THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW I A, W, Matklc, Editor 1 Published Friday of Each Week 404 N. Jersey St. Phone Col. 321 Subscription prlo $1.50 par yaar. Advertising rates. One week 40c ct inch; two weeks 371c jer Inch; ! weeks 35c per Iticb; jcr yenr 25c jcr inch; first page additional cfmrge; political, 50c per luch per week. Locals 10c per line for first insertion, 7jc subsequent insertions. Minimum 25c, Ads reset more than once in four weeks 5c per Inch nddi tlonal for each resetting. Tint KKVinw is entered nt post office in Portland, Oregon, ns mail matter of the second class under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. MMBMBttfcJMaBMi'i'l ' uTiln From "The Scandal" The IJaehclor Club's Olliclul l'njwr Uacuolor (to a cvrtnln maiden whom ho had called up Hlx nlghtH In hiiccuh nlon): "Hone, tliuro Ih Homething I watit to iwk you tonight. I um nfinld almot to usk you for four you will nay 'no,' ami 1 um praying you'll wiy 'yes.' This has burnt on my mind thu limt few duys contlnuitlly hut I ro nolvcd to say it tonight 1 mutit Hiiy It tonight. Do you think you'll Buy yen, darling?" lloo (snuggling closer): "Yes, dear." Ducholor; "Tomorrow Ih Tuesday nnd tho Club holds Its weekly meeting. llavo I your purmluslon to uttond? Nolo. Hlnco that tlmu lie euu hi' found each night In thu Club rouniH playing pudro. r Thu broUioru uud ludy frluuda uru to bu comiillmuntud on thu houIiiI uud ri iiuncUl tiuccom which inurked tho hiiH ket hocIuI of Uecombur 11. A coord crowd wan out nnd thu taut Hint! of tin present mciihdu marked tho iicoiihIoii. Thu club rooum wuru In 11 tidy condl Hon unil iircHuutvil food for cotmldcr nblo favorablo gouulp. Thu hull wiih blussvd with 11 pluuslng offoct, duo to Mumu urllHtlc work on thu purl of Tail, (luff and HI u ffy. TI10110 iifiilluiimu nun miiiiiu now uud novel Iduiui worked out with cedar ImmkIih nnd Oregon grunt'. Whllu tho daucu hull won ho InvltliiK thu othor roonm wuru no lowtt utntlly decorated. Ilrolhor Hip hud it uhiik of palnturM uud cleauerH under IiIm wtiteli lul uyo tho curly purl of tho wul;, mi that tint iiuurterri wcro Hplek uud npn thruout. Whenever 11 cleanup I Htngud In thu rooniH, llrollier .lp ihu nlly humltt the work and pluyH an un tiring part In thu 1 ole. Ah a piellml nary Item for Hie huitchm of our social functions Ilrolhor Zip Iiiih no pvr. And further mure ho Iiiih enjoyed UiIh rating for a goodly number of wutHtnit. (Jolting back lo I lie Imnliel hucIiiI ami (ho ovciiIiik'h fun wo van nay t lint It wiih uiuHily ull fun and excitement, dancing wiih Hid main hill of fan till thu orchcMtra wiih iIIhiiiUhciI at about 11:45. Then thu auction commenced and hul'Ii bidding iih I hero vmih! The iiiomI coin relieving auction tho writer over wIlneNHud and that Ih taking In illlllo a few, Including Ihu annual Hindi uliow al North I'orllaiiil whoru (hoy bid In five or mIx flgiiicM and who con voyorH to cart off tho mouiy,)joMii.' goon high I hero, but Ihu biiHltclH went higher here. A largo mciiHiiro of I he fuel ami urctlll gout to Dido, who showed carmarkH of a profcHHlouul auc tioneer. TIiIh Ih real credit an lie vol uuteurcd for thu pohIIIoii. Aiiyouu that can gut lop prlccH for every iiamici tie Nurveii a largo amount of pralHo uud he Hiiro filled the bill. Our popular prim dent, l-'looey, wiih led In the it'lar of Miioririco whon hu wiih um up 111 s.r.v hlu liuil Hiuui'kle, for u flfltfii lent banket of candy, lie wiih eoiirnnvui mid laid down thu account, men in formed tho varloim out that "II" wnn fine. During the bidding oil tin I.ihi banket, which wont to it record price of IL'3. '.lp ami Toiiuy nun u niiitnt nil Imttlt) with Tuhpy coming out 011 (he winning tmd. 