St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 21, 1921, Image 1

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Q-:) ST.
IE 17
Ihe first anniversary of the
St. Johns Community Club, held
in the club rooms of tlio Port
land Woolen Mills Tuesday even
ing was a pronounced and un
qualified success. The attend
ance was largo and the evening
was immensely enjoyed. An
especially pleasing feature was
the presence of Walter Jenkins,
Portland's gifted song leader.
Preceding the serving of the
dinner, he led the assemblage
in a. number of songs, which
were joined in by all in a hearty
manner. Mr. Jenkins' singing
was indeed a much appreciated
treat. The dinner, served by
the cafeteria department of the
club house, was well taken core
of and enjoyed. The woolen
mills orchestra rendered some
delightful selections.
After the repast had been sat
isfactorily disposed of Mr. P.
Greenwood, manager of the Fed
eral Reserve Hank, gavo a most
interesting discourso upon our
birds and exhibited a number of
stcreopticon views of birds tak
cn by himself. Greater interest
in bird life was no doubt awak
ened as a result of his talk and
exhibits. The entertainment ho
thus generously provided was
highly appreciated. The secre
tary, Mrs. Montgomery, was in
strumental ir securing this feat
ure of the evening's enjoyment.
Pleasing readings were given
by Miss Mulkcy and Miss Ed
wards. The high school male
quartet rendered a couple of on
joyablo selections, and Mrs. Ga
briel Pullin delighted the a aud
ience with two solos that were
rendered in a most pleasing
manner. She has a magnificent
voice and the people of St Johns
are nlways greatly pleased to
hear her sing. She was accom
panied on tlio piano by Randolph
Howard. Ellery Landers of the
high school told about tlio high
school play to bo given Friday
and Saturday evenings, and the
manager of Th Tumalum mnde
a few remarks concerning it.
ic'John N. Edlefson gave a short
but interesting history of the
club, nnd wns followed by neat
little addresses by Dr. E. 1.
Horden, Prof. Fletcher and A.
E. Jones. Kenneth Brown of
Sellwood, who was present with
several others from that place,
made a pleasant address in
which ho said tlio pcoplo of Sell
wood wero planning to organize
n community club, after hearing
1- ACcnrtATcn cms-i m r rr
iiwuwvin i t-w 1.11 unit. unui u vunrunni iwii
u -
Four Kinds
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Big Fair Should Be Here
The suggestion that the big Fair
projected for Portland in 1925 be
located in North St. Johns is a
worthy one, and if the Fair mater
ializes no more fitting and logical
location for the five million dollar
project could be found. In north
St. Johns there is plenty of terri
tory available for the purpose, and
the setting would be most ideal.
Several developments, while not ab
solutely necessary, would be desira
ble in making the lower peninsula
incomparable for the purpose, such
as a high bridge here with trolley
Hues upon it, a roadway to the
Swift plant and Monarch mills,
and direct connection with Inter
state bridge by trolley, hard stir
face and trolley on Greeley street
and even a ship channel from just
north of the Terminal connecting
tuc Willamette and Columbia rtv
ers would be an immense boon with
its vast stretches of water frontage
thus created. Since Vancouver an
ticipatcs joining forces in the Fair,
provided it is realized, the construe
tiou of such a channel would prove
ol inestimable value, as the dis
tancc to Vancouver by water could
be shortened several miles. These
Innovations arc destined to come to
pass sooner or later, any why not
sooner, as they could be brought
about within the next four years.
And thus unsurpassed trausporta
lion could be effected by water,
railroad, trolley, roadway and air.
It would be eminently fitting that
the lower peninsula, which is des
tiucd to become the great mauufae
turinir and industrial nortion of tin
city of Portland, sliould be selected
for this World's Fair. Certainly
St. Johns should cast its hat In the
ring for the projected 1925 Fair.
of the fine success attained by
tho St. Johns Club, and that
they had come out to get boiiio
pointers. Mrs. Davis, public
welfare worker, told or tho good
work accomplished by tho var
ious local organizations n tho
welfaro work. Tho club passed
a resolution of sympathy for Mrs.
