St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, July 02, 1920, Image 3

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Gas Ranges
Kitchen Cabinets
Bestfor Corns and Bunions too, KORN REMOVER
Save Time and Health and
Food during the hot months
We have sold CENTURY RE
FRIGERATORS the past Seven Years
and can refer to many satis
fied customers who are using
them. They are. durable,
well ventilated, thus saving
ice and preserving food.
40 lb. Ice capacity, White linniiieleil (inside) $27G0
G5ib. " " " " yoico
851b. " ' " " " .14.00
05 lb. Side Ice Type " " " 40 50
Any RefrlKcrntor $1.00 a" week
Sun Ray Gas Ranges
are well built, economical of
fuel and are neat, plain and
up to date in appearance.
l burner and oveif, suunre type, $31.50
1 " " ' nnd broiler, square type, !J7 50
-I " " " k'B base type, 02.50
(j ii ! it M ii ii ii it , 77,50
Pay n little down nnd a little ench week
Sellers Special
Kitchen Cabinet, $82.50
Sellers Mastercraf t
Kitchen Cabinet, 92.50
Kitchen Cnbincts $S cnsli, ?2 n week
Your Credit is Good
OAmaiuUi Bos
The Cash and Carry Grabateria ,
The Changing Times
The era of Chain Stores came about because a
group of men with large capital could, by starting .
stores in different localities increase the outlet of
merchandise emiuating from one source.
The Chain Store system is nothing more than
any other store except the buying partis concentrat
ed at one place. The buyers for these stores have
thejr headquarters at the source of production and
they buy direct from the packer or the producer.
It goes without saying that a buyer who can buy
the same sort of merchandise for several hundred
stores can command a better price thali a buyer for
just one store.
The secret of advantageous grocery, prices in St.
Johus is this ability to buy in connection with many
other stores. That is why you have had established
by this store better prices thau prevail almost any
where in Portland.
. Coupled with this buying capacity, the activity
of the owners, the acquaintance with the locality be
cause of our long residence here ought to convince
any oue tlrat we cau do busiuess at less cost thau the
average grocery.
Ve always believed that "a word to the wise
was suficient."
The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery
A safe, painkss nnd reliable remedy for linrd and soft corns, bunions and callouses. Hasy to
ply, causes no pain and requires no plasters or bandaging. Put up in clean packages, ready for
and highly recommended where other remedies have failed. He sure it is KORN RKMOVER.
St. Johns Pharmacy
The Prescription Store
W. H. Dearinn is adding a
new audition to ma buildintr on
South Jersey street.
After spending three years in
Eastern Oreubn Miss. Kuby Mc
t ! . I. .. 1 i' ri t
Bring in your news items.
The Library will be closed
nil day on Monday, which is
being observed as a' holiday.
Wilbur Bellinger crime up from
Kinney has returned to St. Johns. Astoria and will spend a few Hays
. ... . I ...ill. I. ,!. t XI Il-llf..
C. U. Kingle is having aomc!iui nis miner, u. in. uumn
substantial alterations made to,Br
his store opposite the Multno
mah theatre.
Hov. C. P. Lyons, formerly
pastor of St. Clement's Catholic
church, who has besn a guest at
the parish house for the past
two weeks, returned to Van
couver, B. C.
Miss Mary Ellon Bailey of Eu
gene spent thcpast week witli
her sister. Mrs. u. A. wornn, on
Tioga Htreot. She will spend
the summer with a sister at
Twin Bocks, Oregon.
Mrs. J. D. Gray has sold her
residence on Fox street and will
eavc within the next few days
for Canada, where sho will
make an extended visit to her
brother. From there she will
go to Los Angeles to make her
Men have little grounds to
criticise the way women drosn
when they swelter through the
Bummer with stiff, uncomfort
able collnrs. Women can cer
tainly give men cards nnd spndeg
in keeping cool in the summer
Mr. Ashley M. Warner and
M las Grace Chnppell were united
n mnrrlngo nt Victoria H. U.,
Thursday, June 21th, and have
taken up their resilience at zva
South Jersey street. Mr. War-
nerhns been engaged in the con
trading business in St. Johns for
some months.
