St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 16, 1920, Image 2

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A. W. Alnrklc, Hdltor
Publiglldd Friday of Each Week
' r,"" - -
Subtorlptlon prlaa $1.60 par year.
Advertising rnlcs. One week lOc per
luchj tno week 37Jc per inch; 4 weeks
35c per Inch; per year 25c per inch, first
page additional charge; political, COc per
inch per week. Locals 10c per line for
first insertion, 7Je subsequent insertions.
Minimum 26e. Ads reset more than
once in four weeks 5c per inch addi
tional for each resetting.
In Portland, Oregon, as mall itiallcr
of the second class under the Act of Con
rest of March J, 1879,
GATED HOUSE. Wo have a
party wanting a house centrally
located in St. Johns. Must bo fair
price for sale. We also have
other parties looking for pro
oerty. List with us for quick
sales.-J. F. Gillmore, 113J N.
Jersey street; phone Col. 81.
Toilet and
Laundry Soaps
Our stock of soaps itv
eludes all popular brands
for toilet purposes as well
as for use In kitchen,
laundry or workshop.
Wc handle daintily per
fumed hand or bath soaps
which will not irritate the
most delicate skin.
Our large variety of laundry
6onps nlTords cin cosy selec
tion for your needs
SIA1M0NS & CO., Grocers
fiOl I'eiwendeit
I'hnnc Columbia 210
Davis Weekly Real Estate
One afternoon, during a lull
in the bathing demands of a cer
tain trans-Atlantic liner, George,
the youth who had charge of the
ball rooms used by the saloon
Easscngers, decided to take a
ath, so ho locked himself in
one of the rooms used by the
men. Suddenly he was disturbed
by a rap at the door, and heard
n woman's voice: "Honey!
Honey! Are you there?" No re
ply coming from the room the
lady spoku again: "Honey! are
you there?" As an explanation
was needed, Gnorgo spoke "IJeg
your pardon, lady, but thin nin't
no beehive; this is a bathroom."
Eight complete houses a day
can be turned out from the new
mill of tho Aladdin Company,
just completed in thu Peninsula
industrial district. Thu com
pany has been operating its
smaller mill and cut up plant for
the past two months. The plant
now employes liou men. i no
company has sufficient acreage
to build two more plants tho size
of the new mill. 1UB by lim feet,
and expects to so increase its
capacity as business develops.
A. A. ralterson, general maua
gerofthe Pacific Coast plant
here. Htalos that thu Aladdin
Company is receiving thousands
of iiKiuiricH from tho Orient
and expects soon to be hoikIIiih
its ready-cut houses to China,
Japan, thu Philippines and
Hawaii. Exportation of bun
galowu to South America lias
already started.
At thuroMUost of the Navy Do
partmcnt 1 have this day itMtmul
thu following proclamation ca
ing for fivo hundred recruit to
fill vacancies on board "Uncle
Sams fighting ships; tho United
SUites Government has asked tho
Statu of Oregon for five hundred
good clean young men for the
months of July and August to
help fill tno vacancies in tho
Navy caused by thu granting of
(ItsclinrgCH to men who enlisted
only for thu duration of thu War.
The Congress of thu Unitet
States has recently scon fit to
increase thu nay of all ranks and
ratings of the Navy to brinir
thu compensation of men in the
sorvico ton par with that of thoKi
in otlior occupations. Our Navy,
of ion titrniml tln Miillui'u fiml
lino of defense, is rcfounixml will ho plcniod to have his
here as olHwhoroasof the utmost hmny frionds call and invosti
importance, and it inust ho kept , v . ,. . r . r
up to tho mil Htnmlard of its
strength. To its t iiHhUmI per
sonnul the United State Navy
oilers fair treatment, and op
portunity for education, whole
Homo recreation, iutorouting and
Instructing travel, and a genera
atmosphere of right living am
rigni in iiKing. ilielS'avv uro
vidos a training that any young
mini will find of marked value
throughout his lifetime. I there
foro respectfully ask that tin
people ot thu State of Oretion
cooperate with tho Navy in se
curing its enlisted quota and that
tho young men of our state give
to tne wavy thoir serious con
sideration. - Pun W. Olcott, Gov
ernor or Oregon.
Mun's Underwear $1.2f. K0G-
Dont woriy about
what you want to
eat. Just drop in
or phone us. We
have lots of good
.Six loniiift nently modern, In fine con
dition, f xtm ulct'i lol on South Jvmey
Mivel, .South Mt. John, close to cur line.
