St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 06, 1920, Image 3

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Tapestry Brussels
$1.00 Week
We have a large stock of
Seamless Tapestry Brussels
Rugs in sizes 83xl0 and 9x12
which we are offering at
prices considerable lower
than the present market
values. Don't hesitate to
buy your rug this Spring, the
price of Rugs will be HIGHER
next Fall.
83xl0o 2 pattern Oriental
83X10 smull all over figure 41.00
83X10 Floral design 42.00
9x12 High Spire(seamcd) special 30.00
9x12 ' 35.00
9x12 small tan and green figure 37.50
9x12 small tan and red figure O i . 50
9x12 small all over figure 42.00
9x12 small figures, 4 Imtterns 49.50
Your Credit Is Good
OAmandxj Baos
The Cash and Carry Grabateria
The Changing Times
The era of Chain Stores came about because a
group of men with large capital could, by starting
stores iu differeut localities iucrense the outlet of
'merchandise emiuating from one source.
The Chain Store system is nothing more than
any other store except the buying part is concentrat
ed at one place. The buyers for these stores have
their headquarters at the source of production and
they buy direct from the packer or the producer.
It goes without saying that a buyer who can buy
the same sort of merchandise for several hundred
stores can command a better price than a. buyer for
just one store.
The secret of advantageous grocery prices iu St.
Johns is this ability to buy in connection with many
other stores. That is why you have had established
by this store better prices than prevail almost any
where in Portland.
Coupled with this buyiug capacity, the activity
of the owners, the acquaintance with the locality be
cause of our long residence here ought to conviuce
am; one that we can do b'usiness at less'cost than the
average grocery.
We always believed tIRit "a word to the wisp
was suficient."
The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery
Charming Styles in Bathing Caps
Tlicy arc glove-fitting and
Charmingly simple and small, and designed for mam practical needs,
cause no discomfort. Call nud look tlicm over.
St Johns Ffi
Proscription Store
ill I'l MIIWMII II III II ... II lGEWJSflgggTC.ra
Rev. C. P. Gntes. Goo. M. Hull
and son Vornc motored to Hood
Kiver the first of the week.
Officer G. A. Roberts and fam
ily and Richard Merrltt motored
to Manhattan Beach this week,
where they will occupy the Mer
rymakers' Cottage for n couple
of weeks.
Hrintr in your news items
Gospel meetinRS arc being
Mem in ihe skating rink.
Frco Methodist rjunnmeetimr
will he held at St. Johns Heights
AURllSt ll'd'd.
'It is said a street carnivul wi
arrive in bt. Johns the latter
Another bumper garden in St. I f J0 month' nn. r
ihns is that of T. F. Levens tit j AFuT" nmL01 ,c 1
n Smith nk-mnin Mo ! of WMto Sultiioii valley have
120 South Olympia street. Ho
has corn over ten feet high, on
ions III inches in circumference
and monster beets and rutaba
gas. Elmer Lott left on Wednesday
morning for Camp Chiniderc,
Watham Lnke, Oregon, where
ho will spend the month of Au
gust at this Roy Scout Camp.
Several other lads from St. Johns
accompanied him.
Jeweler I. H. Lynch returned
Tuesday evening from a month's
sojourn in Ohio and other east
ern states. Ho reports every
thing in a flourishing condition
and the crops looking line. He
enjoyed the trip immensely.
Dr. Rorden 'and family leave
this, Friday, morning on a vaca
tion trip to Ashland. Crater Lake
and Klamath Falls. The Dr. will
be absent during the balance of
August, but patients will find
Dr. L. J. Kcliher in the offices.
A basket picnic will be held at
Columbia Park Sunday. August
8th by the Odd Fellows and Re-
lickaha of. St. Johns. A cordial
Invitation is extended to all
members of Laurel and Laurel
wood Lodges, their families and
friends to bo present.
Indorsement of Dr.. T. L. Per
kins as a candidate for city com
mas iloner was made by Scout
Young Camp No. 2, Department
of Oregon, United Spanish War
Veterans at a meeting held Au
gust U. The action was by tin an
Imous vole.
A. A. Muck, county commis
sioncr. is defendant in a suit in
the federal couit brought by the
Weyerhaeuser limbor company.
Mr. Muck for a period oi years
has claimed ownership of a strip
of water front at St. Johns. The
Weyerhaeuser company now
brings suit to gain possession
and asks SoOUO damages. Uro-goninn.
The fuel department of the St.
Johns Lumber company has add
ed considerable) new omiipmcnl,
including bunkers and trucks
that enahlo the company to ban
die moro loads with greater fa
cility. Good wood, big loads am
nromnt service are to be obtain
ed there. Managor Stoarns is
sparing no effort to mako the
fuel department tne oest mere is.
Anjono having an idea that
good corn cannot bo grown in
this nart of the country is woo-
fully mistaken. About the mid-
dlo of May William C. MacDon
aid of North St. Johns plantod
corn at hia place. Saturday ho
brought a couple specimens to
this office, oi.u of h ,u corn that
measured 9 feet G ii.ches in
length, and sweot corn that
measured 8 foot 4 inches.