J. W. Threlfall and children up
on tho death of their husband
and father, an account of whoso
death appears elsewhere in this
paper. At the conclusion of tho
program dancing was indulged
When you think of RAIN
COATS think of ROGERS-
coat ROGERS.
Almost as Soon
As You Reach Home
you'll find our wagon at your door
filial with the coal you order. That
is the kind of prompt delivery we
inomisc, We fill every order at once
ect.use wl have I olh the coal and
the fncililii k for delivering it. So if
you huve in mediate need of rome
first cj ;ss coal place your order here
ai d rtuse worrying.
i m Vnntn axi am
of Laundry
FpotofBurlington St.
Deatli of Rev. Thrclfal!
Rov. John Wesley Threlfall,
pastor of tho Congregational
church, passed to the better
world on high Saturday, Janu
ary 15th, at tho Derr Sanitarium
on Kearney street, where he had
undergone an operation for
acuto appendicitis. Ho was
born in England July 6th, 1889,
and came to St. Johns from Bos-,
ton about six months ago to
accent the nastorate of the Con
irretrational church here. His
death was a distinctshock to the
community. During his short
stay in our midst he had made a
number of friends. He was
possessed of tho highest ideals
and finest attainments. He was
nleasant. agreeable and well lik
cd by all with whom he came in
contact. He held degrees from
Bowdoin College, the law school
of Harvard University, and
Bangor Theological Seminary.
He had also taken special work
at Harvard and Cliff College,
England. Rov. Threlfall left a
lucrative position in business,
tho management of the Threlfall
Bros. Silk mills to prepare for
tho ministry. The sympathy of
the cntiro community goes out
to Mrs. Threlfall and tho little
six year old boy and four year
old girl 'who survive. Funeral
services wero held at the Con-
Sregational church at 2:30 Tuea
ay afternoon, whero a largo
concourse' of friends paid their
last sad respects to tho depart
ed. Tho remains were taken to
tho Portland Crematorium, tho
St. Johns Undertaking Co. in
What's tho first thing a bil
liard ball docs when it stops
rolling? Looks round, of course.
You butter look 'round at tho big
values ROGERS offors in Mcn'a
Wearing apparel.
and Boy's
You can't help but recognize real values in my
Hal-c cinrl Cane That Fit Your Face
I iais ana v-aps anci pOCketbook
Doss of the Koad Overalls or
$15.00 Mackinaw, now
12.50 Mnckitiaws, now ...
11.50 Corduroy Coats, now,
1.25 House blippers, now
4.MJ uins Moodeu Kali! La
a,25 Work Pants, Special at
H.OO Night Shirts, Outing Manuel. ... 2. 00
Bank ol Commerce Building
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
Thomas Grlce, Manager
Office, Col. 527 PHONES Nlht, Col. 299 208 N. Jersey St.
Night or Day Calls Promptly Answered
LOW RENT enables us to give
our customers the benefit of
Very I.ow Prices.
Wc guarantee lower prices
" For a small annual premium we will issue a "
" Burglary Insurance policy protecting you against (1
" burglary, theft, larceny and holdup. (
i rnone uoi. ibi tor Kates
108 South Jersey St
- - f - -
Will Be Fine Edifice
Plans have been completed for the
new pioneer Methodist Ivpiscopal
church of St Johns nml construction
work will begin soon. The site
chosen for the new edifice comprises
100x165 feet just cast of the St Johns
public library at the corner of
Charleston and Leonard streets.
The main entrance to the church
is on Charleston street and the build
lug will set back from this thorough
fare at an equal distance with the
library. Lawns In front of the two
buildings will be divided by a Iieugc
of dwarf rose trees. Concrete steps
und a walk 12 feet in width will lead
from the street to the church en
trance. Prom the spacious lobby
access may be had directly to the
main auditorium, the Sunday school
room club room and community hall
alt of which arc independent units
of the edifice. There will also be an
exit onto Leonard street from the
Ground space covered by the
main structure is 45 by 88 feet, and
there will be n wing 23 by 36 feet in
dimensions. The auditorium will scat'
350 people and the Sunday school
room may be thrown open for an
addition of 175 to the seating capa
city. The clubroom 18 by 22 feet
in size is lighted by large fireplace.