I'tlcf IWKI, etty tcniift. This it n ulrv
Nine rixtni modern with fire plncc. In
rludf KM) worth of furniture now duply
mill reitily for treuNiiicy. Price UiKMI,
Ukin HIM) to ItHudle. The home would
'! J3WH) to hulld.
I'our loom iiHMlfrn huiiK'tlow with
IooxIimi lot. lot of fine fruit, nil titreil
iuiinosvmriitit mid. I'rluc WOO, MOO, IwlniK-f teimit; clie In.
Six iimiiii modem Iioiiw, Iiuh fruit nud
ll.iwcin, !' In for i'ilM). If you cull
III! ii MM) or moie on thin iiliice tlu-ieM
chii "" " f'ir inontlilv imymeut liiilud
I UK luli'ieM.
102 N. Jersey SI.
Real llstnte Broker
Has secured tho services of
Mr. M. N. Amizich tlie well
known landscape tfardenor,
whose services and advice can
ho had with referonco to
beautifying your homos. He
list of homes for
Kale the
sale al
304 IN. Jersey St
Phone Columbia 425
C. S. Bucv
Phone Columbia 528
202 S. Jersey Street
I'or Ilnt-gains
l(W 0 room modern house for only
WM) with f200cinh nud bnlnncc nt $20
ami interest.
BUG 5 room modern house with lot
11x121 in fruit nud Krdi'ii; K"d hnsc
meiit. Only hnlf Mock from Willnm
ette houtevnrd, f IHoO.wlth JlWOcnsli nud
20 per month nud Interest.
5717 room modern home lot loox.
loo with fruit; free life of two lot ml
joining. Only f 2A00, CM down nud f 20
er montii nun interest.
676 Nice 6 room modern liotue with
full iHuemeut mid unrnfje, Box loo lot.
Siieclid price for this week $2J500 with
$i:i00 ensh nud Ixilnnce nt flM ier mouth
Incluiliiij; iutuiest nt tlx erveiit.
r76 Nice corner lol Box loo with
fruit. All fctictil. Two room houc
withwnler nud lights, hen Ikmisc nud
wkm I shed. I'or (iillck ule tMJ ut IR0
iiowii nun iwimiec uiontiiiy.
WW I'or II ncrc. nil In fruit nud Hr
ilvu with W feet frontage " O. W. U.
& N. Uy f m. with 701) nud
Iwlniice of JlWK) inorlk'He IoIiciumuui.
in I. This triu't Iiuh it nice 0 room Ihiiilm.
low mid good outlHilldinK nud hns side
wnlks to the tiliife. Is centrally lorntcd
nmkliiL' n line home with uood Income
us well n ii splendid Investment.
11!IJ Ndrtlf Jersey Street
IMionv Coliiiiiliin 81
For Sale
In St. Johns
lfivc room imxlern luiiialow, full
concrete hasciuciit 2-ix.M, pljtccl for
wiretl lor electricity, lixtnreK
all in, connected with sewer, 8(i0
lineal feet .sewer, !!00 lineal feet of
MKiewniK niul crosswalks Hrotintl
this block ami nil ixilil, hen hoiue,
Imrii, 21 fruit tree. Thin nroiwrty
is fiee mid clear and will v uood
tetinx and divide projierty to rinlit
tHirty. It must e .seen to he fully
appreciated, hec
J. S. Downey
im N Syracuse Street.
The Dattory Department of The Peninsula Electric Co.,
EKS. now known as tlie bl. JOrlNS AUTO ELECTRIC SCRVICCI
coiulUkJllr will'B"' open for business at their new home, Cor. N. Jersey and
Charleston Streets.
Official WILLARI) Service Station for the Peninsula District.
terms. Inquire 111!) S. Syrn
ciifiu Hirooi, uoiwoun 1U a. in.
and '1 p. tn. JH5
Xt Bill
loiru uo a iiinii u you went'
A lady just recently front Can
udu who has hud 'M yours ex
perienco will do droasninkinir ant
ludiW tuilorliiKi from a house
dresa to tho finest party dross.
Mrs. E. Gerts, (iia Now York
You uhould be in HOtJliltS
111:1 A Ml mil m 1111
aivni iiiAi iu n 1 mean
il... 1 1
urn roiu proiuoor, uy o.iyinK
ono of those: I have four nice
little homes for mile -one at
mm-, two at $1200 ouch, and
one at $U00. See mo at my of-
fico. 402 N. Jersey street. S.
