St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 03, 1920, Image 3

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Inlaid Linoleum
Reduced Prices
This week we are offer
ing to Cover Any Room in
your house with Inlaid Lin
oleum for a small payment
down and the balance at the
rate of only $1 per Week,
at the following very low
Inlaid Linoleum $2.20 square yd.
2.40 square yd.
2.60 square yd.
3.00 square.yd.
Inlaid Linoleum
Inlaid Linoleum
Inlaid Linoleum
Laying Extra
Your Credit Is Good
OAmondu Baos
The Cash and Carry Grabateria
The Changing Times
The era of Chain Stqres came about because a
group of men with large capital could, by starting
stores in different localities increase the outlet of
merchandise emiuating from oue source.
The Chain Store system is nothing more, than
auy other store except the buyiug partis concentrat
ed at one place. The buyers for these stores have
their headquarters at the source of production and
they buy direct from the packer or the producer.
It goes without saying that a buyer who can buy
the same sort of merchandise for several hundred
stores can command a better price than a buyer for
just one store.
The secret of advantageous grocery prices in St.
Johns is this ability to buy in connection witlf many
other stores. That is why you have had established
by this store better prices than prevail almost any
where in Portland.
Coupled with this buyiug capacity, the activity
of -the owners, the acquaintance with the locality be
cause of our long residence here ought to convince
auy one that we can do business at less cost than the
average grocery.
We always believed that "a word to the wise
was suficient."
The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery
Make Your Feet Give Good Service
Tired, aching, swenty, swollen feet uncomfortable, inconvenient, even distressing. These nre
indications that any feet may exhibit from standing or walking on them too long, from an over dry
ness of the skin, from an ordinary disease of the feet or from tight shoes. Make your feet give good
service keep them healthy and you'll keep them happy. Keep them feeling good and you'll keep
them capable by using our Koot" Relief.
The Prescription Store
paper at this
P. E. Berry is on a two weeks'
Vacation at Everett, Wash.
O. E. Learned and family have
returned from a pleasant so
journ at Seaside.
Remember the Methodist Sun
day school picnic at Peninsula
Park Labor Day, September 6th.
The Masonic Lodge and Min
erva Chaper have resumed regu
lar meetings after the August
John Killebrew has returned
from thcstnteaof Washington,
where he had been employed in
the harvest fields.
finsnnr'H RxnrpRM ?r nnw husi.
ly engaged in taking care of the
prune crop In St. Johns, besides
handling their other business.
A lady advertised a range for
sale In last week's Review, and
she says the paper was scarcely
out before it brought a buyer.
The Review sure brings results.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E Monro and
daughter, Marion Lorraine, were
guests at the home of Chas. Ilort
on Tioga street Saturday and
Sunday. They rocklo at Salem.
A mammoth sunflower plant
was brought into this office last
Saturday, that resembled a young
tree. It was grown by Mrs. T.
Blomgren nt (311 Windlo street.
It measured 102 feet in length.
N. C. Jnnnscn of 812 N. Sen
eca street is on a limiting vaca
tion trip in southern Oregon.
It is expected that his ne u h-
bors will be plentifully supplied
with venison upon his return.
J. A. Sterling of S01 South
Kellogg street brought in a spec-
men of corn that was a dandy.
It measured ten feet ten inches
in length without the root. Who
says corn ennnot he raised in
this part of tlio country
A bean ton inches long and
well filled out, grown by Mrs.
M. M. Uickcs. 212 W. Huchnnnn
street, was brought into this
olllco Monany. It sure was some
The Masonic building on Bur
lington and Ivnnhoo streets hns
been grentlv improved on the
exterior by new roof and fresh
paint. A large sign has boon
placed on the building.
R. D. Powoll is making some
substantial alterations and im
provements to his rcsidonco, -11 1
Bristol street. Among tlio im
provements is n now sleeping
Mrs. J. E. Gyde. who had
been the guest of her sifter.
Mrs. J. N. Harney, has returned
to her home in Wallace, Idaho.
