, '2. nice lots, one looming house in rortUnd on 10th stieet. We have ' FOR THE We are Going to give the Men Johns a Real Treat in the way of Pric INI 111 I That sure will be Interesting to all. Look over these values every one a Genuine Bargain. Men's Fine Cotton Ribbed Union Suits that Sold for $2.25 Sale price - $1.29 Men's Fine Ribbed Union Suits that sold for $3.00 Sale Price - $1.69 All our Men's $1.00 Neckwear Sale Price - - 49c Men's 35c Wool Mixed Sox, pr 18c Men's $6.00 Corduroy Pants $3.98 Men's $2 Black Satin Shirts $1.25 Men's $1.50 and $1.75 Work Shirts - - 95c Men's $5 Hats at $3.49 Men's $6 Hats at I IV HI 1 I II II UUL FIND OUT VMEH THtS HAM VOU BAKE, tACH GUESY ANOTHER SUCE WILL .l TAKE I i s to Our Hams Make Friends Everywhere g they go. Thev carry with them an air of holesome food values that charm folks. If you go Into the kitchen when one of our hams is getting the fire you'll remain there loug enough to follow it to the dining room. Men's $8 Hats at Men's $1.25 Two Piece Under wear, Garment - Men's Blue or Red Bandana Handkerchiefs, 3 for - Men's 35c Dress Sox, Pair Don't forget we are still Selling Ginghams, Percales, Muslins, Challies, Flanellettes, and all kinds Wash Goods at OPEN EVENINGS The People's Bargain 113 Burlington Street Masonic Building aaai c II 0t& 3.98 II 4.98 II BjgSi iff I i 18c I 19c Yard Store I Open Evenings II ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET GEO. W. IMBODEN, Prop. 109 North Jersey Street Market Phone Columbia 21 Men's $7.50 Niehoff Work Shoes, at Pair - $4.48 Men's $12 Edmonds Form Fit ting Shoes, at Pair $7.95 Engineer and Firemen's Sox, at Pair me. IT VaeVi Mr. Ilomclovcr: Why not erive vour wife a real Valentino this venp? She would just love to have a nice piece of Furniture or a new Rug for her home. You and the children will also enjoy it. Send your wife to our store and let her buv what she wants to beautify her home and your home. We have the goods. Our Quality is alwavs HIGH: LOW. our PRICE is always H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jersey St. SPECIAL Friday, February 41 Saturday. Feb. 5 u,a Monday, Feb. " nr - kill' Unlit Ilouiedt rtiut rmiuUr lOoSlor If kWmlr, Konl white, lllcuchlng k.t.m Jt liar for it. 00 tuc exclusive sales riiiiu on everal i',iini olive or Crcuir oil a turn lor V properties or 80 clnvs nud will hell medium alio cunt Mliicr.1 rlnmt for 'c t... ..rnrtl.a ll.nili l.atUO Kllf OUIU CHIIIICtl DitlltlOII ilC So if you want quick action on your property, lie Mire nud see us. iMw ie roll croiw toilet r Give in a cluncc uud we will nrove 3 for j6o " If IV I a ...... ....... i jto ii Hour or ui miuc Hour ihjt khck rent homes. I.enve your uddreiw .70 uer. Hnrtford v. S lackc ton. 13 l.'Kv aiivcaitiiwrcf toitoM, eon joe N. Jersey street, opp. postofltce. Scripps Booth Roadster Had excellent care, Terms to responsible purties. $500.00 Discount for cash. ST. JOHNS GAKAGK Columhla &00. or Woodlawn 339-1. HYDItR I COKMANV Battery Prices are DOWN Replacements for All Cars Don't forgot we take care of any thing Kloctrical on the Auto St. Johns Auto Electric Service Cor.Jcrscy am! Charleston Sts. Pban Columbia OQ L, SIMMONS & GO. GROCERS Ml IVwcmlrii I'liouc Columbia 210 Nysis For Comfort Talcum "It's Nicest" Entrancingly Fragrant, Smooth as Satin, Use it Generously. GURRIN'S FOR DRUGS ,k0ici i Trill- Always Nal" W. A. CARROLL Real Estate Broker Own Your Home New I.istines for your ins- pecnon now on tue at our ot fice, Some fine bargains iu homes both city and country. Phone Columbia 12J$ 301 N. Jersey St COK. HAINMOKK Huslness ih Good Whv? K0GI3KS. JOY SERVICE The quickest; The best; The cheapest; Suits Pressed 45c Dry Cleaned $1.25 4,LET JOY DO IT" You Bring and Take Away is the Reason 4 Stores 217 N. Jersey Street HOW LITTLE - You realize the important part good light plays in your daily life. It may excite gaiety or invite rest. It may annoy or it may please. Just as stirring music may fill you with one emotion, and a plaintive air with quite another, so lighting of the right kind, may help you work, help you play, help you think and help you relax. It is not too much light that annoys, but the raw, un broken rays, reaching your eyes direct from the dazzling filament of the lamp. National Bryant Marsh Mazda Lamps Will solve all your difiicttlties in the matter of properly diffused light. Buy Electric Goods at an Electric Store Electrical Contracting and Wiring Peninsula Electric Co. Phone Col. 977 109 S. Jersey St. FUNERALS 4s iXL, JHr aaaaaLaalV ' Baaaaaa' 'aaaaaf amaaaaaam.' ' BW Beautiful aray or blaok adult oaakot, hearse, box, 2 nutos embalming and roflrw ed service for $75 TRACRV III L funerals If ilesire.1 for 20, $30, fiO, ?G0. HIKher priced funeral Iu jiro portion. We manufacture caskets. I,ady asslttnut. Dcautiful funeral chapel. MILLER &, TRACEY Main 2601 Independent Funeral Directors A 7805 Washington at flla Street, Between 20lh and 2lt Slreet, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative Phone Main 2691 A PULL LINE OP CHOICE GROCERIES At the Right Prices MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phone Col. 118 For Bargains in Real Estate p0ff & O'Neil See J. F. Gillmcre, 1 1 3 - N. jersey No. Ti9 - 5 room modern home, lot 76x100. 001 chicken houses ami ynnl. fine fruit, aim all furciture, gas with place, ftm. fiW cash, flifi ami iuturvst per month. .no, 7S.i 4 room moJern house, lot i TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Huily Trijis to Tortland Fhoaj Col. 303 206 N. JERSEY ST See Walker about your Income 60xlW. nootl UKation.ouc block of car lllx Kejwrt. 633 Smith avenue; liue, f 1550; JS0O cash, 20 per month, j phoue Columbia 55S. CHAMBERS COMPANY J. O. Chambers Mrs. H. R. Lowry Funeral Directors 24S-250 KilllnRSworth Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON Telephones: Woodlawn 3306 C 1133 Mr. Chambers is the onlv rs A P umlcrUker in the city of Portland. Personal attention and iuwnlinn given to arrangements. Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 North Jersey Street Day Phone Columbia 97 Night Phone Columbia 090