ST. JOHNS REVIEW VOLUME 17 ST. JOHNS, PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1920. NUMBER 8 Celebrate Golden Wedding Mr. unci Mrs. T. II. Skulls of l.) North Jersey si reel enter. Inined Wednesday evening of I. ...i i. i .1. . i i nisi wren, Honoring me gomcii weddinif nnniversnrv of Mrs. Shell's father mid mother, Mr. "iid Airs. George W. Sellick. Dr. nnd Mrs. 1 N. Sniulifur sang "Silver threads Among the Gold"; Mrs. L. K. Iioseow sung "I Love Yon Truly" and "A Perfect Day"; Mrs. George Uigler gave two readings, and Hie Hev. V. E. Klosler and Dr. Sandirnr spoke briefly. Olbur guests were Mrs. Klosler, Mrs. Irvine, Mr. and Mrs. 12. C. Thur ston, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Sel lick, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Otis, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. .1. 1 Gilhnorc. Mr. and Mrs, M. .1. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. II. It. Ilildervraudl, Mrs. Myrtle Weeks, Mrs. A. A. Olson, Mrs. J. Kerr, Mrs. S. C. Cool;, Airs. S. J. Lear, Miss Mary Lear, Mrs. G. D. Ealinger, Mrs. C. D. Thompson, Mrs. L. uoonisitier, Aliss Hutu lioom sliter, Mr. ami Mrs. J. P. Pones, Miss Lame Skells. Mrs. Bell Philips and Miss Matlie Smith. Hev. Irvine composed and read (lie loiiowmg: Thcro wna n llttlo sclioolmatn Soino fifty yearn ngo, An Unlit of foot uiul Ki-ucuftil As any fnwn or doo. I lor namo wan Currlo Adams, A prvadiur'H dntiKhtor nho, An happy iih n Mkylark Anil uuny on a boo. Thcro wan a tall policeman, (luorgo Hcllock wan lil namu; And wlillo ho Nought offendom, Mad an uyo for otlior gnmo. Ills ago wna four nnd twenty And lonoDomo was his llfu; And 'an ho walked Ills dally bunt Wan looking for n wlfo. Oconto i;ot n rIIidiino of Carrlo And ho HlRhod, "You protty cronturo, I Hpoiio you you wouldn't marry Anybody but a proachur." "Uut, by (Ivorgo, 1 want to win hur And iih trim as I'm n ilnnur, I bollovo I'd bo n proachor If I could thus only readier hor." And Carrlo was n thinking too, For nho was twuuly four, And when Cop Ueorito would turn bin back Sho'd Hlyly look hi in o'or. And think "wny ho'n Junt nploudld, So tall and ntratfi!il-ntul trim r .... witn every good wisn tor a HAPPY NEW' YEAR of Health and Prosperity for Everybody f f -f -f 44-4- Remembrance Gifts at this Store "GIFTS THAT LAST" Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Gut Glass and Silverware Community Plate Silverware, Correct Service Pieces in the Hltie Gift Cases, Prices Range from $1,00 to $G.OO. Give a Stroud of Pearls for a New Year's Present. 20 PER CENT REDUCTION ON All LA TASCA PEARLS. Closing out all French Ivory at Less than Cost. See Our Prices. Combs, Mirrors, Brushes, Clocks, and Sets In Beautiful Cases. Finish your Set from these Single Pieces an Ideal New Year's Gift, W. M. Tower, Jeweler ONE WEEK ONLY JANUARY 3rd TILL 8th -Gigantic feed Sale- Crowu Flour $2 50 per 49 lb. Sack Scratch Feed Peninsula, Golden Rod, Olympic, Kerr Giflord and Albers Brands $3.20 per 100 lb. Sack Whole Corn $2.40 per 100 lb. Sack Cracked Corn $2. 55 per 100 lb. Sack Rolled Oats $1.60 per 60 lb. Sack Rolled Barley, Process $1.95 per 75 lb. Sack Best. Grade of Rock Springs Lump Coal, Per Ton $15.50 Above Prices are at the Store (not delivered) for cash only Also Hay, Straw, Shingles, Cement, Etc. Peninsula Mercantile Co. 670 W. Lombard St. Hm Col. 795 GEORGIA RICH PMXiST Studios 403 Tilford Building 410 Oswego Street. Re. 515 Ainsworth Ave. If ho'd call nt tho parnonngo I wonder whnt I'd do?" Then canto along December, With nights as cold as stono; Lonesomo it was nnd chilly, A rooming nil nlono; So Georgo ho snld to Carrlo; "Don't you thing we'd better mnrry?" She said: "It's always been my mind To sometlmo mnrry Christmastime" So December twenty-second just liny years ago: Tho knot was tied, twlxt man nnd bride, With Bunshlno on tho snow. They have ono dnughtor Margaret, Who married Thomns Skolls: Klvo children bnvo been born to them Since