On Tuesday, June 22, Rev.
Milton W. Bower, minister of
the Christian church at Iloiiuiain.
Wash., and Miss Ethel Dunn nf
Portland were united in marriage
at the home of Dr. II. V. Jones,
who porformed the nmrriiiRO
ceremony. A lew menus anu
relatives were in tiueiuianco.
Last week was probnbly the
ilirucst and best week Portland
ever experienced. The Shrinera
nnd other visitors onjoyeci uiem-
selves to the fullest extent. Be
sides tho wonderful auona.-y.
losnitality and cool, pleasant
weather, tho Portland water
received much praise for its pur
ty and deliciousnoss.
Tho high bridge nt St. Johns
iroject is beginning to command
more and more attention. That
it would bo a irrent boon to the
oA'er peninsula in particular
cannot bo gaiusain. Besides
cutting off between two mid
three miles in ( stance to uie
heart of the businoss district of
Portland, it would make a grand
scenic driveway for autoists and
of Immonsc bonofit to the farm
ers in the Tunlatin vnliey.
The Port of Portlnnd commis
sion will becin its survey of tho
Oregon slough district Monday
under tho direction of J. H. Pol
hemus, port manager. H. L.
Gilbert, civil enginoor, has bean
ongaged to handle the dutail
work. As soon as tho survoy
is finished tho Port Commiss
ion will determine upon tho
feasibility of dredging tho chan
nol in the slough for tho bonefit
of the industries in the North
I'ortlanu naroor.
Quite an explosion took place
Thursday afteYnoon at the shop
of Mr. Kalis on Philadelphia
street. He was in the act of
soldering a big gasoline tank
when it exploded with terrltic
force. The forco of the explos
ion blew out the windows in tho
front and nacK oi tne snop, nui
fortunately Mr. Halls was unin
jured. He had tested the tank
before beginning to soiuer, ana
it is presumed that the gas must
have been confined in the seams
of the can.
Last Saturday afternoon, June
19th, members of Oregon Grape
Circle gave Mrs. Emma Koough
a little surprise at the home of
Mrs. Catherine leeling. Light
refreshments were served, after
which Mrs. Effa Beam, in be
half of the assembled guests and
those who could not attend, pre
sented Mrs. Keough with a cut
glass jelly dish, as a token of
loving remembrance from the
Neighbors of Woodcraft, or
which she is a valued membor.
Mr. and Mrs. Keough have since
moved to their new home at Now
berg. We wish them success
and hapinesB.
Palmer, Bryan, Cox or Mc-
Any one of these or how would
Wilson do.'
Nerves at highest tension
Durinsr this convention.
Only give us one that's staunch
and true. Skeebink.
Mrs. Frank A, Hlcc expects
to leave tomorrow, Saturday, for
Cannon Beach, returning Tues
Miss Stevens, principal of the
North School expects to leave to
day for a sojourn at LaGrando,
Patriotic services will be held at
the Congregational church both
morning and evening Sunday.
Special music.
1. II. Lynch is planning on
making atrip to Ohio in a couple
of days to see how many of the
old folks are at home. Ho ex
pects to lio gone nbout a month.
Mrs. Bailey, mother of Mrs.
Amanda Foul and Mrs. II. Hend
erson, wns taken to tho hospital
Tuesday, whore she will under
go an operation. Mrs. Bailey is
82 years old.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Duncan are
the paronts of a boy hern Tues
dav. Mrs. Duncan, was former
ly Dr. L. E. Graves, a practic
ing physician in St. Johns for
the past ten yours.
All the girls' clubs will meet
at 2 o'clock at tho y. W. C. A.
building during the vacation
period. All the girls are re
quested to he present at rogulnr
club meeting to rehearse for the
lawn festival at Mrs. Stearns.
Tho Panthors, a ball club corn
nosed of Sol 1 1 St. Johns lads,
lias been playing some great ball.