This room will be used for church,
society and committee meetings and
as a refuge for small children during
church services.
The community hall in the base
ment of the church will be equipped
with gymnasium, shower baths,
handball courts, locker room and
kitchen. These faclliticM will be of
fered to the youth of the community
regardless of church connection and
the community spirit will feature
the work of the congregation.
Men's all leather WORK
SHOES $4.85. No kick in them
in them, but you can kick hard
with them-ROGERS.
Made of Ken! Leather and Pairly I'riccd
Jumpers. . SI. 75
$1.60 Tin Pants, now. $2.05
9.50 Raincoats, now 0.50
1.50 Work Shirts, now 95c
2.50 Work Shirts, now 1.75
2.00 Work Shirts, now 1.50
7.50 Corduroy Pants, now '1.85
7.50 Wool Pants, now l 85
2.75 Sweater Coats 1.00
I). no
pes. now
2 25
Not a Branch office of any
Portland Undertaking Co,
than you can get in the city
Insurance i
Phone Columbia 161 J
- - -
Letter Prom Dr. J. V. Scott
The 6th installment of an in
teresting letter from Dr. J. Vin
ton Scott, formerly a well known
dentist of St. Johns. Owing to
its length and the shortness of
our space it will bo published in
Wo pass throueh tho citv of
Tsinanfti, Shantung province.
Until the great war broke out
this was the center of German
developments in China. After
leaving Tsinanfu, we passed
through some fruit country, and
at one station 1 counted ono
hundred and seventvfour vendors
lined up back of the fence each
one had cither fruit or Chinese
chow to sell and every ono try
In ft at the ton of his voice to
drown out the others in telling
you what ho had, and when you
stop to think all this is in Chi
nese you can imagine how funny
it sounded.
The next afternoon after leav
ing Nanking wo arrived at Tint-
sin. This is another large city
with nuite a large foreign nomi-
lation. Wo did not stop here
only long enough to change trains
for reking. linlsing is the lar
gest seaport.
Wo rode in a chair car from
here to Peking. A littlo inci
dent happened hero that is worth
telling. A gent oman sat Just
across the aisle reading a news-
mpcr. As our chairs faced each
other I had nothing else to do at
the time but to look at tho back
of his paper, and noticed that it
was a home paper, tho Portland
Journal. After some time ho
got up and went out of tho car
caving tho paper in tho chair.
picked it up and. on looking
through it found on ono page as
big as life a largo picture of
mother. I hud to rub my oyos to
see if it was on tho paper or in
Open Evenings
"Say it iuiti
The appearance of your
house will be made more cheer
ful by the use of a pretty Kern
or Flowering Plant. I have
them at prices to suit all pocket
books, also Cut Flowers and
Floral Designs for all occa
sions. J3ecett v Qreenioitses
814 and 816 North Kellogg Strest
Phone Col. 401
The lae where kk1 service nun
courteous treatment prevail. Chlllrtii'
hair cutting receive M'eciul attention.
Phone Columbia 379
Res. Columbia 1131
Dr. F. P. Schultze
Physician and Surgeon
Room 4 Peninsula Hank HuilriiuK
For Fine Chocolates
Ice Cream, Tobacco and Chjars
311 South Jersey Street
HOYS' SHOES that really
wear good ROGERS.
my eyes. Really, dear mother,
thia world ia not very larpo of
tcr all. is it?
Well, in duo time wo arrived
at Peking or Bayging, fta it is
pronounced in Chinese. Our
friend met us and aoon wo were
walking through the big gate
into the city. A thirty minute
drivo in a ricksha and wo land
1 cd at the home of one of our mis
sionaries, Mr. Frederick Leo and
I Mr. HarriB. 'l hey have nice com
fortable auartcrs. althoush it ia
a Chinese compound. In fact
moat of the foreigners here live
tn uiinesc compounds.
After a good night's rest we
were ready to go out sight see
ing. I might lirst describe the
city In general. There is first
the outer wall which is forty
feet high and sixty feet wide at
the base. This is called tho
Tartar wall and was built eight
hundred years ago. Ihia was,
as the name indicates, built
for the protection of the Tartars.
