THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW A. V. Mdtklc, I-Mltor Published Friday j)f Each Week 404 NTjeraey St. Plioiic Col. 321 Subscription prion $1.GO per year. Advertising Mies. One week 40c pet Inch; two week H7ic per inch; 4 weeks 96o jwr inch; per veur 25c per Inch; first nage tutititioiml clinrc; politicnl, 50c per inch jwr week. I.ocnls 10c per line for first insertion, 7Jc subsequent Insertions. Minimum 25c. Ads reset mote tlmn Mice In four weeks Be per Inch nddl llonnl for enuh resctthiK- TitK KltVlHW is entered nt post office III Portland, Oregon, ns mull matter of the second clnss under the Act of Con rim of March 3, 1879, Found -On Williams avenue, silver rim Kinases, near car line. Call Columbia 1101. iMuternity cased tnkcn rcnsoiinblc at 1109 l'rincutoii struct, nenr liurr. Cull Coltimbiu 901. 8co3t Mm. Ituth Noaf and children of Noaf Station visited at the homo of Mrs. A. II. Schwartz Thursday. Good Eats Cafe, 100 Philadel phia utruet, opened under new mMnaKoment. We solicit your pntronagu. Mr. and Mrs. Murtin Bonfltft nd son Alhfrt of Sherwood. Urt , ppent Chriitman holidays wila their daughter and family, Mis. A. 11. Schwartz. II. L. Irwin and wife of Grand Inland. Nub., have arrived in St John and will probably make Ihivlhuir permanent home. Mr. Irwin (H the ton of Mrs. b. Ij. lr win of 110 East CliiesiKo street. The meelitm of tlin W. C. T U. will he held at the home 0 Mr. J. C. Scott, 102 Central av unite. nxt Monnay at two o'clock Tni will lie a very intoroKtinK mttlnif mikI we hopo to have a ((ood MiU'iidnneo. Evurybodj (Kiinu; you Hru more than wul uonm. UeMirtfd. Tha Pioneer M. E. Sunday Mhoul held Hi.- annual election of oflletrn h-v. Will, and tho fol lowlnx wcr clccU'd: Supt., E. C. CNliton; AMHt. Supt., E. C. Thurston; I'riTnary Supt., Mrj. 15. How; Sv., Mm A. M. War iter; TrcMH., Mihh l'rall; Libra rlmi. Mrrt. ('. W. Mason: Chor liter, Mir M iy Lear; Pianist, EliM ViiiMoii: Mionloiiiiry Supt., Mrf. M. l'Jntinu(!r; Crmllu Roll SunUi., Mrs. Ueo. Ilitslor, Mrs. fjNliaon nud Mr. II. A. Loiitf Htall'. Ihmc liitfv. who reniduH in 11 liouiulHWt neur (ho St..lohnH for ry illii, whs robbi'd of $8U and brutally bentou by an iinidentill ixl iiMtiihint, who ntlm'kcd him mi ho tMiterud bin stable before dnylitfhl Wfduesday morning. The thiiK hit the nirud man over the heml with a lunuth of air bmki how us li' opened the sta- bliMloor. Mr. Riley fought with nit lii nlrciiKth. HtrikliiK buck with hit liintorn. but his fuoble blows woro of no avail. Mr. Riley currltMl tlio moiioy upon hit portutn. iiiloniliiitf to make a IHirchnsu f real iMtHtu. Tho St. Jolm Pott No. KS of the Ahum iciin l.i'itiuit will Hold lid ptitfiilui muni Iiiir nl I tin St. Johns public library Friday ovc- t I 1 I ft II . ... mittf ni a o ciook. aii ex-mer-tct men nro conlinllv invitod to Ntlend. In view of thu fact OtMt the meflinu: will bo boldjon Vcm'h .vi" i s,h i'i il ulloit will We Wish to Extend to our Friends and Patrons a mostHAPPYand PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR L, SIMMONS & GO, GROCERS CUl 1'eMcmlcn Phone Columhla 210 m HMd tO i XJWtlUf tll' tl UlxUCtlOII M ll IMIKIIKSM. All HIV UIK'TH Ol the Vmi mm ic.fU'Mxl to 111.1W1 )otut iMtyitMiil nl n.Uioiml nml Malt due in order thitt they amy rt'Uiu itivtntwrM in thv Legion. T. P. HtmUe. CutiiuutttUr St Johirf 1W No. ft? J Do You Help PAY THE KEHT For This OUT ol TOWN Palace? Ln,,fq.A.j 1 1 Itn: III RliNTAU 17 H25lOC.0hrd i DC j- The uierclunt who pay this 1 4. ENOltMOUS KENT does not I snond a dollar in this town. I 1 Build up YOUll OWN TOWN :: 2 by tmdinir with the HOME ; ; f MRltOHANT. :; ? He'll fill every wnnt, nnd you ? WON'T REMOVE THE D0L- f LAH from circulating here. Trade Where you can Save your pennies and that is at C. L. Holmes Grocery Store Everything at Cash and Carry rricea and Ueliverec to your homo. Green Vegetables Daily, all of the Iicst Quality. 302 Fessenden Street Cor. Oswego SOME REAL BARGAINS No. (Mtt I'ive room modern home, lot fiUxlOU, line fllllt, K001I KUOKi'i I'-'OOi l!0Ocnli, ImIiiiicu like rent. 720- Three room house in Koil k1iuh.'