t Bestfor Corns and Bunions too, KORN REMOVER A safe, painless nnd reliable remedy for hard mul soft corns, bunions niul callouses. Kasy to ply, causes no pain nmAvqitircs no plasters or bandaging. Put up in clean packages, readv for and highly recommended where other remedies have failed. 15c sure it is KORN RKMOVKR. tip- use E IS IRE Johns Pharmacy I The Prescription Store PHDNE COLUMBIA 138 COLUMBIA RECORDS A N 1 Living Room FURNITURE At Fair Prices On Easy Terms June, the month of wed dings is also the month when relatives and friends make gifts of useful pieces of fur niture and home furnishings to the newly weds, therefore we call particular attention to our stock of Living Room and Library Furniture and Furnishings. Library Tables, price $ 14.75 to $ 40.00 Davenports, " Go.OOto 1G4.00 Overstuffed Rockers, price 30.50 to 77.75 Leather Seat Oak Rockers, " Fiber Reed Rockers, " Floor Lamps, " Portable Elec. Lamps, " Book Ends, Foot Stools, Smokers Stands, Scrim Curtains (pair) Portier Curtains, Velvet Rugs, Axminster Rugs. Body Brussels Rugs, Wilton Rugs, 22.00 to 9.50 to 32.50 to lG.OOto 4.00 to 5.85 to 11.00 to 3.00 lo 7.25 to 41.50 to " 50.00 to 85.00 to (i it II II 37.50 29.50 42.50 28.00 5.00 7.75 14.75 8.00 12.25 44.50 80.00 92.50 " 100.00 to 125.00 Pay a little down and a little each week. Your Credit is Good Qjunandxi Bios The Cash and Carry Grabateria The Changing Times The era of Chain Stores came about because a group of men with large capital could, by starting stores in different localities increase the outlet of merchandise emiuatiug from one source. The Chain Store system is nothing more thau any other store except the buying part is concentrat ed at oue place. The buyers for. these stores have their headquarters at the source of production and they buy direct from the packer or the producer. It goes without saying that a buyer who can buy the same sort of merchandise for several hundred stores can command a better price than a buyer for just one store. The secret of advantageous grocery prices in St. Johns is this ability to buy in connection with many other stores. That is why you have had established by this store better prices than prevail almost any where in Portland. Coupled with this buying capacity, the activity of the owners, the acquaintance with the locality be cause of our long residence here ought to convince any one that we can do business at less cost than the average grocery. We always bqlieved that "a word to the wise was suficient." The Grabateria Cash and Carry Grocery SCALES & CURRIER, Inc. OWNERS Mrs. E. F. Day of 401 Alta street has boon viaitinjr rela tives in Idaho. Monday was tholontrostdav of the year and the days will now begin to shorten. T. J. Monahan of the local post offico has been enjoying a well earned vacation. Mrs. G. li. Tate la now asociated with J..K. Gillmorc in the real estate business. Mr. and Mrs. Rnnsomo Younir and children loft for their new homo at Corvallis Juno lGth. Bnllard E. Webb and sister, miss Minnie, oi iort Stevens. arc Kiiests at the home of their uncle, J. L. Caldwell. Mil rno anr nors eortn n v wenr beautiiul and striking uniforms iney have all been linvinir a wonderful time this week. Miss Florence Davis is home for her vaeat on from Emiene, where she had been teach inir the past year in the high school. t St . , a in. a. ucc is nitu nir n un "early trnrden planted ate" on Jersey street between Dr. Jones offico and tho'Tin House." bt. .Johns has been rather