rnng their wedding bells. So Magglo has hor hands quite full, Uut she don't mind tho bother. Of bringing up tho children (tvu Anu "uring up" "tlioir Fntlior." So Carrlo In n Qrnndmn now, And ueorgo, a arnnd dnd Rrey: And wo have mot to cetcbrato Their Qoldon Wedding day. May each year shlno yet mora and nioro; I.lfo's river gently glldo, With only happlnesa In storo Till "light at oventldo." Thcro's loving taBks for kind old hands, Tho in oiull nc and tho stltchlnc: And Ornndma's peaceful faco to blesn Tho living room nnd k tchtin. Tho gnrdon wlrli tin sprlngtlmo volco win do caning Grandpa to It; So Carrie, keep your rocking chair And "lot fJeorga do It." I he latest addition to Port lands cmumnent for enrinu for any kind of ocean commerce is the box car unloader installed by the commission of public (iocks on pier i oi (lie munlci pal terminal No. 1. The device, which was Installed hv the 01 luiiiwa Box Car Unloatler com pany of New York, was tried out lor the first time under ac Imi! working conditions, and emptied a car full of phosphate rock in five movements. The unloading machinery is calcu lated to save time and labor costs by tloing away with the blind shoveling of such com modities as phosphate rock, ni Irales, coal, ores and sulphur. When a car loaded willi such material is "snolled" at the bunkers, this machinerv seizes it and rocks it about until Hie last grain of its contents has been emptied into a hoppe whence the load Is carried bv Phones Columbia 554 WoodUwn 2002 conveyor bells to the slorngc bins or to the spouts Hint feed it directly into a ship's hold. By menus of this apparatus a car can be tilted 50 degrees longi tudinally and 20 degrees trans versely. The first movement is to lean the car over on its side. , Much of the contents pours out ..i it.;., i! 'ri :.. it..... Ill UUS II MIC. 1IIU cur is uiru rocked fore nnd nft until empty, returned to its original position and rolled away to make room for another. The hunker fa cilities at terminal No. '1, of which the car unloader is a part, were built by the dock commission in anticipation of a heavy movement through Portland of phosphate rock from Idaho to Japan. This movement has been postponed by the straitened linancial sit tuition in Japan, but is expected to be resumed on a large scale within a Tew months. Mean while the bunkers will be util ized for handling hulk sulphur, which is coming lo Portland by the shipload from the Gulf of Mexico, and for other heavy bulk cargoes of simitar nature. The bunkering facilities at Port- I I .!..!....! I. ....!. ...I iiiuii iiiiiiiii;ijiii icriiiiutii iiru said to be the most modern and completely cuuipned on the Pa cific coast. The Osknloosa Independent reported the death of a former citizen, whereupon the dead man wrote and said: 1 went home and told my wife I was dead and produced a copy of your paper lo prove it. While she is a good woman and all that, she thinks your paper lied, nnd she made me carry a lot of coal and water in support of her opinion, bo, Mr. hditor, 1 may say that I am not dead, hut I am mad." Jewell (Kims.) Hcpuhlican. HUHisns. noGEits. HAPPY NEW I offer very Noticeable Reductions in Men's From $6.50 up to $11.76, old prices 59.50 up to $20.0(Tper pair SUITS $23.50 up, OVERCOATS $18.75 up $12.50 MACKINAWS, NOW $9.75 HATS AND CAPS that fit your face Work Pants $1.95 up WARM SOCKS H5c Pair, 3 TIN PANTS GOOD J M of CMMMtce Mki St. Johns Undertaking Co. Thomas Grlce, Manager Office, Col. 527 PHONES Nlht, Col. 299 208 N. Jersey St. FREE USE OF CHAPEL AUTOMOBILE HEARSE Night or Day Calls Promptly Answered LOW RENT enables us to glvt our customers the benefit of Very I,ow Prices. Wc guarantee lower prices INSURANCE A dependable giving superior service. All Lines of Insurance PENINSULA SECURITY CO. 108 South Jersey St Phone Columbia 161 A Fine Demonstration Mrs. Frank A. Rice presented a demonstration of t lie Dunning Sys tern ol Improved Music Study nt her studio, 412 