St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 07, 1921, Image 1

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Letter Prom Dr. J. V. Scott
The 3rd installment of an in
terestinir letter from Dr. J. Vin
ton Scott, formerly a well known
dentist of St. Johns. Ovvintr to
its length and the shortness of
oar space it will be published in
After a ride of eiiilit mid a half
hours we arrive at the city of Nnn
king. This city is the old enpitnl
of China. About five hundred
years ago after a very severe bat
tle at which time the densely popu
lated city was reduced to a mass of
ruins, the capital was removed to
Peking. At the present time the
city is not much more than a collec
tion of villages surrounded by mas
sive w.ill. At night the gates to
the city arc closed and no one may
go in or out until morning. Our
friends met us at the train and we
were carried away in two Naukiug
public curriagetr, nud as wc stand
ut n distance and cast our eyes over
these conveyances we are struck
with awe and wc touch the vehicle
and caress the animal with revcr
once as for the moment wc think
they arc relics and last surviving
creatures of the old Ming Dynasty,
but on close examination .wc find
that they are not old but well worn.
Before going to the Immc of our
friends wc arc driven through the
city to sec a few things of interest.
As wc pass the homes wc stop and
look in. They arc dirty as usual,
with chickens, ducks, dogs and
pigs running in and out. Wc sec
in front of n little window a woman
or girl weaving with an old, and
the crudest kind of a loom the most
beautiful silks one would ever wish
to sec, nud in the most delicate
shades. I low these silks arc kept
from getting soiled is a stirprjsc to
us. We pass through the city now
through the great gates leading out
to the Ming tombs. As wc pass
through the gates we meet men
with burrows on which are loaded
great bundles of grass being brot in
to be iced for fuel. Just on the
outside of the gate is a, humble
home, but in the yard is n stone
mill at which the mother and sou
are working. It is the same kind
of a mill used in grinding flour, hut
here they are taking n native bean
called the Soy beau and arc grind
ing it tip preparatory to making
bean curd, a very common dish
among the Chinese. I tried to take
their pictute At work, but these
people are very superstitious no I ran
away, but the jingling of a few
coppers before their eyes allayed
Community Club Meets IStli
Tuesday evening, January i8th,
the St. Johns Community Club will
celebrate its first anniversary in be
fitting style at the club rooms of
the Pottlaud Woolen Mills. Wal
ter Jenkins, Portland famous song
leader, will take part in the eclcbra
tion as will
and reader. Dinner will be served
nud a rousing good time will be en
joyed. New membership cards will
be issued at this time. Keep the
date open and be sure to attend.
Uring your friends. It will be
well worth while.
Dental Clinic in Local Schools
Patrons of the various schools
of this section arc aware that
through tho agency of the Jun
ior Red Cross a dental clinic is
held every school forenoon, nnd
that many of tho purTils have
boon the recipients of extensive
their superstitions and I was able
to get a fairly good pictute.
To be continued.
.... . UUbll bllU tlibl
uiso a noieu sncaKcr uini i !...
. hi i , uciiiui num. xnv milium cum-
menccd in October at tho Ports
mouth school where GOO pupils
were examined and 213 were
operated unon. Tho S tton
school came next, nnd the George
school completed the term be
fore tho holidays, addine 510
examinations and 123 patients
to tliu above figure. In all
more than 1000 separate opera
tions hnvo been nlrendy comnlet
ed, including cleanings, fillings
and extractions, and hundreds
of children have been referred
to their local dentists. The
clinic now in oporntion at tho
Williams school is in charge of
ur. w. D. AlcMIIIan, who was
for thirteen years a practicing
dentist at LnGrande, and who is
now a resident of Portland with
offices in tho Oroironian build.
injr. He is greatly interested
in this cluss of work and reports
the utmost interest on tho nnrt
of his patients. In mnny in
stances ho rcnorts that tho chil
dren clamor to be the next vie-
tnn, nnd tho efforts of hta nurau
assistant nro required to untan
gle the disputes. Miss Vornn
Haskell of St. Johns is the nurso
assisting and her acquaintance
with tho local littlo folks is nn
important factor in tho work.
