St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 24, 1920, Image 1

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By Atvali Jordan Garth
(. 1920, Wrattrn Newspaper I'nlun.)
kT WAS days before Clirldt-
nms and Netta Donne iintl
boon left nlono In the house,
except for the servant. Us
tmlly her favorite plnjrmnte,
Corn Wnllnce, living nenr
by, cnlled for her, and they
took n stroll, or visited a
neighbor, or Inspected tho
nhoiis on the next street. Cora had
not appeared, and taking her dolly
Neltn wandered about tho upper por
tion of tho house In n desultory way.
It was In her sister Winifred's room
that Netta received n suggestion that
she proceeded to carry out. That
young lady In her haste to Join her
mother In n shopping tour had left
nor Jewel vase open In full sight.
"I'll llx you till up for n grand party,
Dolly," prattled Neltn; and then nnd
there In turn n sunburst, n necklnco
nnd n diamond pin were nltachcd to
tho clothing of tho doll, Innocent, art
less Neltn never realizing that slid
was ptnylng with a small fortung.
"Now, we'll rlda to the party In tho
nutoninhlle," announced Neltn further,
pet of capricious netta uonne.
There was a vast commotion at tho
Donne homo that evening. Willis Frcro,
who wns tho accepted lover of pretty
Winifred Donne, made Ills usual call to
be met with tears by his fiancee. Some
one had entered tho houso nnd had
rifled her Jewel easel Father had re
ported It to tho police, but tho re
covery of the gems seemed hopeless.
Willis condoled with Winifred but
had a professional call to make and left
early. Uo was a young, rising physt
clnn, nnd arrived at Grey's tcnementi
to receive good news as to a patient
of long standing, Mrs. Mary Stcadley.
He found her on the rond to recovery,
and told her so, nnd her daughter and
the other children nnd I'nul Martin,
n regular visitor at tho house, wero
made happy nt tho thought of tho
convalescence of their loved one.
"There Is the hnlnnco of your bill
Dr. Krerc," spoko Martin, taking him
Into the next room. "Tho doctors who
operated I havo paid, too, and the lios
tor. The poor tcnovrs appreciation
of what tho Doanes designed fairly
overcamo him. Next day Winifred and
her mother spent decorating the hum
ble tenement rooms and arranging for
tho wedding.
It was a royal gift to honest need,
nnd tho most contented hearts In all
the great city that Christmas night
wero those thnt had bestowed such
signal happiness upon worthy, grate
ful family.
and she put on Dolly's coat, covering
up her opulent adornment. Just then
there was n cull outside nnd Nettn
hastened downstairs to Join Cora,
uniting for her nt tho door. I'nsilng
her mother's room Nettn noticed un
open box lying on the bed. It held n
lovely new doll, nnd In an Instnnt slit
know thnt It was to bo her Christmas
present, for n new onu hnd been prom
ised. Impetuously sho snatched It up.
"Oh, Coral" exclaimed Netta, ap
pearing before her friend, "look I Inokl
My new Christians dolly. We'll go
right over nnd show It to Allco I.IMc.
The old one Is no good now," nnd shs
recklessly Hung It Into the street, with
uo thought of tho Jewelry It wore.
I'lvo minutes Inter n ragged llttla
urchin picked up tho discarded doll,
"That'll ho n lino present 'for sister
l.oit," ho declared, and mnde for. tho
tenement six squares distant carry
ing his And to a homo possessing n
mnrked contrast to the elegant innn- Just its he expected this Christians)'
ntnii thnt hnd housed tho discarded I Then Imrk In Martin went tin doo
pltnl bill Is nil settled. It's the only
Chrlstmns present wo shall see around
hero this year, but Isn't It enough to
mnko our hearts glad mother welt
once more! You know, I had saved up
enough to marry Martha tills Christ
mas, but 1 havo gladly stood the x
peusc of her mothers sickness, io
there will havo to bo a postponement.''