'lp Iiiiiik on till Iij had tho farm iitorlgagcil ami fur a mirkci couldn't bo html, except by li Ih ninn opulent oppmituit. Thu auction netted approximate!) $200. which, iih ban Ihh-ii thtt ciihIoiii if tho club, to devote to CIiiIhIiiiiib cheer III thu couiiituiilly. Canla of thunliH notlcow me churned for at tho riiUs of lifty cents unch. 1'ornoiiH (lutiii-iiiK to have Htieh notieoa piililiMhed Hhoultl make a note of tliiu. One hundred 11 rat ol is envoi- open with your nauio and ail dresa neatly printed on tho cor ner for one dollar at tho Review ollice. Additional 100 for 7fii. Tho postotllco tit'piDtiiu'nL ad. virfOH tho tiso of printed return cnvolopos. . Meet the I Home Merchant I Half Way THE GOLDEN EGG By Cccille Langdon 1(c), 320. Wmtorn Nawapapr Union ) ANTA CLAUS wiih expected lo arrive In prodigious grandeur around Helmxhy Corner. Thu niiind applied to n block of tenements n good dcnl nbuvu nqunlor . . .kTT7j. nuu tne general iin.Mgiiiii WS? ties of tho hIuiiis, tilllloiigh Its population mainly rep resented poor, while thrifty people. i'ho men were hard working nnd so her. (lie women Industrious and rare ly sliitlcrnly. In fact, old John Helms by, who owned tho square of build Ing. hud (elected n reputable clien tele ns to tenantry, nnd In lower cir cles HelniMhy Corner held n certain air of nrlslocrncy. Ivan Vlihil was a decided Instltu Hon of the ptnee. Old residents could remember him hack for ten years. He wim n little, brlcht-pyed ninn whoe constant smile nnd eager, friendly ways scnttercd sunshine. "I hnvc to work hard. I have a big family, you know," Ivnn delighted to tell strangers and new friends. And then he would count on his lingers, "(Iraiidpii. Oriimlmti, and Ihu five lit tie children," and the lovcllght would coino Into bis eyes as he enumerated (hem upcriilenlly: "llebecca, Ituchel, Itulli, .liirnb nnd Levi." Hut the big family did not entirely represent kith and hlu of the generous heurleil fellow who hud conic flout IdM home tieriws the water Willi a wife, to lose her In a your, and to have her aged father ami mother, nelllicr now lit for hard work, iih pciimIoiioi'h upon his bounty. How gladly uud uuelf I h 1 1 1 this was awarded, the uniform willing klnduiwH ami euro of (van nuinlfcMcd to all tho world. He did not earn much mid their quartern were confined, but nut only did hn inaiiiige lo nmke the old piople com forluble, but when a cIo.ho friend, a widower, died, Ivan adopted his tfou little ouch. "I have none; they mIiiiII ho as my own," lie pledged himself, mid never fulled In Ihu sacred pledge. Ivan was a peddler of plus, needles, yum, and boxe, An Incident occurred about six months before Christians that gave Ivan 11 secret lo keep, but Hie result of which ho did not experience until Inter. One day quite a distance from Hie city, sealed eating IiIh humble lunch 011 tho veranda of a road liouso ho overheard two men talking. They mentioned a iitiuui that caused Ivan to prick up his curs. It wiih that of A I ma llelniHhy, the daughter of his wealthy landlord. Ivan wiih quick willed, plecinl together Hie fuels mimed, and comprehended that one of the men expectisl to huvo MM HcIiiih- by meet him noun In her automobile ami they were lo elope. KuoumIi wiih kIchiunI by Ivhii lo confirm the fact Hint the fellow wiih a inoicllcn scoun drel alieady married, and only after the money of the rich helrens. It wax by pure (iriiim-tauic Hint an hour later Ivan dime uhiii MIhh lleluisby In her liUloinoMIe In bis a-S r Silk He knows YOUR seeds. Ho knows