St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 31, 1920, Image 3

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    5, v
We Wish
OAmandu Baos
Happy New Year
Among the things to be thankful for at this
season is the downward trend of food prices. We
are all grateful for that.
But the owners of the Grabateria are par
ticularly thankful for the handsome business it has
done all thru this year.
It is to our many patrons we wish to ex
press our appreciation for their patronage and
'ood will that has enabled us to be a factor m the
Ife of the best locality in the City of Portland.
So we extend to you all our best wishes for
a Happy New Year.
Scales & Currier,
... ..... ..-.srayo-ca
iaTr -llT--l-l---..-
The Season's Greetings
Among our assets we like to count the only one that money cannot buy
your good will. And so at this Holiday Season we extend to you not as a
customer alone, but as a friend the Best of Wishes for the coming year.
The Prescription Store
A most lutppy and prosperous
rscw icar lo nil our rentiers.
Put off until tomorrow only
the tilings you shouldn't do nt
In this country it's "Who's
Who," but in CentrnI Europe
it's "Vitch's Vilch?" Ex.
Mr. and Mrs. M. 13. Limilcy
of Dctui, Oregon, arc visiting
the former's pu rents here.
I3orn To Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Jones, 2071 Willamette boulc
vnrd, Dec. 20th, a baby boy.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stack of Sal
cm arc visiting nt the home of
the hitler's sister, Mrs. Edward
The classes jit the Y. W. C.
A. will resume next week as
usual, after the holiday inter
Miss Maud Chollnr. domestic
science instructor of James
John High school, spent Christ
mas in Tncoma.
Mr. and Mrs. William Little
of Yamhill have been guests nt
(lie Home oi the latter s wire nls.
Mr. and Mrs. James Sterling.
Los Angeles appeals for tents
to shelter the houseless. Shel
ter them from what? That
splendid climate? Kansas City
Mrs. Sarah Kemp. Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Mason and son,
Weslev Mason. Imva lioen
spending a few days witli rela
tives in Lorvnllls.
John Huruer of Summit. Idtf-
ho, has purchased the residence
at :J28 Kosscndcn street of C. A.
WaL'ner and will shortly move
in with his family.
The ('.renter St. Johns Neatly
company sold some lots in East
St. Johns last week upon which
it is expected several residences
will he creeled in the spring.
Miss Florence Davis, instruc
tor of history in Euueuu liluh
school, is spending the holidays
Willi her lalher anil mother.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Davis.
Mrs. Hoy llrucc of Seattle
spent Christmas with her sister,
Mrs. Adam Treher. Their fa
ther from Hosehurg also spent
Christmas at the Treher home.
Mrs. (ieorgc Lynn of Hood
Hiver was u St. Johns visitor
(lie first of the week. She left
Tuesday evening for a nix
weeks sojourn in Los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Film
and two children of La (Iraudc,
Oregon, were Christmas guests
or Mrs. IS, II. Johnson. Mrs.
Film's sisler, last Saturday and
H. Peck of 7M S. Crawford
street won two first prizes nt
the recent poultry sltow'in Port
laud. One was for single cock
erel and the. other for young
pen or Illmdc Island Whiles.
Lester E. Hickman of Kfhi
Leonard street, St. Johns, and
Miss Grace Miller or North
Hend, Oregon, were united in
marriage ly Judge N. J. Chap
man of Klamath Falls Dec. 17.
They will make their home in
Klamuth Falls for the present.
Mrs. LcHoy Crouchley enter
tained the members of the Al
truistic Club, Pythian Sisters,
at her home, 920 Central ave
nue, at an all day meeting Dec.
28th. with a uood attendance.
The next meeting will he Jan-
uary inn.
Dr. Herbert F. Jones will con
duct evangelistic services in the
Vancouver Christian church
during the month of January.
While he is engaged in this
work he will also take care of
his practice here, as he will
drive hack after each service
S. A. Conner will occupy the
pulpit of the local Christian
church while Dr. Jones is oc
cupying the Vancouver pulpit.
The Pioneer Methodist Epis
copal Sunday school of St.
Johns held their Christmas
service on Friday evening, Dec.