. Jl(HK). ;HI, ImIiiiicu M per montii. 701 Six iiMim moilcrn Innuc. lot .fix 120. :ooa fruit, line locution, fMI, 1700 imhii, iMinnrc iiku rem. 'I-wo room home, lot Mix 100, iroo'l fruit, lot till fenail with chicken wire, 7!I0 - ?i:tO IM-ll. Ixik lit thin. I iiImi Imve Mime ilumly fiuniH for wile nt u ImiimIii on easy tcrini. I'or iulor miitmn. ii- J. I'. tWI.I.MUKK. Uili N. jeiHcy hlreet, or cull Loiuinniii ni. We Handle Everytliing in Homes, iicant I.ot.i, Acrc iiKi, l'aiins, Hiisinc.vs atid In iltistriul .Sites. I'or lltiyinp; or Selling see RICE & 171 TE (07 N. Joiscy Coluinlilu 887 (Iniiitlv (lominissioiHTS lloU until nnd lliiyl slioiild Do nilli'd lo itmuiiil hy tlu pi'uili' lor llioir voti in Invor ol llu I'oiiu- ly lutspilnl lirin coiislnu'lcd nl 'iWwlllifliT nml Sixllt slm't, a lui'ttlioii II111I is iuiifocssililo by virtue ol' (lie liiol lluil llioiv is 110 idiiilwuy IoimIiiih lo il, ttiid llu- lurllior liu'l Unit tlu uioiind on which llu units are bcinc t-onstriu'tcd do uol lii'lon lo .Multnomah niiinly. hill is llio iii'iiiiim'Iv nl' llu imulii'iil soi'lotv. and al any linn.' I ho county fails lo inula' use ol Hi'mmus I'or liospilnl purposfs, (hoy iin imdiuU'ly ivvorl back lo tin iiit'dical society, bnildinus and all. 1'lic .statement uiven out hy one of Hie Iwo coniinissioners nanied in the roicgoin tliat the lirst unit now under ooustrnc liou would cos l the titNnayers 7."0,(H() is willmul i'ouudatiou. I'lie unit will cost $ 1, 1 10.000, md as it is, will now slum! lor iraelicallv an enlire year nolh- 111K more limn a shell, with all windows out. This will be the result of an insufficient amount of money on bund lo complete Hie work. At the present lime there are contracts now out on litis first unit lotullhu! $101,000. In Ihe meantime, it will be nec essary for Ihe county lo place a watchman m ehurne out mere lo whom a salary of uppro.xi matelv $li0 per month will ntve to be paid. Commissioner A. A. Muck sums lo have been Ihe only one of Ihe I hive commissioners who hold oul all aloiiu nuuiust such procedures. He has con sistently opposed the site on which Ihe buildings are nemg reeled, and has several limes xnlninod his reasons therefor. rite Kxttntiner believes thai tin- ess Commissioners Iloyt and lolmait are in position lo iuvc an explanation thai will be en- Urely saltsliiclory to tlte punlie, ihev' should both be recalled rom their positions. Portland xanunoi Kor Salo-Semi'modern-i room louse, lot f0 x 100, lias tino gnr iibo wun electric UKiua, gns ranue. heater aim some linoleum koos with tho place: price $1650, $900 cash, balance $15 monthly and interest. Cull 517 Ossvego atreet. GROCERIES Just ask Central to Connect Bucy's Grocery Columbia 528 We will sell all or part Lots of Good Things. to Eat Ar riving daily. 202 S. Jersey Street W. A. CARROLL Real Estate Broker Own Your Home Why procrnstinatc? The era of prosperity lor the Pacific North west is upon us. Huy your home before prices advance, as they sure ly will from 15 to 35 per cent in the next few months. We have u few places left that can be sold at present prices. After Jan. 1, 1931, prices will advance. 301 N. Jersey St COR. HAIriMORli VI 1 fl h 1 wi -mi ri . mm We Can't Figure Out Why any one will neglect their eyes, when we fit glosses and Ktinrauteu .satisfaction. DR. W. J. GILSTRAP I'liysiciau and Surgeon ST. 'JOHNS, ORUGON I I Dr. Samuel A. Mulkey mix vi sv Mac ItiMinif 0, 7 nml 8 FCMNSUU SECURITY BLDC. Iluum J to 12; l;;i() lo f. Hvcnlnt; 8 to U 108' i S.Jersey St. ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND. 0HEG0N Phone Columbia 930 Poff & O'Neil TRANSFER AND STORAGE Sand nud Gravel Daily Triiis to Portland Phone Col. 308 206 N. JERSEY SI Frank A. Rice LAWYER Office 107 N. Jersey Street Phone Col. 887 lIifi'n Col. ,1H) Here is the Right Place to Sell Your Property $3, We Iwve h limnlur of good Imy 11s who want to buy home nml liny. ri with kooiI cm to triulc in on homes, If you want to ttll or k'vc up your t'liulty or tint or rcoml con tmct, fc mi' ut once. Miut be priced right. 