Dr. McMillan requests the co
operation of parents in the im
portant work now be nir enrr od
on nnd an invitation is extended
to tlioso interested to visit tho
school nnd see what is being ac
complished. Mr. Ulough, Miss
Stevens nnd Mr. WilliamB,
principals repectivoly of tho Sit-
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Holmes o
302 Fesenden street were hosts
to a largo number of guests at a
New Year 8 party Saturday eve
ning. Guests included 13. M.
Cnstillon, E. Gasion, Roquc Ri
vera, Georgo Cabal, George Es
guerro, A. Guemare, Enos Agtir
inaldo. J. Rcverdia, F. Quiaio.
Mnrccio, Martinez W.Cermouiss,
William Lucion.K. Eutaquio Iiii
dn, Max Oro, G. M. Ignncin and
Lcopoldo Tcodoro, all members
of n iMllpno orchestra, and Mr.
nnu Mrs. w. uurloy, Mr. nnd
Mm. Harry Fassott, Mr. and
Mrs. P. A. Emcrick, II. Smith
Miss Isabel Smith and Mildrcc
nnd Charles Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Kellow, Tes8io Kellow, Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Hlow, Mr. und Mrs.
S. C. Cook. Mr. nnd Mrs. Er
nest Million. Vivian Million,
Mrs. Susan Holmes, Miss Annie
Hu mes, Miss lercsn Smith,
Francis Homlcs, Miss Penrl Em-
crick and Fred Benedict.
"in some parts oi Africa a man
doesn't know his wife until after
he has married her," said Mrs.
Gabb. as she looked up from the
newspaper she was reading.
"Huh" replied Gabb. "why men
tion Africn specially?" Cincinnati
Dickson had been absent from his
office for several days and on his
return n friend insisted on knowing
where he had been.
"Out to see a friend of mine who
hns a still," confessed Dickson.
"And did you sample the stuff f"
the friend demanded.
"I guess I must have," he sighed.
"there are still two days I can't
account for. -"Lrs Angeles Times.
keep your house warm and
comfortable. Let us send
you some of our clean high
grade coal for your furnace
or stove. Don't let your
house get cold for the luck of a
little coal. We have enough to
supply your needs'for n time any
ton and George schools, are loud
in their praise of tho clinic, nnd
wero only regretful that it could
not romain longer with them.
The school dentist will be glad
to ndviso with any parents who
may desire information as to tho
dental defects of the children.
Dr. McMillan, besides being
vico president of the State Den
tal Association, is secretary of
tho Stato Board of Dental Ex
aminers, and as such is well
known to tho local members of
tho profession.
A teacher in a primary grade
was using her most ingratiating
manner to make the subject of
physical geography attractive
to her pupils, wow can anyone
toll me what shape tho world is T
Joseph arose rnpiply as his hand
unfurled to the summons.'am.he said, my father
says it's in a h 1 of a shape.
-New York Evening Post.
Two knaves walked past n gal
lows; said the one: Now Pedro,
where would ye be If yon gallows
had Its due?
Second Knave. Walking alone,
Adolphus, walking alone. Huston
Susie "Papa what uinkcs'n man
always give a woman a diamond
engagement ring?
Her Father "The woman"
Edinburgh Scotsman.
"Let mo hnvo sleeping accom
modations on tho train to San
Francisco," I said to tho man at
tho window. "For n single pas
senger?" he finally said. "No,"
I replied; "I'm married but I'm
not taking anybody with mo. A
sincle shelf will answer." "Up
per or lower7" he nsked. "What
is the difference" I inquired.
When people want to interest
fricndB in their home town they
send away copies of tho local
newspaper. When anyone wants
to know what kind of n place a
distant town is ho sands ior a
copy of tho local nowspnper.
