St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 06, 1920, Image 2

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A. V. Morklc, Itdltor
Published Friday j)f Each Week
Subiorlptlon prlo $1.60 per year.
Tub RRVI8W Is entered nt post office
In Portland, Oregon, ns mall matter
of the second class under tlic Act of Con
rfress of March 3, 1879.
Flour That Is
Sure to Suit
There are so many kinds
of flour and so many good
claims made for each that
it's hard for housewives
to decide which to buy.
We can supply almost
any brand of Hour you
want, but will be glad to
tell you which one we
believe you will like the
Joy, the tailor, is opnmnK up
a tailoring branch shop at 217 N.
Jersey. Noto his this issue.
We understand Seneca street
from Fessendon to St. Johns av
enue will be hard surfaced -this
Mrs. Glenn and children of
ModcBto, Col., are spending the
ummcr with Mrs. Glenn's mo
ther, Mrs. H. S. MaRone.
Lewis Simmons, the well known
Fcssenden street grocer, and
brother, Kenneth L.. leave Mon
day for a sojourn at Long Beach.
Mrs. Nellie Phelps of Twin
Falls, Idaho, and Miss Francos
Boise of Salt Lake, Utah, were
week end quests of Mrs. Nels
Johnson last week.
Hnrrv J. Simmons has return
ed from a three week's visit at
Santa Anna. Cal. His wife will
spend another month there be
fore returning A CARROI 1
Mm. Hnnrv Film niu! two chll- TT r V,nillllVLL
1ron of LiiGrande. Oroiion. re
turned to their homo last Wed'
nesday after visiting MrH.Fihn's
sister, Mrs. N. II. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Monahan,
Mrs. Benjamin and Mrs. C. I'.
Gates will motor to Qufnabay
Park tomorrow, Saturday, and
take in the HvatiKelical camp-
meetimr there.
Tho Altruistic Club, Pythian
Sisters, will meet with Mrs. I.
L. Gromachey at OGB N. Syra
cuse street with an all day ses
sion. All members are request
ed to bo present. Ueportud.
The St. John Community Club (M . Iprcpv
picnic will bo held at Columbia JU I"- JKiaW
Poor flour is expensive at
any pnec. The beat is
cheapest at die price we $
ofTcr. $
SIAIAIONS & CO., Grocers
I'cmcikIcii I'lionc Columbia 210
Real Estate Broker
Has secured the services of
Mr. M. N. Amizich the well
known landscape gardener,
whose services and advice can
be hud with reference to
beautifying your homes. He
will be pleased to have his
many friends call and investi
gate the list of homes for
sale at
Don't send
of town.
Dr, Herbert F. Jones
Park Wednesday, Auuust 23th.
An enjoyable day is hoim? plan
ned which will consist of spuak
imr and diversions of d I Heron t
Inv tat ons aru out announc
inc tho weddiiiK of Mr. Samuel
II. Graf and Miss Blanche Ann
Edlefsen. dnuuhter of Mr. and
Mrs. P. II. Kdlefsen, to take
place Tuesday uvenitur, Atiuimt
21th, at her homo, 1810 Willam
otto boulevard.
Construction of tho extension
of tho St. Johns line of the Port
land Railway, I.iitht and Power
nmiiitmiu it Mniiti.tiifil f itriilimil
No 4 will.Htart immediately, thu 311 N. Jersey SI.
contract liavinir buen awarded
Thursday to Nelson & Brown for
If you liaTo visitors at your
home or some member of your
family is away on a visit and tho
fact (foes not appear in the homo
paper do not put tho blamo on
tho editor, for ho is not a mind
reader. You are to blame. It
is up to you to acquaint tho Edi
tor with thu facts. Do not let a
lalso Henwo of modesty koop you
from (IoIiik so.
Sunday, Ammst lfith, is the
Feast of tho Assumption B. V.
M. and will bu celebrated at St.
Clement's church with High
Mass at 10:110 a. m. Immediate
ly after Mass there will be a rea
Italian Spaithelt dinner served
on tho church lawn. There will
bo uood music, sinuimr, etc., and
u pleasant afternoon is assured
10 an auoiiuintf.
Currlns servo you best, adv,
Phone Columbin 42S
your printiiiK out
Dont worry about
what you
eat. Just
or phone
have lots
want to
drop in
us. We
of good
C. S. Bucy
Phone Columbia 528
202 S. Jersey Street
Notice of Sale of Real Property
Iti the Cltcull Court of the Stale at Oregon (or
llir County ol Multnomah.
In l'robnte
In the inalttf ol the elle ot Helen J. Ilotmei,
ileeeet . ...
