THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. W, MnrVle, Hdltor Published Friday of Each Week 404 N. Jersey St. Phone Col. 321 3ubaoflptlon prloe $1.60 piryiar, Advertising rates. One week 40c per inch; two weeks 371c per Inch; 4 weeks SCc per inch; per year 25c per inch; first ptfe additional charge; political, M)c per Inch per week. Locals 10c per line for first insertion, 7Jc subsequent insertions. Minimum 2Gc. Ads reset more than once in four weeks Gc per inch addi tional for each resetting. Tun Rrvikw is entered at post office in rortland, Oregon, oa mall matter ( the second class under the Act of Con greee ol March 3, 1879, TI10 St. Johns Community Club, which passed its first mile atono and celebrated the event In befitting style Tuesday night, has had a very successful ca reer.' The community spirit was mado very manifest and all the meetings held havo been very enjoyable alinirs as well as pro ductiva of much civic benefit. As waasaid at tho meeting Tues day evening by A. 13. Jones, the Club was particularly fortunate in its selection of president. Mr. T.J. Monahnn was the right man in the right placo. It is doubtful if there is another man in the community who could have commanded and maintain ed tho interest so well. Tactful, courteous and accommodating, pleasant and agreeable, ho has mado an admirable presiding oflicor. He has an abundant and outspoken love for St. Johns. and is vitally interested in its advancement and development. Coming to St. Johns many years ago whon it was practically a wildcrnosa.ho has watched it ad Ynnce stop by step until it has attained its present superb growth and influence. What "Tom" Monahnn. as he ia fnmil iarly called, has donu for this place in his efforts for its ad vancement would require much . apace to record, and it is certain that this placo is much the gain or by having him become a part of It aa ho did in tho long ugo, and ho has nover lost faith nor interest. That his splendid worth, faithful aervicu and tin awerving devotion to tho inter eats of the club and community wcro realized and appreciated is attested by his unanimous reoloe tion ai president of the club. and under his guidance tho club will no doubt accomplish still greater and better things during tho second year of its existence. 1 THE SALE OF SALES Anything that is worth doing at all is worth doing well Merchandise has gone clown, yes, way down. But we don't simply tell you so and then still try to hold you up. That is not our policy. The best for the least is our motto now and at all times, and to demonstrate to you that we are living up to our motto we are backing it up with bar gains that you can hardly resist from buying. Look at the prices, then come prepared for the feast. Dress Ginghams Hope Muslins Outing Flannels Kimona Flannels I A Cents I 9 Yard HHaflHBHslH SaMiVfllHilVHBBMBBHlBHLSiBI Light and Dark Percales Fig ured Cotton Challies Wash Goods of all Kinds Boss of the Road Overalls $1.65 EXTRA SPECIAL Busier Brown Stockings for the entire Family at Sharp Reductions Ladles' Pure Thread Silk f lose in black, white or brown nt, pair 98c Hoys' Heavy Double Knee Buster Brown Stockings ; you know what others are asking, Our Spe- A t? clal, pair CJ Aliases' and Children's Busier Brown Stockings OCr the very best Lisle they make at, pair DJVj Three pairs for $1.00 Uoya' I'unta $'..00 pair BUS. -HOG- Ladies' Silk Lisle Buster Brown Nose, the same dC hose others had been asking $1 pair; our price OOK Alen's 39c Buster Brown Sox on sale now at pair 25c The Greater St. Johns Realty Co. 403 N. Jaraoy Street We closed out several uootl wilcn Inst week which were too Ute to announce lu the St. John Review, Imt will hut turn. tlou the price wa J8.000, anil tilts week ttiui lar uiaiie two ieaii j)rtx iuiuti-l v I 1000. to do not foruet thUulW. I Mill alto mjt while writlug Una Mil, m letter I ram accepting a cam price I Iiml put up I lor a client iciiiiik iiic to Clone tnc ileal It amounts to several liumliriU ol ili'l lara. Thlt it (or tlir heat vaiiinl Iittitl In St. Joint anil I will clooc th ileal txliiv It It belui; purchased by our ol iHir hu ines men in St. Johnt. So now li you want muck action. Hit your urourrlt with ut, ami above all ilo not forget llu No, 403 N. jersey aliert, ippoilc kt omct, ami not uj oiitli Jersey. It will be reiurmbercil that TlirCuut r St. Job in Really Co, hut entirely changed bamla ami the old original nt fleers air not iu Inulntu at 10.1 N. Irraev umorr, butthencwollifira ari'K''li'K Wnnl'll lltl )1fh to overhaul and fix it up to uccommo VlOlKlClYi J CI U data our iMtrouauc, Our tolu littr iillou I J 7 It to do to others ai we would like to lit Z"Ji,rilL !Tt Cum,, Tomato So..,,, U for 25c silud to put over, take it elsewhere, but Armour Soup, Vegetables 2 for 25c oa the other haml it you have h full I Del Monte l'oik oml HeatlS, 3 25c projiotltlou bring it to tin uu.l we will Hunker Ouuks. 2 for 2Tc I'tilt Wheat or l'tilkHl Kice 15c Hulk Rolled Oats, 15 for 25c 9-4 81 inches wide Special, yard Bleached Sheeting, 13x1 ra 59c DEVONSHIRE CLOTH-A 32 inch material hard to heat for wear or fastness of color. OUR PRICE AT YARD 39c Alcn's $1.50 Silk Web Suspenders 89c Men's 35c Wool Mix Sox at pair. 20c Alcn's Fine Heavy Cotton Ribbed Union Sulls regular $2.00, Sale Price $1.39 Ladies' $8.00 Silk Jersey Petticoats, excep tional value $3.98 Large size Turkish Batli Towels, the kind you nftn were asked 73c for, now at uyt Alen's $1.00 Silk Plaited Dress Sox 59c Alen's $5.00 Corduroy. Pants at Children's Boss of the Road Play Suits, Spc chilly Priced at Alen's, Women's DUCTIONS. .