Her husband is a prominent at
torney of Wallace, and is attor
ney for the mines there.
A head of cabbage weighing
more than twelve rounds and
grown by Mrs. A. J. Foul of CM
East John street, was brought
Into this ofii- u Uediiiatiay. Be
sides monster cab'onge, Mrs.
I'oul has unusual y ariro beans
and corn and other vegetables.
Tho work on the James John
High School building is progres
sing very rapidly under the nblo
direction of Mr. Chambers. It
ooks now as if the btiilding would
be ready for Use about the first
of October.
One hundred first class envel
opes with your name and ad
dress neatly printed on the cor
ner for one dollar at tho Review
office. Additional 100 for 75c.
The postoffico department ad
vises the use of printed return
E. L. Thorpe, director of the
Multnomah County Fair which
will be held at Uresham October
4-9, paid this office a pleasant
call Monday, He says plans are
leing made lor a nig nllair. and
that the Fair at Gresham is now
the second largest of the state.
J. N. Harney went to Bay
Ocean last Saturday and on
Monday returned accompanied
by Mrs. Harnoy and daughter
Mary, who had been spending
the greater part of August there.
Mrs. Gabriel Pullin and two
daughters and Laura Rogers al
so returned with them.
The Cox-Roosevelt Club of St.
Johns and Portsmouth will hold
their meeting at Bickner hall
Sept. 7th at 7:30 p. m. The Hon.
Thomas A. Hayes will speak on
the paramount issues of the com
ing campaign. A musical pro
gram will be furnished by Mad
ame Bourpy. The public is In
Automobile Runabout. Bosch
Hi tension, new tire3. good con
dition; also 1G h. p. engine com
plete with trans, suitable for
launch. Both $100.-918 N. Hud
son, opposite North school.
The public schools will open
next luesday.
Typewriter paper at this office
30c per 100 sheew, or 500 sheets
for 1.25.
Miss Ermn Haskell has return
ed home after a week's visit at
The Multnomah Theatre is in
stalling a line new pipe piano
in the theatre hero.
George A. BiRler of 810 S. Ed
ison street brought In a huge po
tato tho first ol the week. It
weighed almost two pounds.
Mrs.'B.G. Lott and daughters.
Laura and Mrs. D. (J. Hill, Imve
returned from a pleasant two
weeks' sojourn nt Gearhart.
Joseph Tooley, who has been
nt Lakcview in Southern Oregon
for the past year or so, is here
on a visit. He is looking line.
Elmer Lott, who has been with
the Boy Scouts at Wahtuni Lake
during the month of August, has
returned home and reports .a
very pleasant time.
Last week the Congregational
Sunday school held its annual
picnic at Columbia Park. The
young people all thoroughly en
joyed themselves.
Congregational church. Pastor,
Rev. J. W. Threlfall: Morning
church school 10 to 11; service
11 to 12, subjoct, "Getting wis
dom thru worship." Evening
service 8 to O.subject, '1 ho dis
tribution of Religion."
A mooting of St. Johns Post
No. 88, American Legion, will
meet at the local library Friday
evening of next week. A full
attendance is desired as some
very important inatterH will bo
tnkjm up.
G. E. Robinson has purchased
the Iluir Studio on North Jersey
street and taken possession of
the same. Mr. Hutf has made
many friends during his stay
in St. Johns. Just where he
will locate he has not definitely
Mrs. E. I). Vinson of 528 S.
Ivnnhoo street has just installed
a complete and uptodato equip
ment for doing hemstitching,
which she is prepared to do in
a neat and pleasing manner.
Persons dosiring to have such
work done would do well to give
Mrs. Vinson a call. Hor prices
nro very reaionablo.