Notice l lieteliy ulven that the uniltrnliriteil
ndmlnUUntor, liy litue ami under the ntilhotl
Ivolncettnlrionltr mmle bf llonnrntile t.eotKe
TnMflt JudBeol the nlimc entitled Court, oil
the Jlh iliy ol July. lv. In Hie almvc entitled
will ! iirlvate tale tlic lolluw lllit lien
crllied real itotty LelonultiK to M t?te.
wit All l lot elht () III 1)1 w nine Hi. wnuim
Itotlc Addition, according to the duly recorded
pint thereol. within the City ol I'oitland. County
t .. - -. - ' i ii i ml
cautlful gray or
black adult casket,
honrie, box, 2 nutoi
ombnlmlng rind rofln
ed servlco for. ...
I'tuieraU if ileiireil for f20, $30, f 10, $G0. Higher priced funerals in tiro
xrticm. We, iiinmifncturo ensketa. I,mt)' assistant,
llcmitiful funeral chapel.
Mnln 2691 Indopendent Funeral Directors A 7005
Washington at tll.t Street, Between 20th and 2st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
01 1 Central Ave. N.
Phone Columbia 888
2 M t ..1 ILa AmIii A rlflfi A IIrt $
ADUU1 flit! Ulliy MUVIUU el ITiclll
. . t-
ol Multnomah anil Htate ol Orrtt"
bidder ur rath, ulijett tu the conliliiiatiuu oi
Hald teal tirlerty will lienold from nud niter
AiiRint ijtd, lw. at iilyte aale. to the nigiient
the Court, hid. may I nulunllled to the tinner.
lned nt hl olTicea. )J ' rniiama liulldlux.t'otl'
l.,d.O.Kon. ,.,,..-,.,,..,.
Ailnillil-ttator ol the eMale ol
Helen limine.. iieceoi
Date ol nrl rtiiii..itt'i liny ty '".
Hldnev lloidon. Attorney lor AitinlnNiator,
4'i6 (lerllUKer ImiIIiIImk I'oitlaiid. (lie.
1 2 nice Lots in the heart of
St. loh ns. Portland. Oreiron
Write C. C. WOODHOUSll. Re
public, Washington.
To tin- l'tilillc: I'lic Court litm iiinile
mi onlvr iiIIiiwIiik Mm. May Ori'Kory f'iO
vr ni'Mitli for Iter nipixirt from me; tliia
to lit' in lieu ol Ktoecilin nun oilier ntip
ixirt. l.i't nil dike notice Unit I mil no
loiii'.vr liiililc for her bill, n t me aup-
iirHtiil. Jitineit v. (.ri-nory.
St. Johns Christian Church
Col, 97
on luCtch
Oswego Street and Central Avenue
at the
llyit lo yndf Ifo tmlj tifijotlcu
lll (u(UBtir(ir kltc(irtl
To all wlio mourn ami need
To nil wlio are weary anil
iii-otl rest,
To all wlie are friundluKS
ami want friciulsliip,
To all who are lioint'loss ami
want slielteriot; love,
To all who pray ami to all
who do not hut should,
tut I
To nil wlio kiii ami need n
To whomsoever will this
church opens wide the
door ami hltls you wel
come, nud admonishes
you to hour Jesus, to
nccept Jastis nud
obey Jasus.
bum APEX
By This Sign Conquer
Washing Machine
and your wash day troubles will bo ended.
Why not stop in and let us demonstrate one to
you, or phone us and we will deliver one to your
residence and do your washing.
Hundreds of satisfied owners are boosting tho
Sold on easy terms.
IJHf rlotil Cout I'ttct ln ltl.ttiros tun! Sio.s,
.Aofor I tint nllnt lmn, A ptHmivcs al' till UIikIh,
Phone Col. 977 4 18 N. Jersey Street
For. your?.
fj&Sr' visit tllis
t OifJi chase a
Ever needs about the
ioods he should eat cau
be giveu him by his appe
tite and tiigestion. They'
know what's pood for him.
They will advise him to
market and pur
choice cut of
meat. Our prices rigUt.
1AE will have plenty of BABY
W BEEF for Saturday. So Come if
and get a Roast for your Sunday I;
109 North Jersey Street Market Phone Columbin 21
Make he Bride
happy wHh new
tfc. CTt. Hi mii S
Our Furn'tVure
makes Uie Besl-
Mr. and Mrs. Newly wed:
Every bride should have a handsomely furnished homo
if she wants to be free from "Criticism." It helps her
socially and helps her husband in business.
To have a handsomely furnished home you don't need
to buy the most expensive furniture and rugs, but you
ought to buy stylish furniture of good QUALITY.
That is the kind we will sell you, and our PRICES
will always save you money.
Come in.
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
uu--uis cd. jersey 5at.
On Easy Payments
Suits French Dry Cleaned $1.25
lito' Plain laiorrd Suits Dry Cleaned $ 1 50
Suits Pressed 45c
JOY, The Tailor
217 N. Jersey Street
The Bank Of Commerce
116 North Jersey St,
Why the Electric Cleaner
There I rviilly muviiiMirUii
Ik-t rcii the rukt'iiml thoinii;h
iiesi with which mi ltlortne
CIcmiut rt'iuovctl illrt mul the
lllllicillly 1)1 HMt'Vpillg.