So far they have played nine
gamoi and wen all. Mi-rcinl Met
chand is iiresidunt and "Billy"
Davis secretary of this going
- i
(For a Bridge at St. Johns.)
A man wishing to go to Cathla
Got so mad he nlmost said d -nit;
On a train ho would go, But the
Curry was slow -
Oh, why don't they bridge the
Everything in Sweets nnd Soft
DrinkB at Blgelow's Sweetshop.
Wanted- To sell house and
lot on North Ivanhoe. Will ac
cept good auto as first payment.
Address "K." this dffice. 'M
Por Sale Large Kitchen Cabi
net, almost new; !1 additional shelves
above, $7 50. Call .112 15. Burr.
Hnvo you tried our Vogan's
and H.'ifflor Chocolates at Bigo
low's Sweet Shop?
Four feet slabwood for sale.
Call Columbia -111. ar,
For Kent Two furnished
rooms, reasonable. Call -121 East
Mohawk. 31
Jersey Cow for Sale, gives
between 10 and 20 quarts daily.
Call 1)35 Lovely st. near Wall.
For Sale- Kitchen Queen, in
good condition $5.00. Call I23
Calhourn street.
For Sale- Kitchen ltango in
good condition. Call 020 E. Ty
ler street. 3f
Wanted Cherry pickers. 2c lb.
for first picking: 3c lb. for
second picking. Also have Per
fection red currants at 10c 11).
and nick them yourselves. Win.
C. MncDonnhl, near oil tank,
south of terminal.
For Sale-Lot 50x100, eight
room house, plastered, on cm
line in St. Johns, fruit tree in
bearing, small barn and wood
'sited, new cess pool with toilet
The greatest need of the Pe- I
ninsula today is More Homes. f
The industries already here sup- j
port many more families than i
there are dwellings to house in I
this district. 1
Developments now in progress
will bring thousands of new resi
dents to the Peninsula..
The only way to make sure that
you and your family will be per
manently well housed is to Own
Your Home.
You can always build or buy a
home of your own home if you
are prepared to make a substan
tial first payment.
Why not start now to
that initial payment
We pay interest on all Savings
save for
on your
The dates of the St. Johns nlUml:HlrS?LL"M'rownKnll8
on uro coininir on nt a ; !m,u' 1 r,co ". '' wibii,
ua are coining on in , ...i,.,,.- , M ,.,n,u ...i t.
Id paceand the h g event will. '"- ' " ,
fcv i wu fc ft uodvnaiuil Kl wil III ivu
mum iiu iiuiui ii, iiiiu ii iifti ' i
I. tin liiiAn HHtiiiiiMjiil mnitii I (1113 W.
nun ijuvii in i iiiiKuu, iiiuiu iwiu . . ,,-,-.,
plete information concerning Lii!Lll!jl
which will nnnmtr later. 1 he
dittos two July 20-2(1.
Mr, Coorge II. Sparling and
Mint Iez Dillon, both of St.
Johns, were united in marriago
nt the home nf Dr. II. I Jones
Woduosdny, June 30th, tho Dr.
performing tho ceremony in his
usual pleading style. Tho happy
young couple will mako their
home here.
Kenneth L.Simmons, youngest
son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Sim
mons of Oswego street, returned
lomo Monday night from. the
Mexican border, where he has
boon stationed with tho82d field
artillery. Ha servod eighteen
months with battery Franco
and ro-onlistod a year ago. His
term of enlistment bus expired
nnd he will not return to the
For Sale Four room house,
lot 00x100. all kinds oft fruit,
1200; torms. Owner 51(5 W.
Call in st root. 3
Must bo sold quick at
Phono Columbia 501.
Real Estate Bargains
5 fniiil iol.iriiuutti--l to sever,
fclrktly imimIi'Mi. coiii-rclv Ihhii uulk
coiit-u-U' fotimUtliui iunl line Ikih'
tiiciil, curiirr lot nail fine river view,
liH'Hitf'l clow In. linoU-uui (or kltclii n
Hint Nth riHtuih, ik riviu for ilooro .tint
iniou, klnulf rolltiH (or nil will
low n mid bvmitlful electric lixlunn,
Tilt lf U tlm liet buy In Si.
