St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 13, 1920, Image 3

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    wtirniiir'BiitrtMWWi i m i i
"f. .,-Uimi:ti:;i.!i;-j'
$1.00 a Week
We are agents for the sale
of the Old reliable Fulton
Go-Carts, Side walk Sulkies
and Perambulators and carrv
in stock a full line of these
strong, durable, easy riding,
beautiful appearing vehicles,
for baby's health and coin
fort select a FULTON and
get the little chap . out into
the air and sunshine. Re
member, you can own one
of tliQse splendid Go-Carts
by paying a small amount
down and only $1.00 per
week until paid for.
Pulton Go-Cnrls, black $12.50
Fulton do-Cnrts, black 21.00
Fulton Go-Carls, pray 22.00
Fulton Go-Carts, lias artillery wheels
(special) 25.00
Fulton Go- Carts, black, hard wood
sides with hood. .. 30.00
Fulton Go-Carts, extra large, has
five bow hood, wood sides
and front open to make ex
tra seat for older child, black 35.00
brown 35.00
gray 36.50
Reed Pcramlulattr Ivory 38.00
" " gray 49.00
" 65.00
OAmandu Bags
The Cash and Carry Grabateria
The Changing Times
The era of Chain Stores came about because a
group of me with large capital could, by starting
stores in different localities increase the outlet of
merchandise emulating from one source.
The Chain Store system is nothing more than
auy other store except the buying part is concentrat
ed at one place. The buyers for these stores have
their headquarters at the source of production and
they buy direct from the packer or the producer.
It goes without saying that a buyer who can buy
the same sort of merchandise for several hundred
stores can command a better price thau a buyer for
just one store.
The secret of advantageous grocery prices in St.
Johns is this ability to buy in connection with many
other stores. That is why you have had established
by this store better prices than prevail almost any
where in Portland.
Coupled with this buying capacity, the activity
of the owners, the acquaintance with the locality be
cause of our long residence here ought to convince
any one that we can do business at less cost thau the
average grocery.
We always believed that "a word to the wise
was suficieut."
The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery
Charming Styles in Bathing Caps
Chnrmiugly simple aud small, and designed for many practical needs. They are glove-fitting and
cause no discomfort. Call aud look them over.
St. Johns Pharmacy
Prescription Store
Max Wirimer has sold his nron
erty in North St. Johns.
Frank Learned hns boon stand
ing the past week or so at For
est Grove.
Miss "Alice Wrinkle has re
turned from a pleasant sojourn
at Seaside.
Mrs. S. W. Rogers has return
ed from an extended visit in St.
Louis and other Eastern points.
On August 4th a baby girl was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Redmond of 508 East Richmond
The Free Methodist camped
inir at the Caples tract is prov
ing quite interesting and is be
nig well attended.
Keep in mind the Community
uui) picnic August 2uth at Co
umbia Park. V an to attend, as
it win be well worth while.
W.H. Faxon of St. Helens has
purchased n modern dwellitur
tho Holbrook Addition, A.W.Dn
vis negotiating the transfer.
Doric Lodge and Minorv
Chapter enjoyed an outing Tues
(lay at uoitimtiiii I'urk, supper
being Borved in the even nir un
der the trees.
Work has begun on the stroet
car lino between I'ossondcn
street and the St. Johns Termi
mil. The contract calls for com
iletion in forty days.
Mallei Dochq of Greenwood
miss., arrived in St. Johns on
Sunday, lie will make his home
here with his parents, Mr. am
Mrs. William Deeso on Tioga
Little Mildred Short entertain
i'd n few of her girl Montis at a
party Thursday afternoon at the
home of her grandmother. Mrs
u. u. biiort. i lie occasion was
her 5th birthday.
Oregon's olliclal 1!)20 pomila
tinn Is 78.1285. Tho increase
over 1910 is 110.520. or 1G.I pet
cent. Multnomah county's pros
ent ollU Jul poptilati in is 27fi.fei)8.
Its Increase during tho last ten
years is 49.G37, or 21.0 por cent.
It would seem like a good plan
for St. Johns to have n little ag
ricultural fair of its own. lhere
would surely be an interesting
exhibition, judging from soma
specimens that have been ad
Mrs. A. J.. Roc, who vosidas
on tnc Jtotieris tract in North
St. Johns, brought in an inter
esting exhibit Monday. It was
tho leaf of n tobacco plant grown
on her place.and measured 10x30
It is high time that the city
authorities spend a little timo
and money in taking care of
some of our streots that are not
hard surfaced. A littlo grad
ing and rolling would do won
dors before tho wot wonthor sots
in again.
Glover & Allen, who havo pur
chased tho bchlesser restaurant
on North Jersey street, linvo had
the room remodeled and have put
in a auick lunch counter on one
side and n card room on tho oth
er divided by a partition,
Frank Gnssor, assisted by his
brother. George, handled about
eighty five tons of cherries which
they delivered to the canneries
in fifteen days, which is going
some, 'lney are preparing to
handle prunes, pears, apples and
other fruit as they ripen.