Cloverland Creamery
Pasteurized Milk and Cream
Fresli Buttermilk Daily
Phone Columbia 659
We carry a full line of Edison Blue
Panama Hats, $2.oo, $2.r,o; Records and Disk Records to play on all
eyuimo throuKh the cnai. machines, also f ull line of Phonograph
m FOR SALE- Grocery and Con- Necessities.
iccuonery in kooi! location and
doing fine busiuus . Inquire
1135 Jersey street; phone Col. 81.
FOR SALE - Automobile Wood
Saw, in jjood condition, cheap
forcuBh; leaving city. Call 522
K. I'olU street.
For Sale- Dandy good team of
mules, good Mitchell wagon,
plow mid harrow, $100 cash.
Call at thiB office.
N. A. Geo says ho still has
good seed potatoes at a very
reasonable price.
Furnished housekeeping rooms
for rent. Call llli S. Decatur
street; phone Columbia 1071.
The STtradivara Shop
202 N. Jersey St.
St. Johns Auto Transit
For Hire Cars.
Any Place any Time.
St. oihn 7'oi'iufiwi nud .iiiitoii Trips
Sfiuu i.(i(l Surth .Ivrsvy St rout, St .oukn
Phone Columbia 308,
onutlful gray or
blaok ndult cmkot,
hoarse, box, 2 autos
ombalmlng and rofln
od scrvlco for . .
Ml I, I, ICR
1'iinenils If ilelte.1 for 20, $30, f 10, $C0. Higher priced funerals lit pro.
jxHlioii. Wc innmifnctiirc cnskcls. I.aily assistant,
Ilcauliful funeral clmpcl.
Main 2G91 Independent Funoral Directors A 700G
Washington nt Ella Street, Between 20lh and 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
CM Central Ave. N.
Phone Columbia 888
tan APEX
Washing Machine
mul your wash day troubles will bo ended.
Why not slop in and let us demonstrate one to
you, or phone us and we will deliver one to your
residence and do your washing.
Hundreds of satisfied owners are boosting the
Sold on easy terms.
liiootrlonl Cunt rnot hiz I'i.xt tiros niul Snu.s,
,ofor JuHtnllntlt)!!, A iillimuvs of nil IcIiuIh.
Phone Col. 977 4 18 N. Jersey Street
Peninsula Motor Sales Go.
212 South Jersey Street
Bnrgidns in Used Pords and Chevrolet
Pull line of Chevrolet and Pord parts,
iircs and accessories
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
Al I
me nign uosi
of Living
is partly the fault of the buyer
uot knowing just where to pur
chase to get the lowest prices,
and the most for the money
expended. When it comes to
meat our shop is the place to
come. Our prices are eqnita
ble, our meat always fresh,
and we give full value for the
$ We have plenty of Pulp Fed Steer
8 . Beef, Grain Fed Pork, Milk Fed
Veal and Spring Lambs at rea-
sonable prices.
$ GEO. W. I M BODEN, Prop.
109 Nortii Jersey Street Market Photic Columbia 21
ThaYs riqViV
iAc oak me
wom-ouV o4 ws
en come w ad buil
Hew FumUure.
Mrs. Homelowr:
Many people do not realize that when a piece of fur
niture is WORN OUT it ought to be THROWN OUT. It
is uncomfortable, unsightly and unsanitary.
Our good quality furniture will last a long time; will
give you the best possible satisfaction and make you proud
of your home.
If you are going along making old things dokick
them out and come to us for new ones.
Our furniture is correct in design -and price.
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S. Jersey St.
" (ffT'"""'v
Breakfast Foods
and Cereals
Little bodies
must have the best
of nourishment to make
them strongand healthy
to build them up to
robust manhood and
And grown folks need
it to sustain their vitality
and energy. The popular
breakfast foodi and cereals
meet the needs of both
young and old.
We have them in all
. their tasty goodness the
wheat foods, corn, oats, rice,
barley, etc Include one or 1
more packages in your
next order.
MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phone Col. 118
The St Johns Millinery
For Seasonable Hats at Reasonable Prices
Order work and Remodeling a Specialty
Hats Reblocked, Plumes Cleaned, Curled and Dyed
Mrs. M. E. CRANE, Proprietress
One Load of Fir Wood
Is worth two loads of Spruce or Hemlock
Be careful what you Buy
We sell only FIR
St. Johns Lumber Co.