J..lni. The jirivr i $S(XX- 750 null
himI ImIhiku ! h.t month IiK'liiiliiiK
7 room Imwmt, imnUirH, (nil luu
liimt, cvmtrnt WHlk. TI1U Uhvu In a
IpirxitiH Ml iH7W) uiiMMj- term Stit.
6 room Mrirtly itWMlru Uoiu, ln-au
tiful corner lot, rivvr vltnv. TIiIk i
one of Hie lt in St. Jolius I'rirc
latOO. $U), UlHiice ItU kt moiitli
Hint iiitcrikt.
' 613 llnst ChicnKO Slrecl
Peninsula National Bank
Member Federal Reserve System
Our salt are gHbig better each day us we bring in more specials nt
deqwr cut prices, hii1 our stock is surely being reduct'd
Close Out. Specials This Week.
Jltu' S4mw HU, MrlliiiK in 1'ortUinl for .G0 now at fM
LmIIm IUU, ". 1 'Hi vului-, how at .IMi
Mi'ii'i White Oru SliirU, worth f'lMul wltolckale, tolwclowil out now at 1.00
Shinoln at :
S1000 ynrcU l'.inluoidtry ami IiiMtilkin, at oUI wIimIvmiIv irkr 3J1', flic. IK;
1M l'Uec.l I'liMtii uils 2.26 to 2.71 value, nojv at 12.00
1 lot Children' Giugbuin l)nmm 1.26 value, immv at .Hfi
.MewVIIaU 2,00, 3.00, ,M lo B.IJO
Men'. OvernlU . 2 76. 3.00 wir
I Mi' I'elt Sllpjwr l.'M value, now at .05
1 lot o( Udiea' ltloni 't 60 value, now at l.M
All I (old Yarn worth llie'wbolehale. now at .Xt
AdjuHaUle Kiddie Car M 3.00 value, now at 2 26
MiMes School Shoo ,, I.0O value, now at :i.l5
Men' Shoe 7. 60. value, now at d.60
lien's Shoe COO value, now at 1J6
lien's Shoes ,. 8.60 value, now at I :tf
1 lot ol Kkhoff iUtm , : 7.60 valuu, imw at li.W
" N'iekoA Shoe , 0,60 value, now ut iM
Men' Heavy Wool Shirt, 1.60 value, now at 3.00
Heavy Kuittiug Yarn 1.16 value, now at .Kfi
Saxony Yarn tt value, now at .26
Men' Heavy Socki 10 value, now at .26
Meu'k Heavy Sock .40 value, now at .35
Sin:' Heavy Socle 00 value, uow at .15
Men's Cotton Sock 16 to 60o
Heavy Coat Sweater , 1.60 valuu, now at 1.15
Heavy Cloves 2.26 vhIhu, uow at 1.60
Heavy Comforters , tQQ value, now at 3.76
Goodllrooui .00
Meu's Dress I'anU 8.WtoS.'i6
Hoy's Summer t'uder Drawers' and SbirlJ 16c
Columbia and Silto Crochet Thread 12gc
1 Uit Dress I'asteuers, 1 Dm, 'Oc value 2fc
Men's Cotton (iloves.per pair 15c, 2cv, 26o
Qy's Cash Store
113 W. Burlington Street
Day on
and make your Own,
St. Johns Hardware Co.
The Winchester Store
Phone Columbia 35
Cloverland Creamery
Pasteurized Milk and Cream
Fresh Buttermilk Daily
Phone Columbia 659
We carry a full line of Edison Blue
Records and Disk Records to play on all
machines also full Hne of Phonograph
The STtradivara Shop
202 N. Jersey St.
St. Johns Auto Transit
For Hire Cars. Any Place any Time.
St. .oiiin Tormlttnl untl lltmtati
StutKl i!(Hl Nrtlt ,lorsvy Strvot, St
Phone Columbia 308.