St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 25, 1920, Image 2

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A. W. Marklc, Htlllor
PCtbHahed Friday of Each Week
Davis' Weekly Real Estate
Subscription prloa $1.60 par year.
caU2 cents per word per week; mini
mum 25c. Political ads GOc per Inch-
all display, 25c per Inch per week.
Tub Rrvirw Is entered nt post office
ill :
of the second class under the Act of Con
.frees of March j, 1879,
Mrs. Arlio BartellH and her
daughter. Miss Rose, of Tacomn
are visiting at the home of
Frank B. Smith. S53 N. Jersey.
News print nanor is scarce
and soaring wny up in the clouds
in price. Publishers have been
advised to keep papers to as few
pages as possible in order to con
Bcrvc tno supply.
Among those who have return
ed from University of Oregon
aro Murgnrot Nelson, Gordon
Avery, John McGregor, Earl
Kelihor, Lowis Dunsmore and
Uussol Moyors. Vera Thurston
is home from 0. A. C.
So enormous hat) the demand
for cans used in fruit preserving
become that the American Can
Company is preparing to erect
in Portland a $1,500,000 factory.
It is to bo of reinforced concrete
three stories high and will cover
practically a city block.
Kev. J. w. Tlirolfall, new
pastor of tho Congregational
church, will preach both morn
ing and cvoning on Sunday.
Ho cornea from Boston. Mass..
and will have full charge of the
This Wctk's Leader, and it can't be equal
vl in all t lie ii(l9 you are ttolni! to read
G room modern house double constructed,
with fine river view, close to center of
town and a 60x100 corner lot with sewer
connection. The house is new and In
the pink of condition. Price is J27CO. It
takes $050 cash to handle this pr
then you can pay f30 per month which
Includes the interest. The house would
cost more than the price.
Pour room modem double constructed
with tuner connection, r It'll t in the close
centre, GOxlOO lot for f2G50, with C00
cash then $30 per month iiicluillni! inter
est. near the industries on top of the
A first class
Dont worry about
what you want to
eat. just aroD m
or phone
have lots
. things.
us. We
of good
hili with a fine river view,
Nine room modern with fire place. I
eludes f40Ct worth of furniture now empty
and ready for occupancy. Price f2l)0U.
takes lt5U to handle. The house would
cost J.llrtAI 10 IIUIIII. I
Pour room modern bungalow with I J .
looxloo lot, lots of fine fruit, nil street I l"lkf
Improvements paid. Price $2500, ?500 WlJtMjJ
cavil, iMlunce terms; close III. J
Six room modern house, has fruit nud
flowers, clow In for 250O. If you can I H f COf
dig up H) or more on this pluee therest v vv
cniiKO on n nur moiiiiiiy payiueiilliiciud. qi f.iit-Ul Cf 10
interest. I IIUMtj VUIUIIIMIC1 JfoO
-02 N- Jm 8L 202 S. Jersey Street
Real lislatc Broker
I v.. r.'Ml CI-........ ......1..... I ... irluv
A few of tho many bargains $!00 cash, balance ?20 per month mid
uarroii has to oifer this week:
Four room modem bungalow.
one of tho best buys in St. Johns
district, lot COxlOO, street im.
proved; price $2300, half cash,
balance terms.
Six room house close in. fine
location, partly modern, price
For bargains
No. 5-19 I'ive room modern home, lot
ooxloo, nil street mid sewer lwld. iliW
GUOcnOi, Imlmicu easy.
No. fill I'ive riKitu modern house, fine
fruit. 52175, G00 cash, balance JIJO in
cliidliii! Interest per month.
No. fill--l'i vc room house, lot Kxixloo
Kartige mid bum, fine fruit, $2000, $600
, , ..V V." in M'.UHUU, JIII HJf I1IUUUIII. WIRU J,,..!,
work here. I s family will nr uny $1500, $500 cash, balance ca"'.; m lve rm llfl
rlvo within tho noxt month. Uku rent. I(MV",'wi ni,J if.u iJioIl
Sunday school services will bo Five rooms, semi-modem, unci' fin tier mouth, Intel
linlil 1 It... I.Kiiu a m a a a a . a a "
held at tho usual hour.
Nino Hitekrt of spuds iiad
Rube Lttpeen.
Ho wished to exchange for
bunch of longgroon.