Two former well known citi
zens of St. Johns passed away
during the past week: II. 12.
Penncll. formerly with the St.'
Johns Lumber company and pres
ident of tho St. Johns Commer
cial club, passed away at his
home in Portland. Harry C.
Hunter, at one time local city
councilman, died at Los Angeles
last Saturday.
J. F. Gillmoro reports the best
day in his M years of re Ity ox
periencc in bt.Jonns wounesday,
when ho sold three propertits
and practically closed tho deal
for another one. un Monday no
sold the Walker place at Polk
and Hudson for $3150, and on
Tuesday sold another property
for Mr. r. C, Knapp tor rjau,
making five sales for -the three
The Ladies Aid of tho Congre
gational church met Wednesday
afternoon at the homo of Mrs.
A. H. Schwartz. A pleasant af
ternoon was spent by all. Those
nresent were: Mrs. J. O. Rail
ey. Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Mrs. Pol-!
alley have been
spending several days here.
Mrs. Cooper, teacher in . the
North school, spent last wool
with her porcnts at Carlton, Or
The Muieipal Rand concert at
tho public square last Friday
evening was highly enjoyed by
our ciuzotifl.
Thomu" Glover has purchaser
tno fccniesser restaurant on
Noi th Jernoy street and assuni
cd possession.
A. Al. warnof roL'eiu v tnii'.
chased the property at 208 South
Jorsey street, whoro he has his
home and office.
The Ladios Aid of the Congre
gatinnnl church will give an ice
cream lawn social on the evening
of August 1 1 tli, nt the homo of
Mrs. A. H. Schwartz, 1)17 South
Ivanhoo atroot. Everybody wol
Many friends remembered
Mr S. V. Rodge on her 7(Jth
birthday, Monday, August 2n.
although alio is still confined to
her bed. She received many hap
py greetings and loving remem
Policeman G. A. Roberts has
sold his residence at 210 West
Richmond street to S. W. Roim
or, formerly of the local liro do
pnrtmont. Mr. Roberts and fam
ily now resido at G15 North Syr
nemo street.
Denzil Rritlon, the boy who
fell from a cherry tree several
weeks ago, is still steadily im
proving under the treatmont of
Dr. H. Peterson, chiropractor.
Dcnzil's mother, who
ill for somo tiino
much improved.
About 2d of his young 'friends
sprung a surprise on Joe (Julio
way at his home on South Ivan-
hoe street Wednesday evonlng.
It was in celebration of his 21st
birthday. 1 he evening was spent
in a very n ensunt manner, and
all had n jolly good time.
As further evidence of what
bt. Johns soil will produco the
garden of Mm. Frank Lilly at
801 W. Charleston street is nn
excellent illustration. Shu has
pole beans M feet :t inches in
height, beans in pod 13 inches
long, sweet corn almost 7 feet
high with silk mid ear. and cu
cumbers 7 inches long nnd 0 in
ches iu circumference. Can
any other garden in St. Johns
excel this one?
Miss Goorgia Rich announces
that she will reopen hor studio
in St. Johns. 410 Oswego street.
Col. f5 1, and will teach in tho
Montioth ISichenlauh studio
suites in the city, Main 3310.
For nppoiritments at her resi
dence, 515 Ainsworth avonuo,
Woodlawn 2002. Sua will nccopt
a limited number of students
this season. Miss Rich has spent
the summer motoring and enjoy
ing tlio sconic beaut los ol uro
Kon.nnd has recovered from the
sevoro illness sue had last
The I). O. K. K. picnic, which
will be held at Columbia Roach
Saturday, August 14th, promises
to bo an unusually interostintr
ovont. Thoro will bo all kinds
of stunts and diversions and an
enormous attendance is expect
ed. One object of the big picnic
is to assist in raising funds to
transport the D. O. K. K. band
and drill team to the National
Convention of tho Knights of
Pythias this Fall in an effort to
have con ontion tone to Port
land in 1023. Admission tickets
to the grounds at Columbia Beach
may be secured from local mem
bers of the Knights of Pythias.
Reports from various sections !
of tho state relative to the'
amount of chorries secured from
Currins sell Tanlac for $1.00.
For Sain-Ricycle, $10. Cal
at his office.
Ask your neighbor or doctor
about TJurriim For Drugs.
. Everything in Sweets and Sof
Drinks at Rigelow's Sweet Shop
Mrs. W. M.Mc
Leonard St.
Cutchcon, 300 S.
Currins for safety, satisfaction
and service. adv
Maternity cases taken reason
able at 1101) Princeton street.
near Rtirr. 30
You tell 'em ROGERS sells
UNDERWEAR, $1.25 up.
Now is the time to Kodak.
Currin Says So.
Have you tried our Voiinn'a
and Hoiflcr Chocolates at Hiiro
low's Sweet Shop?
Never take a trip without a
Kodak, xou might miss some
thing. Currin Says So.
Cool Dress CAPS $1.00. ROG
Wanted Six cord of first class
fir cord wood.-210 W. Catlin
Records are coming in all tho
time. Wo may have your favor
ito. Currins for Drugs.