S. IJdison street. Wednesday evening, Dec. 29th, the children from 5 to 10 years gave a demonstration, and on Thursday evening trom 10 years and oklcr. Following is the program: Wednesday evening, Dec. 29th Pupils under 111 vcnr.4. CImi Soai Hntire Clnss Grand Stilt ind Cimc Board Demonstration Anna Maud Schleiacr, Doris Hay, Naomi Goodsmati Erolotloa of Piano and Piano Forte Song Virginia Tnte, I.ucilc l'liiticry, Kcba Moore, Yelvu Pcrrinc, Monu Graves, SUM Rutin Contest Children under clyht years loio...llouier IiuckUs, i.iuinu Foster, Cecil Mnplcthorpc, 1'rederlcU Mardort, Hlliabcth M Rhythm Demonstration dividing notes Into measures Novla Caster, I'.llinbctli Mlkscli, DessldcBii Shacklcford, Docic Ilower Butt. Velva Pcrrinc, r.lvn Louise Clildestcr Hlsie Lawrence, Mildred Mncrski Ear Trillin j melodic dictation Until Clark with written TnnsBOfltlin of same, any key asked by audience Louise Nice Trans poiltloa, nuy major or minor key ask. cd (or by audience. Solo Ol Porticr, Kate Allen America, played In thrcu different keys.. Helen 1'rlcdl Trio Huitua Kohcnic, Lucy Kohcutc, ltlale Lawrence Thursday evening, December 30th Children over ten year Jljht BcadlaJ Contest tiy pupils beginning bent. 20m Solo. Dorothy Kor Knthryu llallcy Khjtnm Dimonstrauon uwcmioiyn btcvens, nrniiinc iJuitcnu Marcsret Kcniiey. Kill Strntten Solo. Thrlnm llelirr, Dorothy l'lutcr Duct Helen llade, Nellie Hade Ear TralalnJ-Mclodlc Dictation Lillian Avery, veima nort with written Transposition of same, any key asked by audience.. ,. i.ouise kicc Scale lulldlnt with three forms of minor Ammert McCultc Solo Vctta llarrctt, Marlon tkhlciscr SHOES You will recognize the real values I offer in Men's UNDERWEAR Pair. .1.00 $2.95 P.OSS OP THII ROAD OVHKAM.S, Pair. $l.7fi SMCKKRS $21)5 RUOBURS I'OR HVKRYUODY STUFF AT THE RIGHT U L THE RAINCOAT MAN ST. JOHNS Not a Dratich office of any Portland Undertaking Co. than you can get in the city insurance agency, I Violin Class Meditation RcIIrIoso Vernon Morklc, Wilbur Markle, Kathleen Markle, Mildred Gaines, Hdgar Wlckmnn Written Intervals Laura IUde Duet Robert Kakcs, Hazel Kakes Rhythm Pictures-Christmas Hells Glenn Davis A very pretty home wedding look place Thursday evening last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Brief, 211 West Chicago street, when their daughter, Miss Anna M. llriee, became Ihe bride of John 1,. Douglass. Only immediate friends and relatives witnessed the ceremony, which was per formed by Dr. Herbert K. Jones Helen Douglass, neiee of the bridegroom, was Ilower gu and Howard Drice, utphew o the bride, earned the wedding ring. Airs, isetiha holding played the wedding march (ttiesls included Mr. and Mrs U. L. McDowell of La (Irande Oregon. The groom is Ihe sou of Dr. A. S. Douglass and one ol M. Johns' lines! young men The bride is one of SI. Johns most charming nnd accomplish ed young latlies. Holh have hosts of friends who wilt wist Ihem a most happy and pros perous journey down the sea ol lile. A terrific racket hi Ihe bar of A. Johnson, u farmer neat Hnleigh, N. (.., anuouneed Ilia a milk thief had met his "Wn terloo at Ihe business end of a arm mule." Johnson hat limited the mule in Ihe stall of a cow which the thief had been milking nt nighl. When tin I'niiiiiT reached Ihe barn, shot gun in hand, he found a hal tered milk pail, a wrecked milk ug stool, a Hal, Did no tiuei. Your name don't have lo be Mack to wear a $!).7fi Mackin aw. HOCKItS. YEAR High Grade Dress and pocketbook i Work Shirts 95c up PRICI: n O Open CvKugs "Saij it with t7oivers The appearance of your house will he made more cheer ful by the use of n pretty Peru or Flowering Plant. I have themat prices to suit all pocket books, also Cut Flowers and Floral Designs for all occa sions. Beckett ' s Qrceriiouses 814 and 816 North Kellogg StreM Phone Col. 401 LEWIS CALDWELL LKADING HAIUIEH The place where iitxxl service aim courteous treatment prevail. Children's uair cutting receive eciai attention. J09 BURLINGTON STREET Phone Columbia 379 Res. Columbia 1131 Dr. F. P. Scliuitze Physician and Surgeon Room 4 Peninsula Hank IiiiilditiK DEARING'S For Fine Chocolates Ice Cream, Tobacco and Chjars 311 South Jersey Street Jluskll Dull Sliotvs.