An "Ad" in. Tho Kcviow
Son put a deal through,
.Now Itubo owns a fine limou
Wo wish to express our thanks
and gratitude to tliu many friends
and noignbors Tor their syin
pnthy and the lieaiitiful flor.i
offerings during tho IIIiiohh and
death of our beloved wifo,
mother anil Histor. which oc
curred Juno 7th.- O. T. Mofford,
Mr. and Mrs. Alert MofTonl, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Mofford, Mr.
and Mrs. Prod I.une, Mr.
Mrs. John Ankrom, Will
Snook and families.
a looi.prooi (javii, iy meanH
of which lifo-boats can bo low
phiHtered, good condition: price
only $1200, $300 cush, balance
like rent.
Eight room modern, close in.
on paved street, lot 50x100; close
(o hiiMinoMM and car lino; price
$2(!00, half cash, balance like
100x100, fine fruit, good five
room limine, good location;
price $2(00, half cash, balance
100x10). throe rooms, lot well
I .. I fil t
im proved wiin iruii. iroou nca-
tion; Price $1000, $500 casli,
balance $25 monthly and interest.
tli'oo rooms, ot 50x100. near
CooponiKo; price $1050, $250
ciihii. jsifi montlily and interest.
Uii! of tho best buvs in tlie
bt. .lolins d strict. 5 room modern.
only ono block from car line;
pritto'ouu: sum cas i. ba ance
ternid. If you want a irood homo
see in i h.
modern house lot
$800 rash, Iml
interest 0 percent.
No, IH7 Seven room moiU'ru house all
in fine shape $2M0, SMK) cash, Iwlmiue
like rent.
. t a aa
ereuiroma Minting snip uniler JA1 I M Ct.
tho control of ono man instead of JU4 IN. JCfSCV OC
I I.. A I. . -
novurai, in to uu mauuiaciuruil NiWfM?
at a plant to bo built either in JU,ult
Portland or at Astoria hv tho Phone Loliimbin 12h
United btatos Murine Euuinmout
Company. Tho device lias been A Fnu nf flnr Rorrralnp
patented, and tho comiumv. " ' ui uui uuifcuiuo
which lias recently incornoratt'd.
pians 10 invauo tim marine Two Room limn-, lot 71x100.
. I ...... I a I . . ' . ' -
nmrKui on ovury Htuooani Ol mo lots ol Unit. lfi )0. S500 down.
iwiuiicv to suit.
I ins is a line corner; street and hewer
Improvements nil wld; f,W(X),J 1000 chsIi.
Nine room, uiiHltirii In every icstiect,
imrci(xHi iMHirs, iiouim iiie place, hit
100x100, HMO, H000 cash. The liotitc
could not be built fur the money.
No, Till Pour loom new Iioum. ctof
to Khool, $1750, f00cash.
No, 5200 room modern house, hmn1
locution, fitxM), kh) cash, mil. like rent
No. 525 .'I iikiiii modern lion.e flUm,
hull cush, Iml. terms. J.ook at this.
No. ftt&t I iimiiii new modern house.
close to luciory. j2(mmi, f(oo cash, Iml
520 mid lutriost tier iiiouth.
Six iimiiii iiiodetii Iioum., comer lot,
new Iioum; with gnmi'e, street Improve
ments kiiii, ;iiuu, jiikj emu.
If you want to m.II your properly
come in mid see inc. I emi cell Itfor you.
llili North Jcr.scy Street
l'linnc Coliiuiblit 81
1 ho Klamath Mint Company.
inoi rcconuy incorporatou for
$200,000, has purchased 2500
acres of marsh land on Uunor
Klamath hike, and a portion of
una tract will bo planted to smut
mint and peppermint this year.
Experiments have Hhown that
tho Oregon variety of mint is
usually Htiitablo tor distillation
bocuuao of its h gh menthol con
tent. It is claimed that thin will
bo tho largest uiuglu tract do
voted to mint growing in the
United btates.
A sort of white elephant
in mo ammo or the Monarch Lum
bar Mill has been harntuwod and
put to work. This hugo mill.
which is capablu of producing
111 JtfA . j a a "
ittei oi nimiior nu hour.
operated only a abort time nltui
it was finished, was ontanglet
ta Utigution and has lain idle
overauico. it has now boon
taken over by Lester W. David,
.... .:,.! i ,
nu uinui jji ibiiik HllllUt nnan, IK
lurnlsbing omploymont for 175
men, and is produ
rood lumbor
Mr. Willis
Alma Rhoror were united in mar
riage at bilverton Thurnday.Juno
Z4tb, Hot. l W. Ingttlls, form.
eny pastor of tho M. E. church
nere, periorming tho ceremony.