True, one CAN cUmu f iiu mul
carjcti) without mi vU-cltie
cleaner. A hiuoui or iiupvl
kcecr will liriiih ii tOMl
of the tlirt, ami if oii like the
exercie unit have ileuty of time
huiI ktrenctlt u biiKUii umlearv
et brnterwill do the work ullrr
a fashion,
In the Mime wuy one ran
wash without soiip. Water u
lone will remove kome tlirt if
applied with enough "elbow
Hut K'ople Uko Waiue
it clratu more eukily nml better
than water alone.
l'qr the Mine reuon eole
use Ulectric Cleaners bceuiue
they cleau more easily ami fur
better than other methods.
Portland Railway
Light & Power Company
.''Buy Yciii Recti ie Goods at an Electric Store"
HusiuubS concerns mul
itulividuiils arc invited to
bank with this institution
under the assurance that
ptoiupt and courteous
treatment with every con
sisteut accomodation will
always be extended.
Notice of Sale of Real Properly
At Private Sale
In the Clu-ull CiMiil ol Die Male ul Otri;oii ir
III I'lolkllr
In Ike Hullrr ul Ihr rUtc si KKIutit KaiuUll
iim v ii nuiii.ii iiiiniM.
N.vlU't it ht((lr nnni ImI IHilMtaHt lu H or
ill iIUwtnriilUli-UCMil tu4 ral-
i.l on llic MN iU ol Inly. t lu Ihr ubnvr rH-
I i iV . . 7. 7 ,'1 " h IPC Mil'
ilc i.iiiiir.1 to ll Hit ol br lihl title uml ll.c
l i lb aUir Httuftl ihIhuo mX rvh ol Ikrui
I . wmiwn . iwiiaiHI, nrrijOH. m ivr Mir
1 llllil.iLiillal It 111 mi .....I -ii... t
. ... t , . , VH rtv mill aHKUH IJ.
W': "r mWI proiwity lor wl to lh hUhc.t
vt ,M.M. nwjni IU (lir eOillirWAtUHl Ol
Hi Wr rnliltfit Couit
IMa may Ur utiwlltnl t.i I lie mHWt.uurJ t
oM'e. 6 IHihiouh Uiiltlmi;. IVltUu.l. tlir
Kon. at lime ou ami alter M inula r Aiiiiutt
C.iunlun ol tlir e.Ut.-ul Kklurl
... . KainUH. Minora,
.ale . uiai iiiiK'4ll,M July . wl
Miluey lioi.Uill Alt.xn. lor Ailliilni.tiltoi, '
4"it;eilloi:rr Imildiii); 1iiUihI, Hie
:04 N. Jrey Jirccl, $i. Johni
Wc make enhtrKetueuts any sie' from
KmlaV lilms or KlMd 1'hotos, tlo artistic
iruiuiuK ana mai ctiiiini;, eoiiv oltl Pict
ure. If you have anytlilni; in this line
orlun H to me for liest results. A new
l.lKhlitiK .System recently installed.
C. A. HUFF. I'hotourapher.
I What Shall I Get
irbrriia for Dinner? J
Testing and Filling Service
Recharging, Repairing and Replacements
Plione Col. 88 (WM) gSS t
St. Johns Aiito Electric Service
St Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Union Men
Whero do you send your
Laundry to? Doyouknow
that the Victory Laundry
is owned and controled by
Organized Labor.
I.atve Ihuullcs at the Tin House.
817 N. Jersey Street, or I'hone
Plowing and General Team WorK
Basement! Excavating
Call Columbia 774 after S P. N.
710 Calhoun St. Portland, Ore.
Try Chop Suey ami Noodle at ixitmlttr
lrieei. nome inane twsiry every tiav at
"Cafe of Merit," We erve hreaHust
ami iliutier. Uen from b a. in. tu I'i
m. 10"J S. Jerey street.
Columbia 131
C 1 101
Foot -of Burlington St,
How many times
have you asked your
self this question? Day
after day, week after week;
it i a problem that is con
stantly confronting you.
If you were to stock
your shelves with a good
assortment of catrtied goods,
you would always have ome
thing on hand thac your
folks would like.
Canned meats canned
vegetablescanned fruits
we have them all in the
best known brands and at prices
that will please you. Placo
your order at once.
MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phone Co1. 118
403 N. Jotfy Slratt
Abstracts of Title l'rvml
Titles Hxaiuiuetl
intone Columbia
The St. Johns Millinery
For Seasonable Hats at Reasonable Prices
Order work and Remodeling a Specialty
Hats RcblocKed, Piumcs Cleaned, Curled and Dyed
Mrs. M. L CRANE, Proprietress
One Load of Fir Wood
Is worth two loads of Spruce or Hemlock
Be careful what you Buy
We sell only FIR
St. Johns Lumber Co.