Miss Minnie Mnson has gone
to New Mexico to teach in a
Presbyterian mission school for
girls. She was a teacher in Ida
ho for the past five years and
this Summer has been visiting
her mother, Mis. Mason at 810
Princeton street. Miss Mnson
regretted very much being caned
away and not able to attend the
marriage of her brother to Miss
Tho nocossity'for choosing a
site for the proposed new James
John high school was brought tip
at a meeting of the school bonrd
Wednesday by Director Thomas,
who said that a site should bo
selected soon, so thut construc
tion could begin whon the money
for building will bo rondy In
January. Frank L. Shall and
Mr. Newell were authurizod to
obtain options on sites for the
On September 5th nt 10 a. m.
Rev. M. McCann. O.S.M. of Chi
cago will begin a two weeks mis
sion at St. Clement's church.
The first week will be for tho
ladies, and the second week for
the mon. Rev. Father McCann
has boon In the missionary Hold
for the past thirty years. His
wide experience enables him to
fulfill his office well. Non-Catholics
as well as Catholics are
welcome to any of tho lectures.
Percy Johnston has purchased
the 100x100 corner at Alma and
Jersey streets, and will soon be
Everything in Sweets and Soft
Ilritlkn nt Iltonlnu-'a Qwnnt Qlmn
Maternity enses taken reason
able at 1109 Princeton street.
near Burr. Columbia 901. -13
Have you tried our Vogan's
and Hofflcr Chocolates at Bige
low's Sweet Shop?
Good family cow for sale cheap;
also geese for sale. Cnll 901
Allegheny street, or phone Col.
311. 3Stf
OVERALLS for everybody.
Ford Rondster, fine shape, for
sale at 313 N. Syracuso street;
Col. 791. 2t
RUBBERS for Mon $1.25.
$1.50, ?2.00. ROGERS.
For Sale Fifteen young hens.
Call 209 N. Smith avenue.
Girls' Hooded RAIN CAPES
$1.35. ROGERS.
Let us grind your apples Into
cider on shares. -Homo Kitchen;
Columbia 1002.
Warm'CAPS for bald headed
men. ROGERS.
For Rent I or 5 furnished
housekeeping rooms, partly mod
ern. 810 S. Hudson street.
$1.00. ROGERS.
CIDER-Buy it by tho gallon.
Home Kitchen; Colombia 1002.
For the best 50c cashmere
sock on the market see ROGERS.
For Sale Big cucumhers.good
for dill pickles, $1.50 per sack.
W. G. Johnson, cast end Char
leston Htreet.
Warm GLOVES for tho auto.
Lost Mandolin on St. Johns
street corner August ltith, about
1 p. m. I inder please call Col
umbia 1189; reward.
U. S. ARMY Leggings $1.00.
ForSalo-Two lots oh Hart-
man street, near Oswego, iuOO.
or will oxchango for 1919 or 1920
Ford car. John Millet, -129 E.
Charleston street.
$3.00, $$.50, $1.50. ROGERS.
For Sale -New Zealand rab
bits; will bo sold cheap. Call
1225 S. Seneca, noar Columbia
boulevard and Midway.
Warm NIGHTIES for men.
For Sale at a Bargain Com
paratively new $75 Victrola, in
cluding 18 records. (Jail 2051
Willnmotto bouiovard.
Don't forget ROGERS has a
big lino of WARM JERSEY
GLOVES for men and children.
For Sale-Luundry stove. $1.
also kitchen citbinot as good as
new $5.00. 412 E. Burr street.
for Mon $2.25, $2.75 per union
suit. ROGERS.
Fall Millinery Oponing Friday.
and Saturday, Sept. 10th ana
11th. St. Jolum Millinery, Mrs.
M. E. Crane, Prop. 2t
For Sale for $35-Now garage,
12x18, shinglo roof and rustic
aiding, heavy 0x0 sills and dou
ble doors.-1818 Willnmotto boul
evard, corner Charleston street.
Wanted-Girl to do general
housework. 920 S. Jersey st.
Bartlett pears for sale, $2.00
per hundred. See Rico & late,
real estate; Columbia 887.