Tho groom is the son of Mrs. E.
u. Vinson, lias hosts of friends
and is well liked by all who
know him. Tho Initio is a
charming young lady of Corvnl.
lia n'i...; r... . i
no. nun iiiiiuiTuiiH irienos
join in wishing thorn a very
pleasant and happy voyage down
tho aea of lifo together.
Sacrifice Sale-Lot 50x55, threo
room couage, oath, toilet, elect.
No. 1.10 - Five room modern
homo, cloic in to business con
tor. largo lot 100x100. C largo
cherry trees, street imnrovei
and paid. $2000. Pay $!i()0 cash,
baianco like rent.
No. 128- Five room house, mod
ern oxcopt bath, on hnrdsurfneo
street and sewer, clone to inaiiti-
facturing district. $1350. Pay
cash, imianco iiko rent.
No. 119 l-ivo room modern
cottage, improved Btrect, largo
lot noxlfU,$2000. Pay $500 cash,
baianco like rent.
Ml 11 a
i'ive room coungo modern ex
cept hath, bus large corner lot,
street improved, best location:
sticct. $2500, $500 down, $30 per prico $1900. Pay $150 cash, bal-
Three Kooin House, fruit in vnrd.
$i:i00. $ J5()dowii, $20 IH.T iiiunth
nt ( jxr cent Interast.
I'our Koiiiii Modern House, near
car line, f 1700. S500 own. S20
HI lltOlltll.
. . la a a
mx kooiii modern on imvei
iiiouth, .Sec this.
Five tooins down .stairs. Kimee tin
nu lutir rooms, nnsoiiiiely modern,
line Imwiiitfiit. good locution. SfiOOO.
c.iUd down, iiiorlguge Imck on bnl
iticv. imiic home.
I welve looms Uooiaiiin House.
well luriilslieil, line pliiao, lot 100x
liiu ieei. miiiiii House icar rents
lor 00 and giuae,e tents for $5.00
per month. All rooms tilled. Can
lw Handled for $2.000 00. A find
f . i
im vine one who renuy wunis a
money maker.
A fine Wood Saw on K. M. 1'.
I ruck, liood us new. All tools uo
r ,a,i. a . .
ior $tinu. Look at tnu.
FiucHt farms uenr Pottlaml. Fnc
toty sues. See us.
ance like rent.
No, 117. Five room modern bun.
gaiow, improved streot, sewor.
fmo location. $1700. Pav S.100
cash, baianco iiko rent.
No. 101 -New ! room modern
bungalow, boat locat on. $2100.
Assume street bonds, nav $300
cash, balance rout.
At Portsmouth, il room cottage
semi'inodorn. largo corner ot i. ... ...
tuuxiio, an Kinus oi i rtl I. ear.
den all in goos with tho place at
sum. Pay S'm cash, ba unco
$20 monthly, includes interest,
bix room modern buncra ow.
lias garage, on hard surface
street, close to car. the nrico
only $2500. Pay $1000 cash, bal-
unco monthly.
producing a lot of prninr Oi .t,n rinJl.. H Some dandv buys at University
ta gootl profit UfeatGr M. JOtinS Kealty CO. Columbia Park.
H. Vinson and Miss 403 N. Jorsoy St. McKlNNUY.
215 N. Jersey S
I hone Columbia 2
an & C ofier
Repair Work ol All Kinds
Either Wood or Metal
Saw Filing
931 North Kellotic Street
Phone Columbia I0I7
For Sale
In St. Johns
Five room modern butnialow. full
concrete basement 2-lx l t, piped for
Kns, wired for electricity, fixtures
ric lights, basement, $a00, $550 UirS WltllOilt Drivers nl1 iu' with sewer, SG0
cash, baianco $7.50 per month.
including interest. Must bo uold
m onco.airs. M. U. Soule, 012
Aiiegneny streot; phono Colum
bia 11 1)8.
for bale- No. 8 Monitor steel
jiik--ui kooii condition; prico
J.n'n T111'3' u Soule.