"Wo will call tho hill square on
your former Inst payment," Insisted
Dr. I'rere, touched by the faithfulness
of thu young mnn. "What are those)'
be added, an Martin lifted a box from
n stand
"It Is something I wanted to nsk you
about," replied Martin. "This morn
till! Utile Ned found a doll In tho
street nnd brought It homo for I.ou,
who noticed nil. thnt Jewelry pinned to
It. We nre honest people nnd I want
you to ml vine nic how I shall go about
flmlliiK the owner.'
Dr. I'rere could scarcely believe bis
ejeslgbt. In an Instant he recognized
the Jewels belonging to bis llnncen. It
wns loo liitonxo n circumstance to
analyze nil at once; Its strangeness;
lt Importance. Uo hurried back to
the Donne house nnd told the story
of I'nul Martin.
"A worthy, honest man," observed
Winifred's rather. "These poor people
Interest me. What do you say to this
grand Martin man having his wedding
- - -
Hear How Different They Are!
Different artists different interpretation dif
ferent tones that's what you'll notice in these new
Brunswick Records. Songs that touch the heart,
solos that thrill, instrumental pieces that move you,
record music such as you never heard before.
Brunswick Records unite the talent of the artist
with the genius of the composer.
Into Brunswick Records go the breath and soul of
the artist. Into every one is graven that individu
ality which is seen in the living likeness. Each is a
music picture portraying clearly, distinctly and
artistically the most intense accents the most
delicate shadings.
Compare Brunswick Records
Ask to hear them today. Be their sole judge.
Compare them with others. Look for something en
tirely different in record music. Something greater,
sweeter, richer, truer. You'll find it here in Bruns
wick discs.
W. M. TOWER, Jeweler
403 Tilford Building
410 Oswego Street.
Kcs. 615 Ainswortb Ave.
TEACH lilt
Columbia (4
Woodlawn 2092
By T. O. AIJrn
(09, lilt. Wttltrn Nwipper Union.)
N OLD man sat dreamily
gazing Into the flrcplnco of
n richly furnished room. It
wns Chrlstmns cvo nnd
Marvin Hughes was looking
linck over the yenrs of his
life and was grave uud sad
dened as he renllzcd that he
had neither chick nor child
of his own, ns tho echo of
music nnd the voices of rollicking chil
dren In the npnrtmcnt overhead were
borne to his cars.
The recognition of the fact that he
was getting old, thnt lie was missing
something In life that might make
him better and happier, appealed to
him powerfully tills Christmas eve.
lie had mechanically distributed tho
usual Christmas largesso at the olltcc.
Homeward bound ha. hnd neglected no
appeal from tho street mendicant
This wns not soul-satlsfying, however.
It had dawned upon him that bo hud
brought his Isolation upon himself;
thnt thcro wero at least two persons
In tho great city who wero of kith nnd
kin nnd ho sot to summing up tho
duty he owed them.
"I havo been no closer to them than
If I were an utter stranger," ho solilo
quized. "It Is my fault, I mippose, for
I havo encouraged neither for years
I have simply sent them tho usual hol
iday check. When I am through with
what I hnvo It must go to others.
Which of tho two deserves recogni
tion Htln Ilnrnes or Albcrtn Nnrrls?
Tin. n- imuwut wns b widow ami
second cousin. Hughes had supplied
tho capital to start her In n bonrdlng
houso nt her urgent request nnd she
bad managed to mnko n living out of
It. For a time he cnlled and sho had
put herself out to mnko upon him nn
Impression of admiration of his suc
cessful business record, of gratitude
for his flnnnclnl co operation, of her
love and devotion for him, the last
near relatlvo sho bad In tho world.
Then, too, sho bad appealed to him
In a strong way. Onco sho hnd tak
en him to n draperled niche off the
sitting room, and had showed him a
life-sized oil pointing of his. dend
"Sho wns like a sister to me," said
Mrs. Homes pathetically, "nnd you
know brother Willis was quite n por
trait artist. I have nhvnyH treasured
It as tho one precious memento of my
Hushes wns duty touched, but tho
Impression was not lasting. There
was something artlflclnl nnd Insincere
about Kttn Homes. Under the Inllu
enco of his present emotions, howev
er, his softened spirit, longed for loy
al companionship.
"I'll do It I" spoko Hughes. "I shnll
call upon Mrs. Homes nnd Alhortn.