2-1, in the church. The Young
Women s class, under the di
rection of Mrs. W. E. Kloster,
teacher, opened the service with
a beautiful pantomime, "The
Coming of the Wise Men and
the Shepherds to the Manger."
The old time Christmas spirit
was shown throughout the pro-
Sram nnd emphasized by n can
y treat for the children. A
small box containing $12 was
presented to the Hev. and Mrs.
Kloster, and also a pair of blan
kets from special friend made
the Christmas spirit more of
the old time joy to both pastor
and people. Mrs. L. F. Boscow
was also presented with a fifty
two piece dinner set as a token
of appreciation for her service
as musical director of the choir.
On Sunday morninc $70 was
added to the Armenian relief
Don't forget lo make it 1921
when dating a letter.
There, little nickel, don't you
cry; you'll buy a cigar by and
The old-fashioned man who
could drink or let it alone is
now letting it alone.
If tliis tiling keeps on the
only thing that can he brewed
at home will be trouble. Ex.
Miss Lena Cochran and her
brother, Arnold Cockran, of
Lcwiston, Idaho, are visiting
lor the holidays with V. v.
A baby boy arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James
S. Mousey at Vancouver, Wash.,
Christmas niorniiw. Mrs. Mou
sey was formerly Miss Pearl
Monroe of bt. Johns,
An awful wail is going up
from the South because of the
drop in the price of cotton, hut
blessed if wc can see but what
it costs ten more now lo
spit a little of it than it ever did
before. Ex.
George M. Graden and wife
of Detroit. Michimin. are here
spending the holidays with his
father and mother, brother and
sisters. Mr. Graden is an en
gineer on the passenger run be
tween Detroit and Moulpelier,
The Altruistic Club. Pythian
Sisters, gave a Christmas enter
tainment in Hickner Hall Dee.
21st. A tree was furnished and
speaking and singing were en
joyed by all, after which Santa
Clans arrived and gave bags
of candy and nuts lo the chil
dren present. A delighllul
evening was enjoyed by all
present. Heporled.
Laurel Lodge No. 180, I. fl.
O. F or St. Johns, held Its an
nual home coming ami roll call
Monday night. Six veteran
cwels, (.. II. lhaycr, ti. i
lendricks. Gilbert Ward, F. I.
leant. J. S. Jones, members for
twenty-five years, ami F. M.
tallihurn, member lor loriy
ivc venrs. were presented by
J. M. Hart, past grand chaplain
of the grand lodge.
Anna Hercovich became the
bride of Leon Stearns nt u wed
ding solemnized at the home or
the brides nnrenis, ui 1'irst
street, by Habbi J. H. Faivusho
vlch, Sunday. More than 100
guesls attended the ceremony
and weddinu dinner. Mr.
St citrus is proprietor or u gro
cery store, corner or Fessenden
nnd Meyers streets, SI. Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. SleiirnsNon nit'
Sentlle for a week's wedding
trip, after which they will he at
home here.
In un excittnu basket hall
game at the skating rink Mon
thly evening the M. Jonas miiii
ber Co. club gave the strong
Alameda club a hard tussle, til-
thout! h the latter won out by a
score of. 20 to 10. Hloom, Davis
and Serber starred for the lo
cals. Wednesday evening, Jan
uary mil, the Hachelor Club
and St. Johns Lumber Co. Club
will oppose each other at the
local skaling rime and a goon
game is anticipated.
The II. H. Gumption Heliel"
Corps No. 52 or St. Johns will
have no regular meeting until
January lHth, when they will
have u joint installation with
the Post. Dinner will be served
promptly at noon in the Post
nail. Would like to have every
member or the Corps come,
with a well Tilled basket ami
give the comrades a dinner to
be remembered. Hy order or
the President.