301 N. Jersey St. GETTING IN an entirely newstock of hard- ware wnicn we are sening at such a price, as they won't last long when people find out they are pitting some thing for nothing. That's about tho size of it. It is ike giving it away. Beyerlc & Armstrong 420 N. Jersey St. Don't send your urintinK out of town. FUNERALS Baoutlful a my J or blaok adult oaiket, hoarse, box, 2 nutos embalming and refin ed servlca for TRACBY funerals If desired for f 20, $30, f 10, ?G0. Higher priced funcrali In pro portion. Wc manufacture caskets. I.tidy assistant, llcnutlful funeral chapel, MILLER &, TRACEY Main 2691 Independent Funeral Directors A 7005 Washington at Clin Street, Between 20th and 2lst Street, West Side ST. JOHNS BRANCH OFFICE W. A. ANDREWS, Representative CM Central Ave. N. Photic Columbia 888 A Torrington Electric Vacuum Cleaner- Will answer as a Prac tical Lasting Gift for the Home The Torrington is the Inst word in Vacuum Cleaners; wc Guarantee it and we know it will please the most severe critic. Let us Demonstrate it to your entire satisfaction WYv ur coniP'clc Display of Lvlcctn- 'Kt (s cal Conveniences, including Toasters, (3 Percolators, Grills, Mattrons and 25-- Washing Machines will enable you to make a prompt and suitable selection. i.r... .. - r.' .-i ci : 1 ( III US I llbl UN IUUI JIIUJIIIS 1-131 Peninsula Electric Co. Phone Col. 977 109 S. Jersey St. rrn 1 111 wm-TTi intm mi ?tkO-f?f7N if avriViiiiii On the Jump! There's nothing to worry about if you do forget to tell us you're in a hurry for your battery. We work on the principle thnt you always want service on the jump and we're here to iVo it to you. Maybe you'd like to know about the Still Better Willard Battery with Threaded Rub ber Insulation- -the kind se lected by 136 manufacturers of passenger cars, and motor trucks. 8 St. Johns Auto Electric Service Cor.Jersev and Charleston S(s Phone Columbia 88 I ion! itn "frl 1 1 1 IB 111 1 1 III 1 SffTlllff llflltlil ? . .V- NEW 7tAi ONE AND AULl "WE D BE PLEASEP TO HAVE VOU . caul: THE HAPPIEST SORT OF A HAPPY NEW YEAR . ........ . I. 1.1. 1 . i ... t .., tut 2 is otic Hint will tiring goon neniui aim coiutmiiiKni, uuu umi .a our wish for everyone. Wc npprccintc the support given us in our pure food eltoris nnu wish 10 assure our pairous mm wesuu uc depended upon nt nil times to sell them meat that is choice and wholesome. ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET GEO. W. IMBODEN, Prop. 109 North Jersey Street Market Phone Columbia 21 Mrs. Homelover: Furnishing your home with high grade Furniture and beautiful Rugs means much to you and all the family it adds to your comfort and makes you proud of your home. It helps you socially and helps your husband to succeed. Come to us and let us show you how, at little ex pense, we can furnish you with the Furniture and Rugs now lacking in your home Our Quality is always High, our Price is always Low. H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man 400-402 S. Jersey St. ffll Nil III III II & 151 plfi SB 1 Flavoring Extracts a of All Kinds M Before you start to bake that cake, make sure you have the kind of flavoring extract you need the kind tho family likes the best.. Our stock is complete and comprises the best known and purest quality ob tainable. Don't take chances with cheapened, unreliable adulterated brands. The prices we charge are as low as can be, and we are sure you will be more than pleased with the quality and the results. MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phone Col, 118 J. W. BOTTOM Contract Painter 507 East Allegheny St. ftioue Columbia 1242 Davis Barber Shop aud BATH ROOMS S. tf. DAVIS, Prop'Ktor OS Philadelphia St. Baths 85c St. Johns Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Columbia 131 C 1101 Toot-ofBurlington St. Dr. Evart P. Borden Painless Extraction of Teeth under Nitrous Oxide Gas Office Peuinsula Bank bldg. Office phone Col. 625; re$. phone Col. 477 Hour 9-12 , in.; 1:30-6 and 7-8 p. m. Dr. Herbert F. Jones CHIROPRACTOR 311 North Jersey Streel Day Phone Columbia 97 Night Phone Columbia 690