For Sale Four room house,
lot 00x100: all kinds of fruit.
jersey siroeis, anu win soon uc , : v, , lwi,
gin the erection of a residence ' uhlrcss (119 N. Ivanhm-
thereon. A. W. Davis hnndlod ... ... .
the deal. Mr. Davis has also sold , " J;,' mom modern
a res id en co nt iu iiariman
street to Wm. Makela; the A. R.
Davis residence at 1019 S. Jer
sey to F.B. Mack of Sedro Wool
ley; house and lot at 907 N.
Hudson street to W. II. Faxon
of St. Helens, and the Mrs. Rog
ers property at 3M W. Chicago
street to Dr. McChesney.
Cards of thanks 'notices are
charged for at the rate of fifty
cents oach. Porsons desiring to
have such notices published
should make a note of this.
Bring in your job printing.
Approach any officer's desk and tell
him just what you would like the Pen
insula National Bank to do for you,
Human and cordial relations with
customers is the constant endeavor of
this bank, not merely formal and
perfunctory service.
Our directors stand high in this com
munity because of their character,
experience and success.
Our officers and the men and women
of our stalf have demonstrated their
ability to render prompt, accurate
and courteous service.
We have reason to believe that you
would like the helpful spirit and
friendly atmosphere of the .
Peninsula Nationa
Member Federal Reserve System
7ho a look
GUNS and
W? Sell
X IA f kV n a 1 MM -VWV.VlKOfe.
When wo sell you n Gun or Rifle, or anything,
you won't have any kick coming. Our ammunition Is?
loaded reliably, and if your aim is true it will bag the?
game. y
ii vuur iiiu aims uun i UMtei v muiinu vuii. nvu
S them or give them to your boy and come in and jjotj
now ones, j
And when you want any Hardware remember;
iliac- uur iiaruwaro is uic uesc; it sianus me lesu
St. Johns Hardware Co.
The Winchester Store
Phone Columbia 35
TIES 50c.
the latest JAZZ
In order to Insure a change of id
ertliement the copy foi such change
ihould reach office not later then
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m.
house, lot r,0.20(), full base
ment, eight nice Inuring fruit
trees, cement sidewalk on nich
end ol' lol. in North St. Johns;
sewer in and till improvements
paid for. $1000 down, balance'
to suit, 0 per cent interest, Colli
nt this office. j
And j
3 Mechanical Drafting l
S Rates by Hour or Contract
023 South Decatur Z
t Phone Columbia 108 &
Clean Up!
Press Up!
Dress Up!
And JOY'S tho place to
have it done. JOY does
GOOD work and his
rates are HALF what
others charge.
French Dye Cleaning
and Pressing $1.25
Pressing - 45c
You Bring and Take Away
is the Reason
9 Tailor
217 N. Jersey Street
In iuhIiiIiiIium! Iy llu xlnlf
In orilrr llml tlio itiui rii.
pin of Orrgon niny riTflvr,
without i'iihI, li liriiffilH of
u 11 ho nil ctliirittlon.
The Ur.lrllr imuUnhCuliinl
OrtJuitt SiKol. lU &kuo ol H-'
icl Uutiillon. J lK ,ttlUil
SthooW of Uw. Mmtoin ul pMtlwul),
Architecture, C'uwmih, JouinnlUia,
LiliiOllon nJ Mu.k
tUmUrtU ul choUkip rfc
Hulp(J Ubomtoriti J hbiary of
n.rlr lOO.OOi) voIuhmi.
Su(rvUrl ll.llk ate MOurai
nil (very tlrntton Un llw hIUi
nJ vrlUr o( lh ludfkU.
Willi m liftlilitviitil cunllJritr
4uliiJ br lh raenitt irlHii
ul puMto auppurl, Ilia 1'iiit r,illy
Ii in w ulrliiit iimhi uu rrM ul
lr j Jvlutuiiil unJ tlviidvJ
Tor cUtcu or (or any lafof matto.
I'liivvrally ul Omiloii
luaii. Oraiuii
You don't have to ho a "K. of
P." to wear ROGERS' "K"hakl