When the morchnnts aro full of
courage and ndvertiso freely an
impression in created among tho
many people outside the townwho
enmo tho answer. Our nriccs to seothonanerthnt this ib an ex
San Francisco are $3.G0 and 'ceedingly bright and wideawake
$1.50. You understand, of business town. If nt times the
course," exclnimcd tho agent, ! merchants let up a little on the
the is higher than tho advertising tho town docs not
upper, lho higher price is look so good to outsiders, lour
PJrstTrniup it's no good calling
at that there house, them people's
Second Tramp Hint so?
Pirst Tramp Yes; nnd they've
n dorg wot nlu't. London Ideas.
tor thu lower berth, it you
wnnt it lower you'll have to go
higher. Wo sell the upper low
er than lower. In other words
tho higher tho fewer." "Why
do they all prefer tho lower?" 1
broke in. "On account of its
convenience" ho replied. "Most
persons don't like tho upper, al
though it's lower, on account of
it being higher, and because
when you occupy nn upper you
Inwe to get up to go to bed nnd
then get down when you get up.
I would ndviso you to take the
ower although it's higher than
the upper for tho reason I have
slated that tho upper is lower
than the lower becnuso it is
lighcr. You can have tho lower
f you pay higher: but if. you
nro willing to go higher it will
vj lower." Ex.
A bishop encountered nn old
Irishmnu turning a windlass which
hauled up gravel from n well that
was heinir dun. Ills hat was off
and the sun wns pouring on his un
protected head. "Don't you know
that the sun will Injure your brain
if you expose it like that?" said the
The Pilgrim Fathers, wc nrc told bishop. The Irishman wiped the
never made nnyChrlstmns presents, sweat off his forehead and looked
There arc some ways hi which we J at the clergyman. "Do you thiffk
have to hand it to those old fellows. I'd lie (lomg tins an nay it i mm
Uoston Transcript. nny brains?" he said. Kx.
-Gigantic Feed Sale-
Crown Plour ?2 50 per 49 lb. Sack
Scratch Peed Peninsula, Golden Rod, Olympic, Kerr Gifford
and Albers Brands. $3 20 per 100 lb. Sack
Whole Corn $2.40 per 100 lb. Sack
Cracked Corn $2. 55 per 100 lb. Sack
Rolled Oats. S1.G0 per GO lb. Sack
Rolled Barley, Process $1.95 per 75 lb. Sack
Best Grade of Rock Springs Lump Coal, Per Ton $15 50
Above Prices are at the Store (uot delivered) for cash only
Also Hay, Straw, Shiugles, Cement, Etc. fc
Peninsula Mercantile Co.
670 W, Lombard SI, Phone Col. 795
403 Titford Iluildiug
410 Oswego Street.
Res. 515 Aiusworth Ave.
11 AM ST
Columbia 554
WoodUwn 2002
Acetylene WEiDHfQ
Forge welding
, -FOOT OF iORLHWOrt 5 rfiE Et
SLICKERS - $2.95 TIN PANTS - $2.95
Boss of the Road OVERALLS - - $1.75
Btfk of Commerce Buying
Open Evenings
uaner then is the representative
the spokesman for your com
munity. As your publication ap
pears to those outaidc your im
mediate locality bo your town
appears to them. Editorials and
items of news all have their place
but the stranger to your town
will closely follow advertising
carried in your paper.for by this
means ho judges tho character
and extent of tho business of
the community. Ex.
Sunday, JnmiBtj' Dili
A Uex lleach Special, "GOING
SOME" GoMwyn. And a Mnrk
Sennctt comedy. Some show.
Monday nud Tuesday, Jan. 10 and 11
A strong Western picture, "WHHN
"Usf City" No. 10.
Wednesday, Jnnunry 12th
The most spectacular racing picture
ever produced, "THE WHIP."
I do not care
For old tnnii Drown,
lie thinks we have
A rotten town.
He knocks by night
And ronsts by dny,
And yet he doesn't
Move nwny. Kx.
We editors nre nt henrt n truthful
hunch of fellows. Aud yet when
dentil overtakes tiome skntc we have
to pay irlowlni! tributes to his
virtues when we know darned well
he is shaking hands with the devil
Kvcrclt (Pn.) Republican.
A man should civo his wifo
something for Christmas, that
alio wouldn't buy herself."