Congregational Church- Pas
tor, Hev. J. W. Tlirelfull. New
Year Sunday exercises: Sunday
School 10 to 11. New Year
service at 11. subject. "Obey
That New Year Impulse." New
, ...Ml I... -! ! 1
memuers win m; rcurivcw mm
l lie church and the Lord's Sup
per administered. livening
service 7:150 to 8:110. Subject,
"Conversion." Make this ltrsl
Sunday in the New Year a go-to-church
The- contract for pulling pil
ing and building bulkheads at
the drydock as a part of the
repair work on the dock ami
preparing the site Tor the berth
or the new drydock or lite Pub
lic Dock Commission, has been
awarded by the Port or Port
land Commission to the Jacob
sen Construction company Tor
$38,011. The successlttl con
tractor submitted the lowest or
three bids. The work will be
started immediately as the pon
toons for the drydock of the
Public Dock Commission ure
Hearing completion and will be
ready for installation within a
few months.
WOHK SHIHTS 95c up to
$2.00. ROGERS.
Some people learn by experi
ence tiiat if they desire to criti
cise a mule it is best to do it to
its face. Ex.
Once it was insulting to tell
a man to go to Halifax, bill
since Halifax has voted wet
they go without being told.
Card or Thanks. -We wish to
thank our many friends for
their kindness and sympathy
during the illness and burial or
our daughter and sister, Chris
lino L. Toole, nnd for the beau
tiful floral offerings sent. Es
pecially do we wish lo thank
the Fourth Term class or James
John High school for the serv
ices they rendered. -Mr. und
Mrs. Chas. M. Toole and Family
On Fridnv I'vcnliii. Doe. Ml.
at 8:15 P. M., there will he a
New icar enlerlahunent in the
Congregational Church. A farce,
"Hie Old Maids' Convention,"
will be given by members ttf
the Aid Society. Mrs. Fcnton
ami company will present the
comedy, "Thank Goodness the
I able Is .Spread." I here will
he a splendid musical program
and various other highly enter
taining lealures. Melresluuenis
will be on sale. Shortly before
midnight the fun will give place
to a oriel' walch-nlghl service
lo which all are invited.
A hirlhday surprise parly
was given in honor of Miss
Carol Fliuti Monday evening,
Dec. 20. al her home on Rich
mond slice I. Owing to the
rush of Christmas work Ihcrc
were not many present; hut
those who did attend enjoyed
themselves heartily. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. N. J.
Plliin. Mr. Sherman Flhm, Al
pha Fliuii, Carol Flhm, Joint
Flinn, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Iler
wlek, Hazel M. Hakes, Thelina
Alexander, Norn Worthinglon,
George Shaffer, LcHoy Win.
Calhoun, Eugene Smilli, Eliza
Shaffer, Susie Herwiek, George
L. Miksch, Maynard Mikseh.
Ellsworth Hakes, L e I a it d
Thrnnp, Vere Alexander, Leah
Shafier. A number or games
were enjoyed by all, al'ler
which delightful refreshments
were served and enlen amid
much laughing nnd joking. He
Tore taking leave or our host
und hostess nil joined in singing
some of tin bcnuliful songs we
nil know and love. Heporled.
Many inauurncturcrs nnd in
vestors throughout the east ure
making iitvesligalion or condi
tions in Oregon relative lo es
tablishing industries in this
slttle. Reccnlly numerous in
onirics have been received by
(lie bureau of industries ol the
Portland Chamber of Com
merce asking lor iiirormalion,
including consuming popula
tion, raw material available,
rail and water transportation,
weather conditions, availability
ol labor ami power and oilier
mailers either directly or indi
reelly affecting industries, This
wave of inquiries is said lo be
due largely to the fact (hat rail
rates have been increased to
such an extent thai it is almost
prohibitive for industries to
ship raw products lo the east
and then shin them west again
in their finished slate to supply
their demand on the Pacific
coast anil in the rapidly grow
ing trade territory in the orient.
Manufacturers are also looking
for locations where climatic
conditions ure such that they
can operate during the entire
year and where there is con
tented and efficient labor. Pros
pects are that within the next
two or three years Oregon will
experience a wave of industrial
development beyond the fondest
dreams of the most optimistic.
The Portland Ad Club is direct
ing a ship model and foreign com
merce contest, Several prizes are
to be given for the best model car
go boats and essays describing the
type of vessel submitted. The con
test is open to all students attend
ing schools, college, high school or
grade school in Oregon. Informa
tion regarding the contest may be
obtained at the St. Johns library.