As an illustration of what St.
Johns soil will do in tho potato
line. H. A. Long3tafi of 921 N.
Hudson street brought in the
product of one hill that made a
most beautiful display. They
wero fine, large ones and thore
were a lot of them for one hill.
Mr. W. H. Dearing and Mrs.
Nellie Boone were united in mar
riage July 29th. The groom is
the well known and well liked
South Jersey street confectioner,
and tho bride is a charming St.
Johns lady, and a sister of Thom
as Glover. '1 heir hosts of friends
unite in wishing them a most
pleasant journey down the sea
of life.
While his mother waved affec
tionately at him as he started
down the chutes at Columbia
beach Sunday afternoon, Leonard
Murphy, 11 years old, was slid
ing to his death in the Columbia
river, ine iaa uvea with n.s
parents at Vancouver. The fam
ily had gone to the beach oppo
site Vancouver for a Sunday out
ing and Leonard had spent much
of the afternoon in the water.
Come in. now," the mother ad
monished about 5 o'clock.
have been swimming too
now." "But I'm muddy; let me
slide down the chute once more
and get cleaned off," the lad re
joined. So he slid once more.
lie struck the water and sank.
Bring in your news items.
Miss Ett,a Alsbcrge is visiting
friends on the Sound.
In repotting a plant put a lay
er of cinders in the bottom for
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gasser
have been enjoying a pleasant,
sojourn at Seaside.
Mrs. Gertrude Morris of Tope-
Kn, Kansas, is visiting tier cons
in, Mrs. J. U. Iuctcher.
Mrs. Harris Miller of Hoiut
tun, Wash., is n guest of her sis
tor, Mrs. A. H. Schwartz.
a mousicr aiicnuuuce is ex
pected at inn iv. of r. picnic nt
Columbia Ileach tomorrow, Sat
unlay. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Chnunccy
are spending tho month wit
Mrs. Chauncey's mother at Long
t 1 1I it M
j. u, 1'ieicnor nnu who am
.11 M 1
rerry uencu nnu lamiiy spent
several days with their brother
A. M. Belieu, at his home near
Mrs. Martha Wingo, u former
resident of St. Johns, who now
resides at Jamestown. Cal.. is
upending tho month visitini
irionds in this city.
f IK
ine way so mo men arrnniro
ineir niiPK ins when t io sit
down at a table you would think
they were going to get a shave
instead of a meal. Ex.
Mrs. Georuu B trior of South
Edison street underwent an on
oration at tho Emanuel hosnita
Monday morning. II or condi
tion is lis well as could ho ox
Tho Fio (Is Motor Car Co. has
succeeded tho Peninsula Motor
Sales Co. in tho hitr huildini? on
aoum .Jersey street. Nolo an
nouiicoment elsewhere in this
Be sure to make arrangements
to attend tho Community Club
Picnic at Co umb a Park AulmihL
zoui. nitornoon and oven ng
A big timo is boing planned,
which will bo announced In great
er oelnil next week. Do not
Tho Ladies Aid of thoContrro
gatioual church wishes to thnnk
nil who contributed toward mak-
ng tho lawn social at tho homo
or MM. A. II. Schwartz, 917 S.
viinnoo on Wednesday evening
ast. tho so und d success it
provod to be.
I ho price of nnner stock is
still taking frightful bounds uo
1 h t. . . -
warn, roppio need nir orinlimr
.1 . . ! . . . 4 . ... "
done suouKi not pui ii on as
nearly each woek means a ljghor
price, ocean o eu nv icroasei
price for stock.
Miss Geneviovo Short loft
illy itlst for a two weeks outinir
with frionds in A hart a, Canada.
jeioro return nir she expects to
spend a short timo in Vancouver.
i. U. and beau e. where she
will bo attendant at tho mar-
iage of n friend.
Mrs. George Thompson and
son, Hilly Place, loft Monday
evening for their future homo in
Stockton, Cal, Mrs. Thompson,
as well as her son, aro old time
residents of St. Johns. Thoir
riends hero wish them hanni-
noss and prosperity in (heir new
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Ilominintr.
way, 'n company with J.O.Byrd,
Miss Nellie Moody, and Mrs.
onnle Kelley and children, mo
tored up from Stay ton, Oregon,
an'd spent tho week end with
Mrs. Kel'y's and Miss Moody's
mothor nt 212 Buchanan street.
Tho party returned to Stayton
Rice & Tate, a new compaiu
formed in St. Johns, will bundle
real estate, insurance, collec
tions, loans, mortgages and ren
Everything in Sweets and Soft
Drinks nt Bigolow's Sweetshop.
Dressmaking. Mrs. W. M. Mc
Cutchcon, 'M S. Leonard St. -12
Di ess Shirts. ROGERS.