Ono or the other I will endow with
fortune nnd I hope to trace out some
real affection for mo; a genuine glad
ness to welcome mt ns n member of
their household Muring my remaining
few years."
An hour Inter ho entered the homo
of Mrs. Homes. Ho was told that she
was out on an errand nnd wns shown
Into n sitting room. Involuntarily
memory directed htm to tho niche
whero ho had viewed his mother's por
trait. It wns not In place. Then ns
ho glanced Into tho room beyond
Homes snw It lylnc across two chair
used ns nn Ironing board. The shock
drove him to his feet. He hnd fath
omed the Insincerity of this unworthy
rolntlve. Ho wns hnlf-mluded to re
turn home. A memory of the Inst
time he hnd seen Alberta, her mis
band nmt children, however, Influ
enced him to follow out his prescribed
They hnd nlways lived humbly, bul
respectably. From the day that Ah
den Norrls hud married Alhertn he
had hut one thought In his mind her
comfort and contentment nnd thnt of
the little ones who enmc to them as
tho years passed on.
Well Hughes knew the house, tbo
room brllllnutty lighted, whence ech
oed sounds of Jollity nnd excitement.
Its window wns open for ventilation,
nnd his eyes dimmed ns he viewed tho
hnppy-fnccd Alhertn nnd her huyhand,
the two little girls, nud a baby crawl
ing nbout, cooing with nnlmatlnii.
"Keep Mnrvln away from the can
dles, Alden," be heard Alberta speak,
and bis heart thrilled. This Inst child
then wns his iinmesukul
He came Into the house to receive
the usual earnest welcome nlways be
stowed upon him. "Alberta," lie said,
"I nm lonely nnd uiihnppy. I linvc re
solved to seek some congeiilul hnven
where love nnd sympathy will bring
me peace and contentment. Is It
Willi open nnns sho greeted him,
and nmld Chrlstmns cheer nnd tho lov
ing tenderness of true, honest souls,
thntt.-yiirlHtmns eve Marvin Hughes
wns awarded, tho longing desire of his
liy May Annctlty lUgdoa
lit). 10. Wr-Urn N.w.t'.li.r Union.)
IIKItl. won n pnst Christum.)
eve that olood out In bold
prominence In (he mind of
Itnss I.vntis, ns hu lounged
In n luxurious chair In his
room at the hotel and wove
cus mnn, hut not of tho ring type. With
in two years he bad won tho envious
distinction of helm: n leader In his lino
Sport Wool Socks. -HOOKHS
hopeful nntlclpntory dreii
xr l.vnns wns n successful
ns ndvance agent and advertising
The shows wero off of tho road for
tho winter season now, and a fow
days before Christmas there came n
great longing to the wnuderer to seo
the old friends nt home. There wns
Mrs. Allco Dnlrymple, whose husband
hnd been tho best friend Uvnns over
had. There wns her house full of lit
tlo children nnd Ivy Clary's peerless
beauty and grace, who hnd come Into
his life as n winning spirit of gentle
ness. It was becnuso of his remembrance
of his last Christmas cvo In Weston
that he thought of her now. How fer
vently ho recalled the morry hours
with tho brood of llttla Dalrymplcs,
and one Incident thnt had tinged his
whole enrcer, when he and Ivy wero
nlono trimming tho Chrlstmns tree.
Shu wnro n rose colored, hrond ribbon
belt, nnd ho wns steadying her nn a
stool. As she wns adjusting lomo tin
sel Us perfumed ends swept his. face.
With an Impulse ho could not analyze,
(Concluded on fourth pwoi
The OWocs Studio
Useful, Yet Inexpensive
$1.75. 3 35. 3-75. -1-35
A Itln fMAtii.ii
wiuvca, ..........