612 Allegheny; phono Col. 119S.
l'lione Colunitim MS
William C. Walker
l'ublio Avaoiuitimt
Hxpert Auditing and Systematizing
Special Attcntiun Oivwi To
Keejiiiif- Small AcihiuuIj
Gliii Smith Avoimo A'orfi
Pof f & O'Ncil
206 N Jersey St. Phone Col. 308
Flowinii and General Team Work
Basement! Excavating
Oil Columbia 774 After 5 P, M.
710 Calhoun St. Portland. Ore.
Try Choji Suey ami Noxlle ut twimlur
.......... . . i . - i
: uvitrv fvrrv .lav nt I .
"Cuie ol Meiit." 't si-ivo lnvikf...i AllV Pine
.....I .11.... - . . . . ...
uimhui. vIill IIUII1 U U. 111. Ill V' II.
lineal feet sewer. tiOO lineal feet of
sidewalk mid crosswalks nrotnul
this block and all paid, hen house.
barn, Ul fruit trees. This protetty
is free ami clear and will ve good
terms and divide property to right
party, u must ie seen to be fully
appreciated, See
J. S. Downey
033 N. Syracuse Street.
For HIRE Car
Hudson Touring Car
e Any Time
Phone Coluftibia 246
Benutlful gray or
blaok adult ontkot,
hoarse, box. 2 autos
omunlmlng nnd rofln
ed scrvlco for
l'unernls IftlMlreil for f20, $!I0, f 10, $60. HlKlicr priced luncrnls In pro.
portion. We nmniifncturc enskcts. I.nily nsslstnnt.
llcnutiful fimcrnl clinpel,
Main 2691 Independent Funornl Olrootors A 7BOS
Wnslilnston nt LIIj Street, Uctwccn 20lh and 21st Street, West Side
W. A. ANDREWS, Representative
GM Central Ave. N.
Phone Columbia 888
Washing Machine
and your wash day troubles will be ended.
Why not stop in and let us demonstrate ono to
you, or phone us and we will deliver one to your
residence and do your washing.
Hundreds of satisfied owners are boosting tho
Sold on easy terms.
ftu'f rlonl Contrm'tlim I'l.xttiroH iiml
.Aof or IitstnUntlt)itn, .l)i;iijot.s tV nil IcIihIh.
Phone Col. 977 4 18 N. Jersey Street
Peninsula Motor Sales Go.
212 South Jersey Street
Bargains in Used Fords and Chcvrolets
Full line of Chevrolet and Ford parts,
tires and accessories
St. Johns Lumber Co.
Wholesale and Retail
Columbia 131
C 1101
Foot of Burlington St.
The St. Johns Millinery
For Seasonable Hats at Reasonable Prices
a a 4
Order work and Remodeling a Specialty
Hats Reblocked, Plumes Cleaned, Curled and Dyed
Mrs. M. E. CRANE, Proprietress
,. , . ,.m..m TI.a 1-1 in-fa
t svufcA.; I 11C 111U11 VUOl
of Living
is partly the fault of the buyer
not knowing just where to pur
chase to get the lowest prices,
nnd the most for the money
expended. When it conies to
meat our shop is the place to
come. Our prices are equita
ble, our meat always fresh,
and we give full value for the
s .
We have plenty of Pulp Fed Steer
Beef, Grain Fed Pork, Milk Fed
Veal and Spring Lambs at rea
sonable prices.
100 North Jersey Street Market Phone Columbia 21 ?
I TT 1
mrs. nomeiovxjr
Just think of tho pleasant days and evenings you and
your family and your friends can enjoy on your porchif
you make it cozy and comfy.
We have the furnishings for your porch, as well as for
all of your house and you will find our PRICES VERY
LOW for the HIGH QUALITY of the furniture we sell.
Come in and look around.
H. F. CLARK, the Furniture Man
400-402 S. Jersey St.
it jrit
(rl l
Selected Teas and
For your own
daily use or for spe
cial occasions when
you entertain, you want
the very best of Coffees
and Teas for the
least money.
Our Coffees are all high
quality finest flavor, best
selected bcans, all evenly
roasted. No matter what
price you wish to pay,
we can please you.
And our stock of Teas
is made up of the choic- '
est varieties of leaf any
thing you want both as to
flavor and price. Try us.
MUCK GROCERY 301 S. Jersey Phone Col. 118
One Load of Fir Wood
Is worth two loads of Spruce or Hemlock
Be careful what you Buy
We sell only FIR
St Johns Lumber Co.
ui. 100 S. Jcroy .trcct.