a quiet district this week, a large part or the population attending the icstivtttos in l'ortland. Geo. M. Hall cut uuito a trash in his hand while suliUlnir wood last Saturday. It Is getting along in good shape, however. Miss Mary Snodriin of Suit Lako City is visiting Miss Flor once Davis at 115 West Hiichnnan street. Miss Sneddln is a high school teacher. The dedication services of the church edifice of the Christian church wore largely altendod last Sunday. An interesting pro gram was given. Mrs. W. S. I'ricu and children and Mrs. E. G. Lalrcck of Ho ijuiarn, Wash., are guests at the homo of Mrs. r. is. larr, alio North Central avonue. Tho Ilov. Fathor Hyacinth. pastor ot St. Clement's Catholic church, has. gone to Chicngo, where ho was called on account of tho illness of his mother. The St. Johns Community Club will not meet noxt week, ha ing been postponed until lator. the date of which will bannnouncod in next week's Kovlow. A. C. Gosler, formorly a well known furniture doalor of St. Johns, and now engaged in the Bamo business at Centralia, Wash., was visible on our streets Wednesday. Fred Thompson, an employe of the Western Cooperage Co.. had tho misfortune to have his foot mashed by a block falling upon it. Ho is confined to his home at lUiu 3. Leonard street. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cannon and Earl Baldsvin of Vancouver, Wash., and Mr. Brooks and Mrs. Minnie Schreoder of Vador, Wash., visited at tho homo of John Beaver. 1010 S. Leonard street, Sunday. Portland surely has on gala attire this week in honor or the Shriners' Convention and tho Hose Festival. Never has it looked more beautiful and the crowds are immense. It is prob ably the biggest and best week I'ortlano. has yet experienced. Mr. and Mrs, D. Tallman arrived In St. Johns Sunday evening from Freoport, New York, where they have been lor tho naat four yoara. They are lad to get back to good old bt. Johns, and have again taken up their residence at their former homo, 316 South Syracuse. They say that he who keops silent is soon forgotten; that he who does not advanco soon falls back; that he who ceaso3 to grow greater becomes smaller; that it costB more now to Jive than it ever did in the world be fore, but then it's worth more, don't you know. Ex. Ladies, come and take the car in front of the St. Johns Hard ware at 9 a. m. sharp next Mon day. We will go to Mrs.DeLizers at Vancouver, Wash., to -attend the W. C. T. U. meeting. Mrs. J. C. Scott will read a paper on "Spiritual Christianity in Our Union." Uring sandwich. ue-ported. Glen Grice and wife of Mob- cow, luano, ana snerui jonn u Woody of that place motored to Portland the first of the week to take in the big week here. Mr. Grice is the son of Thos. Grice, the local undertaker, and is engaged in the undertaking business at Moscow. He reports crops in the nnest possible Bring in your news items. Ladies' gymnasium class will meet next Thursday evening, July 1st, at Y. W. C. A. One-third of all tho undeveloped wntorpower in the United Stntes is in the Columbia Kiver basin. Oregon leads the west in the manufacture of woolens and pro duces the nnest wool in tlieuni ted States. Pupils taken In physical cul turc. Class to start at once. For particulars call phone Columbin 701. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hyde of Newberg.Or.. nnd Mr. and Mrs. Asa Hyde of Montnna have moved to bt. Johns. ror our part, whenever we see a woman with $1000 worth of fur on we wonder who tho husband skinned. Dallas News. Life is like a game of whist. I don't enjoy tho game much, but I like to play my cards well and see what will bo the end of it. George Eliot. Mrs. Nellie Summers of Spok ane, Wash., is a guest at the homo of her sister, Mrs. C. E. lookout. 506 N. Jorsov street. She will remain here a week or so. . Mrs. Emma McQuiston of Wichita. Kan., is the guest of her sister. Mrs. C. B. Smith on Olympia street. She will upuml the summer. John Chnmherlin nnd son Ihiv- mo ml of Flat Hock, Mich., are the guests of Mr. Chnmborlin's sister, Mrs. G. M. Pennock, at 310 W. Buchanan streot. Mr. and Mrs. T. Johnson and two children motored down from Gooding, Idaho, and were the guosta of Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Borden on Chicago street for a few (lays this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bailey. Hay B. Walls and Dan William son motored to WhitoSalmon last Saturday, returning Tuesday af ternoon. '1 hey had an enjoyaulo timo fishing for trout. lfvnn liiivn viuitnrn nf vnur home extend tothoin tho courtesy Catlin street. of having tho fact published in For Kent Two the homo paper. Tell tho editor about it. He will appreciate it, and so will your guontw. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Sloncr and daughter, Miss Lconn, of Independence are guests at the home of Lewis Simmons, tho well known rcssonden stroot grocer. Mr. Sloper is a prominent hop growor of Independence. A Young Peoples Class will bo conducted every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at the Y. W. C. A. club rooms, beginning next Sun day, Juno 27th. All young poo- lie not attending other classes aro welcome. The school levy carried by a wide margin and St. Johns can expect n handsome new hiuh school ns a result. St. Johns. weboliovo. gavotho largest per centage of any district in its avor. Messrs. bhull and Wood ward were elected directors by a good sized plurality. GLOVES LARGH ASSORTMENT W. W. ROGKRS T1I15 RAINCOAT MAN KHAKI PANTS. HOGEHS. Everything in Sweets nnd Soft Drinks at Bigelow's Sweetshop. Men's HATS 75c up. HOG EHS. Wanted - To sell house nnd lot on North Ivnnhoe. Will ac cept good auto ns first payment Address "K." this office. 3-; Children cry for HOGEHS TENNIS SHOES. Practical nurse wants confine ment cases. Call 010 W. Char leston street. 33 Children's Stockings !5c am GOc. HOGEHS. llavo you tried our Vogan's and Homer Chocolates at Blge low's Sweet Shop? Men's Fine I10S1EHY. HOG EHS. Four feet slab wood for sale. Call Columbia '111. 36 Wear HOGEHS' WORK PANTS. Leave orders for your wintor'a wood at Uillmorc's, 1134 N. Jer sey street. Jersey cow for sale. Call 238 W. Tyler street. Men's NIGHT SHIRTS SI. GO up, ?2.0U Down. HOGEHS. Lost Wednesday morning. bank hook containing four sack needles, file nnd car tickets. Mnder leave at St. Johns Cash Market; reward. Men's SUITS $25.00 up. HOG- EHS. For Sale -Six room house, cen trally located, 12 fruit trees, moat all boaring, lot fiOxlOO. Call or address -121 E. Mohawk. WORK SHOES 3.85. HOG EHS. For Salo Four room house, lot COxlOO. all kinds of fruit. $1200; terms. Owner G10 W. 30 furnlHhci rooms, rcHsounhle. Cull '121 East Mohawk. 