-'nOdHHS Mo for the UNION LAI1KL. JIOCKHS. STHE CHRISTIAN Sincerely desires for you a Happy and Prosperous New Year; and offers the following New Year Resolutions for your consideration u j j First I will fitul n Church Home In one of the Home Churches. Second I will Attend nt least Otic Religious Service Kach Week. Third I will give n Large Place in My Life to the Truths of God's Word and to the Claims of God's Son. Fourth I will grant to others, without complaint or protest, nil Rights and Privileges I claim for myself as a Member of this Community. IVnnniH'iit locution in tills si'clion of nnolher well estab lished and experienced sbip huildinii firm is assured in the purchase by O. F. Matthews, shipbuilder of Iloquittm, Wash., 01 nearly a nan mile 01 river rrouliiKc on Ihe west bank of the Willamette between the St. Johns lerry landing and Linn Ion. The tract has a fronlniit of lifiltO feel 011 deep water. Is traversed by Ihe Spokane, Port land & Seallle railroad and the old rilil of way of Ihe United lliiilwnys company, nnd is hounded 011 Ihe west bv Hit mved boulevard between Poll- and nnil Asloria. Announce mem 01 me sale was made hy Mr. Matthews nnd I In it v (i. Terry, real eslale broker,' who represented holh parties m Ihe liiiusaclion. Ihe Intel acquired by Mr. Mallbews cm braces Ihe enure waler Ironlnuv of Ihe (lien llnrbor utltlllion. owned by Ihe Keynote Heally company, of which John M Waller J. and 1 1 1111 1 C. deariu nre officers, iih well as the Kale .lones tract of 880 feel frontline, which ad joins the former (Icnrhi bold- niKS on me soinu. mr. iini Ibews wns reticent in regard to Ihe 1111 1 me of (he pliuil lie plans lo creel on Ibis nronerlv. but said be Intends lo use il for bis future shiphuildini' operations ml lias several sleam schooners in prospect lo build, upon which work will he slarled enrlv next car. Happy New Year. HOdKHS. (iood l.ookina Lids for (be lillle kids. HOtiKHS. Now is Your Opportunity To Buy Good Standard Merchandise at Very Much Reduced Prices We offer you the following at such low prices Universal Electric Goods, Percolntors, Grills, Irons, Heating Pads, Heaters, Etc. 1-3 Off List Prices. Pyralin Ivory, Dubarry and other patterns of Brushes, Combs, Hair Receivers, Jewol Boxes, Perfume Bottle, Shoe Horns, Button Hooks, Nail Files, Etc. 1-3 Off. Porfumery and Toilet Preparations, Singles and in Sot. 1-3 Off. Knickerbocker Bath Sprays 1-3 Off. Ladies' Purses and Hand BagB. 1-3 Off. These with a great many other bargains are to be found here. Watch our Window Currin Says So. Converto Cabinets for small Victrolas. They make your small machine look like the larger cabinet machines. 1-3 Off. SAVG YOURSELF TIME, TROUBLE AND AONEY BY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY. Currin's for Drugs CHURCHY MULTNOMAH '11EATHI3 i'ri(U)' only, December 31-- SHIRLEY MASON In "IIIJR HI. ltl'UANT MAN." The lct nlie ever mnile. aaturtlny, New Year' I My, li)2l - Open nt 2:1C, cuiitliiuoiii. A Mur Irnll Ntllnii tirotliiction, "DON'T EVER MARRY," comedy ilnutin Uut will put joy in the New Year. And good two reel comedy SiiihUv, Jnntinry 2 WANDA I1AWLEY I" "MISS IIOI1IIS'' Utulort. Mondiiy mid Turnliiy, Jnu. It mid -I TOM MIX In "TIIK DAKIMHtv. II,"I'ox. AUo "UM City" No. 0. Wednciuliiy, January Cth ALICE BRADY In "SINNHK8" Kcnlnrt. TluirxUy nnd I'rlday, imi. (! and 7 NORMA TALMADOE In "TIIK IIKANDKI1 WOMAN." l'hone Columblii DM William C. Walker ltilllo A.oootmtiiit EipcrtlRi, Auditing mil Svittmatlzln Special Attention (.Iveu To Kcctilnir Small Acrotintn (Utit Smith Avuimo Sort It FOR SALE 12 nice Lots in the heart of St. Johns, Portland, Oregon. write t. l. nuuuuuuju. KC public, Washington. WOHK SIIOKS. ItOC.KHS.