the NEEDS OF THE TOWN. You'll get BETTER TREAT- 1 1 KENT and BETTER GOODS t in this tows than you will any- t where ele. 1 iveep the Dollars In Town liiine, lint coin lining way be told her of the true ili.:i;itlcr of her lliince. She bellevtHl him, and pule and In learn returned home, offering him money for Ids fccnlce, which Ivnn re fiiMtl, and Imploring him lo keep the entire matter secret. Ivan had forgot 1 en all about this In cident as time pusnsl on, It was Hear ing holiday time when ho cmiio homo from 0110 of his trips with it bug full of farm plunder for tho little ouch and a great fat white gooxo. It was to tdguulUc their Christmas dinner and was an object of Immense Inter 14.1 to thu cxpcvtiiut children. Little I.uvl had set xoiuo hay uiidor the fowl, "lo lay an egg 011," he put It, and the spirit of tho wagon lufoi'lod all bauds. Then a queer thing happened. John lleluisby dropped In several (hues during the week. He evinced it new uud mysterious Interest In Ids poor tenant. Then, Just a day before Christinas, he brought his daughter with him. .Mr. lleluisby had been told nil about the goose and the expectant egg. and his daughter bud to bo show 11 (he prUed fowl by little Levi, She gave Ivan an Intense look ns bhe departed, and tho honest peddler was in) stilled Just then. Not later, however, on Christmas morning, when Levi burst Into the room excitedly with the Incredible announcement : "Ob, father, father, tho goose has laid a golden egg I" And there In his hand was the evl doiuvu glided paplcMiuiche egg, and Inside of It was found two $1,000 bills, Ivan VldHl's reward for saving h young girl from a lifetime of misery, and keeping Ids knowledge a secret. The poor, honest fellow wept for Joy as ho realised how much the great gift meant to himself and those he loved upon that blessed, happy Christ uius morn. ROY WILCOX The well known TRANSFER MAN Has shown iipuuin with tt new O. M. C Tittik ready to do nil kinds of Transfer, with Daily Tilps to the City Located at 508 N. JERSEY STREET Battery Prices are DOWN Replacements for All Cars Don't forget we take care o anything Electrical on the An to or ! St Johns Auto Electric Service Cor.Jcrscy and Charleston Sts Phono Columbia 80 Quality Canned Goods Wc protect our custom ers by handling only such brands of conned goods whose makers have high reputations to uphold. There are nomcroos poorer erodes mnrkclcd which wc ! have carefully avoided tn V. sclcctinn for our trade. i though wc might profit more jl by slocking them jl 1 The prices of these bolter grades arc low enough to V $ suit all. L, SIMMONS & GO. GROCERS Ml l'esicmLii I'hoiie Coliimbl.i HO Save Money By buying your Groceries at C. L Holmes' Grocery Store lCvorythincr at Cash and Carry Prices and Delivered to your home. Green Vegetables Daily, all of the Host Quality. 302 Fessenden Street Cor. Oswego W. A. CARROLL Real Estate Broker Own Your Home New Listings for your ius peetion now on file at our of lice. Some fine hnrgaius in homes both city and country. Phone Columbia 1285 301 N.Jersey St COR HAl.TIMORK i. i mm . "J We Can't Figure Out Vh any one will neglect their eyes, when we fit glasses ami gnurnntee satisfaction DR. W. J, GILSTRAP lMtysiciuu uiul Surgeon ST. JOHNS, - ORKOON I 1 1 mm Poff & 0'NeiI TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sutul niul CI ravel Daily Trips to Portland Phone Col. 308 206 N. JERSEUl Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office 107 N. Jersey Street Phone Col. 887 Ruldtnoa Col. 389 FUNERALS Bonutlful gray or blnok ndult cnsXot, henrsr, box, 2 nutos ombnlmlntj and refln od service for MIM.HR