It is thirteen milea in circum
ference. Inside this wall is the
Imperial City wall. Thia yall
iB much smaler.beingonly twen
ty feet hlirli. In Mm notiir nf
the city is tho Forbidden City
surrounded bv n wnll Thia wu
is thirty feet high and has a moat
ono hundred and twonty feet
around it with a bridirn r.mqiimr
at tho gates. Each of th
walla have largo towers at tho
entrances. In these towers are
the gates. There aro always
three mitou nml unmntimi.u flu..
The large gate in tho center waa
only used by tho Emperor. The
gatea to tho Tartar wall oven to-
uay aro cioseu at night, rfo Chi
nese may pass in or out during
the night and a foreigner may
pass only by a special pormit.
TIlQ HtrnntH rimiilmr fmm t,n
. f ..Villi iiiu
city from ono gate to another
aro straight and about ono hun
dred feet wide. Tho rest of tho
streets are narrow and crooked
although not so bad as a good
many other Chinese cities. Tlio
business is not carried in a cen
ter but is scattered out in dill'er
ent parts of the city. The wide
streets aro lined with small
shops, but tho bigger business
is scattered.
To bo continued.
One hundred Unit class onvel
opes with your name and ad
dress neatly printed on tho cor
ner for one dollar at tho Review
oillco. Additional 100 for 75c
The posloIIco depnrtmont ad.
Vises tho IISC of nr inter! rotnrn
envelope J.
As The Gift Ideal
We wish to impress this idea upon you Unit
Silver Remains Silver -G o I d Remains
Gold -Precious Gems ALWAYS Retain
Tholr Intrlnslo Value
"Jtibt like Motley in the Hank" is an Old Phrase, but
there is n lot of truth in it when you pnrcliabe Jewelry.
We inuke a specialty of expert Jewelry ami Wntch He
palriiiR. We make nny Old Gold Wedding Rings Over
Into New Ones.
New Gold Claws or SettitiR.i of White or KeRtilnr Color,
Gold on Diamond RitiRH nnd Ke-settlnn Stones the New Way.
How to Judge a Phonograph
Follew This Way of
Brunswick Owners
W. M. TOWER, Jeweler
ThurtdftV nml I'ridny, Jan. 20 nnd 21
Another ble "JAMES OLI
o the (roicn Northland. "NOM
National. lt' n good one.
Saturday, Jnunry 22
Mn. ANU Mtl. Until bH Ufc
HAVEN in "TWltf DKDS." A
Ide-spllttltig comedy drama.
Sunday, Jnntmry 2.1
"0001J KUl'URUNCKS" 1' I r 1 1
Monday nnd Tuesday, Jan. 24 nnd 25
11 AST" Kealart. Alao "l.oit
City" No. 12.
Wednesday, January
Thursday nnd l'rlday, Jan. 27 nnd 2rt
Tim picture you've been waiting for,
Was shown in Portland to S. It. (J.
(or two ucckt at COc. Wc oiler It to
you at our regular prices.
The Bank Of Commerce
116 North Jersey St.
Business concerns and
individuals are invited to
batik with this institution
under the assurance that
prompt aud courteous
treatment with every con
sistent accomodation will
always be extended. ,
Iielore you buy a jihononrupli,
wc sukkoI heuriiiK sevviul. It
will be to your udvuutuKe to nmkc
tone tests (or yourself.
1'lcasc do not think that this Ik
diftVult or that it takvsa musically
trained ear.
In over .'IU0.000 homes music
lovers enj v the Brunswick becautu
they have followed the above ad
vice, Critical people huve chosen
liruuswlcks because they have come
to atipruciute the betterments
otfortled by The Urunswick Method
of Kepioduotiou,
You need only hear The Uruns
wick play severu) selections you
need only compare it with one or
two other phonographs and you
will nppreclute the tone qualities
brought about by the Urunswick
Method of Reproduction,
Prpiojnphi ins! Records
Come in and find out for yourself.
You cannot afford to make u
mistake aud it costs you
nothiuK to be sure