$3.98 98c and Children's Shoes at BIG Ladies' $1.50 to $2.00 House Aprons, tra Special at Extra 98c Many Other Bargains to be Found Throughout the Store PEOPLE'S BARGAIN STORE 113 Burlington Street Masonic Building Open Evenings SPECIAL HaVsVWMHaTMHMI Saturday, Jan. 22d guarantee to unload it fur you In a hur ry house ami lot or -meant lota 01 limit oi ill kinds, Battery Prices are DOWN Replacements For AH Cars Don't forget we take cure of anything Electrical on the Auto iuj ui an -.nun, ......... w .ww a. a. i i ri I ' n Hartrord & Shackelton, Props. gSL?. St. JollOS AutO EleCtflC SefVICe Dr. W. D, McMillan OlficcHourt UOtoCiJU p. M. I07 Oi otfoiimi !, etu and Alder Street rortland, Ore, Foliiets Package Tea, Keg. 35c Now, ruckut-e U8c Package KuUitis and Currants Package !J0o Gt.ititrtK Ground Chocolate, ROc Grade 10c lb Ken. Size llox Mutches, 4 for. .,2fe Jcllo or Jiffy Jellcy, 2 for .... 25c Koynl White I.aiulry Soap, 18 for Si. 00 Ivory Soap, U for 25c Gloss Statch, 2 lbs. for 25e Cor.Jerscy and Charleston Sts. Phone Columbia OO We Can't Figure Out Why any one will neglect their eyes, when wc fit glares and guarantee satisfaction. DR. W. J. GILSTRAP Physician and Surgeon ST. JOHNS, OKliGON imm, Davis Barber Shop ana ZJA TH KOOMS S. . DAVIS. Prtpnrtcr 1 08 Philadelphia St. Ilaths 35c Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office 107 N. Jersey Street ffcM Col 887 RddnM Col, 389 L, SIMMONS & GO. GROCERS M IWm.k'n l'hone ColumliU 210 W. A. CARROLL Real Estate Broker (Own Your Home New Listings for your ins pection now on file at our of lice. Some fine bargains in homes both city ami country. Phone Columbia 1285 301 N. Jersey St COK. HAIrlMORK Haiketball Bhoea ROGERS. JOY SERVICE The quickest; The best; The cheapest; Suits Pressed 45c Dry Cleaned $1.25 "LET JOY DO IT" You Bring and Take Away is tho Reason 4 Stores 217 N. Jersey Street HOW LITTLE - You realize the important part good light plays in your daily life. It ma)' excite gaiety or invite rest, or it may please. It may anuoy- Just as stirring music may fill you with one emotion, and a plaintive air with cniite another, so lighting of the right kind, may help you work, help you play, help you think and help you relax. It is not too much light that annoys, but the raw, un broken rays, reaching your eyes direct from the dazzling filament of the lamp, National Bryant Marsh Mazda Lamps Will solve all your difficulties in the matter of properly diffused light. Buy Electric Goods at an Electric Store Electrical Contracting and Wiring Peninsula Electric Co. Phone Col. 977 109 S. Jersey St. WE VG THE BEST TO t I Are You a Pure- Food Faddist? i Yes I Well, then, wcvc Rot,soine news for you. You will find in this market nothing In the way of meat-foods that is not strictly up io par in purity and in flavor and In wholesoineness. Your digestion will assimilate our choice meats with glad acclaim. ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET GEO. W. 109 North Jersey Street IMBODEN, Prop. Market Phone Columbia 21 Vave a ?aror. Company's Commc) 'im.:., l llin will you, far Mr. Ilomclover: It may he true that "A titan's house is his castle," but it is his wife's "home." She Is always there. Then make It the most attractive spot on earth for her. Put in it the things that will make her rKOUI) of it when her friends come, make her harpy, n,1(l "er happiness will he worth, to more than the things cost. Bring your wife along and buy the things needed to brighten up your home. She knows what she needs and in our store we have the newest designs in strong, durable, HIGH QUALITY Furniture -always I'RICIil) LOW. H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jersey St. FUNERALS Beautiful gray or blaok adult oniket, hearae, box, 2 autoi embalming and rofln ed aervloe for ... m I" H- M era "" .W8K w MII.I.RR TRACKY Punerots if clejired for 20, 30. fiO, J60. Higher priced funerali In pro. portiou. We manufacture caskets, I.aily assistant. Beautiful funeral chapel. MILLER & TRACEY Main 2601 Independent Funeral Directors A 7BB5 Washington at Ella Street, Between 20lh and 2st Street, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative la I'linnp Mntn 'jr.m I A PULL LINE OP CHOICE GROCERIES At the Right Prices MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phone' Col. 118 We Handle Everything inPo & Q'Neii Homes, acant Lots, Acre age, Farms, Uusiness and In dustrial Sites. For Huying or Selling see RICE & TV1TE 107 N. Jersey CHAMBERS COMPANY J, G. Chamber! Mrs, H. R, Lowry Funeral Directors 243-260 Killingsworth Avenue TORTLAND, ORKGON 20S M. JERSEY SI I Telephones: Woodlawu 3306 C 1133 supervision TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand and Gravel Piily Trips to Portland Phone Col. 308 Tax Report. 6i Smith Columbia 887 phone Columbia 558. avenue; Fersonal attention and given to arrangements. Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 North Jersey Streel Day Phone Columbia 97 Night Phone Columbia 690