TltACKY I'unernls it iloslrerf for tW, $80, f 10, $00. IIlKhcr jirlrwl funeral? In pro jwrtlon. Wc nmnufneturf coskeU. l.mly tiMNtnnt Ilcmitlfiil fuucrnl chnncl, MILLER & TRACEY Main 2691 Indopondtnt Funoral Directors A 7B05 Wnjlitnglon at Llla Street, Dctwccn 20th aand 2sl Sticel, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative 614 Central Ave. N. Phone Columbia 888 Remember GOOD LIGHT Stops Waste and Saves the Eyes The case with which rt workman sees his books and materials, determines in a great part, the quality of his work, as well as its quantity. This also applies to the Home. In Working or Reading you will appreciate Bryant Marsh Mazda Lamps. All kinds and styles at Standard Prices.. liuy Electric Goods at an Electric Store Peninsula Electric Ce. Phone Col. 977 109 S. Jersey SI. Four Kinds of Laundry HIGH GRADE FINISHED WORK ECONOMY FAMILY WORK ROUGH DRY WET WASH A 7 u u v TELEPHONE EAST H91 . JOY SERVICE The quickest; The best; The cheapest; Suits Pressed 45c Dry Cleaned $1.25 "LUT JOY DO IT" You Hring and Take Away is the Reason 4 Stores 217 N. Jersey Street The Bank Of Commerce 116 North Jersey St. Business concerns and individuals are invited to bank with this institution under the assurance that prompt and courteous treatment with every con sistent accomodation will always be extewled. llu,vAor w sd avis'1' e an("e Everything in Real Psttlte Homes, acnut Lots, Acre- Fire Insurance and Notary Public SS'"!' List your jwoperty with me if jou , Qr So)U soe desire to sell quickly ; Don't send your printing out KILL & 1 Jl 1 L of town. , 107 N. Jersey Columbia 8S7 WE AWE ARMED TO WAGE A FI&HT FOR THE MEATS WE Kf0' ARE RIGHT! WE HAVE ALWAYS FOUGHT FOR PURE meats. Wc won't allow a piece of meat to come into this market that doesn't live up to what wc expect of it. It must be able to stand the tests, we give it. Folks know when they buy a pound of meat of us they have purchased sixteen ounces of wholesome purity. i ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET GEO. W. IMBODEN, Prop. 109 Nortit Jersey Street Market Phone Columbia 21 Mrs. Homelover: There's a charm and a comfort in a room with nice chairs; they make a room look "livable." Wc have a complete line of chairs, all kinds of sixes and for every room. These chairs arc from reliable makers, who put properly seasoned wood into them; they are strongly made, beautifully upholstered and handsomely finished. For a Chair, or any other piece of Hirniturc, or a Rug, come to the store where you get the UP-QUALITY and the DOWN-PRICE. H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jersey St. Ft) Selected Teas and Coffees 01 For your own daily use or for spe cial occasions when you want the very best of Coffecj and Teas for the least money. Our Coffees are all high qualityfinest flavor, best selected beans, all evenly roasted. No matter what price you wish to pay, wc can please you. And our stock of Teas is made up of the choic est varieties of leaf any thing you want both as to flavor and price. Try us. MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phone Co!. 118 St. Johns Lumber Co, Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 c nor FootofBurlington St. CHAMBERS COMPANY j. G. Clumber Mrs. 11. R. Iwry Funeral Directors 24S-250 Kiilingsworth Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON Telephones: '.Voodlawn 3306 C 1133 Mr. Chambers is the only G. A. R. undertaker in the citr of Portland. "Personal attention and supervision' given to arrangements, Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 North Jersey Streel Day Phone Columbia 97 Night Phone Columbia 690