Maternity cases taken reason
able at 11U9 Princeton street.
near Burr. 13
The Leading
American Industry
Have you tried our Vogun'
and Hofflor Chocolates at Bigo
low's bweet Shop
Cool HATS 75e. ROGERS.
Good family cow for sale cheap;
also geese for sale. Call 901
Allegheny stroet, or phono Col.
311. 38tf
aro niding in tho stroet car ox-
tension to the lorminal.
Furniture for Sale Dressers.
nigs, and housulio d furniluro in
general. Call 3M W. .Chicago
want to exchange in k cow
for carpenter work. A.W. Sears.
tiiy uswogo street; phono Col
umbia 19.
Furniture for Sale, including
dining room table, chairs, two
bedsteads, springs, stove, now
bureau, kitchen utensils, etc.
Call at 1001 N. Leonard street.
Wanted Young lady to learn
to operate machines at this
ollico. Must have fair education.
For Salo Brand now and thor
(Highly uptodiito ( room bungu
low. Will sell lot adjoining. Al
so four lot on North Syracuse
and Willamette boulevard. Call
713 N. Ivonhoo.
51.00. ROGERS.
I' or Rent Furnished house-
ko.'ping and sleeping rooms with
ight, water, wood, gas, baths.
1KJ S. Decatur stroet; phono
Col. iim.
Mcn's Rubbers $1.26 up. ROG-
ror Kent uuico desk room
and window. Call Ilulf's Studio,
UUI N. Jorsoy stroet.
Childron'H Play Suits SI. 25.
(OUEKb, of course.
For Salo 10 dozen Mason fruit
ars, range, stenographer tub e.
2 iiuilts, l pillows, 2 kerosene
amps. 3 chairs, cupboard, child
bodstoad with mattress, blanket.
3 Hat irons, couch. Call 209 N.
Smith avenue.
Elogant NECKTIES $1.00. 3
or $2.70, KUUEK5.
For Salo or Trade for
roporty Good farm land.
with owners only. Lock
2519, St. Johns, -
will fit you.
Now Potatoos 52 to $1
in ml rod at tho Homo Kitchen
milding, 214 Fossondan street:
phono Columbia 1002. 43
HATS and CAPS thut fit your
fuco and pockotbook. ROGERS.
For Salo Columbia Graphanc-
u with records, cheap. Colum
bia lift!.
Children's Stockings 45c and
50c. ROGERS.
For Salo, Furniture Bed,
stoves, dressers, etc. Call 815
N. Syracuse stroet.
SOCKS for Monday; HOSI
ERY for Sunday. ROGERS. I
Wo desiro to xhank most sin
cerely the membors of Gon.Como-
son Post No. 22, Gen. Cornpson
Women are engaged in
America's leading industry
home making.
Every woman knows that
successful home manage
ment requires the highest
degree of ability.
Successful home managers
pay their bills by checks, be
cause it is the safest and
the most convenient way .
The canceled check is indis
putable evidence of pay
ment. This bank pays particular
attention to the banking re
quirements of women.
Peninsula -National Bank
Member Federal Reserve System
The Right Equipment Makes
Your Picnic a Delight
npiIE men folks may say they're not jmrticu
A lnr about their meals, but you know that
"Hie bettor the service the better the picnic"
is how it turns out.
We know just what is wanted, and our slock
of dainty and practical Picnic Utilitios is com
plete. Let us serve you.
Phone Columbia 35
fr S
Dining Tables
tals. Mr. Hice is well known in'W. It. C. No. 52, Doric Lode
St. Johns, having resided hero No. :32,A.K. & A.M. and frionds
for twalve years and has built for their kind sympathy and
up a substantial business. Mrs. ! beautiful floral offerings at the
Tate has also been a resident here 1 death of our husband and father,
for some time, and has had ex
tencive experience in the real
estate business. Note their an
nouncement elsewhere in this
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kirk of
Chemawa, Wash., haves been
greeting old friends in St. Johns
the past week. They wero
formerly old time residents of
St. Johns, Mr. Kirk being.en
gaged in the realty business hero
with D. C. Rogers. Mr. Kirk I
has been in the Indian service
practically ever since leaving
here a number of years ago.
Their frionds here wero glad to
greet them again. They still
havo a great liking for St. Johns.
Mr. Kirk has been a subscriber!
to the Review since its birth in 1
E. D. Godfrey. Mrs. Adolia J.
Godfrey, Mrs. Chas. DeZell,
Mrs. Rert Mason.
You don't have to be a "K. of
l" to wear ROGERS' Khaki
Architectural .
Mechanical Drafting
Rates by Hour or Contract
923 South Decatur
Phone Columbia 108
The sales we offer are always
real sales. This week wo
are selling Oak Dining Tables
as low as - - $14.00
Best Quality Inlaid
Print Linoleum
We are the Agents for UNOSOAP, the
Soap (Manufactured especially for Linoleum
Price -
Phone Columbia 821
206-208 Philadelphia Street Opp. Fire Station