31 I've a bargain in FAT MAN'S pants, f2 inch waist. ROGERS. Real Estate Bargains fur ShU1 New ! room Iioum?. Till llnec it kirii'tly minium mul li'i full IwMiiienl, JROOe4li, Imlmuu.' f'M jier month liivItnlliiK iuleit-kt. 7 room Ikmim!, iiMxleni. full Immi mviit, i-mieHl wall. Till plw-e I n Infill at Jt70Q wiwtuy trniu ike it. R riKiiu etrictly iimkIitii Ikiiih.Imhu. tiful corner lot, river view. Tliu i one u( the Itt-tt In St. John I'tix ?:M0O, MM, Iwlmtte SO K.r month mul iuterett. sc E. II. TENNANT 613 least Chicago Street -How about yours? Suppose you had tucked away $2.00 every week for the past year. You could have that trip back to see the folks or get away from the grind by spending your vacation in the mountains or down at the beach. Why not start now to plan for NEXT YEAR'S VACATION? We pay interest on Savings Ac counts. .You can start with ONE DOLLAR. Peniosula National Ban Member Federal Reserve System O0O0OOO00Qa00CtOOOQ06QOO0C0J STRONG WRFENNG- A, mmm mmm mmm Our sales are getting better each (lay ns we bring In more .special at deeper cut prices, mid our stock- is Mirely being reduced Close Out Specials This Week. Men' Straw Halt, fcelliiiK in l'ortluml fur fi.00 now nt fl.M Itiljtk' Until, l.'ifi vmUu-, now at .U6 Melt's White rtM Shirt, worth J2.0Ot wlitileMile, to lw c!ot!l nut now at 1.00 Shinola iieU , ! 9000 vartls n.m broidery it ml ItiMrtlun, nt old wlwltwtlit uricet Sic. flic, Ik' 100 l'lerceil I'uion Suit VIA in 2.7ft vulue, now at 2.00 1 lot Children'. Giujjbum IHmm. 1.26 vulue, now at .6 Meu' HaU f'i.OO, 'AM, 8.150 In fi.OO Men'k OvewlU K.I0. 2 76, 3.00 jwir Ignites' l'tlt Slipiwrs , l.Kfi value, now at .05 1 lot of IMim.' Middy lllou. , 2.60 value, now at I.W All 4 fold Yarn ...........worth Hie wholeaalv, now at 'M Adjutuble Kidditt Car 7. 3.00 valuv, now t 2 25 .Mim stcuool SiiottS .i.uu vniutf, now hi .i.ui Men' Suo , 7.TA) value, now ut Men's Shoes COO value, now at Men's Shoes , ,,, 6.60 value, now at 1 lot of Niehott kimm. 7.60 value, ifow at " N'iekoff itboM 0.60 alue. now at Men's Heavy Wool Shirts, 4.60 value, now at 3.00 Heavy Knitting Yarn 1.16 value, mm at .Wl Saxouy Yarn 86 value, now at Meu' Heavy Socks ; '40 value, now at Men'k Heavy Socks , 10 value, now at Meu's Heavy Socks CO valuu, mw at Men' Cottou Socks ., ise to Heavy Coat Sweater .... , ,,, ,,, lQ vjluu, uuw ut 1.16 Heavy O loves 2.W vjbIh. uour at 1.60 Heavy Comforters , , fJX) value, now at 3.7C Good Broom .09 Meu's Drea 1'anti S.8ft to 8. Itoy's Summer Under Drawers and Shirts , 4ft) CoUmbia and Silko Crochet Thread 12ic 1 Ut Drem I'ssteuers, 4 Doc, '0c value 2Kc Men's Cotton Oloves.per jwir 16c, 30c. 36c Ely's Cash Store 113 We Burlington Street 6.50 185 l.:t5 0.50 1.W1 M .26 M .46 OUK WIKK FKNCING IS HOKSK HIGH, HUH, STKONG AND PIG TIGHT. rrML' iik Afcjfi nt'T riii initii: 11 ir t?r it is nitvi KJiir til til' vv imwkj ftwittvu q THKHK AKK DIFFKKKNT QUAUTIF.S OF WIKK FKNC ING. OUKS IS THF, HF.ST AND COSTS NO MOKK. IIHT lllrTTV IT" If W IP AimilKlTI VMIIIf V A IHI V g J A 4 III iw iivwiiw x w AND GAKDKNi IT ADDS SO MUCH TO THK LOOKS OF YOUR HOME. OUK HAKDWAKF. IS THK HKSTj IT STANDS THK TKST St. Johns Hardware Co. The Winchester Store Phone Columbia 35 j )eUC0000000OeOeO00OeO0000OeOOeO 1 Cloverland Creamery Pasteurized Milk and Cream Fresh Buttermilk Daily BUTTER yiAD COTTAGE CHEESE Phone Columbia 659 We carry a full line of Edison Blue Records and Disk Records to play on all machines, also full line of Phonograph Necessities. The STtradivara Shop 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns Auto Transit For Hire Cars. Any Place any Time. St. ifoluiH Torinlnnl mul Llnittoit Trips Stand iiiHl A'orti Jovxuy Struut, St, .oin.s OOODCAHS CAKHPUI DIUVKKS PRICKS RIGHT Phone Columbia 308, condition all along the way.