Dress Gloves 3.50, "2. 75, 3.50
Wool Socks 50c, 65c, 1.00, 1.35, 1.50
Drcu Shirts 1.75, 3.50, 3.00
Neck Scarfs 2.50
Initial Handkerchiefs, 35c, three for 1.00
Fancy Handkerchiefs 50c
Paris or Boston Garters 50c
Arm Hands toe and 35c
59.50 Raincoats , 4.50
7.00 Corduroy Pouts 5.50
6,00 Corduroy Pants 4.85
7.00 Wool Pants 5.50
8.G0 Woo! Union Suits 7.00
COO Wool Union Suits 4.75
4.00 Mixed Union Suits 3.00
3.50 Cotton Union Suits two suits 3.95
3.75 Tin Pants 3.95
Hells 50c, 65c, 75c, i.oo
Nek tics 35c, 75c, 1.00, 1.50
Cuff Links 5oc, 75c, 1.00
Collnr Pius. 50c
Stick Pins in Christmas boxes 50c, 1.00
Pnncy Arrow Soft Collars. 35c, -)oc, 60c
Flannel Shirts 3,35 "P
Felt lints 3.00, 5.00
Caps 1.75 up
Wool Vests 5.00
Wool Sweater Vails , 5.00, 6.00
Wool House Jackets 7.50
Men's Hath Holies 9 50
Cotton Sweater Coats 1.10
Jersey Gloves 35c, three pairs 1.00
13.50 Wool Mnckiunws 9.75
15.00 Wool Mnckiunws 12.00
IO.00 StoR Shirts 7,50
9.50 Men's Dress Shoes, special 6 50
1.35 House Slippers 95c
SUITS AND OVERCOATS at greatly reduced prices
Buk of Cmhmtcs folding
Open tags
St. Johns Undertaking Co.
Thomas Grice, Alannger
Office, Col. 527 PHONES Nlht, Col. 299 208 N. Jersey St.
Night or Day Calls Promptly Answered
Not a Branch office of any
Portlaud Undertaking Co.
LOW RENT enables us to give
our customers the benefit of
Very Low Prices.
We guarantee lower prices than you can set In the city
A dependable insurance agency, I
giving superior service.
All Lines of Insurance
108 South Jersey St Phone Columbia 101
"Say it with blowers"
The appearance of your
house will be wade more cheer
ful by the use of a pretty Feru
or Flowering Plant. I have
them at prices to suit all pocket
books, also Cut Flowers and
Floral Designs for all occa
sions. SOeckett s Greenhouses
814 and 816 North Kellogg Strert
Phone Col. 401
The place where rooA service unci
courteous treatment prevail, Children's
hair cutting receive special attention.
Phone Columbia 379
Res. Columbia 1 131
Dr. F. P. Schultze
Physician and Surgeon
Room 4 Peninsula Rank IJullditiK
For Fine Chocolates
Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars
311 South Jersey Street
Driving Gloves, $1.75 up. A
fine Xiiiiih Present.
. .JAe (2iristian Guirci. .
Takes this opportunity to express its appreciation of
the confidence and loyalty of the community as ex
pressed in the increasing growth and usefulness of both
Church and School.
To wish the community a Merry Christmas
A Happy New Year
Joy of loyal friendships, of dear companionships and
deathless loves, joy in your quest for truth and beauty,
joy in your labor, joy in God's sunshine and His
abounding love, joy in the quiet and solitude of your
own heart when night comes, and restful sleep, joy in
cheerful yesterdays, in heroic todays and confident
tomorrows, through all your life nud nil your days.
Oarbert 3. Jjones, -Atinister
Have a great Variety
of Practical and
Useful Gifts for
All Members of
the Family
- 50c up
$1 to S6
50c to $7
.50 to $10
$1 to $8
- $2 to $5
$1 to $6.50
75c to $6
Bill Folds and Purses
Eversharp Pencils
Waterman Foun. Pens,
Star Vibrators
Safety Razors
Straight Blade Razors
Kodak Albums
Hair Brushes
Military Brushes, Pair $3.75 to $10
Pyralin Ivory Clocks $4,50 to $16.50
Pyralin Ivory, Single and Sets
$1 to $40.00
Perfumery in Beautiful Pack
ages - 75c to $9.00
Kodaks from - $9.49 up
Brownie Cameras - $2.86 up
Victrolas, $25 to $275, Easy Terms
This list contains nothing but the best stan
dard makes and the Prices and Terms
cannot be beaten no matter where
you go. Buy here and save
yourself time, trouble
and money.
Currin's for Drugs