Also several cuts of freight boats
are on exhibition there, '1 lie Pen
insula Shipbuilding Co. has loaned
the library some very good views
of modern freight vessels. Several
books on shipbuilding are also
available at the library.
Cards of thanks notices are
charged for at the rate of fifty
cents each. Persons desiring to
have such notices published
should make a note of this.
Do You Want To Be Successful
in 1921?-
Of course you do, but are yqtt willing to "Pay the Price."
Many men will say they want to be successful, but arc not
willing to "Pay the Price."
"What Is the Price?" SAVH YOUR MONKY. Next
to your kin folks, your money is the best friend you have on earth.
Take good care of it.
Spend less than your income each year, and put your Sav
ings In this Bank.
131 Peninsula
Member Federal Reserve System
We tlmnk our customers for the trade they have
given tts during the past year, nnd invite them nnd
everyone to come itt and make our Hardware Store
their Hardware Store this year and all tlte years to come.
We appreciate the confidence that has been placed
in us. We have tried to deserve it. Wc shall keep on
trying to deserve it. You shall always get front us the
same square deal wc have always given.
Our Hardware is the Best; it Stands the Test.
St. Johns Hardware Co.
Oilicc I'lionr Columbia U'2S
Keltlcnce l'lmiic ColtiinliU 477
Office l'liouc Culutiiliiu 7D3
Nerve lllucking fur
I'uIhIck l'reuiratloii
nt Cavitit-t uml .Surgical
Removal u( Teeth.
Nitron Ox lit.- ('.us for
l'ltllik-M Kxtructlou
of Trclli.
Hrinir in your news items.
Hoys' dips il.'c nnd $!.:i.r.
Typewriter paper at this
Children's Plush Hats $!.(),
were $2..r0. HOCKHS.
Kor Sale Thor Klcelrie Vii-
mum Cleaner, $21.00. Cull Co
lumbia '111(1.
.$!).:() HAINCOATS now $0.50.
Kor Sale.- 27 thoroughbred
While Wyandotte hens, also
two fine cockerels for breeding,
price reasonable. II 1 2 S Prince-
Ion street.
SI. 00 silk Socks 7fe. 110(1-
Parly who look youngster's
Kiddie Kur from porch nt 202
12. New York street please re
turn and avoid Irounlc.
Children's Piny Suits O.'.c.
Lost Knstorn Star pin on
Jersey street near Ormandy
Hros.' store Dec. 2Md. binder
please leave at this office; re
For Salt! Fresh cow, first
calf, fresh only six weeks, rea
sonable. Cull Columbia 011.
I guar.inlee my Hoys' Shoes
to stand up. HOOKHS.
Lost on Christmas morning,
a package with Xnias card
marked "Mother from Leon
and lone." The package con-
lamed an envelop chemise wttn
crocheted voke. Finder leave
al this office or call Columbia
1207; reward.
Chief interest in America in
the fall of Sehastopol lies in the
fact that it is Ihe first city so
far that the Holsheviki have
taken that our oeonle could
spell and pronounce the same
day. l!.x.
Tin? Simvieus ok Tin?
are held every .Sunday at 3 P.M.
In Blckner Hall
Sunday School nt 2 p. m
Sunday, January 2
Scrmon'onic: "11)21 The
Greatest Year."
Dr. Frank N. Sandifur
Vision Specialist
Muscular Deficiencies Corrected
Glasses Scientifically Kitted to Hyes
Ueplucinn of broken li-iiwa uml rquir
work promptly taken rare of.
Phone Main 5075 Portland, Ore.
StJohns Fair Store
Highest Quality and Lowest Prices
Toys a Specialty
207 N. Jersey St, Phone Col.839
Dr. L. F. Pickens
Office Hours 8 to 12 A. M. 1 to U t II,
livening! 7 to 0
Peninsula llauk llltk'.
Office l'liouc Columbia u83
Michael Goarcke
Prompt ud Careful Service at all time.
A trial will convince.
Office with Greater St. Johns Realty Co,
l'Loiic Columbia 4C0