"That's my idea." "What have
you selected?" "A shot jrun."
- LouiHVillo Courier Journal.
A lot of Democrats had just aol
their feet under the pie counter in
W nshiniMon when some smart utiys
passed around thu toothpicks.-
uriisii (Loio.) KcntiDllcuu.
Don't smoke around a Karage.
f your life
;asolltie is.
isn't worth anything
To the ball room dance wear
Resident of St. Johns lmviui! tuict
und city liens to y In Portland con
eucc I iv uvflllhiK tlieniMilvrit of our er
vices. we will imy nunc nud secure your
make their payment liiioiivenl-
receipt without inconvenience to you,
I'ec, UTo. References: Any St. Johns
Hank. Peninsula litle, Alxtrnct nud
Realty Co., Iiy II. llcuderi-oii, Manager;
402 North jersey Street.
Thursday nnd l'rlday, Jan. 13 nnd 14
a uohiwyii supcr.spccial lu 7 nets,
ICE," filled with tense situations
and nctlou.
Real Estate
1'lftceii yenr lu the business lu St.
Johns. I.lst your property with us. Wc
make Mlea. S. C. COOK, 402 N. Jersey
Pulley & Zurcher
Plumbing, Heating & Tinning
WcdKpnir Aluminum Ware
rhoue Col. 92 207 S. Jersey St.
(Llccntitntc of the Royal Academy
of Music, London.)
Teacher of Piano
1957 IIodj;c St. Phone Col. 87a
Violin Instruct! :i:
STUDIO, 215 N. Syracuse Street
l'hone Columbia .102
Davis Barber Shop
5. K. DAVIS, Woprictor
08 Philadelphia St. Hat lis 3fc
Contract Painter
507 Ensl Allegheny St.
l'hone Columbia 1212
1 a nice Lots in the henrt of
St. Johns, Portland, Oregon.
public, Washington.
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
Thomas Grice, Aknager
Office, Col. 527 PHONES Nllit. Col. 299 208 N. Jersey St.
Night or Day Calls Promptly Answered
LOW RENT enahles us to give
our customers the benefit of
Very Low Prices.
Not a Branch office of any
Portland Undertaking Co.
We guarantee lower prices than you can get in the city
A dependable insurance agency,
giving superior service.
All Lines of Insurance
108 South Jersey St
Phone Columbia 161
"Say it wlti !9iomers"
The appearance of your
house will be made more cheer
ful by the use of a pretty I?eru
or Flowering Plant. I have
them at prices to suit all pocket
books, also Cut Flowers and
Floral Designs for all occa
3ecett' s Qreenfioitses
814 and 816 North Kellogg Sire
Phone Col. 401
The lil ace where wood service una
courteoui treatment prevail, Clillilrcu'i
hair cutting receive kpeciul attention.
Phone Columbia 379
Res. Columbia 1131
Dr. F. P. Schultze
Physician and Surgeon
Room 4 Peninsula Dank Ituilditin
For Fine Chocolates
Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars
811 South Jersey Street
IhiKkil Dull Shoes.- HOtiKltS
Heavy Cashmere SOCKS 35c,
Now is Your Opportunity :
To Buy Good Standard
Merchandise at Very
Much Reduced
We offer you the following at such
low prices
Universal Electric Goods, Percolators, Grills, Irons,
Heating Pads, Heaters, Etc. 1-3 Off List Prices.
Pyralin Ivory, Dubarry and other patterns of
Brushes, Combs, Hair Receivers, Jewel Hoxes,
Perfume Bottle, Shoe Horns, Button Hooks,
Nail Files, Etc. 1-3 Off.
Perfumery and Toilet Preparations, Singles and in
Set. 1-3 Off.
Knickerbocker Hath Sprays 1-3 Off.
Ladies' Purses and Hand Bags. 1-3 Off.
These with a great many other
bargains are to be found here.
Watch our Window Currin
Says So.
Converto Cabinets for small Victrolas. They make
your small machine look like the larger cabinet
machines. 1-3 Off.
Curriii's for Drugs
3 pair i.oo ROOKRS, of course.