For Sulo- Wood range almost
new, $15, also Charter Oak heat
or, $5; New Perfection 3 burner
oil stove $5. Call 1121 S. Jorsey.
Good family cow for sale choan:
also geese lor sale. Call 001
(Mlogheny street, or phono Col.
311. astf
Victor and Rrunswick records.
Hoar them and you will appreci
ate their duality. Currin Says
For Salo Ono room house and
ot 50x100, largo room, 500;
terms if desired. Call 031 N.
Central avenue.
Pleasure necessities Vidro-
a. iminswicks and Kodak.
Currin Says So.
Lost Wheel cap of a Dodgo
iros. car on Willnnietto boule
vard Wednesday morning. Find
er leave at this ollicii or notify
Miss Goorgia Rich.
My KHAKI PANTS arofit for
Dance. ROqiCRS.
Solect your druggist with tho
same cao you uro in aoloctlng
your doctor. Currin Says So.
ForSaloTwolotson Hartman
stroot, near Oswego, SHOO.or will
oxchango for 1010 or 1020 Ford
car. John Millet, 420 E. Charles
ton stroot.
Let us demonstruto the supo
ior tonoof Rrunswicks and Vic-
trolas. Currins For Drugs.
Say, Fellows! You will sleep
sound in ROGERS' $1.50 NIGHT
Rod room and also garage
space for rent ut 312 E. Leavitt;
Columbia 172. Call evenings.
Nice new 5-room modorn bun
galow on easy payments; price
$2800. Will take light delivery
or 5 pass, machine as part pay
ment. W. P. Greono; Col. 1025.
For Sale Cheap-Oakland Six
Touring, good tires, spot light to
bumper, host of condition, $075
cash. Can bo seen at Columbia
Why Arc
You Saving?
Are you planning to go
into business for your
self some day?
Are you figuring on own
ing a home of your own?
Are you planning to
send your boy or girl to
Listen: The man who saves aimlessly never
saves much. But the one who sets his heart and
mind on attaining something that can only be
got by saving- that is the man who builds up a
good bank account. He is not thinking about
money, he is thinking about his heart's desire
that only money can bring to him.
And another thing: Every banker knows that
the best saver is the one who saves systemati
cally -so much every week or month whatever
National Ban
Member federal Reserve System
Start the Day Right With
Good Toilet Equipment
YOU know the effect of "gelling out
of Ihe wrong side of Ihe bed."
Smooth yourself out in the bathroom,
with the aid of toilet equipment that's
made for starling the day right.
Come iu and see our attractive stock
of newest llathroom Fixtures, specially
displayed this week.
"the WMCfJSTjRs'VQvx.
Phone Columbia 35
hill, Mrs. Lade, Mrs. eila Jonn-;one tree have appeared in the
ston, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. uavid- Portland press from timo to time.
son, Mrs. Muivimii. Airs, urace
Campbell, Mrs. Seonce, .Mrs.
Manning, Mrs. J. inreiiaii, Mrs.
In reply to a number of in
quiries as to just where the Ladd
and Strong tract, tne latest pro
posed park site, is located, the
following will give an idea: Is
bounded on the south by St.
Johns avenue, on the west by
James street, and adjoins the
Holbrook Addition on the oast;
is one block from tho North
school and three blocks from
Fessenden street.
But so far as noted St. Johns
leads them all. An illustration
of this is the product of one tree
owned by A. J. Kreum in North
St. Johns. The tree is forty
years old and six feet in circum
ference. This year it produced
1250 pounds of picked cherries
for which Mr. I'reum received
thirteen cents per pound, or a
total of ? 162. 50. Besides this
there was probably moro than
fifty pounds left on the tree.
Cortarnly a valuable tree.
-For Sale Complete tont house,
Mx20. Inquire of Tom Oonlon,
529 Mohawk; phone Col. 384.
Real Estate Bargains
C rixitii cotUgt, count'Ctol to fcewcr,
strictly uwxlrrti, com rcte luuu ualki,
coiurtte (uuiitiitloii ul fine Ijhk--uicnt,
corner lot nml fine river view,
lorulctl clot in; linoleum fur kitchen
.ni'l hath rooms, tcreeitk fi iloor awl
wimlowi, tluute rcAleri or all win
dowk aud beautiful electric fixtures.
This place it the beat buy in St.
Johns. The itrice is Mtm-lWi rush
ami lUitcu )0 er month iucluiliiiK
7 room hous. modern, full Wo
men!, cemwtt walks. This iducu is n
bargain at f'HW onwwy terms -See a,
l'or Sale New '1 room liousc. This
i.lace is strictly modern ami has full
ItawiiiUit, $500 cash, Imlaucc f'M per
mouth iucluiliiiK iliteiest.
613 Hast Chicago Street
Dining Tables j
The sales we offer are always
real sales. This week we
are selling Oak Dining Tables
as low as - - $14,00
Best Quality Inlaid
Print Linoleum
We arc the Agents for LINOSOAP, the
Soap Alnruifactured especially for Linoleum
Price -
Phone Celumbla 821
206-208 Philadelphia Street Opp. Fire Station